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Just played through the first level. What an amazing game. It really makes you feel like you're in a war then other fps games. So glad I didn't watch anything on the Internet since I was trying to keep my hype level down. Intro was amazing.


biggest ps3 game to date and we had 6 people at midnight, lmao

in other news i have won all the games i have played hooray 100% win rate
Teetris said:
That was a fun MP game, got a bit crowded in the end!

One fucking annoying bug(?) though. The enemy transformed into my teammates for a split second for about two consecutive times. This happened more than 5 times, highly confusing since I didn't shoot them but they killed me.


That's an ability for the Saboteur. So that's not going to be fixed.

ice cream

I cancelled my preorder the day before it shipped, and no I'm kinda wishing I hadn't... I thought I could wait till it was cheaper.... argh
Teetris said:
That was a fun MP game, got a bit crowded in the end!

One fucking annoying bug(?) though. The enemy transformed into my teammates for a split second for about two consecutive times. This happened more than 5 times, highly confusing since I didn't shoot them but they killed me.

Are you sure it wasn't just a saboteur putting on a disguise?
mr_nothin said:
There's something SUPER fucing weird about the controls now.

Ok for one...the diagonal speed. Try this out: Move on just the Y axis...up and down THEN move on just the X axis..back and forth. NOW move diagonally. Why the hell is the diagonal speed like 1.5x faster than when you just press on 1 axis. It completely messes me up.

Ok NOW on to the 2nd problem.
This 1 might take a few tries to notice. Alrighty, SNATCH the joystick like you're trying to hurry up and track somebody (horizontally of course) and make sure you're hitting the outsider edge of the analog's wall. See that little "delaying/momentum" motion there...you can see the acceleration taking place perfectly fine right there. Now do some quick moves w/o hitting the outer edge.....there's no more of that acceleration thing happening. It moves along smoothly, almost starting off at full speed already. This makes doing my more presice aiming a pain in the ass. And also makes me skip way ahead of the person i'm trying to track (only sometimes)

There's also more auto-aim thrown in and it doesnt alway auto-aim right. Especially when you're doing that 1st zoom in of the scopes. (the game actually puts your ironsights on the guy for you pretty much) But it doesnt always work right or at all...sometimes i'll end out aiming at nothing..like 2 feet away from the target.

They've also slowed down the ironsight's sensitivity. The hip shooting/ironsight shooting sensitivity ratio is now alot bigger. So if I up the sensitivity because I want the sensitivity to be higher for the ironsight then my hipshooting and general aiming will be fucked up.

A little background on me.
I was Mr. "OMFG BETA IS AWESOME - 100+ hours put in" right next to FFOBsessed. I was #1 in headshots in the beta by a long shot and without cheating. There is definatly something funny going on with the controls now.

They had it perfect in the beta. WHY DID THEY CHANGE IT :(
Oh and they added more recoil to the ISA rifle too.

I dont know what it is. Maybe it's because I was lagging a little bit or something. Maybe I just need to get used to the new controls again. But i've already put in like 6 straight hours with no success :( I hope all hope is not lost for me.

Just like in the demo and in sp. Are beta players finally getting on the other side of the argument?

There is absolutely no need for the aiming acceleration in KZ2, though it's not a hindrance in SP because the action is more controlled. But in MP with hectic situation everywhere it is just a nuisance.

The Chef

Wow big surprise I'm stuck in the office completely unable to do work while staring at my copy of KZ and reading peoples impressions of it.

And so it is with every big game release for me :(
holy shit that was fun!!! good playing with everyone. only problem i have is i never know what team my fellow west coast clan is goin on. sometimes i guess right sometimes i dont. is there a way to switch teams once its started??

there was a point I was the target, and everyone on my team was surounding me. I barely made it through without gettting killed, and then i popped off a shot when it was over and killed a gaffer, cant reemmber who though. this game is sweet.
Teetris said:
Holy shitttttt :lol

That's pretty damn awesome

Anytime they fire a weapon you can see their real identity. Of course if they're firing at you then it's probably too later for you. You can usually spot them though if they're running back their own team and they aren't being shot at. You know then to take them down before they get near you.


Teetris said:
That was a fun MP game, got a bit crowded in the end!

One fucking annoying bug(?) though. The enemy transformed into my teammates for a split second for about two consecutive times. This happened more than 5 times, highly confusing since I didn't shoot them but they killed me.




works for Gamestop (lol)
This game is pretty damn fun. I hated the demo but I'm loving the retail version. Multiplayer is a blast.
The Wise Old Man said:
Alright folks, this is the Wise Old Man reporting in with my feelings about this game.

It's fucking terrific. Production values are through the roof. The single player is just incredible. I'm hoping any potential DLC is for the single player and not the MP, because...

The multiplayer is juggfuckled. Not sure if its bad netcode or shitty servers, but something is seriously wrong. I'm having major connection issues and problems. Problems that I don't get when I play R2, COD4, or Halo.
it's normal for a PS3 game to go through teething problems. it's hard for Sony to predict the kind of load they're going to see on the servers, and it always seems to take a week or so to smooth out. not to mention that there will still be fixes required even after the beta.

you're playing an online game on the day it comes out. relax. this is normal.


Gold Member
Dang it you guys are making my work day sooo much worse....:lol

About 2 hrs left until I pick it up, but probably wont get to play until about 8 hours from now....

Game sounds aweome!!! I just finished Bioshock last night, so Im ready to dive into this head first!!!
Teetris said:
That was a fun MP game, got a bit crowded in the end!

One fucking annoying bug(?) though. The enemy transformed into my teammates for a split second for about two consecutive times. This happened more than 5 times, highly confusing since I didn't shoot them but they killed me.


Thats a tactician :)


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Fistwell said:

Some people that I know on another forum. They say the MP is wonderful, but SP was quite boring.

This game is fun online.. boring as fuck single.

MAN i thought it was just me. Im thinking maybe im too tired right now to play single player idk its just whatever to me so far. Played maybe an hour or 2 got bored and put on nba 2k9. Im sure multi is the shit i will try that later tonight.
plagiarize said:
it's hard for Sony to predict the kind of load they're going to see on the servers

Really, is it? You'd think they'd expect a pretty massive load to be put on the servers... And even if not, what's the harm in opening up a few more sockets to handle the traffic? You're right though, R2 has awful network problems at first and look at it now. Still, last thing Sony needs is bad buzz about the MP. Ah well, I've got the SP to keep me happy until they fix this shit. I still feel like they should have included a party system.

All the gripes about the aiming I don't totally understand. It seems to work just fine for me.
I'll be getting on around 4:00 pm Mountain Time.

Add me:

Maybe we can hurry and organize a second Kolorzone 2 room.


PM me if you're interested.

Doc Evils

Teetris said:
That was a fun MP game, got a bit crowded in the end!

One fucking annoying bug(?) though. The enemy transformed into my teammates for a split second for about two consecutive times. This happened more than 5 times, highly confusing since I didn't shoot them but they killed me.




PjotrStroganov said:
Just like in the demo and in sp. Are beta players finally getting on the other side of the argument?

There is absolutely no need for the aiming acceleration in KZ2, though it's not a hindrance in SP because the action is more controlled. But in MP with hectic situation everywhere it is just a nuisance.
Getting on the other side?
No, not at all.

Everything about the controls was perfect in the beta. Just because they went back and messed with the settings and messed it up for me, doesnt mean i'm on the "other side" now.

There still needs to be acceleration and little to no auto-aim...or so much that you cant notice.
DaCocoBrova said:
Some people that I know on another forum. They say the MP is wonderful, but SP was quite boring.

So, two people on another forum are "many" now?


And if they find the SP campaign "boring" they should try turning up the difficulty. If they STILL find it "boring" then they should probably just stop gaming and join the real-life Marines.


got the game this morning and played through a few levels. OMG game looks incredible, and is in no way boring (playing on veteran) The fights are very intense and AI is some of the best Ive seen in a FPS..

MP looks every bit as good and is shitloads of fun.

Now I need to join the Gaf central clan....

add me PSN: cameltow


DaCocoBrova said:
Some people that I know on another forum. They say the MP is wonderful, but SP was quite boring.

Team Xbox?

Anyways Single player is fantastic, BEST AI I've seen, better than even Halo 3. Hate to beat a dead horse, but EGM could not have been more wrong with that idiotic AI comment.


Kinda lame, but I did a couple rounds in the NeoGAF room, earned a bunch of points. At the end of the game after the results screen, I got a "Level up to corporal" screen and all that good stuff. Then I quit right after the next game loaded, but while it was syncing and I lost all my points and corporal status.

I don't get it... it's not like i quit in the middle of a match... and the game had already awarded me my points and level up.

Not a big deal since I'm only 8 points away, but kinda lame.

Those were some fuckawesome games btw! The first one that i joined ended in a draw... so intense :D I'm not usually a big MP player unless its with people I personally know... but I can see myself pumping dozen after dozen of hours into this with whoever's online.


For the Euros, I just created a room 'EURO GAF' please join, you know the pwd ...
It's sad to see everyone in the Euro clan playing in different rooms, so join and we can play together ;)

Carlisle said:
Kinda lame, but I did a couple rounds in the NeoGAF room, earned a bunch of points. At the end of the game after the results screen, I got a "Level up to corporal" screen and all that good stuff. Then I quit right after the next game loaded, but while it was syncing and I lost all my points and corporal status.

I don't get it... it's not like i quit in the middle of a match... and the game had already awarded me my points and level up.

Not a big deal since I'm only 8 points away, but kinda lame.
just wait, it will update, don't worry.
DaCocoBrova said:
Some people that I know on another forum. They say the MP is wonderful, but SP was quite boring.
Not tryin to gang up on you dude. And i'm not talking out of personal experience. But those people seem to be the minority.
Totally gutted, i get home from work and the fuckers deliver it when there was noone in the house. I now have to wait till tommorow to pick it up :( :( :( :( :( :(


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
I gotta say that I think the enemies can, at times, be waaay to accurate. I just played a section where I used a sniper rifle and tried to pick of two enemies far away. Both of them had a heavier typ of machine gun (with pretty bad accuracy), and they repeatedly jumped out from cover, sprayed and hit me and then back to cover over and over again. At the same time, the craptastic DS3 controller had me in a position of desperataley trying to get it to aim fucking right.


Teetris said:
That was a fun MP game, got a bit crowded in the end!

One fucking annoying bug(?) though. The enemy transformed into my teammates for a split second for about two consecutive times. This happened more than 5 times, highly confusing since I didn't shoot them but they killed me.


Promise not to bleed on my suit and I'll kill you quickly.


Dammit. I have to stop reading this thread. I want to go home and play!

I went to my Gamestop's midnight thing simply because I was on the way home at that exact time. I got there at 11:55. There were only 6 people. Oh well. Glad I got my copy, no need to stop on the way home from work today.

Considering all the time I put into CoD4, I'll probably be putting a ton of time into this.


Here's my worthless 5 minute impressions:

Graphics are absolutely unbelievable.
Sound is absolutely unbelievable.
Dialogue is absolutely retarded.

And if you play a lot of CoD multi, you're probably not going to like KZ multiplayer. The aiming is just super slow (I have the sensitivity at max). I'm sure it's something I could easily get used to, but then it's going to screw me up on CoD because the aiming there will seem super fast.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
I think I encountered a bug. A proper one, not a "ZOMG that guy is turning invisible" bug like Teetris might encounter on his next multiplayer game. ;)

On the bridge assault
(after the AA gun bit - when you get the sniper rifle)
my HUD disappeared entirely after I used the sniper rifle and didn't come back until i died (toggling the options didn't do shit.)


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
One of the more stupid moments of Killzone 2 for me, so far:

I cleared an area and was supposed to move, and I stood there listening to the chatter on the com radio. Suddenly I die. I didn't know why -- all enemies were gone and I didn't get hit. Tried again, with the same result. The third time I went somewhat to the side of the level and realized that it was two of my buddies in a small vehicle who run me over each time I stood in the middle of that area.
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