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Teknoman said:
People are just using the wrong word to describe the acceleration of aiming motions.

I like how the game is constantly evolving with people unlocking abilities and mixing them.
no I don't think thats it. I love the game so far, but the aiming IMO is just crap. There is no acceleration; you hit that stick and you have to wait for it to move, it doesn't start slow.
Look, if it were not on purpose, it would be input lag, it would suck and it would make aiming harder than it should be. As is stand IMO, it sucks, it makes the aiming harder than it should be....but they did it on purpose so we have to call it something else. I totally understand why the players movement would handle that way, the character has weight that can be considered, but I don't get how the current aiming equates to realism. You have to keep tapping the stick to get it to the right place, and god help you if you are sweeping your aim to the left and suddenly want to aim higher.

People are just getting defensive on both sides. I get that it is exactly how they wanted it, but some people need to understand that doesn't automatically make it the best choice.
I don't think have anything to do with CoD, KZ is the only FPS I've ever played to handle aim like this. Still really like the game, but the aiming is a major complaint; the game would be near perfect if the aiming were smoother.


vicktormerv said:
I actually tried boost -rocket myself- boost -rocket myself- ten times, no dice :/ wierdness

Just tried again. Boosted 10 times in a body count match. Once at exactly 10, once more than ten. Nothing.

For real this time:



Picked up Killzone 2 last friday and I truelly, deeply, sincerely hate it. Seriously.

It's not the controls, they're spot on as far as I'm concerned. It's not the graphics, they're gorgeous. It's not the audio, that's just sex for the ears. It's not even my girlfriend, she enjoys watching me play and she's as immersed in the game as I am. She's shouting franticly "shoot him, shoot him, up on the balcony that RPG-guy!" while I'm playing.

No, it's neither of those. It's the shear prospect of moving to my new home tomorrow and not being able to play for 5 days. Killzone 2 actually almost got me to the point that I say "sod it, I'll stay here and play some more.", while I'm actually looking quite forward to my new place (bigger and more rooms, garden, kitchen where you can actually cook some stuff in without the need of space-management all the time, etc etc). DAMN YOU GUERRILLA FOR MAKING SUCH A KICKASS GAME AND RELEASING IT RIGHT BEFORE I BUY A NEW HOUSE!


Y2Kev said:
Lol, that would be the worst marketing.


Xater said:
You have to unlock the knife. You do this by getting the melee ribbons (10 melee kills in a match).
Wait you can unlock the knife? Damn, now I have to start doing melee like a crazy bastard...


Little is the new Big
Teknoman said:
People are just using the wrong word to describe the acceleration of aiming motions.

I like how the game is constantly evolving with people unlocking abilities and mixing them.

Agreed, vehicles in MP would ruin it for me.
Y2Kev said:
Yes, the train has wind too. I threw a grenade and it landed in my face.

It took me awhile to realize that :lol

I was like.....woah....at the same time I kept killing myself but then I was like, that's really awesome.


Got the medic badge. I'm really digging mp. Man in small places when you are outnumbered in close quarters just melee like crazy. I just got out of a stuation like that 3 on 1 and I killed all three guys lol. Anyone setting up a GAF game?


Ilparazzo said:
Wait you can unlock the knife? Damn, now I have to start doing melee like a crazy bastard...

My tip: Assault badge, activate boost, run into a bunch of enemies and melee the hsit out of them. :lol

It's totally stupid but you'll never get that done in a normal match. Just go into 32 player games, you probably already know the choke points where everyone is.
Speaking of cloaking, we were attacking on a S&D round and I randomly shot my ISA rifle basically halfway across the map and killed a cloaked enemy. :lol


mrwilt said:
Are you talking on the x axis and y axis? I'm having trouble keeping the reticule on the enemy I'm shooting. I'm always swinging way past them back and forth.

Yes, but that was for Killzone 1.

For Killzone 2 I have my sensitivty (for Multiplayer) turned to 4 increments and 3 increments respectively. By that I mean counting up for every level that the X and Y sensitivty bar is turned up past zero. The downside is that it can take a second to turn around, but I've found that it isn't really a problem once you're aware of how the maps flow and what sort of direction you should be looking in in the first place.

For the life of me I can't understand how people could be turning up]/i] the sensitivity, buit what ever works, right.

With my sensitivty turned down, I've found that I've had little to no problem with over shooting my aiming reticle.


mrwilt said:
Are you talking on the x axis and y axis? I'm having trouble keeping the reticule on the enemy I'm shooting. I'm always swinging way past them back and forth.

Yes, but that was for Killzone 1. :p

For Killzone 2 I have my sensitivty (for Multiplayer) turned to 4 increments and 3 increments respectively. By that I mean counting up for every level that the X and Y sensitivty bar is turned up past zero. The downside is that it can take a second to turn around, but I've found that it isn't really a problem once you're aware of how the maps flow and what sort of direction you should be looking in in the first place.

For the life of me I can't understand how people could be turning up]/i] the sensitivity, buit what ever works, right.

With my sensitivty turned down, I've found that I've had little to no problem with over shooting my aiming reticle.


I love sitting by a S&D target on defense, mowing people down as they come through a little corridor acting like it's the only way into the room. What in the hell is wrong with these people :lol


I was really hoping Killzone 2 would make up to the disappoint of Resistance 2. (I loved Resistance 1). It's better than Resistance 2, but unfortunately that's where it ends to me. The laggin in control caused weird inersia effect for me where I can't turn fast enough or I'll be over turning all the time. The environment texture on the first couple levels were lower than most other RPGs. Multiplayer mode seems promising, but until I find a solution for this control issue, I'm going back to my COD and Gears2. Too bad that I hoped that it could be something...


Sushen said:
I was really hoping Killzone 2 would make up to the disappoint of Resistance 2. (I loved Resistance 1). It's better than Resistance 2, but unfortunately that's where it ends to me. The laggin in control caused weird inersia effect for me where I can't turn fast enough or I'll be over turning all the time. The environment texture on the first couple levels were lower than most other RPGs. Multiplayer mode seems promising, but until I find a solution for this control issue, I'm going back to my COD and Gears2. Too bad that I hoped that it could be something...

See ya!!

Tom Penny

Sushen said:
I was really hoping Killzone 2 would make up to the disappoint of Resistance 2. (I loved Resistance 1). It's better than Resistance 2, but unfortunately that's where it ends to me. The laggin in control caused weird inersia effect for me where I can't turn fast enough or I'll be over turning all the time. The environment texture on the first couple levels were lower than most other RPGs. Multiplayer mode seems promising, but until I find a solution for this control issue, I'm going back to my COD and Gears2. Too bad that I hoped that it could be something...

Yep. Still a pretty good game. But there is zero doubt the controls could be better and alot of people feel that way. Maybe they will patch it as an option. I doubt it.


Any GAF beamber games up? or GAF games period?

EDIT: Just realized that the default class is actually the Soldier class...so doesnt that mean you can combine secondary abilities with it?


Little is the new Big
I'm curious to see, what's everyone configuration for MP?

Invert X-axis: NO
Invert Y-axis: NO
Sensitivity: (0 being default)
X-axis: +1
Y-axis: +1
Zoom Hold: NO
Button mapping: Standard 1

For anyone with a hdtv with 120hz, is this game noticeably smoother? Mine does not have this so it plays normally I guess, but when I played it on my parents set, the framerate looked much better then 30 fps. Maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me or if not, then that means I had no idea that 120hz even had an impact on PS3 games.


alba said:
I'm curious to see, what's everyone configuration for MP?

Invert X-axis: NO
Invert Y-axis: NO
Sensitivity: (0 being default)
X-axis: -1
Y-axis: -2
Zoom Hold: NO
Button mapping: Standard 1


Pff this game froze on me twice (had to restart the ps3) and while having a clan match was getting lag. Odd been happening since the update :(


alba said:
I'm curious to see, what's everyone configuration for MP?

Invert X-axis: NO
[B]Invert Y-axis: NO[/B]
Sensitivity: (0 being default)
X-axis: +1
Y-axis: +1
Zoom Hold: NO
Button mapping: Standard 1



Invert Y Axis FTW.


Antdogg355 said:
For anyone with a hdtv with 120hz, is this game noticeably smoother? Mine does not have this so it plays normally I guess, but when I played it on my parents set, the framerate looked much better then 30 fps. Maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me or if not, then that means I had no idea that 120hz even had an impact on PS3 games.

I think alot of people brought that up during the GTAIV release week. I've never seen a game running in that mode, but bluray movies look like "60fps".


alba said:
I'm curious to see, what's everyone configuration for MP?


Invert X-axis: NO
Invert Y-axis: YES
Sensitivity: (0 being default)
X-axis: +1
Y-axis: +2
Zoom Hold: NO
Button mapping: Standard 1

That's it currently, may change in time.


alba said:
I'm curious to see, what's everyone configuration for MP?

Invert X-axis: NO
Invert Y-axis: NO
Sensitivity: (0 being default)
X-axis: +1
Y-axis: +1
Zoom Hold: NO
Button mapping: Standard 1

I havent made any changes actually, just use alternate 2


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
pelicansurf said:
how does the medic's revive thing work? the gun seems to only work half the time.

You gotta be close enough and actually AIM at the person.


SSM25 said:
WOW I suck so hard at aiming, any tips?. If I don't get any better is bye bye baby after the campaign is complete. I don't know how somebody would call this sci-fi cod4.

Guess is call of duty 4 for me until modern warfare 2 :(

Utilize character movement to assist aiming as well as crouching to ease up accuracy. Other than that, you have to have a nice touch to succeed here. It's also going to take some time for it to click with some people.

If that doesn't work for you, then sorry, it's back to auto-aim of duty for you. :(


pelicansurf said:
how does the medic's revive thing work? the gun seems to only work half the time.

The person has to be alive/struggling on the ground for you to revive them. A 'heal' Icon will appear for them on the mini map and above their name in the game itself. Sometimes you sort of have to stop and really make sure that your reticle is on them or at a decent range, you can only revive 1 person every 30 seconds.

WOW I suck so hard at aiming, any tips?. If I don't get any better is bye bye baby after the campaign is complete. I don't know how somebody would call this sci-fi cod4.

Guess is call of duty 4 for me until modern warfare 2 :(
Turn down your aiming sensitivty, and keep in mind that this is a different game from Call of Duty in terms of how you should approach shooting. This isn't an insult; you really need to think of these weapons as balistic firearms instead of kill lasers like in CoD4. You're going to have to come to grips with controlling them.


pelicansurf said:
how does the medic's revive thing work? the gun seems to only work half the time.
Eh? You can only revive downed people, not dead people. It's pretty straightforward.

Unless you mean the recharge time between revives?


alba said:
I'm curious to see, what's everyone configuration for MP?


Invert X-axis: NOEZ
Invert Y-axis: NOEZ
Sensitivity: (0 being default)
X-axis: -3
Y-axis: -3
Zoom Hold: YES
Button mapping: Alt. 2


Teknoman said:
Any GAF beamber games up? or GAF games period?

EDIT: Just realized that the default class is actually the Soldier class...so doesnt that mean you can combine secondary abilities with it?

I played one GAF game yesterday and have been dying to play another one.


Phaethon0017 said:
Just setup a game called GAME PHAETHON if anyone has a mic and wants to join.


EDIT: Medic gun actually works from quite a distance. Just have to aim at the wounded and have a clear shot.
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