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Junior Member
Guerrilla if you're reading GAF (I know you are :D ), please lock the save file to the PSN user do not lock it to the PS3 system. I have 2 PlayStation 3s and I want to play my game on BOTH of them.

Please follow MotorStorm:pR's example and patch the game to lock the save to the PSN id instead of the PS3 system.

Thank you for an amazing game.

Now back to the game that is locked to the wrong PS3 :(


ChrisGoldstein said:
Yeah there is no worse campaign in single player than cod. You have to pass some line on the battlefield so enemies wont stop spawning. NOTHING is worse than this shit, especially on higher difficulty levels.

Might as well be on rails with a light gun

Well, in Killzone 2, there are checkpoints. You can't go back to certain zones once you clear a checkpoint (doors magically close, by example). Maybe Helghast are not spawning eternally, but they are spawning at specific places and you can't progress unless you kill them all. Case in point, in the first mission, the collapsing building. Maybe I have the wrong definition of scripted, but I'm finding there's a lot of this type of events to spice the gameplay. Sometimes it adds to the game, others it feels too, I dunno how to express it, artificial.

Another brilliant thing going on for this game is the hit detection system. I really enjoy how the Helghast (or even ISA) are going down after a couple of shots. Pretty neat stuff.

On the topic of cover in multiplayer, I totally disagree with Guerilla. Gameplay wouldn't be the same if I could peak from a wall instead of running in front of a ennemy and give him an opportunity at killing me before I see him. It's like saying the mp in Gears of War would have been the same without the cover system seen in its campaign mode.


{Mike} said:
Unfortunately, the game falls into the same trap than many other FPSes : run, shoot, destroy, rince and repeat.
I can kind of understand the criticism here but the only FPSs I can think of that don't necessarily fall into this criticism are the Metroid Prime games and Mirror's Edge. CoD, Halo, Resistance, Far Cry, Half-Life, etc. Aren't they all run, shoot, destroy, rinse, repeat just with different backgrounds?


Mik2121 said:

You should unlock everything in around 20 hours of multiplayer gameplay. Right now I'm at 13 hours and I have to unlock the 3 last badges (you unlock them on the last 3 rank levels), but already unlocked some weapons and whatnot.

Let me rephrase. Its not that I dont know who killed me per say, its just that I don't know where the hell they shot me from.
Picture this: I spawn as ISA in their main base, I run run run, boom I get heatshotted. Sure I know who killed me, but I have no clue where they are, just that they were really far away.
Sure this would be fine if it happened from time to time, but it seems to happen all the time. If its not me getting shot, then its me struggling with the sluggish controls trying to do the same to my enemy.
Another major gripe I have is getting shot from behind. Youre basically dead, because by the time you turn around with these "weighted" controls, youre dead. Its despicable.


{Mike} said:
Well, in Killzone 2, there are checkpoints. You can't go back to certain zones once you clear a checkpoint (doors magically close, by example). Maybe Helghast are not spawning eternally, but they are spawning at specific places and you can't progress unless you kill them all. Case in point, in the first mission, the collapsing building. Maybe I have the wrong definition of scripted, but I'm finding there's a lot of this type of events to spice the gameplay. Sometimes it adds to the game, others it feels too, I dunno how to express it, artificial.

Another brilliant thing going on for this game is the hit detection system. I really enjoy how the Helghast (or even ISA) are going down after a couple of shots. Pretty neat stuff.

On the topic of cover in multiplayer, I totally disagree with Guerilla. Gameplay wouldn't be the same if I could peak from a wall instead of running in front of a ennemy and give him an opportunity at killing me before I see him. It's like saying the mp in Gears of War would have been the same without the cover system seen in its campaign mode.

I know what you mean about that burning building, that did seem a little too artificial (not sure why the fire started).

VinZuku, HL might not fall into that since you do have to sorta solve puzzles at times to keep going.


y'all should be ashamed
bizatch said:
Another major gripe I have is getting shot from behind. Youre basically dead, because by the time you turn around with these "weighted" controls, youre dead. Its despicable.

I was getting very annoyed with this as well, until I realized my play style isn't going to work with this new type of gameplay. Now when I get shot from behind, I quickly scan for cover, run to it, crouch and turn around to target my enemy. I've killed a lot of enemies that way.


BruceLeeRoy said:
I think the main appeal for the game for me is that the helghast are just so fun to fight.
I haven't died yet because the game was cheating everytime its because I was simply
outplayed and I love that.

Also the animation system and their reactions when you shoot them makes it so much fun just to kill enemies. The SMG is the best. Use the SMG and they convulse all over the place. :lol

Used that every time I could. Most satisfying kills in a shooter ever. Hands down. Every other developer needs to look at this game in that regard. Because every other game doesn't feel anywhere near as satisfying and fun as this.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
BruceLeeRoy said:
Wise you came into this game hoping it wasn't going to live up to expectations just so you could get a rise out of people. Your shtick is getting old as hell though. I recommend you roll over to some threads that contain games your excited about.

Seconded, Wise for a 30 year old you sound pretty immature. Funny how you're spending so much time here telling us how much you don't like the game.

bizatch said:
This game has let me down kinda. After playing the demo a bunch of times throughout February I thought the rest of the game would be a good representation of it. WRONG.
So far the SP has been pretty boring, and dont start me on the terrible MP. While I love changing objectives, I hate being headshotted from a mile away and not know who killed me. The controls suck dick as well. Weight my ass.

My overall score for this game so far, a 2/5.

Sounds like you just suck at the game.
bizatch said:
Let me rephrase. Its not that I dont know who killed me per say, its just that I don't know where the hell they shot me from.
Picture this: I spawn as ISA in their main base, I run run run, boom I get heatshotted. Sure I know who killed me, but I have no clue where they are, just that they were really far away.
Sure this would be fine if it happened from time to time, but it seems to happen all the time. If its not me getting shot, then its me struggling with the sluggish controls trying to do the same to my enemy.
Another major gripe I have is getting shot from behind. Youre basically dead, because by the time you turn around with these "weighted" controls, youre dead. Its despicable.

You should check out battle replay to see what happened.

On the "you are dead from behind" topic its true... which is why you are best off not stopping to try to turn around. It doesn't work in this game. Well it might work if you are an assault class I guess.
Keep running if someone catches you from behind.


Holy shit at that troll Wise Old Man :lol :lol :lol .

Anyway, just got to the final level, I think (
right after the nuclear bomb going off, I called it quit there
). Game has been fucking awesome so far, and outside of Rico (and to a lesser degree, Garza), I'm honestly surprised by the voice acting (well, after hearing all the negativity surrounding it). The Helghan voice actors are kickass, and I also found the ingame cinematics in the latter parts of the game to be great (megaspoiler:
I really found Garza's death scene, and the aftermath on the ship to be great
bizatch said:
Let me rephrase. Its not that I dont know who killed me per say, its just that I don't know where the hell they shot me from.
Picture this: I spawn as ISA in their main base, I run run run, boom I get heatshotted. Sure I know who killed me, but I have no clue where they are, just that they were really far away.
Sure this would be fine if it happened from time to time, but it seems to happen all the time. If its not me getting shot, then its me struggling with the sluggish controls trying to do the same to my enemy.
Another major gripe I have is getting shot from behind. Youre basically dead, because by the time you turn around with these "weighted" controls, youre dead. Its despicable.

You're complaining that people are better than you?


{Mike} said:
I will add I found it clever to add Helghast signs to be destroyed in levels, makes you search around a lot for them. It's a neat touch for replay value, with the added documents you can also find usually on the ground.

Unfortunately, the game falls into the same trap than many other FPSes : run, shoot, destroy, rince and repeat. I also had a hard time being concentrated with my objectives as there was too much going on at the screen to even care about the little text appearing. On this note, pressing the up arrow of the D-pad tells you where to go, another clever game design idea I really enjoyed because many times I was confused.


bizatch said:
This game has let me down kinda. After playing the demo a bunch of times throughout February I thought the rest of the game would be a good representation of it. WRONG.
So far the SP has been pretty boring, and dont start me on the terrible MP. While I love changing objectives, I hate being headshotted from a mile away and not know who killed me. The controls suck dick as well. Weight my ass.

My overall score for this game so far, a 2/5.

You must of at least enjoyed the first level right, seeing as how you played the demo so much? Also, the controls didn't "suck dick" in the demo? ;)


bizatch said:
Let me rephrase. Its not that I dont know who killed me per say, its just that I don't know where the hell they shot me from.
Picture this: I spawn as ISA in their main base, I run run run, boom I get heatshotted. Sure I know who killed me, but I have no clue where they are, just that they were really far away.
Sure this would be fine if it happened from time to time, but it seems to happen all the time. If its not me getting shot, then its me struggling with the sluggish controls trying to do the same to my enemy.
Another major gripe I have is getting shot from behind. Youre basically dead, because by the time you turn around with these "weighted" controls, youre dead. Its despicable.
Uhm well, it might just be me but..

1) I'd rather have it like it's it so nobody knows where I killed him from. I know it's annoying when you get killed, but what if you find a really sweet spot to camp from and you just get killed the next time because the camera showed where you were camping from? No thanks.

2) It kind of makes sense to be basically dead when getting shot from behind.


Mik2121 said:
FFObsessed or DunpealD, add me to EURO GAF 1 clan please! I'm in Clan 2 but it's so inactive it's horrible.

I like your commitment. I'll send you an invite if there's space. I think there is.


Mik2121 said:
FFObsessed or DunpealD, add me to EURO GAF 1 clan please! I'm in Clan 2 but it's so inactive it's horrible.


Oh and I'm currently loving being medic...my only annoyance is that I have to wait till I can revive team-mates alot of the time which just makes for frsutration being a medic.


Blu_LED said:
I was totally expecting to hate the voice acting, ever more then I hate Gears shitty voice acting, but so far I really like it. I'm not sure what people were complaining about. Its wonders ahead of Gears.
Yea I actually find it to be pretty serviceable. Not as good as the one-liners you get in Halo or anything but nothing to gripe about.


wow do i suck depressingly badly at mp :( my average points for a round is about 15, i get mid 20s sometimes but i just die, over and over. I sometimes have trouble distinguishing between the 2 sides, so if i get someone by surprise it takes me 2 seconds to figure out if i should shoot or not :( I still enjoy it, but i do rage quit occassionally -- game has absolutely delivered for me, im just no good at it haha. I do wish i had 5.1 though


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
ending spoilers below, don't highlight if you haven't seen

JB1981 said:
Yea I actually find it to be pretty serviceable. Not as good as the one-liners you get in Halo or anything but nothing to gripe about.
I agree. Most of the in-game dialog is pretty stupid (FUCK!!! MOTHERFUCK!!! FUCK THAT FUCK!!! FUCK OH FUCK MOTHERFUCK!!!) but everything else struck me as fine. And people whining about the story I don't really understand either. I think it works really well, and the ending is actually pretty awesome. They manage to capture that feeling of
desperation and destruction that they had built up throughout the entire game and just make it feel overwhelming. Seeing Sev just sit on the stairs completely done with everything
was awesome.

What do they do for Killzone 3? The operation seems hopeless.

Garza's death
is better done than
Dom and Maria
in Gears. Unless people are still carrying around that photo of her in their wallets :lol
The Hug Dog said:
Levelling up in this game is a serious grind
No it's not.
COD4's level up system was much more of a grind (What was it, 55 ranks? I forgot).

The only real grinding you "have" (optional) to do in KZ2 to level up is for the secondary badges.


Y2Kev said:
I agree. Most of the in-game dialog is pretty stupid (FUCK!!! MOTHERFUCK!!! FUCK THAT FUCK!!! FUCK OH FUCK MOTHERFUCK!!!) but everything else struck me as fine. And people whining about the story I don't really understand either. I think it works really well, and the ending is actually pretty awesome. They manage to capture that feeling of
desperation and destruction that they had built up throughout the entire game and just make it feel overwhelming. Seeing Sev just sit on the stairs completely done with everything
was awesome.

What do they do for Killzone 3? The operation seems hopeless.

Garza's death
is better done than
Dom and Maria
in Gears. Unless people are still carrying around that photo of her in their wallets :lol

Damn, highlighted the spoilers and minispoiled the ending now. :( But whatever, I fully agree with you (thus far in my SP progress).
Revolutionary said:
No it's not.
COD4's level up system was much more of a grind (What was it, 55 ranks? I forgot).

The only real grinding you "have" (optional) to do in KZ2 to level up is for the secondary badges.
Yeah but leveling up in COD happens more often, so it feels like less of a grind.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Negaiido said:

Sev got some scallops to stick to a nonstick pan and needed to be whipped into shape, what can I say.


LoL for me when Rico whines saying "Fuck that shit" he sounds like Tracy Morgan pissed off.. made me :lol while playing the game.
Blu_LED said:
Yeah but leveling up in COD happens more often, so it feels like less of a grind.

I got 7 of 12 ranks in one day of moderat play. the total time is 1/3. grind? I'm disapointed it's too easy to lvl


McLovin said:
LoL for me when Rico whines saying "Fuck that shit" he sounds like Tracy Morgan pissed off.. made me :lol while playing the game.
I could have swore that I heard Rico say "Clear them fucking fuckers!" And then when he is down he sometimes says "HELP ME MUTHAFUCKA!" Why is Samuel L Jackson not the voice of Rico?:lol


y'all should be ashamed
DexterXS said:
God forbid you actually have to play the game to progress.
I feel more excited about the prospects of leveling up than thinking "Oh man, I need to level up before this game can be really fun" since the start guns are fun enough. :D


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
bizatch said:
Let me rephrase. Its not that I dont know who killed me per say, its just that I don't know where the hell they shot me from.
Picture this: I spawn as ISA in their main base, I run run run, boom I get heatshotted. Sure I know who killed me, but I have no clue where they are, just that they were really far away.
Sure this would be fine if it happened from time to time, but it seems to happen all the time. If its not me getting shot, then its me struggling with the sluggish controls trying to do the same to my enemy.
Another major gripe I have is getting shot from behind. Youre basically dead, because by the time you turn around with these "weighted" controls, youre dead. Its despicable.

So pretty much you want a kill cam?

Cry cry some more.


Blu_LED said:
Digging the Helghan bugs. What a fucked up planet.
One of those freaking spiders scared the shit out of me. I don't know if it was scripted or just random but...
I forgot where it was but it was somewhere about 75-80% through the game. I dropped down some hole and heard something. Turned around and that spider gumped up. It was right in my face and took up the whole screen.
scared the crap out of my but laughed about it afterwords :lol


Blu_LED said:
Digging the Helghan bugs. What a fucked up planet.
dude wtf

Anyway, anyone else think words like 'linear', 'boring', corridor shooter, poor A.I. etc ... this shit needs to start being substantiated in a way that makes it meaningful. Lately it just seems like lazy buzzwords that people have co-opted in order to try and verbalize their dissatisfaction with a shooter. Your so-called critiques of these games has become more rote and predictable than the games themselves.


rexor0717 said:
I could have swore that I heard Rico say "Clear them fucking fuckers!" And then when he is down he sometimes says "HELP ME MUTHAFUCKA!" Why is Samuel L Jackson not the voice of Rico?:lol
Man.. that would have made him so bad-ass.


y'all should be ashamed
JB1981 said:
Yea I actually find it to be pretty serviceable. Not as good as the one-liners you get in Halo or anything but nothing to gripe about.
It reminds me a LOT of Starship Troopers, which is a very good thing.
JB1981 said:
dude wtf

Anyway, anyone else think words like 'linear', 'boring', corridor shooter, poor A.I. etc ... this shit needs to start being substantiated in a way that makes it meaningful. Lately it just seems like lazy buzzwords that people have co-opted in order to try and verbalize their dissatisfaction with a shooter. Your so-called critiques of these games has become more rote and predictable than the games themselves.

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