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Grenades in this game are possibly the worst grenades in the history of video games.

I threw one about a foot behind an enemy yesterday while he stood there; damn thing detonated and he walks it off.

What the fuck Guerrilla?
The Take Out Bandit said:
Grenades in this game are possibly the worst grenades in the history of video games.

I threw one about a foot behind an enemy yesterday while he stood there; damn thing detonated and he walks it off.

What the fuck Guerrilla?
Agreed. At least increase the blast/damage radius by a foot. :[


i have to say, i think KZ2 is one of the most well designed MP games ever. it's got depth, it's got balance, and the level design is impeccable. it's truly a work of art. i still think the aiming deadzone could be reduced, but that's not a fault with the MP so much as it is the game in general.

The Take Out Bandit said:
Grenades in this game are possibly the worst grenades in the history of video games.

I threw one about a foot behind an enemy yesterday while he stood there; damn thing detonated and he walks it off.

What the fuck Guerrilla?
no way man. sometimes it gets so crazy hectic that grenades wipe out entire rooms. you gotta be pretty accurate, but grenades are already a deciding factor in battles. any bigger range and they'd just be abusive.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
The Take Out Bandit said:
Grenades in this game are possibly the worst grenades in the history of video games.

I threw one about a foot behind an enemy yesterday while he stood there; damn thing detonated and he walks it off.

What the fuck Guerrilla?

Perhaps it was an Assault class dude (double armor).

I'm pretty deadly with 'nades. I think they are perfect as they are.

The grenade launcher ones are weaker tho.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Last night's gaf game when the entire room continued to spawn on top of itself and get wiped by grenades begs to differ.
Bought this friday (first PS3 purchase!) played a few hours of mp yesterday, and I love it.

My only complaint is the responsiveness of the in-game menu. I feel like I'm waiting for it to react, switching from the lobby to the squad selection and back again. Even hitting x to respawn, I feel like there's a significant delay between when the message pops up, and when it register your button press. Minor to be sure, but it does lend the whole thing a slightly disconnected feeling.

Nit-picking aside, the game rocks. Kills feel hard earned which is great, the combat is intense, the multi-objective rounds keep everything fresh, and the whole presentation is incredibly immersive. Scrambling across the dusty plains in Pyrhuss Rise while seeing the entire enemy team moving in the distance, climbing up the broken bridge in Corinth Crossing with the sunlight streaming through the dust above you... everything is just insanely gorgeous.

One of these nights I'll try and join you guys in a GAF game.


Please GG don't change anything gameplay wise, thanks.
Just give us the option to show/hide the information (usernames) on the screen.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
The Take Out Bandit said:
Grenades in this game are possibly the worst grenades in the history of video games.

I threw one about a foot behind an enemy yesterday while he stood there; damn thing detonated and he walks it off.

What the fuck Guerrilla?

does that happen all the time or just one occasion?

cuz i think the nades are good in the game. Its not a spam machine(on both sides of the fight) and the Helghast dont stand there and take it when you throw em(which is why its good to cook it).

I'm on the
, now. This game just ends up looking better and better. Is this shit real? I can't believe I'm playing this.


You know how multiplayer games usually only has like 2 maybe 3 good maps and the rest are crap? Killzone's the first game I've ever played that had all good stages. Seriously the only way I could decide which one I like more is by seeing which one is less good. Every stage is awesome! I can't believe I spent the entire weekend playing this.. seriously where did all that time go? No back to work on Monday ;_;


How do we know which servers are dedicated and which arent? in Warhawk their a diferent color, is there something i dont see?
Just unlocked the scout. Watch out, world.

Currently, though, I'm trying to get the medic badge to be able to throw health packs. Can't wait to start mixing and matching abilities. This truly is the perfect war game. I love it.


Melfice7 said:
How do we know which servers are dedicated and which arent? in Warhawk their a diferent color, is there something i dont see?
Every server is dedicated, unless you are asking for something else?


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Melfice7 said:
How do we know which servers are dedicated and which arent? in Warhawk their a diferent color, is there something i dont see?

You can't set up a dedicated server a la Warhawk. Every game runs on dedicated Sony servers.


RJNavarrete said:
Haha Holy Shit. Recipe for PWNAGE:

1. Radec Academy.
2. 32 players.
3. Saboteur class and sneak into their spawn.
4. Submachine gun all over my FACE.

Jesus, I wreaked havoc on those fools. Ended with a new personal high 135 points. :D :D I didn't like Sab at first, but I gotta admit it comes in handy in certain situations like when your team has the opposition locked down at a choke point.

Cooked grenade could do wonders there too.


Anyone else getting disconnected from servers quite a bit? Starting to feel like I should only play short matches just to guarantee it'll get to end, so I can actually rank up. :lol


U K Narayan said:

I'm on the
, now. This game just ends up looking better and better. Is this shit real? I can't believe I'm playing this.
yeah the graphics just continued to blow me away as I progressed through the game

Tom Penny

God MP controls suck. No other game I have ever played that you are less acurrate in close quarters. Very agravating. Can't even do a proper circle strafe.
The Take Out Bandit said:
Grenades in this game are possibly the worst grenades in the history of video games.

I threw one about a foot behind an enemy yesterday while he stood there; damn thing detonated and he walks it off.

What the fuck Guerrilla?

The grenade damage is fine. However this is the only FPS where I'm having trouble making the grenades go where I want them to. In COD and especially R:FOM I was a beast with the nades. I always hit my target,but with this game my frags always land short of their target. It's a bit frustrating.
Zeliard said:
Anyone else getting disconnected from servers quite a bit? Starting to feel like I should only play short matches just to guarantee it'll get to end, so I can actually rank up. :lol
Not at all here. No lag, no disconnections, pure bliss.
Tom Penny said:
God MP controls suck. No other game I have ever played that you are less acurrate in close quarters. Very agravating. Can't even do a proper circle strafe.

Felt the same way until I the controls clicked for me. Don't know why, but I just "got it" at some point.


Jesus. That last game was a massacre. Even though both sides had the same # of players the game was so friggin' one-sided. The HALO crew is damn good LOL. I hate losing .... grrrr.


Did anyone mention that every time your in the lobby and refresh the list there are always different games? As if there is several pages that the games dont all fit on 1 scroll(up/down). I;ve counted like 4 different pages.
Zeliard said:
Anyone else getting disconnected from servers quite a bit? Starting to feel like I should only play short matches just to guarantee it'll get to end, so I can actually rank up. :lol
Im not on KZ2 right now but considering that all the stats on KZ.com say 0 I'd assume that the servers are having problems (I better not lose my stats. although it is funny that I have 0 deaths :p)


Tom Penny said:
God MP controls suck. No other game I have ever played that you are less acurrate in close quarters. Very agravating. Can't even do a proper circle strafe.
Just keep at it and you'll get use to them. I didn't like it at first but now I'm loving the way it plays. If GG changed the way the game played I would probably fly down there and shoot somebody :lol


blazinglazers said:
My only complaint is the responsiveness of the in-game menu. I feel like I'm waiting for it to react, switching from the lobby to the squad selection and back again. Even hitting x to respawn, I feel like there's a significant delay between when the message pops up, and when it register your button press. Minor to be sure, but it does lend the whole thing a slightly disconnected feeling.

Yup that's the same issue I"m having ingame. I want to spawn to my squad leader or spawn nade, but when I press circle it doesn't response right away, when I press it again I spawn at the default spawn point .. ugh....

Other then that servers, voice communications has improved 100000% from launch day, and like David Ellis said, the controls does take some time to get to you, but once they do , it just clicks.

Awesome game, really well done!
dollartaco said:
Felt the same way until I the controls clicked for me. Don't know why, but I just "got it" at some point.

Same here! At one point it all just clicks. Now whenever I'm in a close quarters situation I just instinctively know where to aim.

TIP: Fire in short bursts.


I have decided that I'm just not a fan of Search and Destroy. I don't like spawning and dying and spawning and dying. Really, that game mode should be called Body Count because that's all that's left when the time runs out.

Also, the standard ISA rifle might be the best automatic rifle ever made.

Tom Penny

dollartaco said:
Felt the same way until I the controls clicked for me. Don't know why, but I just "got it" at some point.

It's sad that you can get more kills long distance then when you have a jump on a guy in close quarters. It almost irrevlant knowing were a guy is and i'm not sprayer...played too much CS for that crap.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
I wish my university was blown up by terrorists(or atleast the engineering building) so I wouldn't have any more stupid assignments and midterms and I can finally play KZ2 online with Gaffers :(

I played a match this afternoon with some of you guys and it felt like I got a little taste of what heaven feels like :D


Tom Penny said:
It's sad that you can get more kills long distance then when you have a jump on a guy in close quarters. It almost irrevlant knowing were a guy is and i'm not sprayer...played too much CS for that crap.
I can empathize. The players move faster than you can aim, and you usually overshoot your aim in close quarters - biggest flaw in the game mechanics imo. Still, heart this game. If this game had the party system of Resistance 2 and the melee mechanics of Halo 3 it would be the best multiplayer game EVARRR.


Tom Penny said:
God MP controls suck. No other game I have ever played that you are less acurrate in close quarters. Very agravating. Can't even do a proper circle strafe.

Don't use the iron sight at close quarters, and move your stick slowly, usually when you see an enemy jump right infront of you you will tend to use more strength on the sticks. Just ease it up, and don't hold down on the fire button, tab it in burst.

Try playing with bots on the recruit level first, then work your way up to trooper level. At trooper level they are as good as the level of the competition now. Get a friend to join in and volia! co-op while you rank up.


RJNavarrete said:
Not at all here. No lag, no disconnections, pure bliss.

It's strange, because the games themselves don't feature a great amount of lag when I'm playing, but I just randomly get disconnected with a "network error". Sometimes I even try to log into Warzone and it'll take several seconds before giving me a network error.

I'd blame it on the wireless connect, but this doesn't really happen with other PS3 games, and I still remain connected to PSN the entire time. Not to mention it's a complete non-issue with both my PC and 360.

It wouldn't really bug me if it didn't also mean losing all my progress in that match. Gonna try a different wireless channel and see if that helps anything.


Zeliard said:
It's strange, because the games themselves don't feature a great amount of lag when I'm playing, but I just randomly get disconnected with a "network error". Sometimes I even try to log into Warzone and it'll take several seconds before giving me a network error.

I'd blame it on the wireless connect, but this doesn't really happen with other PS3 games, and I still remain connected to PSN the entire time. Not to mention it's a complete non-issue with both my PC and 360.

It wouldn't really bug me if it didn't also mean losing all my progress in that match. Gonna try a different wireless channel and see if that helps anything.

Either this is isolated to certain ISPs or I have just been lucky because I am on wireless, been playing for 3 days straight and I haven't dropped from a single game. Never dropped from the beta either. Experienced one "freeze", which effected every person on the server but that's it.


Is this a glitch?:lol

I've put in about 12 hours into multi. I didnt even think I'd be in the top 30% of players!
Haven't played as much as some of you but the grenades have been fine for me thus far. I find them best at close range really. If more than one person is coming my way I try to go round a corner (backwards) cook, then throw. At the very least it'll take out one then you can go crazy on the other.

EDIT: And for close combat with the guns I have a bad habit of spraying like crazy. Really easy to over tilt the sticks when something coming for you up close.


Zeliard said:
It's strange, because the games themselves don't feature a great amount of lag when I'm playing, but I just randomly get disconnected with a "network error". Sometimes I even try to log into Warzone and it'll take several seconds before giving me a network error.

I only gotten the error when the servers were just released. Have you tried opening all the PSN ports on your router?? Or a quick test is to put your PS3 on the DMZ (outside firewall) for a quick test.


I don't get why the LMG is so nerfed in the MP? I was all excited about unlocking it, but the thing just flails around and I can't hit shit and when I do hit someone it takes forever to kill them. Bummer...

Oh, and Full-Recovery is a fucking beast with that SMG. Completely raped us on Helghan Industries 0-7. I had to go back into the SP just to blow off some steam. :lol


The way the controls "clicked" somewhat is that I am very active on the sticks - both of them really. I am constantly moving them to get a bead on the enemy ...... its' almost like you "roll" the sticks more than other games due to the momentum


U K Narayan said:

I'm on the
, now. This game just ends up looking better and better. Is this shit real? I can't believe I'm playing this.

I'm on the train level too, and yes, fuuuuuuuuck this game looks goooood :D


bigswords said:
I only gotten the error when the servers were just released. Have you tried opening all the PSN ports on your router?? Or a quick test is to put your PS3 on the DMZ (outside firewall) for a quick test.

Actually, I was just looking at my router settings and saw that UPnP is disabled (I thought it was enabled). Wonder if that has something to do with it, since it might not be able to open some ports.
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