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Have a fun! Enjoy!
Grayman said:
That doesn't sound dedicated to me at all. Their is the master server but the actual gameplay is all peer to peer and such does not even meet the server requirement of dedicated server.

Well, as far as I understand it, some data goes to some Sony servers. Other data travels across a peer-to-peer network. There are no PS3s hosting the games like in Warhawk (which did an upload speed check to determine the maximum amount of players your connection would sustain).

I've never heard of such a system applied to anything other than file sharing and I'm not sure how it actually works in gaming.


Baron Aloha said:
Question... today I got sergeant first class (which comes with the shotty and smg) and the natural born killer ribbon. Where do I select my starting equipment and what ribbons to use? Granted, I only played like 1 game after unlocking them but I don't remember seeing a screen or anything.

You select weaponry on the character screen by pressing R1 at the spawn screen before a match or when you die. Ribbons have no benefits other then to gain medals, the medals benefits are automatically added to your profile so no need to select them (other then class specific medals, these are interchangeable once you have unlocked 2 or more of the classes secondary medals).

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Grayman said:
while you are looking at the spawn map press r1 to go to your character tab.

NBK(is that the ammo or grenade one? that is always in use automatically)
Shotty and SMG will be pickable weapons for the rifleman badge only.

You won't even get into real badge options for awhile more. You will get medic and pick it or rifleman, then you get heal pack and are forced to use it as it is your only one, so you have to unlock engy and it's special perk before you can fully play with badges.

If only I would have played more today, but I took a break later in the day...

I got the Valor Cross (top 3%), but I missed out on what was probably my only chance for getting the Valor Grand Cross (top 1%). That is going to be the one trophy that haunts me in this game!


Baron Aloha said:
Question... today I got sergeant first class (which comes with the shotty and smg) and the natural born killer ribbon. Where do I select my starting equipment and what ribbons to use? Granted, I only played like 1 game after unlocking them but I don't remember seeing a screen or anything.

Press R1 while in a MP game and go to Character menu, that is your character load up and class selection.


Pray for my soul GAF because whoever made this game isn't human. I haven't given up so much of my life on a video game since I was kid. Damn what powerful magic this shit wields :-(
Here's something that I have noticed that really need fixing

  • Lack of a real party system. Its way to difficult for me and a group of friends to just hop on and play some matches together. Right now we have to call each other up, figure out who is going to join a match, make adjustments to fit the requirements of everyone (rank, if game is full or not). Its was to much just to play a game with some friends.
  • Shotgun and Assault class seems overpowered. I've died way to many times from a shotgun blast to the back, that one hit kills me. I can understand a one hit kill when the guy is right on top of me, but when he's is clearly some distance back it shouldn't be a one hit kill. The Assault class is pretty obvious. The guy has two times the health, is faster then everyone and has a rocket launcher.
  • There needs to be a way to see if a match has started already before joining. I can't stand it in online games with no matchmaking when I join a game, and get thrown on the losing team with 1 minute left. Pisses me off to no end.
  • When a game disconnects, we should get whatever points we had during that match. Count it as a draw or something, I don't care.
  • Obvious little lag and disconnecting issues, that always happen when big games come out.

Nothing seems too bad really. Balancing issues are easily fixed, and lag will disappear over time. The biggest thing I asked for is a party system, which doesn't seem that hard to implement. Comments?


hide your water-based mammals
FINALLY digging into the MP. It's Godly. Holy shit good here. The visuals are like a total orgy for the eyes. I'm not used to seeing character deaths being so real. The stopping power shots are amazing to behold. SO FUN.


LiquidMetal14 said:
FINALLY digging into the MP. It's Godly. Holy shit good here. The visuals are like a total orgy for the eyes. I'm not used to seeing character deaths being so real. The stopping power shots are amazing to behold. SO FUN.
Tell me about it. That's why you need that distinct 'beep' sound to let you know that mofo dead.
I just got the Wargod Ribbon Trophy for no reason when I started up the game 30 minutes ago.
Makes no sense, since I don't have the requirements for it yet. :lol


Yay... top 6% and i didn't really play that much. Damn engineer class dropped my stats big time though, I should've stayed a medic. :(


insert blank space here
GSG Flash said:
I wish my university was blown up by terrorists(or atleast the engineering building) so I wouldn't have any more stupid assignments and midterms and I can finally play KZ2 online with Gaffers :(

I played a match this afternoon with some of you guys and it felt like I got a little taste of what heaven feels like :D

Please god, no. :lol


TTP said:
Well, as far as I understand it, some data goes to some Sony servers. Other data travels across a peer-to-peer network. There are no PS3s hosting the games like in Warhawk (which did an upload speed check to determine the maximum amount of players your connection would sustain).

I've never heard of such a system applied to anything other than file sharing and I'm not sure how it actually works in gaming.
In a p2p game each client is equal(this is probably why you get so many double kills). You use a lot more upload bandwidth and connections because each client is talking to all the others. A lagger will hurt everyone while in client/server they would not. With a lot of connections being asynchronous using p2p is not a good idea. I can only host 4 players in warhawk but I can send data to 31 in KZ2.

The benefits I know of apply more to 1v1 games where by removing the central server the players lose some latency and neither gets a "host advantage".
Once you getused to controlling the sniper and the intricacies of the acceleration it's a blast. Granted I only went 10-3 in my last match with it, it's still awesome to see enemies going down from across the map. :D :D


After over 10 grueling Pistol matches I finally got my m4 Revolver. Fuck you Guerrilla,what kind of sick joke is this? 10 pistol kills for 1 ribbon plus the fact I have to get 8 ribbons? Fuck you.


So alls I had to do was lower my y axis settings and now Im actually decent at this game. And who the hell is thirdengn? He was the only one giving me grief in that one match :lol


Blu_LED said:
Here's something that I have noticed that really need fixing

  • Lack of a real party system. Its way to difficult for me and a group of friends to just hop on and play some matches together. Right now we have to call each other up, figure out who is going to join a match, make adjustments to fit the requirements of everyone (rank, if game is full or not). Its was to much just to play a game with some friends.
  • Shotgun and Assault class seems overpowered. I've died way to many times from a shotgun blast to the back, that one hit kills me. I can understand a one hit kill when the guy is right on top of me, but when he's is clearly some distance back it shouldn't be a one hit kill. The Assault class is pretty obvious. The guy has two times the health, is faster then everyone and has a rocket launcher.
  • There needs to be a way to see if a match has started already before joining. I can't stand it in online games with no matchmaking when I join a game, and get thrown on the losing team with 1 minute left. Pisses me off to no end.
  • When a game disconnects, we should get whatever points we had during that match. Count it as a draw or something, I don't care.
  • Obvious little lag and disconnecting issues, that always happen when big games come out.

Nothing seems too bad really. Balancing issues are easily fixed, and lag will disappear over time. The biggest thing I asked for is a party system, which doesn't seem that hard to implement. Comments?
Lag will stay the same or get worse over time. As fewer people are playing overtime it is more likely that they will be dispersed over a larger geographic area increasing the latency between all them. Logging in will get faster but nothing else.


Defuser said:
After over 10 grueling Pistol matches I finally got my m4 Revolver. Fuck you Guerrilla,what kind of sick joke is this? 10 pistol kills for 1 ribbon plus the fact I have to get 8 ribbons? Fuck you.

Play with us if you want to unlock ribbons we have a more efficient way of doing so.


BTW I'm king of Search and Retrieve :lol

I just played two games in the GAF BELIVE server and the two times the Search and Retrieve mode started, my team won... and I was the one who delivered it all 6 times (3 times each game) :lol
There was one guy who tried to catch me but I used the boost skill and he said 'NO FUCKING WAY' after I got the 3rd point :lol Aww.. so much fun!!


I'd be in the dick
Got back from my retreat and marathoned the rest of the game. Lots of story spoilers from late in the game.
The story was better than I was expecting it to be but it felt awkward because it kind of rushed a lot of character development for Sev. He really didn't say anything important before Garza died so it felt odd to all of a sudden have him speak and seem like a much deeper character. I liked the ending but I can see people not liking it. Sev's reaction to the ships coming down and the shot of him sitting on the steps was an interesting moment. I wish Visari and Radec had a bit more of a role because I thought they were great villians. They didn't show up as much as I would have liked.
From a gameplay standpoint I loved it from beginning to end. I haven't been able to connect online yet but I have played some skirmish matches and I can see myself becoming hooked.


I'm going to complain about the med kits again.

They are really hard to see and they are not on the radar as well. What is the use of heal kit when you can't freaking see it!!!!

Plus when you heal your mates , you get 0 points. Yes 0 points. You should get something for the effort of throwing the damn thing. For clan matches I understand this should be less of a problem and points don't really matter, in pug where you are trying to rez people and take care of them, it is taking time off from you at shooting at bad guys.

Either A) make the heal pack a brighter colour or B) put a as a radar symbol or C) BOTH!

Please think of the medics who selfless rez and heal you.


Haven't been able to put down the online mode of this game since I started - just unlocked the tactician class.

Side note, is there any place that has some pictures and/or videos on the maps in the original Killzone? I was reading that Guerilla was planning on releasing them as Killzone 2 DLC in the future so I just want to see what to expect.

bigswords said:
I'm going to complain about the med kits again.

They are really hard to see and they are not on the radar as well. What is the use of heal kit when you can't freaking see it!!!!

Plus when you heal your mates , you get 0 points. Yes 0 points. You should get something for the effort of throwing the damn thing. For clan matches I understand this should be less of a problem and points don't really matter, in pug where you are trying to rez people and take care of them, it is taking time off from you at shooting at bad guys.

Either A) make the heal pack a brighter colour or B) put a as a radar symbol or C) BOTH!

Please think of the medics who selfless rez and heal you.
I've played the game online for like 3 hours and I was totally unaware that there was health packs. What do they look like? Medics drop them?


bigswords said:
I'm going to complain about the med kits again.

They are really hard to see and they are not on the radar as well. What is the use of heal kit when you can't freaking see it!!!!

Plus when you heal your mates , you get 0 points. Yes 0 points. You should get something for the effort of throwing the damn thing. For clan matches I understand this should be less of a problem and points don't really matter, in pug where you are trying to rez people and take care of them, it is taking time off from you at shooting at bad guys.

Either A) make the heal pack a brighter colour or B) put a as a radar symbol or C) BOTH!

Please think of the medics who selfless rez and heal you.

Well I wish they would at least instantly activate. Nothing more annoying than nailing a healthpack toss on a wounded teammate to see it bounce back :p


Blu_LED said:
I've played the game online for like 3 hours and I was totally unaware that there was health packs. What do they look like? Medics drop them?

Yup you have to unlock the trama badge first. The heal pack look like blood packs, but the blood is rather darkish (realistic I guess) and it blends with the floor. I have to shoot the floor while on the mic to tell my team mates where the health kit is.


Blu_LED said:
I've played the game online for like 3 hours and I was totally unaware that there was health packs. What do they look like? Medics drop them?
In the beta medics tossed them and they bounced around a lot. They were really hard to see, i think they were a clear bag of blood but with the dark muted killzone colouring.
bigswords said:
Yup you have to unlock the trama badge first. The heal pack look like blood packs, but the blood is rather darkish (realistic I guess) and it blends with the floor. I have to shoot the floor while on the mic to tell my team mates where the health kit is.
They don't glow or anything? Thats really weird, considering most of the maps are dark and the ground is always dark too.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Raist said:
Well I wish they would at least instantly activate. Nothing more annoying than nailing a healthpack toss on a wounded teammate to see it bounce back :p

I think the health packs are meant to be tossed (and forgotten) at choke points to increase chances of your buddies to get healed "automatically" during a firefight hence reducing the need to use the reviving gun too often.

Usage should be similar to that of the C4. Of course for different purpose.

Sucks to hear you don't get point for healing tho. You do get for killing with C4.


bigswords said:
I'm going to complain about the med kits again.

They are really hard to see and they are not on the radar as well. What is the use of heal kit when you can't freaking see it!!!!

Plus when you heal your mates , you get 0 points. Yes 0 points. You should get something for the effort of throwing the damn thing. For clan matches I understand this should be less of a problem and points don't really matter, in pug where you are trying to rez people and take care of them, it is taking time off from you at shooting at bad guys.

Either A) make the heal pack a brighter colour or B) put a as a radar symbol or C) BOTH!

Please think of the medics who selfless rez and heal you.
Thats why its good to communicate. When I unlock that (soon - soonish) Im gonna just tell people where I put dem shits.

I love bein a medic by the way. I dont see myself changing from this anytime soon. I may want the 2nd saboteur ability though. And I just checked and saw how far that is away so forget I just said that.


Y'know, things break...
Don't care what anyone says medic is pretty overpowered. So great to be able to heal yourself while sitting back and camping and headshotting everyone that comes into view with the m4.


Blu_LED said:
They don't glow or anything? Thats really weird, considering most of the maps are dark and the ground is always dark too.

No they dont :( I'll tell my squad mates, "heal pack!" and they will go "where?" RTCF, QuakeWars, BFBC all the med packs are square boxes which are rather hard to miss.

If it glows on the ground it won't be so bad.
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