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hahaha, ok. So i became the target on the gaf server earlier. I was stayin back trying to be safe but with all the chaos i could have sworn people were saying I have to be in the green area on the map for it to count?? I was wrong, I got totally killed,hahaha. But this game is so intense, jeeeebus. I never felt tension like that. Ive been the targer before, and last time i waited till all the other side came for me, and i ran out a back exit and ended up on the back of the map and one. I thought that works better? still not familiar with all the game modes.


WHOAguitarninja said:
Again, server is GAF BELIEVE, password is BELIEVE (all caps). Send me a friend request or check to see if one of your friends is on. It's not full.
sleep... or play... sleep... or play... sleep.. aww f*ck it :D


does 'hold to zoom' work in single player?

i enable it in options but it doesn't seem to do anything?

or maybe i have misinterpreted what 'hold to zoom' means? does it mean like in COD4 where u have to hold L1 to use the iron sights?


Zeliard said:
Actually, I was just looking at my router settings and saw that UPnP is disabled (I thought it was enabled). Wonder if that has something to do with it, since it might not be able to open some ports.

You could try to enable upnp if your router supports it. But I suggest a sure way to open all ports is to put your PS3 on the DMZ. If the game still kicks you out after that, then it could router, isp , etc...


i_am_ben said:
does 'hold to zoom' work in single player?

i enable it in options but it doesn't seem to do anything?

or maybe i have misinterpreted what 'hold to zoom' means? does it mean like in COD4 where u have to hold L1 to use the iron sights?

Yes that is correct.

If you want toggle zoom then uncheck the hold zoom option.


I would love to have the option to turn off the kill counter in MP on the left side of the screen. In those big games when 7 or 8 people die at the same time I can't see shit on the left side of my screen except a long string of text.

Now that the controls have "clicked" for me I'm happy with everything else found in the MP game. Never played a game though that demands you learn the controls like KZ2 does. I don't even think about them now but geez those first few rounds of MP were rough!


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Grayman said:
How so? I thought all of the games were player hosted

this is how GG explained it here http://games.on.net/article/5081/Killzone_2_Games_On_Net_chats_with_Guerilla_Games?page=2

Steven: We’ve got good news. The PSN works on a peer to peer system. So you set up a game, select your region. When you search for your games and create games, they’ll create them in that region. So if you filter for Australian, you’ll join other Australians that are playing.

Because it’s peer to peer, there is no host overseas, the lag should be minimal. There’s still a session master, that runs the game data such as which mission starts, which points are captured, but you only communicate with that server when you need to. All game activity goes between the peers, rather than to the server.




Is this a glitch?:lol

I've put in about 12 hours into multi. I didnt even think I'd be in the top 30% of players!
Just playing this huge game, 32 people and my team is winning 4-2. We get to the final thing, which is Assassination. It started, and then the server disconnects, everyone is thrown out.

I was in like 3rd too and doing really good. I seriously get nothing for that match now?

Ephemeris said:
I dont know how ill ever get in the 1 percent. maybe when nobody is playing anymore,hahaha.

im an artist, so im horrible at math, but with more players will it be easier to get the 1 percent, or less players?


Y'know, things break...
Is it just me or can the framerate get pretty terrible in full 32 player games and where the hell is ping located on these servers?


I'm creating a room GAF TIME TO DIE! EDIT fraction balancing is off.

Also, I'm freaking pissed that my honor rank didn't unlock. It's complete bullshit.




mrwilt said:
Are you talking on the x axis and y axis? I'm having trouble keeping the reticule on the enemy I'm shooting. I'm always swinging way past them back and forth.

The X and Y axis aren't 1:1. There needs to be 4 notches between them so if you keep the default 50% setup for the X axis, set the Y axis 4 notches higher (90%). I play it this way and it does seem better but I played it fine with the default set up so who knows, maybe I'm just full of awesome.


The weekly rank thing is bullshit. I picked the game up on the 26th, have 3059 points, and when i check the stats for last week it says 351 and for this week 398, so i didn't even make the top 10%. I'm never going to get rank 4 at this rate, fucking huge effort. They should make a regional ranking system too, and you just have to get top 1% in your region...


Have a fun! Enjoy!
TrAcEr_x90 said:
I dont know how ill ever get in the 1 percent. maybe when nobody is playing anymore,hahaha.

im an artist, so im horrible at math, but with more players will it be easier to get the 1 percent, or less players?

1% of 100 players = 1
1% of 1.000.000 players = 10.000

More players = more chances of getting into that 1% (unless everyone rules on weekly basis :p)


I'm really not a fan of faction balancing and I haven't found it to be much of an issue. If we want to stick with a particular squad, let us stick with them. If anything, GG should give the "host" or creator of the game the ability to switch people from faction to faction - at least it's a bit more "democratic" (you can talk about who wants to be where prior to starting and the host can mediate).


WHOAguitarninja said:
Again, server is GAF BELIEVE, password is BELIEVE (all caps). Send me a friend request or check to see if one of your friends is on. It's not full.
What region? I don't see it worldwide or local :(


bigswords said:
Yes that is correct.

If you want toggle zoom then uncheck the hold zoom option.

stupid me :lol i wasn't exiting the option menu correctly so it didn't save my preference. now it works great :D
Zeliard said:
It's strange, because the games themselves don't feature a great amount of lag when I'm playing, but I just randomly get disconnected with a "network error". Sometimes I even try to log into Warzone and it'll take several seconds before giving me a network error.

I'd blame it on the wireless connect, but this doesn't really happen with other PS3 games, and I still remain connected to PSN the entire time. Not to mention it's a complete non-issue with both my PC and 360.

It wouldn't really bug me if it didn't also mean losing all my progress in that match. Gonna try a different wireless channel and see if that helps anything.
They really need to allow you to keep your points if you get disconnected. It's bullshit losing all your points from a match for something that is beyond your control.




Is this a glitch?:lol

I've put in about 12 hours into multi. I didnt even think I'd be in the top 30% of players!

I have read a few times that the stat tracking got messed up and so for this weeks valor ranks it only counted Sunday, though there is no credible source. If this is true everyone who played Friday/Saturday but took a break on Sunday will get screwed. I believe this is why killzone.com stats are down, Guerrilla say they are working on it, whether this means the valor ranks will be corrected or not is yet to be seen.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
RJNavarrete said:
How the hell do you do 5x zoom on the sniper? I've tried a bunch of stuff and nothing works... Yes, I've unlocked it, so that's not it...

UP on D-pad. Just like in SP.
Cagen said:
I have read a few times that the stat tracking got messed up and so for this weeks valor ranks it only counted Sunday, though there is no credible source. If this is true everyone who played Friday/Saturday but took a break on Sunday will get screwed. I believe this is why killzone.com stats are down, Guerrilla say they are working on it, whether this means the valor ranks will be corrected or not is yet to be seen.
Even if they do fix them, and take back the rank within the game, they can't take back trophies.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Cagen said:
I have read a few times that the stat tracking got messed up and so for this weeks valor ranks it only counted Sunday, though there is no credible source. If this is true everyone who played Friday/Saturday but took a break on Sunday will get screwed. I believe this is why killzone.com stats are down, Guerrilla say they are working on it, whether this means the valor ranks will be corrected or not is yet to be seen.

Seems like it. Lucky me I've played a lot today. :D


Blu_LED said:
Even if they do fix them, and take back the rank within the game, they can't take back trophies.

True but at least people who haven't received what they should have, will do.

TTP said:
Seems like it. Lucky me I've played a lot today. :D

I practically took the day off, seems I made a bad decision.
Just played me first Gaf game. Sooo fun, even though I haven't unlocked any classes yet. I tried searching for the GAF Believe server, but I couldn't find anything. Ended up joining another Gaf room via an old Warhawk buddy (ended up being disconnected. Dunno if everyone else did or not). Is there some reason why I couldn't that room? I changed the options so it would search for everything, but it seems like it only finds 20 or so games.

And I need more Killzone 2 Gaf players. Feel free to send me a friend request. Tag is JackScofield. I wouldn't mind being invited to a clan, either. I live in California, if that makes any difference.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Question... today I got sergeant first class (which comes with the shotty and smg) and the natural born killer ribbon. Where do I select my starting equipment and what ribbons to use? Granted, I only played like 1 game after unlocking them but I don't remember seeing a screen or anything.
BruceLeeRoy said:
Can you guys imagine the cluster fu#@$ the hallways would become if the grenade range
were increased? Please no I say.
I was playing some Search and Destroy (or whatever it's called in KZ2) and I had an absolutely awesome grenade.
Nearly HALF the team went into a room to defuse the bomb and I tossed a grenade in there. As soon as it went off the screen instantly filled with death notifications of me killing them with my grenade. It was SO AWESOME. :D


Hellsing321 said:
They really need to allow you to keep your points if you get disconnected. It's bullshit losing all your points from a match for something that is beyond your control.

Yeah, that's probably my single biggest pet peeve with the multiplayer, which I otherwise love. And it's not just for people who get disconnected, but also for people who simply have to leave. Some of those matches when every mission is on the rotation can go on for quite a bit (especially when their times are tweaked), and anyone who is disconnected or has to leave at some point loses all of the ranking points they earned (not to mention any possible ribbons).

I think if you get disconnected/leave, it should simply not give you any bonus multipliers on those points, but you should get to keep whatever you ended with (pretty much just as if you had lost the match). They could even take away some of those points if it meant keeping any sort of progress, but giving the player nothing is unfair.


Baron Aloha said:
Question... today I got sergeant first class (which comes with the shotty and smg) and the natural born killer ribbon. Where do I select my starting equipment and what ribbons to use? Granted, I only played like 1 game after unlocking them but I don't remember seeing a screen or anything.
while you are looking at the spawn map press r1 to go to your character tab.

NBK(is that the ammo or grenade one? that is always in use automatically)
Shotty and SMG will be pickable weapons for the rifleman badge only.

You won't even get into real badge options for awhile more. You will get medic and pick it or rifleman, then you get heal pack and are forced to use it as it is your only one, so you have to unlock engy and it's special perk before you can fully play with badges.
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