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I did exactly what TTP said and I didn't get my boost ribbons. It's a bullshit requirement anyway. You can't even physically boost that many times in a 5 minute round, you have to create a longer rounds or a game which is just one long round. Ridiculous. Then it doesn't even work when you do for me anyway.


Gold Member
Well, I'm slowly starting to like this game. Still on the Wasteland, but my opinion of it is much better than it was yesterday. Still think the story is pretty weak, though.

Anyhow, with all the bitching about the controls...do you think this more of a problem with the DS3, rather than the game?


FFObsessed said:
I did exactly what TTP said and I didn't get my boost ribbons. It's a bullshit requirement anyway. You can't even physically boost that many times in a 5 minute round, you have to create a longer rounds or a game which is just one long round. Ridiculous. Then it doesn't even work when you do for me anyway.

I actually tried boost -rocket myself- boost -rocket myself- ten times, no dice :/ wierdness


More people need official PS3 mic (including myself) other headsets pick up way to much noise.

Wish some of the bundled games would go on sale so I can pick up the headset.


Chiggs said:
Well, I'm slowly starting to like this game. Still on the Wasteland, but my opinion of it is much better than it was yesterday. Still think the story is pretty weak, though.

Anyhow, with all the bitching about the controls...do you think this more of a problem with the DS3, rather than the game?

It's more a problem of the user. I adapted to it very quickly.


Gold Member
Xater said:
It's more a problem of the user. I adapted to it very quickly.

Yeah, that's a good point. I learned very quickly not to engage enemies at close range, unless I've got the Shotgun or Flamethrower. Everything else, I hang back.
Chiggs said:
Anyhow, with all the bitching about the controls...do you think this more of a problem with the DS3, rather than the game?

For me it is a combination of both. I'm using Alternate 2 scheme (plus x- and y- sensitivity 80%) and I've to keep L2 pressed almost continuously for crouching/cover. It's a pain.


Has GG mentioned any DLC or hinted at what kind of DLC they're planning to release? I know it's early but I'm curious if anyone has heard anything


Chiggs said:
Well, I'm slowly starting to like this game. Still on the Wasteland, but my opinion of it is much better than it was yesterday. Still think the story is pretty weak, though.

Anyhow, with all the bitching about the controls...do you think this more of a problem with the DS3, rather than the game?
No, it's the game.

I played a few rounds of SOCOM last night and I was spot-fucking-on... and that game has absolutely no assists and still manages to have a 'weight' attached to the character. The second I loaded up it was amazing how much freedom I had while controlling.

In KZ2, if you crank up the sensitivty, you can make a circle with the analog stick and let go and it's still finishing the movement after you've already let off.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
elohel said:
Has GG mentioned any DLC or hinted at what kind of DLC they're planning to release? I know it's early but I'm curious if anyone has heard anything

Fuck DLC for now. There's problems that could be ironed over before DLC matters, assuming they wanna have this be enjoyable in the long term.


Chiggs said:
Yeah, that's a good point. I learned very quickly not to engage enemies at close range, unless I've got the Shotgun or Flamethrower. Everything else, I hang back.

SMG is also very effective at close range but I have to say my aiming improved most in multiplayer. You just have to aim way more because some of the maps have alot of verticality. I just learned how to handle the right stick with my settings and now it just works for me.

As I said before I did +2 on X and Y axis and do the following:

Turning: big stick movements
Aiming: small stick movements

Works perfectly fine and it's actually how the Sony guy on the Playstation Nation Podcast described it. After I heard that I trained myself and it works.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
MirageDwarf said:
For me it is a combination of both. I'm using Alternate 2 scheme (plus x- and y- sensitivity 80%) and I've to keep L2 pressed almost continuously for crouching/cover. It's a pain.
See, I don't know that I understand this. Putting zoom on L1 implies to me that you're playing the game like COD where you can't hit shit unless you are aiming down the scope. Unless you're a sniper, you can play this game 80% of the time firing from the hip. I think it would make things much easier for you.

You should put on crouch toggle too.


It's not the DS3, it's how Guerilla has chosen to make the game that's messing people up. It's probably a combination of all three, but I do think it's clear that people, generally, are having to fiddle with the sensitivty to figure out waht works for them, I haven't talked with people who haven't ended up altering the default setting in some way. There are FPS game son the DS3 that have gotten generally unanimous praise for their default settings (like BF: BC and CoD4), Killzone is just very unique compared to any other FPS and it's throwing people off. Guerilla for their part have always prefered more sensitivy control (in Killzone 1 I found turning down the sensitivity by 50 percent made the game much easier to control).


SnakeXs said:
It's only perfect when you're still. When you move it fades away and you can be seen. Other than that, it lasts forever, until you hit someone. I don't think getting hit ends it.

I'm having a few issues with sniping. Only tried it twice, but from really far away (the mountain /right side on the desert map from the HG base, overlooking the ISA base) it doesn't seem to hit, or it's simply not pinpoint accurate. Or I missed, a lot. Quite possible. :lol
Or you stink at sniping, just like CoD. Whichever.


And no, getting hit doesn't drop the cloak. You're totally invisible until you move or die.

The hilarious thing about someone using the cloak is that within a certain range, your crosshair still turns red when you aim at them. Invisibility be damned, I was hunting down snipers like an anti-Predator. :D


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Y2Kev said:
See, I don't know that I understand this. Putting zoom on L2 implies to me that you're playing the game like COD where you can't hit shit unless you are aiming down the scope. Unless you're a sniper, you can play this game 80% of the time firing from the hip. I think it would make things much easier for you.

L2 is crouch, not iron sights. Crouching a lot sucks, and crouching and looking down sights sucks really bad when you need to do it.


Y2Kev said:
See, I don't know that I understand this. Putting zoom on L2 implies to me that you're playing the game like COD where you can't hit shit unless you are aiming down the scope. Unless you're a sniper, you can play this game 80% of the time firing from the hip. I think it would make things much easier for you.

That's also true. I only use the scope when the enemy is really far away. I think alot of people used the scope alot during SP and think it's the same in MP.


elohel said:
Has GG mentioned any DLC or hinted at what kind of DLC they're planning to release? I know it's early but I'm curious if anyone has heard anything

They've said that Killzone 1 Multiplayer maps will be coming to Killzone 2 (remade, of course). That's all I've heard. Personally, I welcome those maps; for as successful as the default maps are in Killzone 2 online they're all a bit depressing and moody. It will be nice to get some attractive looking Vektan jungle and architecture.

Also, remade Vektan slums and Beach head are a must.


MirageDwarf said:
For me it is a combination of both. I'm using Alternate 2 scheme (plus x- and y- sensitivity 80%) and I've to keep L2 pressed almost continuously for crouching/cover. It's a pain.

Enable crouch hold?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
SnakeXs said:
L2 is crouch, not iron sights. Crouching a lot sucks, and crouching and looking down sights sucks really bad when you need to do it.
My bad, I meant zoom on L1.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
raYne said:
Or you stink at sniping, just like CoD. Whichever.


And no, getting hit doesn't drop the cloak. You're totally invisible until you move or die.

The hilarious thing about someone using the cloak is that within a certain range, your crosshair still turns red when you aim at them. Invisibility be damned, I was hunting down snipers like an anti-Predator. :D

Could be. A year and a half of TRYING to figure out CoD's sniping could have put me in some sharpshooting limbo. I'll get there, though. :p

Done doing your stuff? We gonna play?


The final battle really needs 1 more checkpoint. But wow at the graphics in that final level.

Hope part 3 has less rediculous kill rooms. Making the levels more open ended would be interesting. Ala MGS4 perhaps.


Y2Kev said:
See, I don't know that I understand this. Putting zoom on L1 implies to me that you're playing the game like COD where you can't hit shit unless you are aiming down the scope. Unless you're a sniper, you can play this game 80% of the time firing from the hip. I think it would make things much easier for you.

Pretty much. Sight aiming is only needed for REALLY far shots.


vpance said:
The final battle really needs 1 more checkpoint. But wow at the graphics in that final level.

Hope part 3 has less rediculous kill rooms. Making the levels more open ended would be interesting. Ala MGS4 perhaps.

I agree with you, nearing the end of the game it felt like the designers gave up on trying to create interesting battles that gave the AI the environment to accel at and challenge the player in meaningful ways and they turned to just throwing them at you en mass.

Although a lot of the early to mid encounters typically have semi hidden alternate routes that you can take to flank the Helghast, get behind them, attack them from another level, that sort of thing, which helped, it's just near the end that the Helghast turned in fire ants.


SnakeXs said:
Could be. A year and a half of TRYING to figure out CoD's sniping could have put me in some sharpshooting limbo. I'll get there, though. :p

Done doing your stuff? We gonna play?
When? Naow?

Few mins left in the Lakers/Suns game, so after that.
elohel said:
Has GG mentioned any DLC or hinted at what kind of DLC they're planning to release? I know it's early but I'm curious if anyone has heard anything

Online co-op and vehicles for the multiplayer have both been mentioned. Others say that they've talked about bringing in multiplayer levels from the original, but I don't know if that's true.


The way the analog sticks work in this game (and how I'm finding myself reacting to them) really reminds me of when I first moved from a Windows PC to a Mac. Anyone that's done that knows how disconcerting it can be getting used to how OSX deals with mouse acceleration by default. I've since gotten used to it, but it took a while, and granted I've installed an app that lets me mess with it more than the default OS does, but it's just a completely different acceleration curve than Windows uses.

Same thing here. I'm finding that when I want to do small adjustments I can't seem to get it sensitive enough, but when I go to make big turns it seems too sensitive and I overshoot. After that it's just bad in the middle-areas between the two as well. This is just going to take me a while to get used to, and this is someone who's played very few FPSs - and pretty much none online, so I'm not sure if I'll ever get to a level where I'd be confident enough to jump into the online game, but I feel far enough behind in the FPS world as it is, :lol
I still don't get these complaints about lag. My gun starts moving the second I move the analog stick and stops as soon as I let go of it. I've never once felt any sort of 'lag' that would hinder my enjoyment of the game.

There is definitively some momentum to your movements thought which is just fine, it makes it feel like there's an actual person holding the gun.
Y2Kev said:
My bad, I meant zoom on L1.

Yeah. It is old habit of using scope every time in FPS because generally in all games firing from hip is kinda useless. Gonna play it without using scope unless it is necessary.


SolidSnakex said:
Online co-op and vehicles for the multiplayer have both been mentioned. Others say that they've talked about bringing in multiplayer levels from the original, but I don't know if that's true.

I wouldn't complain about lack of co-op since the MP is so great. Vehicles and KZ1 map pack would be nice though. Vehicles only if they do it right also.
ridley182 said:
I still don't get these complaints about lag. My gun starts moving the second I move the analog stick and stops as soon as I let go of it. I've never once felt any sort of 'lag' that would hinder my enjoyment of the game.

There is definitively some momentum to your movements thought which is just fine, it makes it feel like there's an actual person holding the gun.

That's because you're actually playing the game and not looking at frame-by-frame analysis videos on Youtube.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Teknoman said:
Desert has wind. Aim to accommodate for the wind messing with your shot. At least thats what I remember reading about that area. Messes with grenade tosses abit too I think.

Totally missed this the first time... :O



I've been playing for like the past eight or ten hours, god this game is awesome. I finally got the Repair skill for the Engineer (getting 5 kills with turrets on a team with seven engineers is really hard! :'(, Plz Guerilla, let there be more than five for a team of 16), and it's so awesome. Repairing bots is fun, and repairing the machine-gun stations is quite useful, especially since on some of the levels, they are right near the Search/Destroy points, and you can use them to keep the enemy at bay. And I also got the M4 revolver too, w00t. Getting 10 kills with the handgun sucks major balls.


ridley182 said:
I still don't get these complaints about lag. My gun starts moving the second I move the analog stick and stops as soon as I let go of it. I've never once felt any sort of 'lag' that would hinder my enjoyment of the game.

There is definitively some momentum to your movements thought which is just fine, it makes it feel like there's an actual person holding the gun.

People are just using the wrong word to describe the acceleration of aiming motions.

I like how the game is constantly evolving with people unlocking abilities and mixing them.


Teknoman said:
I wouldn't complain about lack of co-op since the MP is so great. Vehicles and KZ1 map pack would be nice though. Vehicles only if they do it right also.
I'd rather not see vehicles. The MP is perfect as it is and I think vehicles could ruin it.


My lord, the Advanced Shock Troopers will rush and knife you before you even have a chance to reload on Elite difficulty. Very fun though!


Zen said:
It's not the DS3, it's how Guerilla has chosen to make the game that's messing people up. It's probably a combination of all three, but I do think it's clear that people, generally, are having to fiddle with the sensitivty to figure out waht works for them, I haven't talked with people who haven't ended up altering the default setting in some way. There are FPS game son the DS3 that have gotten generally unanimous praise for their default settings (like BF: BC and CoD4), Killzone is just very unique compared to any other FPS and it's throwing people off. Guerilla for their part have always prefered more sensitivy control (in Killzone 1 I found turning down the sensitivity by 50 percent made the game much easier to control).

Are you talking on the x axis and y axis? I'm having trouble keeping the reticule on the enemy I'm shooting. I'm always swinging way past them back and forth.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
lawblob said:
God damnit, my Street Fighter 4 stick has a defective button!!!



Zen said:
I agree with you, nearing the end of the game it felt like the designers gave up on trying to create interesting battles that gave the AI the environment to accel at and challenge the player in meaningful ways and they turned to just throwing them at you en mass.

Although a lot of the early to mid encounters typically have semi hidden alternate routes that you can take to flank the Helghast, get behind them, attack them from another level, that sort of thing, which helped, it's just near the end that the Helghast turned in fire ants.

Yeah it very much turns into whack-a-mole as you progress further. But what's mostly frustrating were the moments where you enter a room and they come at you from all sides, and not all the cover around you is that effective. So it becomes trial and error where you learn where they attack from. Out of all the hectic situations this made, I think I only survived once without dying when stepping into a new area. That was a fun moment :)


mrwilt said:
Are you talking on the x axis and y axis? I'm having trouble keeping the reticule on the enemy I'm shooting. I'm always swinging way past them back and forth.

He is talking about the first Killzone. ;)


DMPrince said:
How come there's no knifing people in MP unless it's under a button press?
Wouldn't you have to switch to it ala SP? Never tried.

Now that I think about it, you use the dpad to switch to it in SP and that's bound to other functions in MP. So, no idea.


DMPrince said:
How come there's no knifing people in MP unless it's under a button press?

You have to unlock the knife. You do this by getting the melee ribbons (10 melee kills in a match).
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