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shooting blanks
alba said:
Firing is a mix of both, tapping is great but at close range with a few targets, just aim lower and spray (works just as good, depending on the weapon too)

Melee is really effective but really hard to land, you need to make sure you're in range to use it but it's deadly.

thanks for the tips

yeah I need to rank up

I was getting raped by the people with shotties last night, really hurt my stats
I was so frustrated with this game the first few matches of MP I played. But as the night went along and I became used to how things work, I have to say that the online play is very solid and so much better than I expected. I can't wait to play more tonight.

Those who are having trouble with the melee need to talk to Aladuf. He's becoming a master of the Killzone two-piece.


Wait a minute, whats going on? I thought GAF east abbreviations were just GAF? Full Recovery is leader of GAF east 1, yet Kitton is leader of a clan called GAF. Am I mistaken about east clan section tags?

jsrv said:
Are there any point bonus benefits in being in a squad? (A multiplier or shared points or something else?)

Dedicated voice channel to squadmates (your own team is just proximity). Also I think you spawn close to squad leader.


Woah.. my clan (Europe GAF 2) is the most inactive clan I've EVER seen.

Please, seriously, I NEED TO GO TO EUROPE GAF CLAN, I'm quite active in this game and I'm not that bad at it, so come on, the leader or any officer from GAFe clan, INVITE ME!!! (I'm leaving my current clan as soon as I get an answer saying I can get into the clan)


raYne said:
I've come to terms with it, but it's totally unnecessary and is a cause for much frustration to many people. Similar to the whole RE5 scenario.

Can't wait 'till, "this is the feel we were going for", becomes a dev staple for bad control design decisions.

What control issue are people talking about? The weight in the movements?


raYne said:
I've come to terms with it, but it's totally unnecessary and is a cause for much frustration to many people. Similar to the whole RE5 scenario.

Can't wait 'till, "this is the feel we were going for", becomes a dev staple for bad control design decisions.

So you don't aggree that KZ2 would be a completly different game if you could play it like COD?


Thrakier said:
The complaining about the controls got really out of hand. I don't know who's the guy who startet that input lag lie but he really really damaged GG with it. It's annoying.

I don't care if it's true or not, it feels like there's input lag. I have a much harder time aiming in this game than in any FPS I can remember. If it's a limitation of the PS3's sticks or whatever that's one thing, but if they did this on purpose, F them.


Thrakier said:
So you don't aggree that KZ2 would be a completly different game if you could play it like COD?

It really would. People wouldnt try to play even a little bit tactically. They would either just camp/snipe all day, or just constantly run into the fray.


shooting blanks
Uh you just need to increase the sensitivity so everything moves faster.

Only thing I would complain about is hit detection, which was a problem when cod4 first came out too.


Thrakier said:
So you don't aggree that KZ2 would be a completly different game if you could play it like COD?

If they made the aiming better it would be easier to line up your first shot, but after that, the massive recoil and muzzle flash would prevent you from playing it like COD


JudgeN said:
What control issue are people talking about? The weight in the movements?
Pretty much. I understand the reasoning, but it's too excessive. For example, there's no reason why the pistols should be subject to the same uber-weighted movement as the larger weapons.

As I said, I've dealt with it, but I can totally see where the complaints are coming from.


Gold Member
The story is so completely unspectacular, I'm left wondering why GG even bothered continuing the franchise. Clearly, these guys have some of the best tech out there, so why not just start a new project...something with personality? Were they really under the impression that the Killzone saga has endeared itself to gamers everywhere?

As it stands, it feels like I'm playing a well-polished tech demo. Everything on that side of the field is perfect...the look, the sound, etc. But that's it. The game just feels entirely soulless because there is absolutely NOTHING compelling about the story or characters (FUCKITY FUCK FUCK MCFUCK) whatsoever.

I'm nearly at the end of the SP campaign, and will play around with MP later on, so maybe that will make me change my tune somewhat.


Chiggs said:
As it stands, it feels like I'm playing a well-polished tech demo. Everything on that side of the field is perfect...the look, the sound, etc. But that's it. The game just feels entirely soulless because there is absolutely NOTHING compelling about the story or characters (FUCKITY FUCK FUCK MCFUCK) whatsoever.

Pretty much. The story is laughably forgettable. Fun game, but there had better be some big twist or surprise at the end of single player, because right now I find it bizarre that they have not even bothered to communicate any kind of narrative or story.


hide your water-based mammals
Chiggs said:
The story is so completely unspectacular, I'm left wondering why GG even bothered continuing the franchise. Clearly, these guys have some of the best tech out there, so why not just start a new project...something with personality? Were they really under the impression that the Killzone saga has endeared itself to gamers everywhere?

As it stands, it feels like I'm playing a well-polished tech demo. Everything on that side of the field is perfect...the look, the sound, etc. But that's it. The game just feels entirely soulless because there is absolutely NOTHING compelling about the story or characters (FUCKITY FUCK FUCK MCFUCK) whatsoever.

I'm nearly at the end of the SP campaign, and will play around with MP later on, so maybe that will make me change my tune somewhat.
Tech demo? The characters are nothing to write home about but the action is so frenetic and intense that it makes the story take the back burner. This is way more intense than most other shooters I've played. Obviously the story isn't the strong point but waht more do people want, a blockbuster movie script?

And there is plenty of backstory on the site, the game is not entirely shallow.

The reason it's so endearing to me is the experience and chaos you are around. The way it's presented has a lot to do with that but ultimate this shit is REALLY FUN and immersive.
Alright folks, I've had a chance to play the entire campaign through and thought I'd share my impressions of the single player component of Killzone 2. Several issues that I noticed:

LOADING SCREENS. They totally take me out of the immersive quality of this game. Why couldnt GG cut back a bit on the graphical detail and use the resources to eliminate the loading screens? This was a very poor decision on their part. Which brings me to...

TOO MUCH GOING ON. Yes, there is simply too much detail happening on the screen. It's totally unnecessary. It's moronic. No one's eyes are good enough to catch all this shit, it's freaking overload. And there's no screen grab utility in K2 anyhow, so what's the point? If I could at least go into bullet time like in BLACK, then all the detail would pay off, but at full speed it's totally lost on me an 98% of all the other gamers out there. This game is a one trick pony: graphics overload. It all goes downhill from there

TOO RELIANT ON HD & SURROUND SOUND. I have a three year old Samsung 32" LCD and no surround sound setup. This game handicaps me for not having a better system. To play this game, you need a 5.1 sound setup to be able to tell where the bad guys are. That's bullshit. That's completely offensive.

THE BLOOD SPLATTER RETICULE. Is terrible. I can't tell where the hell I'm getting shot at from. And then the screen gets worse and worse as I get shot. What the fuck is the point of making such a highly detailed game if the stupid blood splatter reticule blocks everything in my field of vision?

CLUNKY AIMING SYSTEM. Lousy controls and a sluggish aiming set up don't make for a good game. I've completely finished the game and I'm still not comfortable with the crappy control scheme or sluggish aiming system. Yes, I understand that guns are heavy. But this is also a GAME and the guns should be somewhat fun. The shotgun is absolutely terrible, by the way. I will say that the flamethrower is a joy to use.

ANNOYING BOSSES. Yeah those sluggish controls? they don't pair well with fast moving bosses. Also, the game's last boss fight is practically impossible if you don't have a surround sound set up. Terrible design choices by GG. Just terrible and offensive.

POOR VOICE ACTING. When an ally yells at me "way to keep em suppressed Sev!" and I can't tell if they're being sarcastic or not, something is seriously wrong. I'm supposed to want to replay the single player again so I can hear different yet equally lousy voice acting? Nope. Sorry, GG. And you didn't help your case by leaving out coop.

and the final problem with this game....

TOO FUCKING SHORT. It's what, fives or six missions long? Just terrible. I finished the game in under 7 hours. And now I'm going to have to wait another 2 - 4 years for the sequel because they decided to pull the "shit just got real" storyline card at the end? Yeah, no thanks GG.

I'll try out the multiplayer (haven't yet) but with these poor controls, I can't imagine that this game will be in my PS3 (or apartment for that matter) for longer than another 24 hours. It just isn't that good.

I'm sure I'll get ripped into for saying all this and everyone will go apeshit and post pics of lolcats or whatever in this thread, but the fact remains: this game wasn't worth waiting 4 years for and it certainly wasn't worth $60.


haven't picked up my copy yet but its a real bummer that in this day and age we still have to "put up" with bad game design choicse (like RE5's control scheme too).

i didn't like the input lag in the demo and im not looking forward to it in the final game.

shame about the story, but i didn't play COD4 for the story either. oh well.

jax (old)

Chiggs said:
The story is so completely unspectacular, I'm left wondering why GG even bothered continuing the franchise. Clearly, these guys have some of the best tech out there, so why not just start a new project...something with personality? Were they really under the impression that the Killzone saga has endeared itself to gamers everywhere?

As it stands, it feels like I'm playing a well-polished tech demo. Everything on that side of the field is perfect...the look, the sound, etc. But that's it. The game just feels entirely soulless because there is absolutely NOTHING compelling about the story or characters (FUCKITY FUCK FUCK MCFUCK) whatsoever.

I'm nearly at the end of the SP campaign, and will play around with MP later on, so maybe that will make me change my tune somewhat.

my post is going to be contencious but Gears of WAR 1 was perceived in the same way by a lot of people as well

I personally thought KZ2 had a lot of resonance in its story. Its stock standard sure, but the immersion is nonpareil.
Chiggs said:
I'm nearly at the end of the SP campaign, and will play around with MP later on, so maybe that will make me change my tune somewhat.

Multiplayer is insane. I was having a blast going through the campaign up until level 2. After that I decided to play a multiplayer game even though I always wait until I beat a game to play the multiplayer in-case of a spoiler. And now? I just can't go back to SP. The MP is leagues ahead of the campaign.


multiplayer is so frustrating for 2 reasons. it's so fucking stupid that one team can have people that can build turrets, calling in sentry bots, ect.. yet my team is stuck with only basic loadouts. it takes the unbalanced nature of CoD4 to the extreme, and why does it take so long to level up, all the depth is non-existent when my team is a bunch of basic soldiers and medics. how are we supposed to plant bombs when the other team has 2 turrets set up in the plant area?

second, no matchmaking, ugh this sucks. it's such a pain to find a game with 4-6 open spots that allows team switching, and has people in it that are willing to switch to make room.

*goes back to campaign* >:[
Chiggs said:
The story is so completely unspectacular, I'm left wondering why GG even bothered continuing the franchise. Clearly, these guys have some of the best tech out there, so why not just start a new project...something with personality? Were they really under the impression that the Killzone saga has endeared itself to gamers everywhere?

As it stands, it feels like I'm playing a well-polished tech demo. Everything on that side of the field is perfect...the look, the sound, etc. But that's it. The game just feels entirely soulless because there is absolutely NOTHING compelling about the story or characters (FUCKITY FUCK FUCK MCFUCK) whatsoever.

If memorable storylines were so important to shooters then quite a few of the most popular current shooters wouldn't be anywhere near as big as they are.


Gold Member
LiquidMetal14 said:
Tech demo? The characters are nothing to write home about but the action is so frenetic and intense that it makes the story take the back burner. This is way more intense than most other shooters I've played. Obviously the story isn't the strong point but waht more do people want, a blockbuster movie script?

And there is plenty of backstory on the site, the game is not entirely shallow.

The reason it's so endearing to me is the experience and chaos you are around. The way it's presented has a lot to do with that but ultimate this shit is REALLY FUN and immersive.

I'm not sure why you feel this game is "way more intense than most other shooters," but I agree with you that it is extremely immersive...largely in part to the nearly flawless technical presentation, but that's really all there is in my eyes.

And, yes, a "blockbuster movie script" would be preferrable to what they currently have.

Jax said:
my post is going to be contencious but Gears of WAR 1 was perceived in the same way by a lot of people as well

Yeah, you're spot-on with that observation. I feel the same way about that franchise, too.


lol, the internetz made it again! I have the game here (console is defect) and I don't want to play it anymore because all those negativity completly crushed my hype. I'm not looking forward to it anymore. They did it with R2 and now they did it again with KZ2. I should stop reading message boards, I should know better, but for some reasion I can't. :-/

Do you know how it feels now, Kittowny? Hrhr.


SolidSnakex said:
If memorable storylines were so important to shooters then quite a few of the most popular current shooters wouldn't be anywhere near as big as they are.

Call of Duty 4 is an exception, because there's a line of plot going through it that is engaging.

Halo 3 on the other hand.. :lol :lol :lol


Thrakier said:
lol, the internetz made it again! I have the game here (console is defect) and I don't want to play it anymore because all those negativity completly crushed my hype. I'm not looking forward to it anymore. They did it with R2 and now they did it again with KZ2. I should stop reading message boards, I should know better, but for some reasion I can't. :-/

Do you know how it feels now, Kittowny? Hrhr.

don't be crushed it's a great game

read gamespot's review that'll cheer you up lol


The Wise Old Man said:
Alright folks, I've had a chance to play the entire campaign through and thought I'd share my impressions of the single player component of Killzone 2. Several issues that I noticed:

TOO MUCH GOING ON. Yes, there is simply too much detail happening on the screen. It's totally unnecessary. It's moronic. No one's eyes are good enough to catch all this shit, it's freaking overload. And there's no screen grab utility in K2 anyhow, so what's the point? If I could at least go into bullet time like in BLACK, then all the detail would pay off, but at full speed it's totally lost on me an 98% of all the other gamers out there. This game is a one trick pony: graphics overload. It all goes downhill from there

THE BLOOD SPLATTER RETICULE. Is terrible. I can't tell where the hell I'm getting shot at from. And then the screen gets worse and worse as I get shot. What the fuck is the point of making such a highly detailed game if the stupid blood splatter reticule blocks everything in my field of vision?

CLUNKY AIMING SYSTEM. Lousy controls and a sluggish aiming set up don't make for a good game. I've completely finished the game and I'm still not comfortable with the crappy control scheme or sluggish aiming system. Yes, I understand that guns are heavy. But this is also a GAME and the guns should be somewhat fun. The shotgun is absolutely terrible, by the way. I will say that the flamethrower is a joy to use.

ANNOYING BOSSES. Yeah those sluggish controls? they don't pair well with fast moving bosses. Also, the game's last boss fight is practically impossible if you don't have a surround sound set up. Terrible design choices by GG. Just terrible and offensive.

POOR VOICE ACTING. When an ally yells at me "way to keep em suppressed Sev!" and I can't tell if they're being sarcastic or not, something is seriously wrong. I'm supposed to want to replay the single player again so I can hear different yet equally lousy voice acting? Nope. Sorry, GG. And you didn't help your case by leaving out coop.

and the final problem with this game....

TOO FUCKING SHORT. It's what, fives or six missions long? Just terrible. I finished the game in under 7 hours. And now I'm going to have to wait another 2 - 4 years for the sequel because they decided to pull the "shit just got real" storyline card at the end? Yeah, no thanks GG.

I'll try out the multiplayer (haven't yet) but with these poor controls, I can't imagine that this game will be in my PS3 (or apartment for that matter) for longer than another 24 hours. It just isn't that good.

I'm sure I'll get ripped into for saying all this and everyone will go apeshit and post pics of lolcats or whatever in this thread, but the fact remains: this game wasn't worth waiting 4 years for and it certainly wasn't worth $60.
I agree with these points.

I totally agree with the controls and the bosses issue. Im almost at the end and I AM NOT looking forward to facing that guy. You're totally correct that they move way too fast and kill too fast if your ears arent tuned enough to know where the bullets are coming from, cause you cant turn fast enough to see where they are. Game has quite a few fundamental problems that keeps it from the upper tier of fps gods.
The Wise Old Man said:
I'm sure I'll get ripped into for saying all this and everyone will go apeshit and post pics of lolcats or whatever in this thread...

Well, that seems to be what you want, huh?

The Wise Old Man: "Hey everybody!!! Look at ME!!!! Give me attention!!! PLEASE!!!!"

:lol :lol :lol
~Kinggi~ said:
I agree with these points.

I totally agree with the controls and the bosses issue. Im almost at the end and I AM NOT looking forward to facing that guy. You're totally correct that they move way too fast and kill too fast if your ears arent tuned enough to know where the bullets are coming from, cause you cant turn fast enough to see where they are. Game has quite a few fundamental problems that keeps it from the upper tier of fps gods.

Glad to hear I'm not alone. Maybe its just the 30 year old part of my personality talking, but this game seems like it was very much designed for the ADD generation. You know, people who liked the Michael Bay "Transformers" movie.


The Wise Old Man said:
Alright folks, I've had a chance to play the entire campaign through and thought I'd share my impressions of the single player component of Killzone 2. Several issues that I noticed:









...this game wasn't worth waiting 4 years

...it certainly wasn't worth $60.

I agree with a lot of what you said EXCEPT it not being worth $60. I feel that despite its various shortcomings, this is easily worth the money. Its not like there are countless other FPS games better than this.

As for there being "too much going on." I think you are sort of accurate, in that a lot of times the smoke and debris effects are just too much. It doesn't matter how good everything looks if I am staring at a dust cloud through my reticule for half the game.

I also think its silly that people are arguing the mediocre controls are "intentional." The aiming is a little bit messed up, there's no getting around it by claiming it was intentional, its just not that great.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I cannot believe that someone would actually complain about the amount of high quality graphical detail in the game. There's a first for everything.

Chiggs said:
As it stands, it feels like I'm playing a well-polished tech demo. Everything on that side of the field is perfect...the look, the sound, etc. But that's it. The game just feels entirely soulless because there is absolutely NOTHING compelling about the story or characters (FUCKITY FUCK FUCK MCFUCK) whatsoever.
Tech demos wouldn't have one thing every good game has, including this one - and that's fun and polished gameplay. It's an alien shooter game, yes the characters and story could have been better, but it's something you play first and foremost, and gameplay must be fun and engaging - which it very much is.


y'all should be ashamed
Pristine_Condition said:
Well, that seems to be what you want, huh?

The Wise Old Man: "Hey everybody!!! Look at ME!!!! Give me attention!!! PLEASE!!!!"

:lol :lol :lol
The strange thing is every single one of these complaints would have been completely obvious had he played the demo, and might have helped him into not buying the game in the first place.

If you don't like it, that's fine, no big deal. But a game being "offensive" for using surround sound? :lol


The Wise Old Man said:
Get the hell out of here. Half of your "points" are completely STUPID.


The Wise Old Man said:
You know that almost EVERY FUCKING GAME OUT THERE HAS LOADING SCREENS? What the fuck kind of complain is this?

The Wise Old Man said:
So GG works hard to make it feel like a BATTLEGROUND and you now complain because there's too much going on? Watch any fucking movie where there's a war going on and tell me if there's not much going on.

The Wise Old Man said:
... Are you joking? I don't have surround sound and I don't have any problems with the game.

The Wise Old Man said:
Don't get shot then?... Uhh..

The Wise Old Man said:
Most other FPS are the same. And also, do you know that there's more to an FPS than the SP? In fact, I'd say most of them sell for their multiplayer.

The part where you go all like "this isn't work $60" and "I will play mp but bla bla bla" is just so lame it isn't even worth answering. Now get the hell out of here.


The Wise Old Man said:
Alright folks, I've had a chance to play the entire campaign through and thought I'd share my impressions of the single player component of Killzone 2. Several issues that I noticed:

LOADING SCREENS. They totally take me out of the immersive quality of this game. Why couldnt GG cut back a bit on the graphical detail and use the resources to eliminate the loading screens? This was a very poor decision on their part. Which brings me to...

TOO MUCH GOING ON. Yes, there is simply too much detail happening on the screen. It's totally unnecessary. It's moronic. No one's eyes are good enough to catch all this shit, it's freaking overload. And there's no screen grab utility in K2 anyhow, so what's the point? If I could at least go into bullet time like in BLACK, then all the detail would pay off, but at full speed it's totally lost on me an 98% of all the other gamers out there. This game is a one trick pony: graphics overload. It all goes downhill from there

TOO RELIANT ON HD & SURROUND SOUND. I have a three year old Samsung 32" LCD and no surround sound setup. This game handicaps me for not having a better system. To play this game, you need a 5.1 sound setup to be able to tell where the bad guys are. That's bullshit. That's completely offensive.

THE BLOOD SPLATTER RETICULE. Is terrible. I can't tell where the hell I'm getting shot at from. And then the screen gets worse and worse as I get shot. What the fuck is the point of making such a highly detailed game if the stupid blood splatter reticule blocks everything in my field of vision?

CLUNKY AIMING SYSTEM. Lousy controls and a sluggish aiming set up don't make for a good game. I've completely finished the game and I'm still not comfortable with the crappy control scheme or sluggish aiming system. Yes, I understand that guns are heavy. But this is also a GAME and the guns should be somewhat fun. The shotgun is absolutely terrible, by the way. I will say that the flamethrower is a joy to use.

ANNOYING BOSSES. Yeah those sluggish controls? they don't pair well with fast moving bosses. Also, the game's last boss fight is practically impossible if you don't have a surround sound set up. Terrible design choices by GG. Just terrible and offensive.

POOR VOICE ACTING. When an ally yells at me "way to keep em suppressed Sev!" and I can't tell if they're being sarcastic or not, something is seriously wrong. I'm supposed to want to replay the single player again so I can hear different yet equally lousy voice acting? Nope. Sorry, GG. And you didn't help your case by leaving out coop.

and the final problem with this game....

TOO FUCKING SHORT. It's what, fives or six missions long? Just terrible. I finished the game in under 7 hours. And now I'm going to have to wait another 2 - 4 years for the sequel because they decided to pull the "shit just got real" storyline card at the end? Yeah, no thanks GG.

I'll try out the multiplayer (haven't yet) but with these poor controls, I can't imagine that this game will be in my PS3 (or apartment for that matter) for longer than another 24 hours. It just isn't that good.

I'm sure I'll get ripped into for saying all this and everyone will go apeshit and post pics of lolcats or whatever in this thread, but the fact remains: this game wasn't worth waiting 4 years for and it certainly wasn't worth $60.

:lol :lol :lol joke post?


Well, playing a 32 person game with total strangers is just as un-fun as it was in every other first-person shooter. I guess I won't be getting beyond the first few ranks unless there's an actual GAF presence online.
Lord Error said:
I cannot believe that someone would actually complain about the amount of high quality graphical detail in the game. There's a first for everything.

There definitely is such a thing as too much of a good thing. There's just far too much shit going on on the screen at the same time to keep track of. Like I said, It' s a lot like "Transformers." To detailed, too messy, and too complex. Its tech for tech's sake. GG has made a nice little tech demo but they needed to whittle it down a lot before releasing. Instead they went for overload and I think that was a poor decision.

As for me saying that the game wasn't worth $60... I said that having not yet played the MP yet. Perhaps I'll be eating my words (believe me, I'd like to me--I don't like plunking down $60 for something I don't enjoy).

Doc Evils

Lord Error said:
I cannot believe that someone would actually complain about the amount of high quality graphical detail in the game. There's a first for everything.

Tech demos wouldn't have one thing every good game has, including this one - and that's fun and polished gameplay. It's an alien shooter game, yes the characters and story could have been better, but it's something you play first and foremost, and gameplay must be fun - which it very much is.

It's the Wise Old man. Ignore his posts.


The Wise Old Man said:
Alright folks, I've had a chance to play the entire campaign through and thought I'd share my impressions of the single player component of Killzone 2. Several issues that I noticed:

LOADING SCREENS. They totally take me out of the immersive quality of this game. Why couldnt GG cut back a bit on the graphical detail and use the resources to eliminate the loading screens? This was a very poor decision on their part. Which brings me to...

TOO MUCH GOING ON. Yes, there is simply too much detail happening on the screen. It's totally unnecessary. It's moronic. No one's eyes are good enough to catch all this shit, it's freaking overload. And there's no screen grab utility in K2 anyhow, so what's the point? If I could at least go into bullet time like in BLACK, then all the detail would pay off, but at full speed it's totally lost on me an 98% of all the other gamers out there. This game is a one trick pony: graphics overload. It all goes downhill from there

TOO RELIANT ON HD & SURROUND SOUND. I have a three year old Samsung 32" LCD and no surround sound setup. This game handicaps me for not having a better system. To play this game, you need a 5.1 sound setup to be able to tell where the bad guys are. That's bullshit. That's completely offensive.

THE BLOOD SPLATTER RETICULE. Is terrible. I can't tell where the hell I'm getting shot at from. And then the screen gets worse and worse as I get shot. What the fuck is the point of making such a highly detailed game if the stupid blood splatter reticule blocks everything in my field of vision?

CLUNKY AIMING SYSTEM. Lousy controls and a sluggish aiming set up don't make for a good game. I've completely finished the game and I'm still not comfortable with the crappy control scheme or sluggish aiming system. Yes, I understand that guns are heavy. But this is also a GAME and the guns should be somewhat fun. The shotgun is absolutely terrible, by the way. I will say that the flamethrower is a joy to use.

ANNOYING BOSSES. Yeah those sluggish controls? they don't pair well with fast moving bosses. Also, the game's last boss fight is practically impossible if you don't have a surround sound set up. Terrible design choices by GG. Just terrible and offensive.

POOR VOICE ACTING. When an ally yells at me "way to keep em suppressed Sev!" and I can't tell if they're being sarcastic or not, something is seriously wrong. I'm supposed to want to replay the single player again so I can hear different yet equally lousy voice acting? Nope. Sorry, GG. And you didn't help your case by leaving out coop.

and the final problem with this game....

TOO FUCKING SHORT. It's what, fives or six missions long? Just terrible. I finished the game in under 7 hours. And now I'm going to have to wait another 2 - 4 years for the sequel because they decided to pull the "shit just got real" storyline card at the end? Yeah, no thanks GG.

I'll try out the multiplayer (haven't yet) but with these poor controls, I can't imagine that this game will be in my PS3 (or apartment for that matter) for longer than another 24 hours. It just isn't that good.

I'm sure I'll get ripped into for saying all this and everyone will go apeshit and post pics of lolcats or whatever in this thread, but the fact remains: this game wasn't worth waiting 4 years for and it certainly wasn't worth $60.

1.) Pretty much every FPS has loading screens, at the start of each level and in between. Nothing really new here.

2.) This is down right stupid, they wanted to make if feel like a real war. And they did a good job, its call immersion.

3.) Its on a god damn HD console, what the fuck did you want 480p and Pro logic II?

4.) Kind of see the issue

5.) Eye of the beholder not every game needs to play like COD4. God I don't understand why different is always bad around here.

6.)Haven't had any problems yet with bosses but then again not to last boss yet.

7.) Pretty sure most FPS campaigns are between 7-10 hours so whats the problem again? O you want RPG length out your FPS games, gotcha.
I was totally expecting to hate the voice acting, ever more then I hate Gears shitty voice acting, but so far I really like it. I'm not sure what people were complaining about. Its wonders ahead of Gears.


The Wise Old Man said:
Glad to hear I'm not alone. Maybe its just the 30 year old part of my personality talking, but this game seems like it was very much designed for the ADD generation. You know, people who liked the Michael Bay "Transformers" movie.

Aren't you that guy whose listed PSNID doesn't exist or am I thinking of someone else. Someone should check.
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