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dfyb said:
it's not the recoil i have a problem with. it's how awkward it feels to get my crosshair on the enemy compared to other games.

You have to be more slow and deliberate with it. Nudge the analog stick rather than push it, because then you'll risk overshooting your target due to the acceleration.

Musashi Wins!

What's screwed up about the MP aiming? I didn't experience that, so I was just curious.

Game is just so gorgeous. The only complaint with that I have are the horrendous menus and the super lag when it loads areas, that sucks.

I wish you got experience points when you quit a game. The rounds are nice and fast, but you can't always hang for the whole thing. Also, if it's true that you can no longer have a game online with just your friend and the bots then Guerilla are fixing a problem with a broken hammer. That's just dumb.

It's total chaos online, no cooperation and run for the choke points :lol


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
icechai said:
you missed out on a game with a bunch of us on that map, i was tactician, they had one too, and ended 3-3 draw, realllly intense all over the map :)

also regarding aiming, I will always defend the aiming in this game, just observe the size of your reticule based on movement, when you crouch, when you recoil, etc. and once you keep that in mind you should be able to get a lot more accurate shots.

Yeah, I do far more spraying and praying than I ever have in a FPS. Time to give it another shot and practice some more.


wow this game is awesome.. Went online.. MAN is it gratifying to hear the little chirp!!

But its also depressing seeing that Icechai has like 2000 points in the game ALREADY!! WTF
I've run into a lot of people who have the official bluetooth headset, but never set it up in HQ mode. It's a world of difference to the people listening to you, so make sure to do it! If you don't know already, all you have to do is sync it up directly from the port on the headset (not the hub it comes with, and not wirelessly) and it'll be in HQ mode.

This game really shows how that mic can be overly sensitive at times though, especially when you're in the game lobby. I wish there was an option (made default) for push to talk, I don't want to have to hit the mute button all the time (especially with the official headset and it's intermitted beeping while muted).

The GAF Kolorzone game was a lot of fun this afternoon though, I feel it'll definitely take some practice to be proficient, but it's a ton of fun. I'm looking forward to when people have a multitude of classes unlocked so the games can be a bit more varied.


Played on and off since early this morning, both SP and MP. Other than a few exceptions, dumb friendly AI, cover system loving to go crazy and either refuse to stick or stick without me wanting to, CoD-like infinite troop spawn trip points (which don't bother me that much), weird invisible walls in the environment that like to alter grenade paths etc, I'm loving it.

On a control note, as much as I want to max out the sensitivity, the changes sans beta/demo and dev intended setup have pretty much forced me to keep it as close to default as possible. Everything feels better that way. Though I did bump it a tad, 'cause taking 10 seconds to do a 180 isn't going to.

AnonymousNoob said:
Is it just me or is Garza's AI completely inept?

Probably some of the worst buddy-AI I've ever encountered in a game.
Pretty much. In my experience, he just loves to stand in the line of fire and take just enough shots to get downed so I have to go save him. :/


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
mr_nothin said:
The good ole "die 5 secs later after being shot" situation was happening too so I knew it had to be lag.

Ohhh, I was definitely having this problem. I thought that's just how it was or I was missing.


methane47 said:
wow this game is awesome.. Went online.. MAN is it gratifying to hear the little chirp!!

But its also depressing seeing that Icechai has like 2000 points in the game ALREADY!! WTF

if thats depressing i hope you don't do something crazy when you look at Full-Recovery and TTP :p


raYne said:
Pretty much. In my experience, he just loves to stand in the line of fire and take just enough shots to get downed so I have to go save him. :/

I've taken the habit of just leaving them down when they die a lot of the time. :lol

It's too often the case where I'll resurrect a teammate only to have him fall again 10 seconds later.

Still, there have been some cool moments featuring the buddy A.I., though they almost all have to do with the visuals. Seeing one of them owning a Helghan at close-range with a shotgun never gets old.


Zeliard said:
I've taken the habit of just leaving them down when they die a lot of the time. :lol

It's too often the case where I'll resurrect a teammate only to have him fall again 10 seconds later.

Still, there have been some cool moments featuring the buddy A.I., though they almost all have to do with the visuals. Seeing one of them owning a Helghast at close-range with a shotgun never gets old.
Yep. Not sure how far you are in the SP, but
that grenade spam bridge crossing section right before you take on the AA gun.

Jesus Christ... they were dropping repeatedly. I'd pick one up and two more would fall a second later.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
raYne said:
Pretty much. In my experience, he just loves to stand in the line of fire and take just enough shots to get downed so I have to go save him. :/

Yeah him blocking hallways is the worst.

Or the AI calling out wrong info, which hasn't happened too much but still sucks ("They're coming from the stairs!" *is staring at the stairs* *dudes come from the side* *AI is useless* *end game*).

MP, when things work, is a blast. Getting a game together sucks, but once you're playing it's cool. I go back and forth between liking the chat system and just wishing it was team based, but I think once I get my other friends online and we stick in a squad it'll be better.

Once people learn skills, and are more aware of objectives and people with classes (reviving when a medic's next to you and stuff) it'll be good times.

Chat quality is shit, though. :p

Edit: Also, dunno if it's the player, the host, or the net code, but the delay between a person dying, and the noise/them dying can be really annoying. That extra .3-.7 seconds you spend shooting at someone means everything.

Edit #2: Also a fan of Alt 2. Also demanding crouch toddle. Doing both sucks so bad.


MvmntInGrn said:
Hmm, how do I play with other GAF members? :lol

Is there a room set up or something?

i've just been jumping into friend games, and it just so happens there's always a good amount in the same game :p


raYne said:
Yep. Not sure how far you are in the SP, but
that grenade spam bridge crossing section right before you take on the AA gun.

Jesus Christ... they were dropping repeatedly. I'd pick one up and two more would fall a second later.

For me, it was mostly in that part with the two
. They just kept dropping like flies and weren't able to stay on the turrets.


dfyb said:
it's not the recoil i have a problem with. it's how awkward it feels to get my crosshair on the enemy compared to other games.

Wow, you must be having serious problems in the SP then. :lol

Personally I think the game feels a lot better than in the MP than the SP due to the increased acceleration, but that's not stopping me from enjoying the SP.

*goes back to playing more SP*


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
BeeDog said:
Minor level 2 and 3 spoilers:

The end of level 3 (the Visari Square stand-off vs. the two big dudes), isn't it the beginning of level 2 (where you land with the dropship, directly after 'that's the fucking convoy?')? /retard mode

you're looking at it from the other side, yeah


Zeliard said:
For me, it was mostly in that part with the two
. They just kept dropping like flies and weren't able to stay on the turrets.
:lol I've learned from experience never to trust AI in situations like that, so as soon that past started, I manned one for myself. Took them both down real quick.

SnakeXs said:
Edit: Also, dunno if it's the player, the host, or the net code, but the delay between a person dying, and the noise/them dying can be really annoying. That extra .3-.7 seconds you spend shooting at someone means everything.
Ya, that's annoying as hell. Fortunately it doesn't happen all the time, but when it does.. ugh.


My aim online is SOOOOO SOOOOO bad right now :lol

Im like the Helghast in the trailer for the game that is shown dying but spraying wildly...thats me..clan leader supreme.:lol


raYne said:
:lol I've learned from experience never to trust AI in situations like that, so as soon that past started, I manned one for myself. Took them both down real quick.

Eventually it got to the point where I had to take over one of the turrets for myself, since before that I was on top of that small platform sniping people. :p

Damn friendly A.I. ruining my sniping groove! :lol
FFObsessed said:
Man, I was doing GREAT until I got to Visari Hammer. Don't know the map one bit so kept getting lost :p Urgh I sucked then.

Haven't gotten there yet, just took control of Visari Square all the maps so far are familiar from the Beta :D


I figure I'd add to the general "white noise" of impressions concerning the game.

played 3 hours of campaign now (I'm at the
big bridge battle
and I really, REALLY dig it. It's a bit harder than other shooters I've played on Normal difficulty but that's OK. when I die, (16 times so far) I usually know what the problem was and can reassess the situation after a couple tries.

The aiming isn't bothering me, either. when zoomed in, I like the slow default aiming speed. gives me a better chance for headshots and long distance shots. the guns all feel pretty good so far.

Similar to Gears 2, I find myself using the enemy gun much more often than the "main" weapon. there's just so much more ammo. the rifles are also pretty cool. I love the reload animations and the feeling of weight to the guns.

one problem with the control setup and sniper rifles. when behind cover, your left thumb is pushing up to peek out. if you want to change zooms levels, you need to tap the d-pad... also on your left thumb. but when you let go of the stick, you get behind cover again and lose your zoom position. am i missing something? seems clunky.

of course, the game is beautiful and looks amazing on my screen. Until this, Gears 2 and uncharted had been two of the best looking games I've played but this one has them beat simply with the lighting and particle/ fog effects. I bow down to the folks at Guerilla.

taking a break now but will probably play a couple more hours tonight. I got that shooter fever.


AranhaHunter said:
Haven't gotten there yet, just took control of Visari Square all the maps so far are familiar from the Beta :D

To clarify, I meant in the online games we were just having. Yeah, it was a funny feeling playing through Blood Meridian after having spent so much times playing the Blood Gracht map. :p


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
3rdamention said:
I am probably late to the party, but I just fired up Killzone 2 for the night and there is a 1.11 patch. What is it for?



LCfiner said:
one problem with the control setup and sniper rifles. when behind cover, your left thumb is pushing up to peek out. if you want to change zooms levels, you need to tap the d-pad... also on your left thumb. but when you let go of the stick, you get behind cover again and lose your zoom position. am i missing something? seems clunky.

I noticed this too. It's unfortunate, but at least it's not an issue in multiplayer since there's no cover system.


Console Market Analyst
Dumb AI hilarity:

Rico stood still and let 5 Higs shoot him down. I took a little damage reviving him, and the moment he stood up he shouted "Damnit, Sev, use cover!"


Little is the new Big
the patch fixes the -931 error some people had when they connected to multiplayer. At least as far as I know.
Y2Kev said:


Yep, I just turned it on and did not see anyone on any forums talking about it. It is 16mb and version 1.11. It must be very new. I would love to see customizeable controls already or a click to crouch and hold option in single player. Those would be some nice quick little fixes.

I guess the retail version was already 1.10.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
KoruptData said:
Patch 1.11. What does it do?

Removed the ability to add bots online. Unless it's a glitch on my side, I can't add bots when creating a game now. The option is still there, but it is locked to 0.


alba said:
the patch fixes the -931 error some people had when they connected to multiplayer. At least as far as I know.

Doesn't fix the innumerable other -34whatever8533 errors many are still getting, including myself. :(

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Oh crap I noticed Templar in the opening cutscene so that settles it. No more Killzone 2 until I go back and finish KZ1.

Oh man, you people really need to pop that old disc in again...it's bloody amazing what 4-5 years of improved tech can do to a franchise.


I'm disappointed the leaderboards only show 180,000 people who have logged online. It's been almost 24 hours since the official release in the US. So Europe got it earlier, and some retailers released it earlier than the 27th.

I thought it would be a huge release.

We'll see how the number increases after the weekend.


dfyb said:
i've played MP for several hours and it's basically impossible for me to enjoy multiplayer with this awkward aiming. i don't know how anyone could defend the aiming in this game. they can be working as intended and still be a poor design choice. some have said the beta had different aiming and i wish they'd return to that.

It eventually clicks, but it's not something I'd want to see in another game.


womfalcs3 said:
I'm disappointed the leaderboards only show 180,000 people who have logged online. It's been almost 24 hours since the official release in the US. So Europe got it earlier, and some retailers released it earlier than the 27th.

I thought it would be a huge release.

We'll see how the number increases after the weekend.

a lot of people, like myself, may be playing SP first.

that's generally tradition with my groups of game playing friends, anyway.

chill, it's gonna do well on the charts :)
ok, just finished it. Short game, but who cares. Overall the game rocked pretty hard. It wasn't good for this and that reason like Resistance 2, or just a solid game like Uncharted; it was actually a really damn good game. Really surprised me how much I enjoyed it.

Gonna do multiplayer now. Hopefully that's good too.
:lol thought my TV was broken or something was wrong with my game when I saw the menu screen just a couple min. ago

Got through the first section
Corinth ?
and I will be honest that it did take some time getting used to the controls. But I do like them now that I have the hang of it. It differentiates it from other shooting games and really dictates play. The whole feeling of momentum almost makes it feel like a hybrid between a shooter and a straight up action adventure game. I also like how the jump mechanic has been modified vs. other shooters (I'm sure this affects MP also). There is no place in a battlefield for people to be hopping and soaring all over the place and after seeing the jump animation/mechanism I don't think people are gonna be jumping unless they need to.

Can't wait to play more later.


I'm pretty much tearing people apart now.
They never should have given me a shotgun.
I also do better with the helghan rifle over the ISA rifle... Who knew!

Random brain fart: God the menu's are so irritating. They really are horrible.
They definitely over-thought them.
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