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Well, this game is pretty much everything I expected it to be (both good and bad).

First off I want to say that this is the premiere multiplayer game for ps3.
It has proven to me already that it is the reason you buy a ps3... killer-app and what not.
But it's not going to be for everybody.

: The controls have clicked for me, though I still find them to be frustrating at times (close combat is atrocious - sorry they are, no excuses). A gun-butt to the back of the head should be an insta-kill... especially when close-combat falls apart like it does. It just makes the awkward encounter last even longer, and it's even worse if you are in a small space like a hallway. A little more melee lock-on lunge would have helped. A trained soldier shouldn't have nearly the amount of trouble connecting a melee like he does, its just not realistic at all. Ultimately though, the core gunplay is it's own beast. Very much a love it or leave it type thing, and I think for every person it turns off.. there is probably a another person that will prefer the uniqueness here. I'm still on the fence, but am having enough fun with it so far.

: Mixed bag, and I need to unlock more stuff before I can really say much more. I'm not a fan of 32+ player matches, period. It all feels cold and impersonal to me. PSN doesn't help either. No one is talking / coordinating / flanking, as I expected.
Gameplay flow seems to lack choke points and feels redundant, and no one really seems to care about the objectives at all. I don't want to say it lacks depth (since I haven't really unlocked much of anything yet), but the encounters are feeling way too similar. I'm sure this will change some when there are more classes & weapons spread around the map, and when people have learned the maps more... but it really just feels like a spawn (in the same exact fucking spot) / sprint / shoot cycle that hopefully will be broken up in time.

I need to play some smaller matches, because the big ones have somewhat turned me off so far. There hasn't been a single moment yet where I felt some edge of my seat excitement or real tension. It's actually kind of a relaxing experience in a really strange way (sort of like Resistance 2 was). Since the guns are so rewarding to shoot and reload, that it's kind of just like cruising around and killing. I'm still waiting for the next MP game that can match the excitement/depth regularly found in a simple halo CTF (or 1-flag) match, and so far this isn't it.

Maps : Atmosphere! The maps are so moody (some of the maps really just make you depresssed.. I don't know how else to put it). They are so real and well, dreary, its really amazing what was accomplished here. Art direction is so spot on.

Between the huge number of in-game players and the narrow spaces, some of the maps really hurt the experience. It's really funny to see a long line of soldiers waiting to walk through the same hallway, each taking turns. The game works better when the maps are bigger and have some space to spread out (but then that presents the problem of overly long sprints back into combat). There is a great sense of verticality to the maps, which gives some flavor to the combat scenarios.

Will be fun to revist my impressions in a month after I've had a chance to play more and let my appetite for the game develop.


Amazon f'ed my order and said they couldn't ship unless I changed the credit card info, which is the same credit card I've been using for years, with them with no problems..so had to cancel it and they said that even if I changed it (which I can't) I wouldn't get the preorder code for the Home items, neither the $10 discount that was the offer back then, and neither the free shipping offer.... :(

Have to wait till Wednesday to buy it from Gamestop or something.. :/
Guess the demo will do, for now..


I'm playing this game on Hard, which should be renamed to Cheap.

I just got to a point in level 3 (I think) where your buddy goes "Hey check me out opening this door", when he does the door flies open and a dude shotguns you in the face. Awesome.

Why does my AI buddy keep running into rooms to martyr himself ? I've revived him about 20 times on this one level. Why is he such a stupid cunt ?

I also like the death trap rooms where just as you feel like you are making progress a spawn of enemies comes from behind to fuck you up the ass.

This is not progressive game design.
Wait... so I can't go online and set up a game with both humans and bots just for the hell of it (non-ranked)? WTF?! I was looking forward to playing that with just my brother and I against several bots but now because of cheaters and some stupid as design to make it ranked only took that away. Fucking dicks.


Dirtbag said:
Gameplay : Mixed bag, and I need to unlock more stuff before I can really say much more. I'm not a fan of 32+ player matches, period. It all feels cold and impersonal to me. PSN doesn't help either. No one is talking / coordinating / flanking, as I expected.
Gameplay flow seems to lack choke points and feels redundant, and no one really seems to care about the objectives at all. I don't want to say it lacks depth (since I haven't really unlocked much of anything yet), but the encounters are feeling way too similar. I'm sure this will change some when there are more classes & weapons spread around the map, and when people have learned the maps more... but it really just feels like a spawn (in the same exact fucking spot) / sprint / shoot cycle that hopefully will be broken up in time.

I need to play some smaller matches, because the big ones have somewhat turned me off so far. There hasn't been a single moment yet where I felt some edge of my seat excitement or real tension. It's actually kind of a relaxing experience in a really strange way (sort of like Resistance 2 was). Since the guns are so rewarding to shoot and reload, that it's kind of just like cruising around and killing. I'm still waiting for the next MP game that can match the excitement/depth regularly found in a simple halo CTF (or 1-flag) match, and so far this isn't it.

I think this has mostly to do with how early it still is. The game just came out in the U.S. today, after all. A lot of people online right now are essentially just running around trying to get EXP and learn the maps and controls. Few people, relatively, have unlocked classes and badges so far so the strategic element is minimized. Right now it's sort of a clusterfuck in random pickup games, but a natural clusterfuck that I fully expect will get much better in time.


Zeliard said:
I think this has mostly to do with how early it still is. The game just came out in the U.S. today, after all. A lot of people online right now are essentially just running around trying to get EXP and learn the maps and controls. Few people, relatively, have unlocked classes and badges so far so the strategic element is minimized. Right now it's sort of a clusterfuck in random pickup games, but a natural clusterfuck that I fully expect will get much better in time.
Yeah, I'm sure you are right.
My god, I'm at work (lawyer's work hours FTL!) and I can't stop picturing that intro movie after playing the game the past two days, hahaha.

So good. The MP and SP is phenomenal. Congrats GG and Sony, great game and well worth the wait.
Zeliard said:
I think this has mostly to do with how early it still is. The game just came out in the U.S. today, after all. A lot of people online right now are essentially just running around trying to get EXP and learn the maps and controls. Few people, relatively, have unlocked classes and badges so far so the strategic element is minimized. Right now it's sort of a clusterfuck in random pickup games, but a natural clusterfuck that I fully expect will get much better in time.

From what ive played, everyone is running around with their heads cut off. Every game ive been in has had people asking what to do next. They dont pay attention to jack shit and treat the whole thing like team deathmatch.

Im waiting for the GAF clans to form so I have more friends and clan mates to play with, instead of douche lords.
MoonsaultSlayer said:
Wait... so I can't go online and set up a game with both humans and bots just for the hell of it (non-ranked)? WTF?! I was looking forward to playing that with just my brother and I against several bots but now because of cheaters and some stupid as design to make it ranked only took that away. Fucking dicks.

I wanted to do the same thing over the network with some buddies too...

I hope they get a better solution up and running quick. It would be annoying that we lose functionality because of a few cheaters.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.

I was getting my ass kicked on the last level (Veteran) so I just said "FUCK IT!" hit L3 and went into Overdrift.

I managed to run past and avoid every enemy except one of the flying droids, and now I'm into the palace. Great tactical manoeuvre that was.


gamerecks said:
From what ive played, everyone is running around with their heads cut off. Every game ive been in has had people asking what to do next. They dont pay attention to jack shit and treat the whole thing like team deathmatch.

Im waiting for the GAF clans to form so I have more friends and clan mates to play with, instead of douche lords.

I still don't understand why offline bot skirmishes don't allow you to pick which specific game type to play. That would make it so much easier for people to learn how to play the various modes before going online, which should be a part of the point of skirmish mode.


Console Market Analyst

I've just reached the end game,
I never want to rely on Rico's shitty AI again. I got to the point of the RPG carrying mofos after several tries, and figure they're the last obstacle before getting to fight Radec. Is the save point after killing those RPG guys? I took a rocket to the face and want to know before I give it another go.


WTF is up with this
Radec character.
Jeezus, I can't beat this guy for shit. I'm on my 20th try now. Uugh, just when I thought I was cruising along, bam, a huge fucking frustrated moment. Damn.
zeloe326 said:
WTF is up with this Radec character. Jeezus, I can't beat this guy for shit. I'm on my 20th try now. Uugh, just when I thought I was cruising along, bam, a huge fucking frustrated moment. Damn.

whaa!!!!! Fucking spoil tag that shit.


Completed the game! :D Took me just under 10 hours on Veteran. Took my time, but didn't look for intel or anything. Most of that was on the last section of the last level ho ho ho! Only part of the game I really struggled on.

Loved the ending sequence as well, even tho it was short. Can't wait for K3. The only part I was disappointed with was
the exoskeleton. Or more so, that level. Too short and uneventful gamepaly wise. I wanted more destructibility. Taking down buildings and such. And the unforgiving checkpoints just before Radec

Best looking levels? Level 2 Blood Meridian,
The Cruiser :eek: and Visari Palace.

Most memorable moments? Every fucking kill :D The kills in this game are more satisfying than anything else out there. Other developers take note please. This game destroys everything in that regard.

Overall the SP was damn awesome. Apart from a few bits here and there, loved it. For the most part, excellent level design, great A.I. Great encounters. Will play it again a couple of times. NOT looking forward to playing on Elite tho.

The madness... begins.


zeloe326 said:
WTF is up with this Radec character. Jeezus, I can't beat this guy for shit. I'm on my 20th try now. Uugh, just when I thought I was cruising along, bam, a huge fucking frustrated moment. Damn.

You just gotta shoot him. Lots.
DoctorWho said:
I'm tempted to go to a store and pick this up tonight and then just return my Amazon copy to the store when it finally arrives.

Yup, if I can get a confirmation that it works 100% of the time, I will do it too. Fuck I want to play NAOOO. This shit was in stock today and it didnt even ship.


Just beat it. I had as much fun playing this game as Half Life-2(minus puzzles),any Halo('cept 2), and Crysis. I can't wait to start it up again to finish finding everything.

Also, I just started playing the multi and my second game I got 21 kills in five mins.
with just a shotgun and the ISA rifle.

My only complaint is that I feel there could have been more variation in the environments like with Killone 1. I really wanted to see a jungle or snow area, which hopefully will be included in the dlc map packs that are rumored to feature some kz1 favorites.


It's interesting how, for a corridor shooter, you can miss out on some weapons in the single-player. I think it's actually possible for someone to go through the first few levels and completely miss both the sniper rifle and the LMG. Some of the levels are spaced out wider and feature more routes than I would've imagined.


Goreomedy said:

I've just reached the end game,
I never want to rely on Rico's shitty AI again. I got to the point of the RPG carrying mofos after several tries, and figure they're the last obstacle before getting to fight Radec. Is the save point after killing those RPG guys? I took a rocket to the face and want to know before I give it another go.

That's the bit I got stuck on! HATED it! But yeah there's a checkpoint right after those
Rocket launcher dudes
. Use the grenade launcher to take them down. Thanx to the fella who suggested that to me, yeah it worked.
West Coast was killin it today!! Yesterday i could barely make a shot and by today I got first in one of the gaf server rounds. looove this game. It seems really hard to level up though. im playing with all you gusy and you all seem to have the different classes unlocked, i still havent unlocked one.


zeloe326 said:
WTF is up with this
Radec character.
Jeezus, I can't beat this guy for shit. I'm on my 20th try now. Uugh, just when I thought I was cruising along, bam, a huge fucking frustrated moment. Damn.

Use the shotgun, it's easy then.


Every since receiving my copy of Killzone 2 from the post (on Thursday), I've found it hard to put the controller down. This is probably one of the most addictive and fresh FPS games I've played for a long time. Fresh because the maps have so much depth and the rotating gametypes within a match. And every game feels different. I just can't believe how good MP looks. Looks on par with SP.

Defintely one of the best shooters I've played. The single player is also fantastic. Love the music and the action is great. I'm playing it on Normal at the moment because I got owned when I tried Veteran on Corinth River on my first go ¬_¬. A.I. is still great though. Not much of a story when you progress level to level, but I think the opening CGI video should've made it clear what the game is about. Not too big of an issue.

WinFonda said:
The rap. :lol :lol


Will Eat Your Children
If you just got the game and are debating what to play first, play SP. It's kinda lame to play SP when you have most of the maps in your head from the MP. I haven't even finished the 2nd stage but it's not very motivating to continue.

Playing on veteran and dying so much might have something to do with it too.

Also, I lost in all five Kolorzone matches I played. What the fuck! :( And it was all by one point.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!

Actually what control layout is everyone using, the default kinda sucks, but so far Alternate 2 mimics most every other FPS pretty nicely. Had to jack up the look sensitivity a bit as well. The look bob is pretty brutal.

Also, am I missing something involving the menus? Can I hold down a button or something to move em about Smash Bros. Style? It seems like the pause or main menu WANTS me to screw with it somehow, but I can't figure out how.
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