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something funny i just had to post.

just had an IM convo with a buddy of mine i haven't talked to in a long time. here is an interesting excerpt.
[16:57] DREAMWEAVER: not too much. been taxiing my son around all day. trying to clean up a bit around here. getting ready to either play some killzone 2 (haven't opened it yet) or some LOTRO. I dunno yet.
[16:58] DREAMWEAVER: how's life up north?
[16:58] Dre - CHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING: if you are online
[16:59] Dre - CHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING: and Andromatic on xbl
[16:59] Dre - CHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING: bout to play some killzone online
[16:59] DREAMWEAVER: I don't have my 360 anymore. sold it to buy the ps3
[16:59] DREAMWEAVER: but I'll add you on the 3

same guy who told me he would never get a ps3 because the 360 was all he'd ever need, when i first got my ps3.:D . converts are real


Will Eat Your Children
The Nature Roy said:
This is such a massive pet peeve of mine and it's prevalent in so many FPSs. It was one of my first comments when we originally saw KZ2 gameplay and people acted like I was crazy.

Just the fact that you feel like a gun skimming only a few feet off the ground totally destroys the illusion and sense of body for me. That's one thing I really liked about Mirror's Edge.
Oh man, now I'm going to pay attention to this and it'll start annoying me in FPS games as well.

Damn you GAF! Another technical thing I didn't care about that will ruin gaming for me.


Multi. Epic.

Haven't burned through that many hours of straight multiplayer gaming in a long time. Most games I get tired of after like two hours but this game ... I just gotta get those points, earn those ribbons and improve that rank. Fucking love this game. So fun playing with a large group of GAFFERS too. I think my enjoyment of this game will be directly analogous to how long GAF sticks with the game ........


Andronicus said:
same guy who told me he would never get a ps3 because the 360 was all he'd ever need, when i first got my ps3.:D . converts are real

Does this really belong here? In any case, your buddy is a jackass. Anyone with any sense would never trade the 360 for a PS3, but find a way to afford both.
JB1981 said:
Multi. Epic.

Haven't burned through that many hours of straight multiplayer gaming in a long time. Most games I get tired of after like two hours but this game ... I just gotta get those points, earn those ribbons and improve that rank. Fucking love this game. So fun playing with a large group of GAFFERS too. I think my enjoyment of this game will be directly analogous to how long GAF sticks with the game ........

This for me too. I played alot of multiplayer, especially with Gaffers. Its great playing with people you can chat with while also playing well because they know what they are doing.
I'm rewatching Akira on BD and just noticed that that weird kid thingy at the beginning of the film is wearing as baseball cap with a Helghast emblem on it :lol


pj325is said:
It doesn't need shitloads of autoaim, just faster/better response. And who cares if it changes the way the SP plays? You don't gotta use it, and since we've agreed that it's not better, it wouldn't unbalance the multiplayer.

But it WOULD unbalance the MP, that's my whole point. Better/not better is not the same thing as easier/not easier. Yes it's easier to aim in COD due to the complete lack of weight and heavy amounts of auto-aim. If you allowed either of those in MP it would unbalance the game. KZ2 requires far more skill/practice than COD, which is a good thing imo. I understand why people like COD because even after not playing for a long time its easy to pick it up and do well, but that's NOT what KZ2 is or should be.


JB1981 said:
Multi. Epic.

Haven't burned through that many hours of straight multiplayer gaming in a long time. Most games I get tired of after like two hours but this game ... I just gotta get those points, earn those ribbons and improve that rank. Fucking love this game. So fun playing with a large group of GAFFERS too. I think my enjoyment of this game will be directly analogous to how long GAF sticks with the game ........
Great games. It was great playing with a bunch of gafers.


The Nature Roy said:
This is such a massive pet peeve of mine and it's prevalent in so many FPSs. It was one of my first comments when we originally saw KZ2 gameplay and people acted like I was crazy.

Just the fact that you feel like a gun skimming only a few feet off the ground totally destroys the illusion and sense of body for me. That's one thing I really liked about Mirror's Edge.


I thought I was crazy the other day; during one level I ran up to my teammate and realized that I was looking up at him. It seemed to me that everyone else was a good foot taller. I also thought that I'd probably be the only person to complain about something like this, but - it appears - I not alone! ;) short-ass soldiers FTW.

I'll just explain it off because Napoleon Bonaparte was really short; somehow shit's related.


This sucks, I have to go to a party today, and all I wanna do is stay home and play Killzone. :lol

I really like the Pyruss Rise map a lot, I know it's not a fav here because of the size, but I reall dig the layout and overall feel of this map, and the defend points are pretty high up and fun to protect.

Argh....Wish I could keep playing.
Kolgar said:
Does this really belong here? In any case, your buddy is a jackass. Anyone with any sense would never trade the 360 for a PS3, but find a way to afford both.

actually yes, thats the emphasis for why its amusing that i would like to share.


The Nature Roy said:
This is such a massive pet peeve of mine and it's prevalent in so many FPSs. It was one of my first comments when we originally saw KZ2 gameplay and people acted like I was crazy.

Just the fact that you feel like a gun skimming only a few feet off the ground totally destroys the illusion and sense of body for me. That's one thing I really liked about Mirror's Edge.
I imagine the reason why this is so prevelant in FPSs is because in order to keep the gun in the screen where it is while using the actual character model, the character would either have to be standing in an extremely awkward pose holding the gun up beside his head, or looking out of his chest. The fact that the tradition is to have the gun sticking out from that impossible angle from the bottom-right of the screen for most of the game while you're running around is the culprit.

Although we can always assume that Sev is always in a semi-crouched battle-ready position ;D If that helps make it seem less awkward :D


Dante said:
This sucks, I have to go to a party today, and all I wanna do is stay home and play Killzone. :lol

I really like the Pyruss Rise map a lot, I know it's not a fav here because of the size, but I reall dig the layout and overall feel of this map, and the defend points are pretty high up and fun to protect.

Argh....Wish I could keep playing.
Wow, I'm in the exact same situation. I love that map too.


Awntawn said:
I imagine the reason why this is so prevelant in FPSs is because in order to keep the gun in the screen where it is while using the actual character model, the character would either have to be standing in an extremely awkward pose holding the gun up beside his head, or looking out of his chest. The fact that the tradition is to have the gun sticking out from that impossible angle from the bottom-right of the screen for most of the game while you're running around is the culprit.

Although we can always assume that Sev is always in a semi-crouched battle-ready position ;D If that helps make it seem less awkward :D

Must take its toll on the poor guy's back. :p


SpudBud said:
Great games. It was great playing with a bunch of gafers.

Oh shit, I THINK recognize you, I got you with a randomly thrown nade at one point hahaha

Good game man, hope we play again you got me a bunch of times too.
Valkyr Junkie said:
I'm rewatching Akira on BD and just noticed that that weird kid thingy at the beginning of the film is wearing as baseball cap with a Helghast emblem on it :lol

shit it just came out didn't it! ggo amazon!



I couldnt even play like i wanted to, was lagging a bit.


My impressions

- Graphically, unbelievable. It is a truly stunning game and is way ahead of any competition in this respect. Couple this with truly brilliant art design and it all make for an incredible looking game, a true assualt on the senses

- Single player campagin feels a little mundane, however this is somewhat offset by stunning A.I. The Helghast are no mugs and frequently suprise me with there aggresive tactics.

- Multiplayer. Wow. So, so good. At its best with around 20 people IMO (although this depends on the map. Very tactical, position is all important. Up close combat can feel awkward although it becomes easier with practice. I moaned earlier about the levelling up being slow. But I guess it just felt this way due to the relatively small number of ranks to go up. I'm curious to know what stuff I unlock as I go. I seem to remember there being some sort of flow chart showing this, if anyone has it I would be most grateful

- Controls. A big sticking point for some. They do take some getting used to. For the most part I like them. They feel heavily like a simulation rather than an arcadey shooter. Manouvering the shotgun is like steering a boat at times though. I am yet to mess around with the sensitivty but I think its probably best left at default.

A couple of other things, Killzone.com is so awesome. And as said above somewhere, people need to get into squads as spawning and running back to the battle can really become irritating.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Core407 said:
Fuckin' POS system keeps overheating. I might have to move the thing into the basement or something.
put it in a mini fridge. i did this with my 360 once, but the cold frosted on the av cables and caused input lag.
Kolgar said:
Three levels in and I like the game a lot, but I'm annoyed at the lack of polish in single player.

It's disappointing to clear an area and have everything go silent - everybody looking dumbly at each other - until you walk over to the spot on the ground where you have to stand to trigger the game back to life again.

The freeze-action loads really break up the game, and Sev's five-foot-tall POV is beyond retarded. Seriously, didn't this seem strange to anyone at Guerilla?

The momentum-based aiming seems rather overdone and pointless besides. I can see how it may be innovative or interesting, but it's just too pronounced and makes aiming a chore, especially long-distance, precision aiming.

While I'm complaining, I'll add that the cover system seems finicky and too often, it'll let me look around a corner but not shoot around it. Very frustrating.

Why do the gun sounds drop down so low when someone is talking? That jarred me and stuck out as an odd decision.

Finally, I think the color-draining-from-the-screen "you're dying" effect is a little overdone, and I've died or nearly died a couple of times now because the screen went monochrome and I thought, "I'm dead" when I was really still alive (until the next bullet took me out).

Having said all that, I'm impressed with the game anyway because I LOVE the universe (I have since the original Killzone) and because the visual/audio presentation is so spectacular. The guns feel nice to fire and the characters all seem to have a weight, a presence, that's missing from other games. It all conspires to put you right in the game in a really convincing way.

Also, the soundtrack is phenomenal. Really gripping stuff.

I'm not bothered by the "lack" of a story. The ISA is attacking Helghan, period. How much story does the average real-life soldier dwell on in the heat of a surge of battle? This game is all about the action, and given that videogames are primarily interactive entertainment, I'll take action over story most any day.

Overall, I'm pleased with Killzone 2 and I think the game will consume a lot of playtime in my near future. I do wish the game was more polished in some areas, but on the whole, this stands up quite nicely to other recent heavy-hitters on the consoles.

But I'm expecting Killzone 3 to bring some of these issues up to par with the astounding audiovisuals, no excuses.

The bolded are certainly design choices. Don't think you can call them unpolished. I agree about the load hitching, I wish they had opted for optional install. Part of me hopes they still will. The cover system does have its weird points but I found no more of them then in any other cover game, that said it of course could have been better in a few places slightly.

The color draining IS quite heavy. I have thought I was dead a few times. Bit of a nit-pick I guess, only happened a few times.

The universe is amazing, and the story is there if you bother to look for it (though you do need to know some background info). I really hope they make the story a center point from the get go next game. What little was here worked but the potential for more is certainly there.

Really hope they keep Sev for the next game, maybe Natko too.
I'd guess Rico will be removed from service. Killing Visari was a HUGE mistake.


Was awesome playing with all the different GAF guys just now. After not being able to play it yesterday I was reintroduced to the AMAZING.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
The Hug Dog said:
I'm curious to know what stuff I unlock as I go. I seem to remember there being some sort of flow chart showing this, if anyone has it I would be most grateful

It tells you in-game. I think it's under your statistics, then under unlockable or something like that. I'm not online to verify but i know it's there.


Little is the new Big
that was fun especially me going behind a dude, reviving my buddy then melee with the revive gun the dude without him noticing a thing :O

The POV thing is really interesting to me really. We could have a POV that is ACTUALLY from the players eyes but then the gun wouldn't be on screen would it? Or you can really move the gun up to the players view but technically the character wouldn't look right from a third person perspective I guess (not that they need to really).

Reminds me of those videos showing Mirrors Edge in third person. POV in that game seem on the neck or something and in order to see her hands and be able to see your legs she runs VERY awkwardly in third person.

Wonder if a dev would dare attempt to have a POV directly on the face and have the gun mostly off screen unless you are aiming.
holy shit the gaf server is action packed!!! I looove that level with the burning ash in the air. I was doing pretty good yesterday with the regular assault rifle, but now i cant hit shit with it. so i went to the submachine gun and im doing decent. You really need to get a feel for every gun because they are all so different feeling
Melfice7 said:
Yep! the part where
we gotta blow up a tank
i think i died like 50 times :S

yeah.. so far that was the hardest part for me.. no idea if i did something wrong.. but i died many many times. everything after so far was less difficult (though very intense...).
This game just keeps getting better.
i'm back to helgan now, time for the final showdown i guess....


My system froze in the last match (Seems like I wasn't alone though) but I was having some good fun in though matches.

Anyway the SP is actually better than I thought it would be. The fights are interesting and the difficulty on Veteran seems perfect.

Musashi Wins!

Sorry, thread has grown so much...

Did they fix the bot thing so you can play with friends online against bots again? Probably not, but just wanted to check before I get back.


jjasper said:
My system froze in the last match (Seems like I wasn't alone though) but I was having some good fun in though matches.

Anyway the SP is actually better than I thought it would be. The fights are interesting and the difficulty on Veteran seems perfect.

Yea, happened to me as well, and I was having so much fun too. :/


Here are my impressions after playing SP (on vet) and MP:

I just completed 3 levels so far and this is one of the best SP FPS games I have played (and I heard it gets better so WOW). The atmosphere of this game is beyond any thing I have played before. It really immerses you in the game and you really feel like part of a big war. The graphics are simply the best both technically and in terms of art. Guns feel SOLID to shoot and sound real and killing those higgs makes it so satisfying. Totally impressed by the A.I and this game makes you take a more tactical approach rather than run n gun which I like better. The story is nothing to talk about and I hope next time GG takes better approach to story telling. Also great soundtrack and guns sound really good. All in all SP is AFW!

Ok I love the MP and dont at the same time. Let me explain: The actual gun fights are really solid and satisfying. But this game is really tailored for hardcore gamers who can put a lot of hours to level up and unlock stuff. The problem is GG has made it hard for those who want to just play this game and have fun without worrying about stats/ranks/badges etc. Some ppl cannot put 10s 100s of hours to unlock the stuff first and then get the taste of the goodness this game has to offer. Here are some issues I found when I played with my friends last night:

1. Where is the open mic option for games like Body Count etc. When you play with your close friends you want to smack talk them and just talk silly to each other. But in this game half of my friends cannot hear me because there is only proxy-chat for opposite team even though I want to talk to them. Even talking to teammates is a problem since they can only hear you all the time if in the squad. They should have an option for open mic just like warhawk if someone wants to use it. GG give us options!!!!!

2. Where are the fucking sweet weapons??? Since we are all at starting level the only weapon we had was the standard gun and 1 grenade??? WTF??? just 1???? I run out of bullets and the only way I could find more was to get them from those who got killed???? WTF??? I have never seen this BS in a MP game. Man just give us unranked games where we can just play as we want w/o the stats/badges BS!!! Let the hardcore stats-rank whores worry about those things but let us have all the weapons/abilities so we can use them right from start in unranked games. This way you can make everyone happy.

3. The maps are too huge and complex for gamers who just want to play and forget till next time. Sorry I know the map design is brilliant but again its for hardcores who can put insane hours. Also most maps don't work for small group of ppl who want to play. These maps are fucking huge for small teams. There was only 1 map that was small enough for 2-8 ppl. And since bots are off for now the other maps are useless for small group.

Again I really enjoyed the firefights in the MP and I think it has nailed down the basics better than most games before it but these issues I mentioned are hindering the enjoyment to the fullest at least for me.

Please GG make your beautiful game more friendly for those who can't play all the time since they have families and kids and cannot dedicate a lot of hours to gaming. :(


TrAcEr_x90 said:
holy shit the gaf server is action packed!!! I looove that level with the burning ash in the air. I was doing pretty good yesterday with the regular assault rifle, but now i cant hit shit with it. so i went to the submachine gun and im doing decent. You really need to get a feel for every gun because they are all so different feeling
Salaman Market - great map.

I am a little annoyed with the controls at times too. My biggest gripe is when the action gets tighter and more up close and personal. Due to the slow acceleration, the limiting FOV and the heavy use of motion blur, melee attacks and up close gun combat kind of falls apart. It's one of the reasons I don't like being in tight spaces on maps like Blood Gracht and the Academy (though I find the Academy to be more open). I think there is a happy middle ground between acceleration and precision that is missing in multiplayer. That being said, I still love the game and I can't wait to jump back into the action.


The Hug Dog said:
I seem to remember there being some sort of flow chart showing this, if anyone has it I would be most grateful



MvmntInGrn said:
The bolded are certainly design choices. Don't think you can call them unpolished. I agree about the load hitching, I wish they had opted for optional install. Part of me hopes they still will. The cover system does have its weird points but I found no more of them then in any other cover game, that said it of course could have been better in a few places slightly.

The color draining IS quite heavy. I have thought I was dead a few times. Bit of a nit-pick I guess, only happened a few times.

The universe is amazing, and the story is there if you bother to look for it (though you do need to know some background info). I really hope they make the story a center point from the get go next game. What little was here worked but the potential for more is certainly there.

Really hope they keep Sev for the next game, maybe Natko too.
I'd guess Rico will be removed from service. Killing Visari was a HUGE mistake.

I have a feeling that
everyone on the ground is as good as dead, seeing as a masive Helghast attack fleet was moving in to pick apart what little was left of the ISA battle groups.

About the color draining, I found it frustrating for how it obscured your ability to fight, I know the effect they were going for, but I wonder if they ever considered not disaturating the Helghasts red eyes along with the rest of the frame, it would help you keep track of who's shooting you, and were, as well as help enforce the menacing nature of them, imo.

They really did a disservice to this game buy choosing the handle the story the way they did.


JB1981 said:
Multi. Epic.

Haven't burned through that many hours of straight multiplayer gaming in a long time. Most games I get tired of after like two hours but this game ... I just gotta get those points, earn those ribbons and improve that rank. Fucking love this game. So fun playing with a large group of GAFFERS too. I think my enjoyment of this game will be directly analogous to how long GAF sticks with the game ........

I didn't get to hop in a game with you guys yet. Tried joining up but "world was full", and some other error, i forget. Oh well, I'll definitely try to get in some tonight when I get back from the movies, and grab a 12-pack.

But man, is team work monumental in this. If you're on a team without any clue of what to do, you get your ass handed to you hard. If you're on a winning team, enjoy the xp multiplier with every game lol.

Tom Penny

The games SP is pretty good. It sucks when you die a bunch of times in a row because you don't know the exact objective or how to take down certain bosses. They should have made the game more open. Too many corridor sections for my liking. SP is like an 8. Hopefully MP elavates the game.
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