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Guerrilla have already spotted that a number of players have been setting up games where real players take on an army of low-end bots in order to increase their experience points artificially.

In response to this tactic, they released the following statement:

“We’re disabling the ability to add bots to online games as a temporary measure against rank-up abuse. A permanent solution is forthcoming.”We welcome anything that stops people from being able to artificially unlock as many abilities as possible in a short space of time. Remember people, winnings are much better when you’ve earnt them…

Make it so bot kills don't grant experience?


Just got my copy from the UPS :D

corkscrewblow said:
Is this game worth it strictly for the MP? I have no interest in a single player campaign for a FPS right now. I just love fraggin me some PS3 noobs online.

Yeah its really good.
The only thing that bothers me at multiplayer is that people can keep reviving you, had a couple of times that I just wanted to die because I was out of ammo, was revived 3 times in a row, they should make an option for you to decline or accept it.


I dunno... I still can't find the GAF room. I've changed my search criteria multiple times. Been refreshing every 5-10 seconds or so since the room was created. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Maybe it's full? I've noticed that full rooms don't come up in the search list.


Thank God. I was playing today and had a 6 player kill streak going. I'm thinking I'm hot shit, then I hit select and come to find out there were all bots. My gf recently cleaned the apartment up so I didn't have my blue tooth handy, I wanted to curse out whoever created that game.

And another thing- wtf isn' there any options when creating a Skirmish game? I just wanna play bodycount but am forced to play warzone. Want sense does this make? Game gets a lot of things right (gameplay 1st n foremost) but there's a lot of little things that bother me about this.


Had my first online game evah together with Ilparazzo and Dave1988, good stuff. Still don't know the ins and outs of the game, but I believe I'm getting the hang of it. :D
corkscrewblow said:
Is this game worth it strictly for the MP? I have no interest in a single player campaign for a FPS right now. I just love fraggin me some PS3 noobs online.

i'm gonna say yes. this will be a hundred hours for me, easy.


Little is the new Big
ItsInMyVeins said:
Nah, didn't think that was a boss. I'm talking about that flying thing. Either way, I kicked its ass just now, it was really easy. I just missed that there was a place you could hide there at first, and tried fighting it out in the open -- which definitely isn't easy.

I did it on the open, way more fun to avoid rockets with just one pillar :lol


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
xerxesiani said:
The only thing that bothers me at multiplayer is that people can keep reviving you, had a couple of times that I just wanted to die because I was out of ammo, was revived 3 times in a row, they should make an option for you to decline or accept it.

I haven't played MP yet but don't the maps have ammo restock stations? I saw it on a couple of MP preview vids but I don't know if they're on every map or not.


Hmm, I'm getting some serious lag and disconnect issues with the online right now. Back to SP for a bit. I hope they fix this.


Applesauce said:
I haven't played MP yet but don't the maps have ammo restock stations? I saw it on a couple of MP preview vids but I don't know if they're on every map or not.
Not only that but always remember to malee a downed player after you kill them so you can take their ammo :D.
Applesauce said:
I haven't played MP yet but don't the maps have ammo restock stations? I saw it on a couple of MP preview vids but I don't know if they're on every map or not.

yeah but an engineer has to repair them


Just came back to say 'HOLY SHIT' @ the intro. I'm so glad I refrained from watching the videos on GT or youtube, the quality is jaw dropping good.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Between the Bizon and the Shotgun I'm really loving the gunplay. Nothing ruins a FPS like guns that don't feel powerful. I've not played a game with more powerful feeling guns since FEAR.

Baha said:
Just came back to say 'HOLY SHIT' @ the intro. I'm so glad I refrained from watching the videos on GT or youtube, the quality is jaw dropping good.

I was in the same boat as you and felt just the same way. It's a completely breathtaking intro.
UntoldDreams said:
Why do people feel the need to cheat this way?

Because it's easy and some people always take the easy way out. It's a feature that never should've been in the multiplayer to begin with because people were going to abuse it. You also had people in the beta that would create a room with another person and just start leveling up that way.
VibratingDonkey said:
Shopto.net said:
Killzone 2 - Limited Edition Collector's Box 24/02/2009 DISPATCHED
Hopefully I'll get it tomorrow.
Guess what, I did. Guess what I didn't get? SFIV from Play.com, which they sent the 18th. Probably the last time I order anything from that place. Been growing increasingly unappealing to do business with lately.


oneHeero said:
GG. my team isnt as good as the gaf team :( :(
That's how I felt last night. Was playing against Bob and I was the only person defending the area from like 4 of his guys trying to plant a bomb. His team always stuck togather while mine just ran around not talking on the mic. What was funny is that everytime Bob came into range to plant the bomb I'd hear him tell his team my position so I'd be ready and kill them :lol.
Alright folks, this is the Wise Old Man reporting in with my feelings about this game.

It's fucking terrific. Production values are through the roof. The single player is just incredible. I'm hoping any potential DLC is for the single player and not the MP, because...

The multiplayer is juggfuckled. Not sure if its bad netcode or shitty servers, but something is seriously wrong. I'm having major connection issues and problems. Problems that I don't get when I play R2, COD4, or Halo.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Revolutionary said:
There's already a GAF room open that we're playing in.


I was in for a few, in a squad by myself (Alpha was full :lol), but I had to bail for a few.

I'll be back in a little bit.


There's something SUPER fucing weird about the controls now.

Ok for one...the diagonal speed. Try this out: Move on just the Y axis...up and down THEN move on just the X axis..back and forth. NOW move diagonally. Why the hell is the diagonal speed like 1.5x faster than when you just press on 1 axis. It completely messes me up.

Ok NOW on to the 2nd problem.
This 1 might take a few tries to notice. Alrighty, SNATCH the joystick like you're trying to hurry up and track somebody (horizontally of course) and make sure you're hitting the outsider edge of the analog's wall. See that little "delaying/momentum" motion there...you can see the acceleration taking place perfectly fine right there. Now do some quick moves w/o hitting the outer edge.....there's no more of that acceleration thing happening. It moves along smoothly, almost starting off at full speed already. This makes doing my more presice aiming a pain in the ass. And also makes me skip way ahead of the person i'm trying to track (only sometimes)

There's also more auto-aim thrown in and it doesnt alway auto-aim right. Especially when you're doing that 1st zoom in of the scopes. (the game actually puts your ironsights on the guy for you pretty much) But it doesnt always work right or at all...sometimes i'll end out aiming at nothing..like 2 feet away from the target.

They've also slowed down the ironsight's sensitivity. The hip shooting/ironsight shooting sensitivity ratio is now alot bigger. So if I up the sensitivity because I want the sensitivity to be higher for the ironsight then my hipshooting and general aiming will be fucked up.

A little background on me.
I was Mr. "OMFG BETA IS AWESOME - 100+ hours put in" right next to FFOBsessed. I was #1 in headshots in the beta by a long shot and without cheating. There is definatly something funny going on with the controls now.

They had it perfect in the beta. WHY DID THEY CHANGE IT :(
Oh and they added more recoil to the ISA rifle too.

I dont know what it is. Maybe it's because I was lagging a little bit or something. Maybe I just need to get used to the new controls again. But i've already put in like 6 straight hours with no success :( I hope all hope is not lost for me.


Picked up my copy three hours ago. Been playing since then online. The game is awesome. About to unlock the medic now.

There are so many easy kills online with people just getting acquainted with the game. Being in the beta gives me (and anyone else in the beta) a huge leg-up on the competition.


mr_nothin said:
There's something SUPER fucing weird about the controls now.

Ok for one...the diagonal speed. Try this out: Move on just the Y axis...up and down THEN move on just the X axis..back and forth. NOW move diagonally. Why the hell is the diagonal speed like 1.5x faster than when you just press on 1 axis. It completely messes me up.

Ok NOW on to the 2nd problem.
This 1 might take a few tries to notice. Alrighty, SNATCH the joystick like you're trying to hurry up and track somebody (horizontally of course) and make sure you're hitting the outsider edge of the analog's wall. See that little "delaying/momentum" motion there...you can see the acceleration taking place perfectly fine right there. Now do some quick moves w/o hitting the outer edge.....there's no more of that acceleration thing happening. It moves along smoothly, almost starting off at full speed already. This makes doing my more presice aiming a pain in the ass. And also makes me skip way ahead of the person i'm trying to track (only sometimes)

There's also more auto-aim thrown in and it doesnt alway auto-aim right. Especially when you're doing that 1st zoom in of the scopes. (the game actually puts your ironsights on the guy for you pretty much) But it doesnt always work right or at all...sometimes i'll end out aiming at nothing..like 2 feet away from the target.

They've also slowed down the ironsight's sensitivity. The hip shooting/ironsight shooting sensitivity ratio is now alot bigger. So if I up the sensitivity because I want the sensitivity to be higher for the ironsight then my hipshooting and general aiming will be fucked up.

A little background on me.
I was Mr. "OMFG BETA IS AWESOME - 100+ hours put in" right next to FFOBsessed. I was #1 in headshots in the beta by a long shot and without cheating. There is definatly something funny going on with the controls now.

They had it perfect in the beta. WHY DID THEY CHANGE IT :(
Oh and they added more recoil to the ISA rifle too.

I dont know what it is. Maybe it's because I was lagging a little bit or something. Maybe I just need to get used to the new controls again. But i've already put in like 6 straight hours with no success :( I hope all hope is not lost for me.
this is the sort of shit that can prevent a game from stellar sales. i'd like to know what the reason for this change is.


I have been trying to get to Killzone.com since morning but I get the 'site is down'. Is it being updated or something?


UntoldDreams said:
Why do people feel the need to cheat this way?
Some people are not interested on a RPG system to unlock weapons etc...

They want everything (or at least some weapons), directly.


Revolutionary said:
There's already a GAF room open that we're playing in.

I've tried to find that server for like 10-15 minutes.

My PSNID is Mik2121, any of you playing add me so I can join via friends


I'm just finishing up the single player guys, last level = fucking wow! Almost did the last section in one go, it was soo intense and I can't believe I didn't die on that bit, killed about 5 guys with one spray of a LMG at the end. Amazing.


I'm not liking what I'm hearing about the lack of a party system and all the other problems you guys are experiencing in multiplayer. I kind of figured the lack of a party system would be a HUGE problem considering the PR statements that Private Hoffman spouted about how great it was when people brought up valid complaints. Sounds like the complaints are 100% valid.


Will Eat Your Children
That was a fun MP game, got a bit crowded in the end!

One fucking annoying bug(?) though. The enemy transformed into my teammates for a split second for about two consecutive times. This happened more than 5 times, highly confusing since I didn't shoot them but they killed me.

Teetris said:
That was a fun MP game, got a bit crowded in the end!

One fucking annoying bug(?) though. The enemy transformed into my teammates for a split second for about two consecutive times. This happened more than 5 times, highly confusing since I didn't shoot them but they killed me.

Isnt that like an ability?
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