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Have a fun! Enjoy!
-viper- said:
32 player games need to die.

I fucking HATE them. They're so mindless and stupid.

Can the person making the GAF TIME TO DIE servers please put the player limit to 26 instead?

26 is still too much IMO. People still gather around the same spots in most of the game modes. So it's hell anyway.

I prefer 16 on big maps. 8 or 10 on small/medium ones.

Also, game runs like shit with 32 players.

Rez said:
I must be the only one who thinks the menus are cool.

You are not. I like them. I just wished there was more coherence in the functionality. For example, why do I have to go to the leaderboards to compare the stats of my clan mates and cannot do the same in the frigging clan members list (in the Clan section)? In both cases you bring up a contextual sub menu, but for whatever reasons the options are different. Basically, whenever I select Options on the highlighted screen name I want to be able to invite, compare stats, send messages etc. No matter which page of the menus I'm currently browsing.
I like the menus. :D Static thing should be gone when you are on multiplayer though. Just keep it to the main menu then keep the style minus static for Warzone interface.
mr_nothin said:
It depends on the server. I wish they gave us an idea of latency/ping.
Yeah the browser is pretty terrible, I want more filtering options damnit! Feels like I've stepped into 1997 when I'm looking for a game.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Fun games, fellow gaffers (tigerheli). I think bigjohnson killed me about 2000 times. I MUCH prefer 20 or so players vs. 32 player maps.


Danne-Danger said:
Yeah the browser is pretty terrible, I want more filtering options damnit! Feels like I've stepped into 1997 when I'm looking for a game.

At the very least, give us a search based on game name. It's pretty ridiculous that we can't just look up "gaf" and find all the gaf servers...


Alright, my first real MP tryout tonight. Was pretty fun, hooked up with various euroGAFtrash members, and sucked. Badly. :( Still haven't gotten the hang of the game.


Chili Con Carnage!

So frustrating, I was just starting to get into the game (shotgun is fun) and then I'm forced into a boss battle where you spend 90% of the time frantically searching for the fucking boss.
3rdamention said:
I have explained this several times I believe. The view of the game is from the gun, not the characters eyes. The players do not run around the game all the time with the gun up to their eyes, they have the gun down to their side, around their stomach as they run around. The gun is not planted to the middle of the forehead of a midget running around.

Look at how characters run around, they hold the gun down by their side.

If they actually had the view of the game from the characters eyes, to make the character look 6 feet tall, then your view would be above the gun, making it nearly impossible to aim from the hip because of the perspective of looking over the top of your gun and trying to get a crosshair on someone.

Now when you look down the scope by holding L1 to aim, the characters head goes down some and the gun comes up, meeting each other halfway. This should make the character look/feel a little taller, but it doesn't. HOWEVER, if they did it this way, you could not be able to line something up from the hip, then hold L1 to aim and shoot, since the gun would actually move up and off your target as it goes to your eye.

It is a videogame. Imagine your character has a camera in the middle of his chest/stomach, that is the view you have. That is the view you have so you can easily aim from the hip.

If you did feel like you were 6 feet tall, then people would say, "OMG, are these guys running around with the gun sticking to their forhead??"" or "DUDE, this is so unrealistic, it is like my guy is running around with the gun up to his face the whole time, my gun is like 6 feet off the ground.

Go grab an assault rifle, run around with it as if you are running for your life, but still ready to kill something that may jump out at you, you would not run around with the gun up by your head, you would run around like THIS, ready to shoot.


Now, look at ARRRRRnold. I know this is an awful example. But this is kinda how you run in KZ2. The camera angle is from the middle of your chest so you can easily aim the weapon you are holding at your side, like ARRRRRnold. Notice how ARRRRnold's gun is probably 3-4 feet from the ground when he walks around, that is the same perspective in Killzone 2. Some look at it as being a dwarf, I look at it as a videogame trying to be a little more realistic.

Other games have done it better, but if you would really think of the Perspective in other FPS, it is like the gun is 6 feet off the ground. Who would really run around with their gun up by their face or above their head? In a real war, you would not run around like this all the time if you were trying to be fast, but also protect yourself. This is how they would run around in Killzone 2, if you think about it, if you wanted to "feel" 6 feet tall.




man these last fights in the
are brutal on veteran. they just keep coming and coming and coming...


Have a fun! Enjoy!
BeeDog said:
Alright, my first real MP tryout tonight. Was pretty fun, hooked up with various euroGAFtrash members, and sucked. Badly. :( Still haven't gotten the hang of the game.

We played together :)

Advice: for now, you should limit the game search by rank tho, and play those matches instead of joining random friends like me (which might happen to be playing with Generals and stuff).

Totally look for medium size games, your rank and with all modes activated. That's the best way to get into into without being overwhelmed.


just finished sp.
cannot wait for kz3, preferably on ps4? want to see what they can do with even moar power

time for some MP tomorrow, ill get owned badly.


TTP said:
We played together :)

Advice: for now, you should limit the game search by rank tho, and play those matches instead of joining random friends like me (which might happen to be playing with Generals and stuff).

Totally look for medium size games, your rank and with all modes activated. That's the best way to get into into without being overwhelmed.

I know that, but I just wanted to have some random fun with GAFers tonight. And wtf, I did do some minor damage to the enemies when we played together. :p


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Ghost said:

So frustrating, I was just starting to get into the game (shotgun is fun) and then I'm forced into a boss battle where you spend 90% of the time frantically searching for the fucking boss.

That boss fight was a piece of cake even on Elite

Did you miss the corridor? It's very simple.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
BeeDog said:
I know that, but I just wanted to have some random fun with GAFers tonight. And wtf, I did do some minor damage to the enemies when we played together. :p

I know, I know. :D
Just trying to give you some advice about how to get the hang of the game.
Ghost said:

So frustrating, I was just starting to get into the game (shotgun is fun) and then I'm forced into a boss battle where you spend 90% of the time frantically searching for the fucking boss.
There's a passage on the bottom floor, use that and it's easy, even on Veteran.


Ghost said:

So frustrating, I was just starting to get into the game (shotgun is fun) and then I'm forced into a boss battle where you spend 90% of the time frantically searching for the fucking boss.
Crouch in the little tunnel just under where you came in, careful to avoid a clear shot from the windows. Basically, camp one side with your pistol, and if the ATAC flies into view, shoot the rod. When it's stunned, whip out your RPG and you can get off 2 shots at it before it recovers. Slowly move back and pick up some ammo, then inch forward and camp again. Should go down the second time you do it. I died a lot on that segment trying to figure out a way to beat it too, but on the one where I got it it was so easy that I got the achievement for speed. The key is to shoot the lightning rods with your pistol as opposed to wasting a rocket and a reload.


TTP said:
I know, I know. :D
Just trying to give you some advice about how to get the hang of the game.

Oh, I do appreciate any hints possible (thanks!). Need to play more, MOOAAAR.

Btw, I didn't understand what you guys were doing on that Ribbon server (with alba and FFObs.). Hoarding some special ribbons or...?


Have a fun! Enjoy!
BeeDog said:
Oh, I do appreciate any hints possible (thanks!). Need to play more, MOOAAAR.

Btw, I didn't understand what you guys were doing on that Ribbon server (with alba and FFObs.). Hoarding some special ribbons or...?

Getting some "difficult" ribbons like air/ground turrets kills. Impossible to get those if you don't arrange a proper meeting with people willing to let themselves be killed. The requirements are almost absurd.


Danne-Danger said:
Yeah the browser is pretty terrible, I want more filtering options damnit! Feels like I've stepped into 1997 when I'm looking for a game.

1997 had programs that offered fully detailed server lists, like Quakespy (which became Gamespy).

There's really no excuse for such a simplistic interface in today's games. You have no real information at all about a server in Killzone 2 until you join it, which is a bit backwards, and even then it never tells you the latency which is a pretty critical piece of info.
TTP said:
26 is still too much IMO. People still gather around the same spots in most of the game modes. So it's hell anyway.

I prefer 16 on big maps. 8 or 10 on small/medium ones.

Also, game runs like shit with 32 players.

Haven't played MP yet, but I ALWAYS did better on the beta when it was 16 people at the most, when it was 32 it was too hectic and I ended up doing worse. 16 players on Salamun Market, 12 on Blood Gracht and 8 on Radec was good.
Zeliard said:
1997 had programs that offered fully detailed server lists, like Quakespy (which became Gamespy).

There's really no excuse for such a simplistic interface in today's games. You have no real information at all about a server in Killzone 2 until you join it, which is a bit backwards, and even then it never tells you the latency which is a pretty critical piece of info.
Yeah, there're a lot of things that I find archaic about the way KZ2 handles multiplayer compared to any PC game for the last 10 years. I'm still having a blast while playing it though, hopefully Guerilla will continue to fix shit.

I mean the bot thing earlier was pretty ridiculous. :lol


Have a fun! Enjoy!
AranhaHunter said:
Haven't played MP yet, but I ALWAYS did better on the beta when it was 16 people at the most, when it was 32 it was too hectic and I ended up doing worse. 16 players on Salamun Market, 12 on Blood Gracht and 8 on Radec was good.

Nice numbers. I agree completely.

During the beta, I posted almost on a daily basis on the forum complaining about the 32 players thing, saying it was unnecessary and would actually hurt the perception of the game. Especially to newcomers. I said to at least limit map selection to big ones only when going for 32, but no, "some people love chaos" was the reply. I mean, Blood Gracht with 32 players? Chaos? Really? That's a new definition of chaos. You can barely step outside of your HQ ffs!

And don't get me started about the free respawn thing. Damn, an hardcore mode with no respawns would be PERFECT for Killzone 2. The *real* new gen SOCOM.
TTP said:
Nice numbers. I agree completely.

During the beta, I posted almost on a daily basis on the forum complaining about the 32 players thing, saying it was unnecessary and would actually hurt the perception of the game. Especially to newcomers. I said to at least limit map selection when going for 32, but no, "some people love chaos" was the reply. I mean, Blood Gracht with 32 players? Chaos? Really? That's a new definition of chaos. You can barely step outside of your HQ ffs!

Actually that is what made it awesome. Chaos = lolz
3rdamention said:

If it's viewed from the gun, how do you explain the aiming mode? The camera doesn't shift to the actual character's eyes, the gun's sights shifts to the so-called camera. This is the biggest and most obvious implication that it's from the character's eyes anyway. It doesn't bother me in the slightest but I think that sometimes people just make up the most convoluted and unnecessary justifications for the most trivial stuff around.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Zedsdeadbaby said:
If it's viewed from the gun, how do you explain the aiming mode? The camera doesn't shift to the actual character's eyes, the gun's sights shifts to the so-called camera. This is the biggest and most obvious implication that it's from the character's eyes anyway. It doesn't bother me in the slightest but I think that sometimes people just make up the most convoluted and unnecessary justifications for the most trivial stuff around.
You could also argue that the game assumes that your viewpoint is through your eyes as far as cover, and being able to be hit when in cover, is concerned.


Danne-Danger said:
Yeah, there're a lot of things that I find archaic about the way KZ2 handles multiplayer compared to any PC game for the last 10 years. I'm still having a blast while playing it though, hopefully Guerilla will continue to fix shit.

I mean the bot thing earlier was pretty ridiculous. :lol

It's growing pains, I guess. I'm willing to give Guerilla a break since this is only what, their 3rd or 4th game ever? Plus online play is still relatively new to consoles (Killzone 2's multiplayer interface is like a dream in comparison to SFIV's).

Even with my gripes about not being able to know your connection to the server (which they seriously should patch in at some point), I'm actually impressed with the general lack of lag even in 32 player games. It's not perfect, certainly, but it's better than I expected it to be.

I'm even more impressed with the graphics in MP. I didn't really watch any videos of the MP and I expected much more of a graphical downgrade - there seems to barely be any. Really impressive, especially since some of the MP levels are huge.


Argh, the lag-talk on the official boards is killing me. :( Can someone please make it stop? Please? It's so stupid...I can understand that peoples are not fine with the controls, ok, but it's 100% not because of some sort of controller lag. That's so stupid. Wasn't the guy who startet that shit from GAF? GAF > Internetz > Fail! :(


Have a fun! Enjoy!
CharpyImpact said:
Actually that is what made it awesome. Chaos = lolz

There is enough of lolz to be had with far less than 32 players. And there is nothing funny in seeing the game turning into a 15fps slideshow.
TTP said:
There is enough of lolz to be had with far less than 32 players. And there is nothing funny in seeing the game turning into a 15fps slideshow.

Ya, the frame rate dying is bad indeed. I am just kinda used to this chaos due to bf2 on some of the small maps.


Oh noez, now they are starting to believe that the controller lag is only a issue with some special PS3s...wtf. :( GG, please make an official statement. PLEASE.


Zedsdeadbaby said:
If it's viewed from the gun, how do you explain the aiming mode? The camera doesn't shift to the actual character's eyes, the gun's sights shifts to the so-called camera. This is the biggest and most obvious implication that it's from the character's eyes anyway. It doesn't bother me in the slightest but I think that sometimes people just make up the most convoluted and unnecessary justifications for the most trivial stuff around.
I don't think GG specifically wants for us to feel that the camera is at chest level, the point is obviously they had to take what he said about perspective and gun-holding posture into consideration, and likely the compromise that they resulted with was having the camera lower to the ground. Because let's face it, GG has their gun-on-screen-position absolutely perfect from FPS standards; it just looks and feels right taking into consideration everything we've ever played before. But realistically, just nobody holds their gun like that.
Thrakier said:
Oh noez, now they are starting to believe that the controller lag is only a issue with some special PS3s...wtf. :( GG, please make an official statement. PLEASE.
Who's "they"? In any case, fuck "them" ;/


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
People are really dumb. You do NOT NEED TO AIM DOWN THE SIGHT when you are standing right next to someone. Aiming from the hip is tuned to be accurate. People are giving away kills by pulling up their ironsight and waiting.


CharpyImpact said:
Ya, the frame rate dying is bad indeed. I am just kinda used to this chaos due to bf2 on some of the small maps.

Honestly, I haven't noticed the game running slow on 32 player games.


Will Eat Your Children
TTP said:
There is enough of lolz to be had with far less than 32 players. And there is nothing funny in seeing the game turning into a 15fps slideshow.
Yeah. Basically getting my ranks and badges and whatnot on the 32 TDM games, after that it's only max 20 people servers for me. People automatically play more tactful when on small servers.

32 people on that desert map would be cool though, that's the only map in which it still can be fun in a non-chaotic way.


Will Eat Your Children
duk said:
so many controller complaints sighs

still looking forward to picking it up soon
That's mostly from people who just picked the game up, play 5 minutes and go: OMFG this isn't like COD AT ALL. Then go on GAF to post it.

Also, I always think of FF7 Midgar when playing on the MP maps. So awesome! :D
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