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I can't even bring myself to play SFIV knowing that my copy of Killzone is just sitting in a store two miles from my house.


Costanza said:
I wonder how many people are going to be at my GS's midnight launch. The guy said he's expecting alot, but they also said something like that when MGS4 came out and <10 people showed up.

If I go early and nobody's there, shit that's going to be boring, but if I go later and there's a fuckton of people there I'll end up waiting for them to take care of everybody, so this is kinda tough.

The only midnight launch for anything I've ever gone to was for GTAIV, and it was pretty packed. Probably at least 50 people, and a long ass line.

I wouldn't expect Killzone 2 to be anything close to that, since it's an exclusive and not nearly as big of a name as GTA. You should go early, get it, and then dip out and play. :p That's what I'm doing, even though they're holding it from 12 - 1 (which is cool - the GTAIV one ended at 12:30).

Jtrizzy said:
I can't even bring myself to play SFIV knowing that my copy of Killzone is just sitting in a store two miles from my house.

That's exactly how I feel. :lol

Instead of going Tiger Knee crazy with Sagat, I'm sitting here biding my time waiting for midnight.

Doc Evils

How the fuck did Edge think Fear 2 is better than Killzone 2? It's utterly GARBAGE compared to the awesomeness that is GG's baby.

Tempy seriously man, give everyone at GG a pat on the back from me because I just played the best console FPS this generation fucking unreal.


Jtrizzy said:
I can't even bring myself to play SFIV knowing that my copy of Killzone is just sitting in a store two miles from my house.
I can't bring myself to play much of anything. I could be playing a large number of things, but they just wont do. Then I have to go through all of tomorrow knowing that my KZ2 is just waiting for me.
Cat in the Hat said:
you guys seen this yet? im sure someone will make a thread about it but its stupid if you ask me.

Yes and N4G seems to think its news.


The Hug Dog said:
Embarassingly I am a little stuck at one bit of the single player:
I come out on this terrace type thing and there is a ship flying around shooting at me, I have to shoot these electric pylons and it gets stuck to the electricity, I then grab the handily placed rocket launcher and shoot the said ship, rinse a repeat, trouble is, the ship keep blasting missiles and machine gun fire and I keep dying despite my best efforts to use the pillar to block its onslaught, any suggestions?

I was stuck there until I realized
there are stairs leading down to a much larger area below.
rexor0717 said:
I can't bring myself to play much of anything. I could be playing a large number of things, but they just wont do. Then I have to go through all of tomorrow knowing that my KZ2 is just waiting for me.

Yes and N4G seems to think its news.
what isn't there?:lol
Jtrizzy said:
Out of curiosity, what was the inspiration for "LeonTrotskyTrout"?

He's the narrator in Galapagos by Kurt Vonnegut. I always try to get KilgoreTrout (Leon's father) as a handle, but it's always taken, so I go with some other random Vonnegut character.


i have killzone here unopened but just dont have to the urge to play it thanks to sf4 . its the most anticipated game in like forever too.
I assume the hardest difficulty is locked from the beginning. I want to beat the game on the highest difficulty, so will a first play through on Normal unlock the highest difficulty?
If it's already unlocked, I'll just go for the jugular. ;)


Have a fun! Enjoy!
blindrocket said:
I assume the hardest difficulty is locked from the beginning. I want to beat the game on the highest difficulty, so will a first play through on Normal unlock the highest difficulty?

Guess I'll pick mine up at midnite. Glad theres a bar next door to the Gamestop, makes the wait MUCH easier. Glad I live in Raleigh now, midnite launches SUCKED at the gamestop I use to have to go to out in bumfuck, NC.


rAwr. I - almost - got an unwitting BestBuy employee to pull the game for me from the back yesterday, until he returned and said it wasn't supposed to be released until next week. I guess another 12 hours won't kill me. =P


xiked said:
Well that don't solve the problem that you cant talk to each other. Only by staring a squad...that's silly. It is also darn frustrating that you cant talk to the opposite team. Only able to do that if you are close..that's is just not the way to go.
It is also very frustrating that you cant change settings after a match is finished. You must go out, and start a new one, and you cant even invite friend to the server?! They need to get an XMB message or wait until they see a name change in the friends list....this is not good. GG need to fix this asap.

so here is my list again:

Why do I have to start a new server to be able to change settings?
Yes that's kind of bad, but I can live with it

Why cant I invite friend to the server?!
Yes this is failure total failure, but the workaround is your friend join you via the " join friend game", but if you dont have your clanners in the friendlist this will be a problem.

Why cant I disable bots when I think there is enough PPl in the server.
Yeah wished there was an option when , X number of ppl come in start disabling bots.

Why cant all chat whit each other at the same time? I know that you can talk to ppl when you are close to them, but not otherwise.
BFBC does this, and it's good to have mic to only squads to cut off chatter, but wish there was an option (like holding up on the D-pad to open mic to whole team).

Why cant I talk to all my team mates without having to start an group?
Because you have to be in squad :(, and it does cut down on useless chatter.

Why is the quality of the voip so bad?
When it worked , it was higher quality then most games. Or it could be with people who have a el-cheapo bluetooth set.

Why is that so hard to change team? You must enable "not balanced teams" to be able to switch teams...
This I too do not understand, even if there's balance on, you can choose to switch teams like MGSO, yes even MGSO allow you to change teams...

WHY is there no PARTYMODE?!
This is utterly the biggest offense that GG has done to this game, it has awesome graphics , good feel of combat, but you can't fucking play with friends together, unless you want to start a match against bots :(


TTP said:
72698 players. so it's 70k+, not 700k+
Yea, I was beginning to think we were looking at different leaderboards.
This number seems alright I guess, but it is fully released in Europe now?
I know that number will increase by the end of the week, but it still seems a bit small.


This game runs super smooth online. Hopefully the servers will hold up tomorrow but it's a safe bet I will be playing this thing for long long time. So awesome.


Just managed to sort out my router and get 3 or 4 solid games online....wow! The first game was awful, everybody was running round like headless goddamn chickens, not having a clue where to go or what to do. Clusterfuck would be a severe understatement. So I joined a new game...and it all clicked. IT'S SO GOOD! The level design is superb, the flow of the gameplay seems spot on, people were working as a team and...I don't really know what else to say except I know I'll be playing this for a long time :D

Who do I contact to get a Euro Gaf clan invite? I'm already down on the list....on that topic, I played against someone in GAFe earlier, I think Chris was in his name maybe? Don't know, but I headshotted the shit out of that sucka :D



This is probably an obvious question, but if you're playing in a game with only bots, is there that same visual downgrade you normally get in MP? I assume so since it's probably the textures on the multiplayer maps that see most of the downgrade.


don't ask me for codes
chirp chirp chirp.

Search and Destroy sure gets hectic; probably my favorite mode. Especially when people have unlocked tacticians, engineers, & medics.


Dragnet said:
Just managed to sort out my router and get 3 or 4 solid games online....wow! The first game was awful, everybody was running round like headless goddamn chickens, not having a clue where to go or what to do. Clusterfuck would be a severe understatement. So I joined a new game...and it all clicked. IT'S SO GOOD! The level design is superb, the flow of the gameplay seems spot on, people were working as a team and...I don't really know what else to say except I know I'll be playing this for a long time :D

Who do I contact to get a Euro Gaf clan invite? I'm already down on the list....on that topic, I played against someone in GAFe earlier, I think Chris was in his name maybe? Don't know, but I headshotted the shit out of that sucka :D




Tempy said:
chirp chirp chirp.

Search and Destroy sure gets hectic; probably my favorite mode. Especially when people have unlocked tacticians, engineers, & medics.

Hey Tempy, can you tell me how the ribbons work? In the Beta you had to do 5 of this or 10 of that in one round. But now the description doesn't say in one round, it just says "Revive 5 players" etc. Does this mean you now have the whole game to do this or do you still have to do it in one round?


Nafai1123 said:
wtf, what games allow you to do this??

Some games have proximity chat where you can hear the other team if they are close by. If someone's trying to sneak up on you and they are talking, you can hear it.


just finished 6+ hours of MP....

that damn trey!!!

i only stopped cuz im starving and my lil bro is begging me to let him play =]

GAFw invites will start going out 2morrow for those who haven't received one yet


SwitchBladeKneegrow said:
Guess I'll pick mine up at midnite. Glad theres a bar next door to the Gamestop, makes the wait MUCH easier. Glad I live in Raleigh now, midnite launches SUCKED at the gamestop I use to have to go to out in bumfuck, NC.

which town?




don't ask me for codes
FFObsessed said:
Hey Tempy, can you tell me how the ribbons work? In the Beta you had to do 5 of this or 10 of that in one round. But now the description doesn't say in one round, it just says "Revive 5 players" etc. Does this mean you now have the whole game to do this or do you still have to do it in one round?

I thought it was always a whole game? I don't really pay attention to the ribbons, although I do tend to go on a healing rampage once I've unlocked the medic.
hahah, that was way fun. I only played two matches. I couldn't quite hear you clearly blackmark. so when you guys were talking about what team i ended up on the wrong side. But that was epic when we were running at each other takin shots and i got the kill!! hahaha. I should look that up on the battle replay.
Well I've got a little bit more optimism now. I just checked my Amazon email history, and the latest Amazon has shipped an item out for me (in the last 3 weeks :lol), is 9:44PM. So there's still hope!!!!
BlacKMaRK said:
just finished 6+ hours of MP....

that damn trey!!!

i only stopped cuz im starving and my lil bro is begging me to let him play =]

GAFw invites will start going out 2morrow for those who haven't received one yet

sweeeet. I should have the game by tomorrow night!

- HDKill


Tempy said:
I thought it was always a whole game? I don't really pay attention to the ribbons, although I do tend to go on a healing rampage once I've unlocked the medic.

There were definitely "in one round" ribbons in the Beta. Some like the "5 kills with the turret in one round" were impossible for me to get because of that. I hope they've changed them so you've got the whole game. Would be much better and was part of my feedback :D It's hard for me to keep track during a game because it's so hectic I lose track :p

Thanx tho, I'll PM tiddles and ask.
So just out of curiousity, do most walmarts stock their games at midnite or something? I don't wanna really wait til tomorrow, much rather drop by WM tonight, grab a copy and get a couple hours of MP in.
devilchicken said:
So just out of curiousity, do most walmarts stock their games at midnite or something? I don't wanna really wait til tomorrow, much rather drop by WM tonight, grab a copy and get a couple hours of MP in.

It's not an uncommon thing for them to do. I say go for it if one isn't far away.
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