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I'm just going through the campaign right now and I started off with Veteran rather than Trooper, sure I have Sev die a lot in the game, but it's a lot more fun (and challenging anyhoo).

I'll join GAF-West once I have all the single player stuff out of the way (that or I'll join up after I beat the game depending on whichever goes first). :D


.GqueB. said:
Jesus relax.

For one, my squad leader was always near the clusterfuck so either way Im spawning into it. And if I spawn back at the base its nothing more than a temporary fix because Im gonna be running toward the clusterfuck anyway. The main problem isnt the fact that Im spawning in the clusterfuck. Its that there IS one in the first place. Makes it rather difficult to be tactical when everyone is just spamming nades in a room and firing at whoever moves.

Im not saying it wasnt fun. It was funny being around so much chaos. I just saw as a bit of an issue and kind of against what they are trying to accomplish is all.

Well then your complaining about the very nature of objective based gameplay (especially one involving 32 players). Some of the maps are structured very poorly for certain modes and game sizes. It's a natural problem when you try and shoe-horn all five gamemodes into every map for the rotation system, rather then play each map to its strengths.

I hate tying to navigate narrow bridge mazes with 32 fucking players in my way.
Some maps its like I'm just bumping into shit constantly. I had a downed chair pretty much cause my death a handful of times because I kept getting stuck on it trying to 'navigate' through a doorway.


mr_nothin said:
It all really just depends on the person putting down the spawn points. They need to know what they're doing (hence the name tactician) and not just throw down a spawn point where THEY want to spawn. The point of the tactician is to turn the tides of the match. That's why I hate when there's 1 other REALLY noobish tactician on the team because he completely screws me up and then his placement would be retarded.

When there are good tacticians on both teams...who know where to throw down a spawn point..then it creates a game that is ALOT more tactical. It's all about placement, when you put it down, which spots to use on a certain "mode", and most importantly HOW you throw it down. You're suppose to throw it in the opposite direction that you want people to face when they spawn. If you want your teammates to face a fence when they spawn then turn your back to the fence and throw it down. THEY SPAWN FACING IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION THAT YOU THROW IT IN.

They do often like to stick them right on top of choke points where the enemies on the other side have a clear bead on whoever comes through. I don't get it.


Just got my engineer badge which is to say, much fun. Shotgun takes some time getting used to although I've been more at use with the light machine guns. When do you get to repair stuff and blah?
CcrooK said:
Just got my engineer badge which is to say, much fun. Shotgun takes some time getting used to although I've been more at use with the light machine guns. When do you get to repair stuff and blah?

This is going to be a dumb question but how do I repair stuff. I just got Engineer too and
hitting left on the dpad lets me place a turret but I dont know how to repair stuff.

Chiggs said:
The Wasteland level is such a nice change of pace.

Chiggs you weren't even to the Wastelands yet?
Just wait man I think your going to end up really liking this game. I think from the
Wastelands on this thing really hits its stride.


BruceLeeRoy said:
This is going to be a dumb question but how do I repair stuff. I just got Engineer too and
hitting left on the dpad lets me place a turret but I dont know how to repair stuff.

you have to get the badge for it. 5 turret kills, 8 times.


BruceLeeRoy said:
This is going to be a dumb question but how do I repair stuff. I just got Engineer too and
hitting left on the dpad lets me place a turret but I dont know how to repair stuff.

Chiggs you weren't even to the Wastelands yet?
Just wait man I think your going to end up really liking this game. I think from the
Wastelands on this thing really hits its stride.
You have to unlock the 2nd ability 1st.


BruceLeeRoy said:
This is going to be a dumb question but how do I repair stuff. I just got Engineer too and
hitting left on the dpad lets me place a turret but I dont know how to repair stuff.

Chiggs you weren't even to the Wastelands yet?
Just wait man I think your going to end up really liking this game. I think from the
Wastelands on this thing really hits its stride.

its Right on the D-pad and R1. TO fix and active land broken turrets

EDIT: of course the above instructio are after you have unlock the badge ;)


BruceLeeRoy said:
Chiggs you weren't even to the Wastelands yet?
Just wait man I think your going to end up really liking this game. I think from the
Wastelands on this thing really hits its stride.

Is that Suljeva Village? I stopped playing the SP at the level before it (Salamun Bridge) to try out the multiplayer, and it's so good that I haven't gone back to the SP since. :lol

Gonna play it some now, though.


Zeliard said:
Is that Suljeva Village? I stopped playing the SP at the level before it (Salamun Bridge) to try out the multiplayer, and it's so good that I haven't gone back to the SP since. :lol

Gonna play it some now, though.

I haven't even touched SP yet. I did the same thing with COD: WaW.......MP is just too much fun.


Just had some awesome games in the TIME TO DIE! room with everyone and now it's time for bed, can't wait to play some more tomorrow.


bish gets all the credit :)
so much fun. I got mowed down in the GAF game somewhat. I really need to level up befire U re-enter. D:
I hate knowing that people were able to boost with the bots and are probably still boosting with friends. Makes those top player of the week trophies feel impossible :/
beast786 said:
its Right on the D-pad and R1. TO fix and active land broken turrets

EDIT: of course the above instructio are after you have unlock the badge ;)

You guys are awesome thanks.

Getting 5 kills with a turret is proving to be fricken difficult though. It doesn't really do enough
damage to kill someone on sight and if people are smart enough they can usually get away.


I understand the system they're trying to do, but seriously, this needs to be fucking addressed with nearly ALL PS3 devs. Why the fuck is there no Party system? Seriously, just "join game" doesn't cut it. Is Insomniac the only one who grasped this before? I swear, MAG better have a party system on DAY 1. Can you imagine trying to navigate into 256player battle with your friends in that? Come on Zipper, don't let us down with that! I have faith though.
Strider2K99 said:
Late, but great games GAF.

I thought this game has dedicated servers? It's really laggy.


The games you were in had no lag whatsoever.

BruceLeeRoy said:
Getting 5 kills with a turret is proving to be fricken difficult though. It doesn't really do enough
damage to kill someone on sight and if people are smart enough they can usually get away.

The turrets are not as bad as the air support sentry thing. it barely even shoots people.

One minor thing I kind of think GG screwed up on is how the ribbons are presented, when you go back to the menu to check which you have left, it's doesn't even explain what you need to do for those ribbons, it just gives the name, or which weapon or ability it unlocks. I think the whole badge ribbon thing is a big clusterfuck on how it's presented.


Rapping Granny said:

The games you were in had no lag whatsoever.

with DS it depends on each person's connection to the server. thats why sometimes you'll see some guy lagging around the map and everyone else is ok


BruceLeeRoy said:
You guys are awesome thanks.

Getting 5 kills with a turret is proving to be fricken difficult though. It doesn't really do enough
damage to kill someone on sight and if people are smart enough they can usually get away.

2 turrets firing at the same person will usually kill them pretty quickly. After figuring out some good places to put them you'll get those ribbons fast.

OMG @ the Spot & Mark ability, tried it out finally in full matches today at the GAF games, and first game I jumped into was Salamun Market, and my sniper TORE IT UP! As long as a enemy is in sight, it'll mark them with a blue X until you die, took out whole squads solo this way with my sniper and trusty magnum :D


BruceLeeRoy said:
You guys are awesome thanks.

Getting 5 kills with a turret is proving to be fricken difficult though. It doesn't really do enough
damage to kill someone on sight and if people are smart enough they can usually get away.

I found it really easy to get kills with the turret. Not even a second of direct shooting at somebody will down them.


Gold Member
BruceLeeRoy said:
Chiggs you weren't even to the Wastelands yet?
Just wait man I think your going to end up really liking this game. I think from the
Wastelands on this thing really hits its stride.

No, I wasn't. I was grossly misinformed on the game's length, and thought I was closer to the end than I really was. Oops. :lol


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Fuuuuuuuck, 151 points, and a lamer cost us the win and the bonus by really being horrible as a VIP. >=[
Finally getting the hang of the controls, close quarter fighting with anything other than the shotty still feels weird though. i end up just spraying all over the place. Not being able to make sure your on the same team with your buddies in some of the servers REALLY sucks.


quick question

anyone here have an Acer P241W monitor and know which settings work the best with the game?

also, i dunno if it's because i have the RGB full range set to on, but sometimes i'll get red pixels that show up all over the screen in really dark areas


Gully State said:
Are you guys staying on default sensitivity or are you guys turning it up to max?

I just crank up the x-sens one notch or two depending on the situation, its what I've gotten comfortable with


fin said:
No more 15min seek and destroy games...keep it to 5 minutes.
Yea..that shit has me tensed up the whole time. Give us a break!

Runnin back and forth and throwing down spawn points for 15 mins. TIRING


mr_nothin said:
Yea..that shit has me tensed up the whole time. Give us a break!

Runnin back and forth and throwing down spawn points for 15 mins. TIRING

Haha, though, doing that, I love how you can change class at any time, given the situation and the mode your going through, I love it

Edit: by any time, I mean when you die


Unlimited Capacity
Just like with Warhawk i find myself not wanting to play 32 player matches. 20ish people seems like a really good sweet spot.

And i really, REALLY wished you could set the game up for no respawn, round based games. I would play Search and Destroy that way ALL DAMN DAY.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
I just finished single player. Awesome game. One of the best shooters I've played this gen, if not the best. The electricity gun is the shit. I loved using that thing to fry those suckers. And I liked
the part when you control the mech and the AA gun in the main ship... I did not expect those parts and they were a nice change of pace.

The last fight took me a while to get through because of all the waves of enemies you have to go through before Radec will fight you one on one. When I finally beat him I got the trophy for killing him in under 20 minutes, which was cool.

Now I'm going to try and finish getting all of the trophies for single player and then I'll try the multiplayer. I still haven't tried it yet.
Two quick questions about the waiting for a medic status after you get killed:

- Do you get the kill score after you knock a person into the waiting for medic status, or do you have to finish them off first? Meaning, someone can come along and steal your kill like with Last Stand in CoD4?

- If you're in waiting for medic status, and a medic saves you, do you still get a death and does your killer still get his kill point, or does it not count as a death like when a medic revives you in CoD: World at War?


Oh man, I just played a game and when it changed to Assassination on our team (we had to defend someone), that guy either didn't know what was going on or was fucking retarded, but he went STRAIGHT to the enemies, and of course, they took him down in like 20 seconds after the mode changed.

Seriously, some people doesn't know how to fucking play the game and they are not just making themselves lose, but their whole team. Retards!


Gully State said:
Are you guys staying on default sensitivity or are you guys turning it up to max?

Got mine up a notch on each bar.

Anyone else playing online without a crosshair? I got used to it in SP and haven't bothered to turn it on yet.

I love the chirp.

ThirstyFly said:
- Do you get the kill score after you knock a person into the waiting for medic status, or do you have to finish them off first? Meaning, someone can come along and steal your kill like with Last Stand in CoD4?

Don't have to finish them off. When they go down you get the point.

- If you're in waiting for medic status, and a medic saves you, do you still get a death and does your killer still get his kill point, or does it not count as a death like when a medic revives you in CoD: World at War?

The player gets his points for sure. Not sure on the death thing.


ThirstyFly said:
Two quick questions about the waiting for a medic status after you get killed:

- Do you get the kill score after you knock a person into the waiting for medic status, or do you have to finish them off first? Meaning, someone can come along and steal your kill like with Last Stand in CoD4?

- If you're in waiting for medic status, and a medic saves you, do you still get a death and does your killer still get his kill point, or does it not count as a death like when a medic revives you in CoD: World at War?

It's counted as a death the moment you kill them, no one can steal your kill once you hear that chrip

Edit: works both ways, counts as a death once your fallen
Mik2121 said:
Oh man, I just played a game and when it changed to Assassination on our team (we had to defend someone), that guy either didn't know what was going on or was fucking retarded, but he went STRAIGHT to the enemies, and of course, they took him down in like 20 seconds after the mode changed.

Seriously, some people doesn't know how to fucking play the game and they are not just making themselves lose, but their whole team. Retards!
Maybe he was planning on hiding at the enemy's base. Pure genius!


Played my first match in the "TIME TO DIE" server with a buddy, but we got split up on different sides, anyone know how to switch teams?
Sean said:
Played my first match in the "TIME TO DIE" server with a buddy, but we got split up on different sides, anyone know how to switch teams?

Yeah, I wanted to ask about that too but forgot.

Every time I start I match it only lets me use the auto select. I can never choose which side I want to be. Is that ability something you have to unlock?


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
ThirstyFly said:
Yeah, I wanted to ask about that too but forgot.

Every time I start I match it only lets me use the auto select. I can never choose which side I want to be. Is that ability something you have to unlock?
I was doing it fine earlier.



I think I'm at the last place in the game, but...
The helgasts just keep coming, is there something I need to do or should I just keep killing these guys? I don't see Decan or whatever he's called...

jax (old)

Rapping Granny said:

BTW how do you zoom in with the sniper?

up on dpad.

game is compelling. Gotta say, this thread should split into multiplayer KZ2 and SP KZ2. I want to read SP game because that's my focus and the last few pages have been MP centric. Bleh.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Midas said:

I think I'm at the last place in the game, but...
The helgasts just keep coming, is there something I need to do or should I just keep killing these guys? I don't see Decan or whatever he's called...

You have to kill A LOT OF THEM before Radec will come down and fight you. Eventually you will see guys with rocket launchers. Once you see them you are almost finished.
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