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Rez said:
I just played through the first level again (this time on vet), and enjoyed it much more than the first time. Since I was familiar with the general feel of the controls, it made everything a lot more fun, although I'm still not a huge fan of the tank section.

The scale of the level is, at times, very impressive. Looking back up the walkways you just ran across, from halfway across the map in a tank, is great.

Or be put off by the controls, like some of my (semi-casual) friends have been, unfortunately. They're the sort who if a game doesn't click with them within a minute or two, they put it down.

I don't like it one bit, and they're missing out on a great game, but the reality is some people just want familiarity. :(

EDIT: Yeah, similar to Nib's case, there were a lot of "holy shit!" moments. It was hilarious. :lol

Thing is though, casual gamers I've found do pick up on the controls easier, without complaint (they just aren't particularly great at the game to begin with). From my personal experience it's the semi-casuals who have the most difficulty. By semi, I mean those who game, but not religiously, but who play the odd popular game, such as Halo or COD (hence the problem with familiarity). Really hardcore types I'd imagine would just try and get used to the controls without much fuss. Though there are always a few.


Doc Evils said:
My favorite level
The assualt on the Palace
is like getting everything that game has done and squeezing it into 1 hectic section with squad mates and other ISA soldiers
trying to push forward and you can hear the helgahst ordering to retreat as the ISA break through
with CRAZY shit flying around all over the place makes it EPIC.

My favourite is
the red level with debris floating around in the air, where you have to plant bombs in the towers. This level is impressively varied, well paced, absolutely drop dead gorgeous visually and artistically, and the scale, immense.


Doc Evils said:
My favorite level
The assualt on the Palace
is like getting everything that game has done and squeezing it into 1 hectic section with squad mates and other ISA soldiers
trying to push forward and you can hear the helgahst ordering to retreat as the ISA break through
with CRAZY shit flying around all over the place makes it EPIC.

My favorite is
the attack of the ISA cruiser. It's so amazing when those pods full of Helghast troops crush through the hull and unleash hell. Amazingly done.

Doc Evils

nib95 said:
My favourite is
the red level with debris floating around in the air, where you have to plant bombs in the towers. This level is impressively varied, well paced, absolutely drop dead gorgeous visually and artistically, and the scale, immense.

That's the Palace level lol


mr_nothin said:
Man..there's seriously something "broken" about the aiming in MP now.
Wtf did they do.

The diagonal aiming is all jizzed up. It's faster than both the horizontal and vertical aim. It makes aiming wanky and it also causes my gun to start floating upwards sometimes.

This feels WEIRD. Been playing MP for some hours and it's just frustrating right now :(

EDIT: Guess I should say: "When compared to the beta"

I'm struggling with them a bit too, aiming is definitely worse than in the beta. I'm slowly adjusting to them, but the beta controls were perfect. :/


Doc Evils said:
That's the Palace level lol

Whoops, I thought you meant the actual final run up to it.
Before the main palace itself, the big battle that takes place trying to get to it!
I forget that the particular level compromises of such hefty gameplay sections. It could have technically been split in to two.

Doc Evils

I just started the game on easy and I noticed when Evenlyn talks to Rico
She says he must handle Visari carefully since what ever he does will effect history and consequence will be great, considering Rico fucks up at the end with his emotions taking charge


Doc Evils said:
I just started the game on easy and I noticed when Evenlyn talks to Rico
She says he must handle Visari carefully since what ever he does will effect history and consequence will be great, considering Rico fucks up at the end with his emotions taking charge

To be fair, he wasn't exactly agreeable to the idea in that little discussion.


Doc Evils said:
I just started the game on easy and I noticed when Evenlyn talks to Rico
She says he must handle Visari carefully since what ever he does will effect history and consequence will be great, considering Rico fucks up at the end with his emotions taking charge
Meet Killzone 2's story.


Okay, so presumably "always on" open voice chat isn't in because it would hog bandwidth and cause lag, and also because some idiots would abuse the feature. I get that. But in a game as potentially tactical as Killzone 2, only allowing proper comms within a squad of 4 is less than perfect. For example, in a game of Search and Destroy against an enemy team that's bedded in defending the objective, you really need the ability to co-ordinate actions between squads - to arrange flanking en masse from different directions, for example.

So here's my solution :

Keep the private chat function for squads as it is, but also have the facility to push up on the d-pad (as it claims you can in the manual, but presently seems to have no function) to speak to everyone.

This idea would:

1. Allow the tactical co-ordination the game badly needs, by allowing comms between all teammates when necessary.

2. Keep the existing squad dynamic, with 4-way private chat remaining the default.

3. Limit lag, as comms wouldn't be "always on" across the entire team.

4. Prevent chat spam, by making it necessary to push a button every time you wanted to talk to everyone. (Of course, any continuing abusers could be muted...)

What does everyone think? Surely it's a perfect compromise that'll keep everyone happy, preserving the squad dynamics, ensuring network performance doesn't suffer, and improving the potential for teamwork.

I've laid this out on the Killzone 2 forums in the hope of getting a response from Guerrilla, as it seems like a pretty obvious fix for a glaring problem. Here's the link: http://boardsus.playstation.com/playstation/board/message?board.id=killzone2&thread.id=197560

Support or comments would be appreciated, as GG do look at the forum!


tiddles said:
ha ha, sorry I've got no idea actually - I'll try and find out and let you know. If it's any consolation I found that repair ability pretty hard to get in the beta as well, but maybe that was also because I had a dodgy PS3 then that crashed every five minutes... :D

Ha. Looks like it's quite the mystery. If it is per game or per round I think you guys need to state it on the menu just so everyone is clear.

Thanx tho! And yeah during the Beta I only ever saw a handful of people with the repair ability, and I bet they cheated to get it :p


y'all should be ashamed
Don't people realize by now that multiplayer is always borked at least a few days after launch for all major games?

Gives me some time to sink my teeth into single. :D


Just picked it up at Target on the way into work. Now I have to wait until tonight - will be the longest day ever. Pumped!


Gowans007 said:
Why are all the online games so short?

you just get going then its round over and off to the menus :(

Huh? If you play Warzone the default is having all modes in one game. So six/seven rounds at a max of 5 mins each. Games can last up to 30 mins. Are you playing individual modes? If so, someone had probably set them to short rounds to get ribbons faster :lol

And it shouldn't kick you back to the menu, it takes you back to the lobby where another game starts, which continues until you've quit and had enough.


Some of you guys most be doing it really wrong when it comes to play online because I'm playing from Japan and I'm having no lag at all AND all the games I play are around 20-25 minutes long (5 minutes per mission, 5 missions per game).

Stop whining and learn to play online properly.


I spent time this morning looking for reviews accross the sites...completely forgetting that this game was reviewed a decade ago :lol

Picking up after work, but my resolve is wavering, everyone I know has and is playing SF4....


Rapping Granny said:

/irrelevant quote

This...called in sick...going to home depot to get a new cordless drill, then Gamestop, then DIE MF'ERS!!!


Oooh shit the game is fcking awsome....
MP is a masterpiece......... :D getting used to the controlles more everey time I play.

Thank u Sony and GG.


Eighthours said:
Okay, so presumably "always on" open voice chat isn't in because it would hog bandwidth and cause lag, and also because some idiots would abuse the feature. I get that. But in a game as potentially tactical as Killzone 2, only allowing proper comms within a squad of 4 is less than perfect. For example, in a game of Search and Destroy against an enemy team that's bedded in defending the objective, you really need the ability to co-ordinate actions between squads - to arrange flanking en masse from different directions, for example.

So here's my solution :

Keep the private chat function for squads as it is, but also have the facility to push up on the d-pad (as it claims you can in the manual, but presently seems to have no function) to speak to everyone.

This idea would:

1. Allow the tactical co-ordination the game badly needs, by allowing comms between all teammates when necessary.

2. Keep the existing squad dynamic, with 4-way private chat remaining the default.

3. Limit lag, as comms wouldn't be "always on" across the entire team.

4. Prevent chat spam, by making it necessary to push a button every time you wanted to talk to everyone. (Of course, any continuing abusers could be muted...)

What does everyone think? Surely it's a perfect compromise that'll keep everyone happy, preserving the squad dynamics, ensuring network performance doesn't suffer, and improving the potential for teamwork.

I've laid this out on the Killzone 2 forums in the hope of getting a response from Guerrilla, as it seems like a pretty obvious fix for a glaring problem. Here's the link: http://boardsus.playstation.com/playstation/board/message?board.id=killzone2&thread.id=197560

Support or comments would be appreciated, as GG do look at the forum!

I like this idea. I hope you get a response and I hope it's not to complicated to implement.


My Amazon order is scheduled to be delivered today. Got the triggers for my controller and obviously Killzone 2. Will be a good night.

Full Recovery- Send me a friend invite if you can or send me a clan invite if possible. I'd like to play with the GAF East clan tonight, but once I get home I won't really be able to look at GAF as my PC is down. If any Gaffers are online and if the servers are working right at the time, I'll probably end up spending a good amount of time online tonight.


Not sure if it's been posted....

But does anyone know if that $5.99 Killzone 2 Strategies video has been uploaded somewhere on the internet??


GodofWine said:
This...called in sick...going to home depot to get a new cordless drill, then Gamestop, then DIE MF'ERS!!!

Ha, called in sick also. Glad I'm not the only pathetic one. Just picked mine up- throwing it in right now!!



They walked right in my trap :lol

now to beat the
2 heavy's at the same time with hordes of helghast
WTF they kept owning me yesterday :lol


Eighthours said:
Okay, so presumably "always on" open voice chat isn't in because it would hog bandwidth and cause lag, and also because some idiots would abuse the feature. I get that. But in a game as potentially tactical as Killzone 2, only allowing proper comms within a squad of 4 is less than perfect. For example, in a game of Search and Destroy against an enemy team that's bedded in defending the objective, you really need the ability to co-ordinate actions between squads - to arrange flanking en masse from different directions, for example.

So here's my solution :

Keep the private chat function for squads as it is, but also have the facility to push up on the d-pad (as it claims you can in the manual, but presently seems to have no function) to speak to everyone.

This idea would:

1. Allow the tactical co-ordination the game badly needs, by allowing comms between all teammates when necessary.

2. Keep the existing squad dynamic, with 4-way private chat remaining the default.

3. Limit lag, as comms wouldn't be "always on" across the entire team.

4. Prevent chat spam, by making it necessary to push a button every time you wanted to talk to everyone. (Of course, any continuing abusers could be muted...)
What does everyone think? Surely it's a perfect compromise that'll keep everyone happy, preserving the squad dynamics, ensuring network performance doesn't suffer, and improving the potential for teamwork.

I've laid this out on the Killzone 2 forums in the hope of getting a response from Guerrilla, as it seems like a pretty obvious fix for a glaring problem. Here's the link: http://boardsus.playstation.com/playstation/board/message?board.id=killzone2&thread.id=197560

Support or comments would be appreciated, as GG do look at the forum!

Push to chat is cumbersome and hinders communication.


Eighthours said:
Okay, so presumably "always on" open voice chat isn't in because it would hog bandwidth and cause lag, and also because some idiots would abuse the feature. I get that.

no you are not getting it, they are making it tactical by limiting it to your own squad and not open mic. It was purposly made that way.

Idiots on GG forums are really just idiots, just like on ps forums... going there just reminds you how many idiots are in the world. Amounts of hourly breakdowns down there is just amazing.

Just accept KZ2 for what it is - and what it is not, it is definetly not another COD clone and thats it.


nods at old men
spwolf said:
no you are not getting it, they are making it tactical by limiting it to your own squad and not open mic. It was purposly made that way.

Idiots on GG forums are really just idiots, just like on ps forums... going there just reminds you how many idiots are in the world. Amounts of hourly breakdowns down there is just amazing.

Just accept KZ2 for what it is - and what it is not, it is definetly not another COD clone and thats it.
Why was it made that way? Why is it more tactical?
I don't like to "just accept things", I like to understand why.
Zezboob said:
I bought it yesterday (fucking hard to find)

My problem is.... that's too much crystal clear :lol

I need to lower the volume of my home theater or everybody hear it. There is nothing to solve this problem ?

I have the cheap Warhawk headset but I was think of getting the official Sony Bluetooth. Is it worth it? Does it pick up the sound of the game if the volume isn't turned complete down?


dallow_bg said:
Why was it made that way? Why is it more tactical?
I don't like to "just accept things", I like to understand why.
It's the whole non-conformity bs they gave me when I complained about the input lag: "It's trying NOT to be Call of Duty, sony hating xbot!"

Funny what they called me, because mik2121 and nib95 know that I was one of the more defensive IGN posters on the PS3GB.


I bought Killzone 2 on Wedensday (on the 25th of February when the game was released in Europe), and i think it is a really great game! :) The graphics are really nice! I am maybe most impressed by that there are no aliasing at all (at least not what i have noticed), especially concidering how good the graphics already are. I also think that the multiplayer is pretty cool! :)

By the way, does anyone have any tip on how to focus the aim better? Maybe it is hard to answer a question like this though, but i just had to ask :) Sometimes when i play Killzone 2 i have some trouble with aiming good, both in the single player campaign and in the multiplayer. I sometimes find it abit hard to focus the aim, so i end up shooting either to the left or to the right of the enemy instead of hitting him.

I have tried to change the controller senstivity levels, but unfortunately it doesnt help too much. Even if i have the sensitivy levels at the lowest, i still find it abit hard to aim sometimes. I have also tried another controller where the analog sticks arent slack/worn, but that doesnt help me much either :(

The only thing that i havnt tried that much of yet is using a Dual Shock 3 controller, but is the DS3 controller much difference from the older SixAxis controller when it comes to the movement of the analoge sticks? I know that the DS3 controller have better L3 and R3 buttons though, that you dont have to push those buttons that much down compared to how they are on the SixAxis controller before the buttons react :)

EDIT: By the way, this is not really a complain about the controllers in Killzone 2 just to underline that. I just wanted to ask if anyone had some aiming tips so i can be better at Killzone 2, since i think that the game is really cool! :)
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