woah awesome afternoon GAF games, i'm about to jump back in but just wanted to point out my favorite match this afternoon:
20-ish players, Pyrrus map (Desert one)
This is what KZ2 is supposed to be all about, for those in it they would probably remember it really showcased true teamwork of squads and how it affects gameplay. We lost (barely) and the most memorable last ditch effort involved my squad and 2 others running across the lower bridge, i was bringing up the rear sniping off those trying to shoot at my squadmates while they were charging up the bridge firing. We get across to their base and fan out and almost reach their VIP, alas I was a bit dumb and didn't back off enough to let my squadmates respawn on me and got surrounded. What was so close was just as this was happening, Teknoman and a few others make it over from the upper bridge, i just heard the mic talk as Teknoman realized he was the last one left alive inside a base full of red dots hehe, almost got them!