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shooting blanks
From what I read in the manual the way the blood splatters on the screen does show you in what direction you're being shot at from

Question about the radar though? If I crouch I dont show up on the radar right?

How does it work?
Heh, yes. I was joking back then but I had a strong suspicion that my grips about this game would be proven true. And they have been. As you can see, I've made a lot of excellent and coherent points that illustrate this game's numerous shortcomings. And I stand by my comments. I'll be playing online in a few hours once I return from the gym. My PSN tag is henderson1979 if anyone wants to further debate me on these issues and perhaps play a rousing session of K2 online.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
The Wise Old Man said:
There definitely is such a thing as too much of a good thing. There's just far too much shit going on on the screen at the same time to keep track of. Like I said, It' s a lot like "Transformers." To detailed, too messy, and too complex. Its tech for tech's sake. GG has made a nice little tech demo but they needed to whittle it down a lot before releasing. Instead they went for overload and I think that was a poor decision.
Nah, sory man, but what you said there doesn't make any sense. It's like being on a roller coaster and complaining that you cannot enjoy the scenery and how taking photos is not allowed during the ride :-D The addition of screenshot tool wouldn't change any of that either - we already have 100000 screens and videos of this game all over the internet, so how would adding some more really change a thing.


The game is really really good looking.. it's just as good, graphics wise, as uncharted, and it has a lot of little things that make it even better..

The one thing I really noticed was shooting at enemies on top of a wall thing with the sun behind them. You really felt like you were on some strange planet with dust scattering the sunlight. And, imagine this, it's harder to shoot enemies with the sun behind them.. wow who would have guessed???

The one thing that I find pretty hilarious is if you ever shoot an enemy who is on top of something they will go out of their way to fall off of the object when they die.

The aiming system is really clunky.. but I will chalk it up to me not being used to the ps3 controller.

And I feel like I'm playing Wii when I have to open valves or set a bomb on the door.. seems kinda gimmicky.

The aiming system on the tanks is pretty ridiculous.. I have no idea where my primary and secondary fire are going to go until I shoot.

The game is ridiculously easy in medium mode despite the clunky controls.. I wouldn't suggest it.

The AI isn't that great.. its just like any other FPS.. grab a rifle and shoot the enemies in the head who think they are hiding and then bum rush the few that are hiding..

Overall, I think its pretty fun.. but for how long this thing was in development, I expected a lot more.

That being said, the cut scenes are great.. the backgrounds have a lot going on.. the arc guns firing into the sky make it hard to focus on the task at hand, for example. It seems as though maybe they focused on making it eye candy and overlooked the gameplay.

I think it does live up to the imfamous 1972 E3 preview graphics wise... or was it 2006? I can't remember.. but it was a long time ago.


The Wise Old Man said:
Alright folks, I've had a chance to play the entire campaign through and thought I'd share my impressions of the single player component of Killzone 2. Several issues that I noticed:

LOADING SCREENS. They totally take me out of the immersive quality of this game. Why couldnt GG cut back a bit on the graphical detail and use the resources to eliminate the loading screens? This was a very poor decision on their part. Which brings me to...

TOO MUCH GOING ON. Yes, there is simply too much detail happening on the screen. It's totally unnecessary. It's moronic. No one's eyes are good enough to catch all this shit, it's freaking overload. And there's no screen grab utility in K2 anyhow, so what's the point? If I could at least go into bullet time like in BLACK, then all the detail would pay off, but at full speed it's totally lost on me an 98% of all the other gamers out there. This game is a one trick pony: graphics overload. It all goes downhill from there

TOO RELIANT ON HD & SURROUND SOUND. I have a three year old Samsung 32" LCD and no surround sound setup. This game handicaps me for not having a better system. To play this game, you need a 5.1 sound setup to be able to tell where the bad guys are. That's bullshit. That's completely offensive.

THE BLOOD SPLATTER RETICULE. Is terrible. I can't tell where the hell I'm getting shot at from. And then the screen gets worse and worse as I get shot. What the fuck is the point of making such a highly detailed game if the stupid blood splatter reticule blocks everything in my field of vision?

CLUNKY AIMING SYSTEM. Lousy controls and a sluggish aiming set up don't make for a good game. I've completely finished the game and I'm still not comfortable with the crappy control scheme or sluggish aiming system. Yes, I understand that guns are heavy. But this is also a GAME and the guns should be somewhat fun. The shotgun is absolutely terrible, by the way. I will say that the flamethrower is a joy to use.

ANNOYING BOSSES. Yeah those sluggish controls? they don't pair well with fast moving bosses. Also, the game's last boss fight is practically impossible if you don't have a surround sound set up. Terrible design choices by GG. Just terrible and offensive.

POOR VOICE ACTING. When an ally yells at me "way to keep em suppressed Sev!" and I can't tell if they're being sarcastic or not, something is seriously wrong. I'm supposed to want to replay the single player again so I can hear different yet equally lousy voice acting? Nope. Sorry, GG. And you didn't help your case by leaving out coop.

and the final problem with this game....

TOO FUCKING SHORT. It's what, fives or six missions long? Just terrible. I finished the game in under 7 hours. And now I'm going to have to wait another 2 - 4 years for the sequel because they decided to pull the "shit just got real" storyline card at the end? Yeah, no thanks GG.

I'll try out the multiplayer (haven't yet) but with these poor controls, I can't imagine that this game will be in my PS3 (or apartment for that matter) for longer than another 24 hours. It just isn't that good.

I'm sure I'll get ripped into for saying all this and everyone will go apeshit and post pics of lolcats or whatever in this thread, but the fact remains: this game wasn't worth waiting 4 years for and it certainly wasn't worth $60.

Maybe im not that far in the game but...

Really dont see anything wrong with load screens. Dont see how there is too much going on, since you really arent on a timer and none of your squadmate temp-deaths count as game over or anything.

I dont have a surround sound system (HDTV uses that fake surround sound) but I can tell where an enemy is if it shoots at me. I mean it's not really that hard since they make the red glowing effect a little more pronounced from far away (actually same for ISA blue glowing items in MP).

If your view is getting too messed up...back up around cover or something. It never blocks you so much that you cant spot an area that would provide decent cover. Clunky aiming system is subjective though (I dont have a problem with it, but I didnt have a problem with RE5 controls so take that as you will).

I've only fought one boss so far, and that didnt seem too hard from the AI assistance I received. Hiding behind a pillar with an SMG did the trick for that one. Im playing the game on hard difficulty right now.

EDIT: Seriously though, don't see how some people wouldn't be able to focus on the objective because of background effects. Yeah, I stopped for awhile when the action died down to look around during the arc tower gun assault, but it wasn't like the lighting distracted me from what I was doing while I was doing it.
chubigans said:
Why the hell did you buy it, Wise? Honest question.

Cause I was gifted a PS3 by the fiance for xmas and I'm looking for a game other than MGS4 that would justify owning this system. Sadly, K2 has not delivered.
Wise likes attention and... to troll a bit from what I recall previously.

There's quite a significant difference from putting out your opinion to people and trying to argue them into oblivion. Wise attempts to argue with people for "fun".


There are some days when I pay a vist to NeoGAF and I feel like a true optimist. This is one of those days. I'm about halfway through Killzone 2 and I love everything about it.

I really like the story so far, bonus points for no cowboy hats.

I'm finding this to be one of the best controlling FPSs I've ever played in that I'm able to make miniscule movements when I aim and that's not something every game does well.

People have really been complaining about controls lately, especially in "big" games...GTA IV's vehicles, Resident Evil 5, Little Big Planet's "floaty" jumping...there's a lot of whiney bitches out there. I haven't had any of these "control" issues. I must be doing something right.


The Wise Old Man said:
Cause I was gifted a PS3 by the fiance for xmas and I'm looking for a game other than MGS4 that would justify owning this system. Sadly, K2 has not delivered.
Ok, now get out of here. You don't like the game and you already said so in 3 or more comments. We got it, go back to whatever games you like and stop whining like a little child.
The Wise Old Man said:
Heh, yes. I was joking back then but I had a strong suspicion that my grips about this game would be proven true. And they have been. As you can see, I've made a lot of excellent and coherent points that illustrate this game's numerous shortcomings. And I stand by my comments. I'll be playing online in a few hours once I return from the gym. My PSN tag is henderson1979 if anyone wants to further debate me on these issues and perhaps play a rousing session of K2 online.

Oh piss off will ya, noone believes your crap
The Wise Old Man said:
Cause I was gifted a PS3 by the fiance for xmas and I'm looking for a game other than MGS4 that would justify owning this system. Sadly, K2 has not delivered.

Wise you came into this game hoping it wasn't going to live up to expectations just so you could get a rise out of people. Your shtick is getting old as hell though. I recommend you roll over to some threads that contain games your excited about.


The Wise Old Man said:
Heh, yes. I was joking back then but I had a strong suspicion that my grips about this game would be proven true. And they have been. As you can see, I've made a lot of excellent and coherent points that illustrate this game's numerous shortcomings. And I stand by my comments. I'll be playing online in a few hours once I return from the gym. My PSN tag is henderson1979 if anyone wants to further debate me on these issues and perhaps play a rousing session of K2 online.

I don't see your PSN ID under killzone's player search for the records (Single player and multiplayer medal/ribbon accomplishments and statistics for "henderson1979").



y'all should be ashamed
The Wise Old Man said:
Cause I was gifted a PS3 by the fiance for xmas and I'm looking for a game other than MGS4 that would justify owning this system. Sadly, K2 has not delivered.
That's still really, really stupid.

"Oh man this game sucks. Wait, let me spend $60 and see if it's any better!"

"Crap the game is awful! PS3 GIFT UNJUSTIFIED!"

Just trade in your system for some cash instead of buying games you don't like to "justify owning the system", whatever the hell that's supposed to mean. :lol


shooting blanks
VinZuku said:
There are some days when I pay a vist to NeoGAF and I feel like a true optimist. This is one of those days. I'm about halfway through Killzone 2 and I love everything about it.

I really like the story so far, bonus points for no cowboy hats.

I'm finding this to be one of the best controlling FPSs I've ever played in that I'm able to make miniscule movements when I aim and that's not something every game does well.

People have really been complaining about controls lately, especially in "big" games...GTA IV's vehicles, Resident Evil 5, Little Big Planet's "floaty" jumping...there's a lot of whiney bitches out there. I haven't had any of these "control" issues. I must be doing something right.


You hear crazy shit from both camps on neo gaf and it's always some one with like 100 posts or so
The Wise Old Man said:
Cause I was gifted a PS3 by the fiance for xmas and I'm looking for a game other than MGS4 that would justify owning this system. Sadly, K2 has not delivered.

For all you know... you might very well be arguing with teenagers who are excited about a new game (a toy).... And you are acting like the annoying uncle who comes in and tells the children the toy is poorly made.

Bravo. This is how all people should act.
(I do wonder with how immature you act how old you really are though)
The Wise Old Man said:
Alright folks, I've had a chance to play the entire campaign through and thought I'd share my impressions of the single player component of Killzone 2. Several issues that I noticed:

LOADING SCREENS. They totally take me out of the immersive quality of this game. Why couldnt GG cut back a bit on the graphical detail and use the resources to eliminate the loading screens? This was a very poor decision on their part. Which brings me to...Doesn't bother me too much.

TOO MUCH GOING ON. Yes, there is simply too much detail happening on the screen. It's totally unnecessary. It's moronic. No one's eyes are good enough to catch all this shit, it's freaking overload. And there's no screen grab utility in K2 anyhow, so what's the point? If I could at least go into bullet time like in BLACK, then all the detail would pay off, but at full speed it's totally lost on me an 98% of all the other gamers out there. This game is a one trick pony: graphics overload. It all goes downhill from thereKnocking the game for the incredible amounts of detail. I agree, this game looks too good.

TOO RELIANT ON HD & SURROUND SOUND. I have a three year old Samsung 32" LCD and no surround sound setup. This game handicaps me for not having a better system. To play this game, you need a 5.1 sound setup to be able to tell where the bad guys are. That's bullshit. That's completely offensive.I have surround sound, so I can't really comment on this.

THE BLOOD SPLATTER RETICULE. Is terrible. I can't tell where the hell I'm getting shot at from. And then the screen gets worse and worse as I get shot. What the fuck is the point of making such a highly detailed game if the stupid blood splatter reticule blocks everything in my field of vision?Every time this comes up, I am instantly aware of where I am being shot from. Works for me.

CLUNKY AIMING SYSTEM. Lousy controls and a sluggish aiming set up don't make for a good game. I've completely finished the game and I'm still not comfortable with the crappy control scheme or sluggish aiming system. Yes, I understand that guns are heavy. But this is also a GAME and the guns should be somewhat fun. The shotgun is absolutely terrible, by the way. I will say that the flamethrower is a joy to use.The aiming isn't lousy. It is very different and has a lot more weight to it. I like how all the guns feel, except for the shotgun. That gun is a completely missed opportunity.

ANNOYING BOSSES. Yeah those sluggish controls? they don't pair well with fast moving bosses. Also, the game's last boss fight is practically impossible if you don't have a surround sound set up. Terrible design choices by GG. Just terrible and offensive.I've fought two major boss fights so far, and I managed to take them down with ease. Both were finished off quick enough for me to get their respective speed takedown trophies.

POOR VOICE ACTING. When an ally yells at me "way to keep em suppressed Sev!" and I can't tell if they're being sarcastic or not, something is seriously wrong. I'm supposed to want to replay the single player again so I can hear different yet equally lousy voice acting? Nope. Sorry, GG. And you didn't help your case by leaving out coop.For the most part, I think the voice acting is pretty damn good. It captures what I feel to be exactly the inane shit that would come out of a soldiers mouth. It reminds me of the videos that leak out of soldiers shooting the shit in Iraq.

and the final problem with this game....

TOO FUCKING SHORT. It's what, fives or six missions long? Just terrible. I finished the game in under 7 hours. And now I'm going to have to wait another 2 - 4 years for the sequel because they decided to pull the "shit just got real" storyline card at the end? Yeah, no thanks GG.

I'll try out the multiplayer (haven't yet) but with these poor controls, I can't imagine that this game will be in my PS3 (or apartment for that matter) for longer than another 24 hours. It just isn't that good.

I'm sure I'll get ripped into for saying all this and everyone will go apeshit and post pics of lolcats or whatever in this thread, but the fact remains: this game wasn't worth waiting 4 years for and it certainly wasn't worth $60.
I haven't finished the campaign yet, I think I am over two-thirds the way though, and I am having a great time. The first two levels were decent, but once the game starts going, it really starts going. The action is really intense, and it's always balls-to-the-wall insanity. The story so far is interesting enough to keep you going, you can tell their is a lot of history between the ISA and Helghast, but you also do feel like you are just getting orders from command and you are out of the loop.

I am enjoying the campaign immensely.


The Wise Old Man said:
Are you that guy who doesn't speak the language very well? I assure you, the tag does work and it's 100% legit. Let's keep it together here people.

Calling him out on his English,so cruel.


The last two pages with WOM reminded me of the KZ2 multiplayer when like the 32 players are all together in one room shooting at each other, reviving people, throwing spawn grenades, etc.. :lol So chaotic :lol


jsrv said:
I don't see your PSN ID under killzone's player search for the records (Single player and multiplayer medal/ribbon accomplishments and statistics for "henderson1979").


Well to be fair, you have to upload your stats manually from Single Player.


The Wise Old Man said:
Alright folks, I've had a chance to play the entire campaign through and thought I'd share my impressions of the single player component of Killzone 2. Several issues that I noticed:








and the final problem with this game....


I'll try out the multiplayer (haven't yet) but with these poor controls, I can't imagine that this game will be in my PS3 (or apartment for that matter) for longer than another 24 hours. It just isn't that good.

I'm sure I'll get ripped into for saying all this and everyone will go apeshit and post pics of lolcats or whatever in this thread, but the fact remains: this game wasn't worth waiting 4 years for and it certainly wasn't worth $60.

What's even more frustrating about loading is the short pauses that occur during gameplay. I wish the game had an install option. As for the aiming system, I agree that is a bit sluggish. Good thing is that it's way faster in the multiplayer.


Bought the game yesterday, not sure I'll keep it. After so many years of hype and promises, I felt the game was underwhelming, but I didn't finish it yet and only put a couple hours into it.

The single player just feels like Call of Duty - that is, 90% scripted events, OK A.I. and very linear. I dunno, maybe I was expecting too much, but it's an old formula that got old with me a long time ago.

The graphics are mind blowing. Well, most of them. The guns feel good too, and I like how environments can be destroyed, at least some parts of them.

I tried the multiplayer and let me tell you something : is it all? It's fucking BORING. Probably I have to be at a better grade to unlock new weapons and stuff but it felt clunky and average. I thought the search & destroy C4-type objective would be like Counter-Strike but oh not at all, part of it due to the fact there are infinite respawns, one thing I can't tolerate anymore in FPSes, it's absurd. I know it's a war, but I prefer games to be round-based.

Like I said, aiming is a mess. I swear so many times I was behind a foe but couldn't kill him because the gun shoots like crazy. I guess that's realism to you, but I didn't liked it too much. Might be just me though, as I need practice.

Another thing I hated is how in campaign you can cover behind some scenery or objects but in multiplayer you can't, which I think is absurd. Am I missing something?

So far I'd give this game around 7.5-8/10 max. Sorry, but it's not a killer app for me.


Junior Member
The Wise Old Man said:
Cause I was gifted a PS3 by the fiance for xmas and I'm looking for a game other than MGS4 that would justify owning this system. Sadly, K2 has not delivered.

Maybe it didn’t' deliver for you but it delivered for thousands or even millions of others so move on and find your game. Killzone 2 is THA SHIT!

BTW: I don't agree with ANY of your problems with the game. Even the voices are "ok". The surround issue I can't speak for since I have a good 5.1 system ;)
This game is quite frenetic though. There's a level of exhilaration from being on the battlefield which I have not experienced in any other game.

I think having surround sound goes a huge way to creating the experience for sure.

Its unfortunate that people need surround sound to create the full effect but its unavoidable. Tension builds up because sound comes from behind you. Its not like you could design around this feature any other way.

Its awesome.
Its been a long time since I have been this immediately addicted to the gameplay of
a game. I went to bed at 5am last night woke up and as soon as my mind could handle
conscious thought I got so excited to play some more.

Game is soo good.


FFObsessed said:
This. One of the few on my ignore list. It's a beautiful feature, use it people!
FINALLY GOTCHA! Add me to Euro Clan 1 plz! the Euro Clan 2 is so fucking inactive it makes me cry.
If you add me, tell me before you do so I can leave the current clan.


{Mike} said:
Bought the game yesterday, not sure I'll keep it. After so many years of hype and promises, I felt the game was underwhelming, but I didn't finish it yet and only put a couple hours into it.

The single player just feels like Call of Duty - that is, 90% scripted events, OK A.I. and very linear. I dunno, maybe I was expecting too much, but it's an old formula that got old with me a long time ago.

The graphics are mind blowing. Well, most of them. The guns feel good too, and I like how environments can be destroyed, at least some parts of them.

I tried the multiplayer and let me tell you something : is it all? It's fucking BORING. Probably I have to be at a better grade to unlock new weapons and stuff but it felt clunky and average. I thought the search & destroy C4-type objective would be like Counter-Strike but oh not at all, part of it due to the fact there are infinite respawns, one thing I can't tolerate anymore in FPSes, it's absurd. I know it's a war, but I prefer games to be round-based.

Like I said, aiming is a mess. I swear so many times I was behind a foe but couldn't kill him because the gun shoots like crazy. I guess that's realism to you, but I didn't liked it too much. Might be just me though, as I need practice.

Another thing I hated is how in campaign you can cover behind some scenery or objects but in multiplayer you can't, which I think is absurd. Am I missing something?

So far I'd give this game around 7.5-8/10 max. Sorry, but it's not a killer app for me.

They said something about how they were testing the cover system in MP mode and felt it didnt really add anything to it. As far as behind someone, dont panic, just line up a headshot. Either that or aim a little lower than the head and then just let loose a hail of bullets. Or melee once then spray. Tap shots help too.


y'all should be ashamed
{Mike} said:
The single player just feels like Call of Duty - that is, 90% scripted events, OK A.I. and very linear. I dunno, maybe I was expecting too much, but it's an old formula that got old with me a long time ago.
Nah, it's definitely not like Call of Duty . CoD has those scripted events that you can't skip, and there's infinite waves of enemies. KZ2 doesn't have that (yet...as I'm only in the second level) so already it's infinitely better. :D


I will add I found it clever to add Helghast signs to be destroyed in levels, makes you search around a lot for them. It's a neat touch for replay value, with the added documents you can also find usually on the ground.

Unfortunately, the game falls into the same trap than many other FPSes : run, shoot, destroy, rince and repeat. I also had a hard time being concentrated with my objectives as there was too much going on at the screen to even care about the little text appearing. On this note, pressing the up arrow of the D-pad tells you where to go, another clever game design idea I really enjoyed because many times I was confused.


shooting blanks
chubigans said:
Nah, it's definitely not like Call of Duty . CoD has those scripted events that you can't skip, and there's infinite waves of enemies. KZ2 doesn't have that (yet...as I'm only in the second level) so already it's infinitely better. :D

Yeah there is no worse campaign in single player than cod. You have to pass some line on the battlefield so enemies wont stop spawning. NOTHING is worse than this shit, especially on higher difficulty levels.

Might as well be on rails with a light gun


So how do we get new guns in multiplayer? I expected to find rocket launchers or at least be able to buy new stuff before spawning. Do I really have to climb in rank?


shooting blanks
{Mike} said:
So how do we get new guns in multiplayer? I expected to find rocket launchers or at least be able to buy new stuff before spawning. Do I really have to climb in rank?

Sadly yes, I only do bodycount and it takes forever to rank up.

I want to get that class where you have extra armor/health. It's like juggernaut I think, I need that badly


y'all should be ashamed
{Mike} said:
So how do we get new guns in multiplayer? I expected to find rocket launchers or at least be able to buy new stuff before spawning. Do I really have to climb in rank?
Either that or kill guys with the guns you want and pick them up. But yup, you're gonna have to rank up quite a bit to get more guns.
I think the main appeal for the game for me is that the helghast are just so fun to fight.
I haven't died yet because the game was cheating everytime its because I was simply
outplayed and I love that.


This game has let me down kinda. After playing the demo a bunch of times throughout February I thought the rest of the game would be a good representation of it. WRONG.
So far the SP has been pretty boring, and dont start me on the terrible MP. While I love changing objectives, I hate being headshotted from a mile away and not know who killed me. The controls suck dick as well. Weight my ass.

My overall score for this game so far, a 2/5.


{Mike} said:
So how do we get new guns in multiplayer? I expected to find rocket launchers or at least be able to buy new stuff before spawning. Do I really have to climb in rank?

You should unlock everything in around 20 hours of multiplayer gameplay. Right now I'm at 13 hours and I have to unlock the 3 last badges (you unlock them on the last 3 rank levels), but already unlocked some weapons and whatnot.


shooting blanks
I just hate being helghast in multiplayer, it's hard to see the isa dudes' head.

Being isa rocks because you just aim for the red goggles to take out their heads.

I got mad headshots as isa in multiplayer.

They need to do something about this, I dont know what.

At least you can pick isa everytime lol


ChrisGoldstein said:
Sadly yes, I only do bodycount and it takes forever to rank up.

I want to get that class where you have extra armor/health. It's like juggernaut I think, I need that badly

Gotta play more than that, best way to get ribbons and medals which boost exp gains even more. Makes it faster since they are permaboosts.

Besides the other modes are pretty fun and they dont constantly change up.


bizatch said:
This game has let me down kinda. After playing the demo a bunch of times throughout February I thought the rest of the game would be a good representation of it. WRONG.
So far the SP has been pretty boring, and dont start me on the terrible MP. While I love changing objectives, I hate being headshotted from a mile away and not know who killed me. The controls suck dick as well. Weight my ass.

My overall score for this game so far, a 2/5.
It tells you who killed you in the info that keeps showing up about who killed who. If you mean the camera, it actually turns against the person who killed you but doesn't zoom, which I think is perfect. I hate how I would kill someone on CoD4 sniping or hiding somewhere and a few minutes later they would go straight to where I was standing and kill me even though there was no way they could have ever found me.


y'all should be ashamed
ChrisGoldstein said:
I just hate being helghast in multiplayer, it's hard to see the isa dudes' head.

Being isa rocks because you just aim for the red goggles to take out their heads.

I got mad headshots as isa in multiplayer.

They need to do something about this, I dont know what.

At least you can pick isa everytime lol
There's just something redeeming about playing as helgasts though...I love seeing all my teammates as evil henchmen.
The Wise Old Man said:
Heh, yes. I was joking back then but I had a strong suspicion that my grips about this game would be proven true.

How convenient. [rolls eyes]

The Wise Old Man said:
And they have been. As you can see, I've made a lot of excellent and coherent points that illustrate this game's numerous shortcomings.

OMG, you certainly do love you some you, dont you? (Apologies to T.O.)

The Wise Old Man said:
And I stand by my comments.

Of course you do. After all, you've had your mind made up on this game before it even came out. You were so outrageous about your condemnations of this game two weeks ago that you couldn't back down from those comments now even if you wanted to.

Here's you, two weeks ago, before the game even came out, (obviously):

The Wise Old Man said:
I was just hoping that Killzone 2 would live up to all the hype. It's an 'ok' FPS, nothing less, nothing more.

The Wise Old Man said:
Moreover, it feels like most of you folks are trying a bit too hard to like this game. I'm not hating on it or anything, but it definitely doesn't justify all the hype that's been generated over it. If the PS3 wants a system selling FPS, this is certainly not it.

The Wise Old Man said:
Pretty much, yeah. Killzone 2 just isn't that great a game. Sorry kids.

You've dedicated far too much into trolling this game. A glance at your history in this thread shows that well over half (more like 2/3) of your entire pathetic posting history here on GAF is dedicated to this game. A game that you supposedly don't like, have never liked, didn't-like-the-demo-at-all-yet-for-some-inexplicable-reason-bought-the-full-version-of, and now (predictably) don't think is worth the $60 price tag. That's insane to spend that much of your life on a game that you don't care for. Of course you "stand by your comments," you've devoted way too much of your posting history here on bashing Killzone 2. It's obviously an obsession, or something.


ChrisGoldstein said:
I just hate being helghast in multiplayer, it's hard to see the isa dudes' head.

Being isa rocks because you just aim for the red goggles to take out their heads.

I got mad headshots as isa in multiplayer.

They need to do something about this, I dont know what.

At least you can pick isa everytime lol

ISA bodies and parts of their head glow pretty blue from afar. Just stand still and you should notice blue foggy light from a distance.
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