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alba said:
there, there! :lol :lol

The only map i don't like is corinth something, the vertical map, I really hate it just because it's vertical.. but i'm sure some people love it because of that though.

My fav map for now is still Salumun Market (just like the beta)

Corinth Crossing


Mik2121 said:
Visari Hammer - Way too chaotic and overall TOO RED. I got tired of it and for some reason it's the stage that I've played the most :(((

I reeeeeeeally reeeeeeeeally hate Visari hammer. Its so awful and its so easy to sit on spawn points. The paths leading to both sides are all corridors. And the spots they picked for search and destroy are equally as horrendous.

I dont remember the name of the map as Ive only played it once but its the one with the two giant face sculptures in the center. Its the most visually interesting but its way too close quarters. I may have to play it again but the first impression was blah.


.GqueB. said:
I reeeeeeeally reeeeeeeeally hate Visari hammer. Its so awful and its so easy to sit on spawn points. The paths leading to both sides are all corridors. And the spots they picked for search and destroy are equally as horrendous.

I dont remember the name of the map as Ive only played it once but its the one with the two giant face sculptures in the center. Its the most visually interesting but its way too close quarters. I may have to play it again but the first impression was blah.
Radec Academy


I love the visuals as well, and it's quite fun. But yeah, they should have made a larger version of it with bigger rooms and whatnot. In fact, I think they should make one for some kind of map-pack.. I'd buy it on day 1.


belvedere said:
Ok, how the f do you repair shit?

Just got the engineer repair badge but can't find a way to repair shit. Help!

Press the right dpad go to a broken down ammo box or defense gun (a spanner icon on the radar).

Hold L1 when close.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
belvedere said:
Ok, how the f do you repair shit?

Just got the engineer repair badge but can't find a way to repair shit. Help!

Jeez man, look at the icons in the bottom left corner. :D :p

Bring up the repair tool by pressing right on the D-Pad. Get close to stuff that needs to be repaired (indicated on radar with a wrench icon), point the tool towards it and hold R1 (as indicated on screen).

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
So is there a way to find a gaf server besides hoping one of my friends/clan are on it. Because searching for servers for me is like 90% xp type servers atm and doesnt show that many.


Hey guys, need a few pointers, well just some info on Autarch's Sanctum, when do the volley of Higs end, I can only get to the point when the Machine gun and Flamethrower Higs join forces, then brain cramp -> Sev dies + Rico does nothing.

I've playing through the game with no HUD for the most part (only some instances when I forgot where I was going when I used the HUD temporarily) and playing on Veteran.

Looking back I should have played this on Trooper and I would have beat it a few days ago rather than spending the entire weekend. :lol

Can't say I can complain though, game is a lot more rewarding after getting fragged many times and finally winning.

Still Veteran is no cakewalk, I don't even want to think about how hard Elite is, though I would like to play that as well. =x
BruceLeeRoy said:
Can you guys imagine the cluster fu#@$ the hallways would become if the grenade range
were increased? Please no I say.

That's kind of the point of lobbing an explosive device in a small area.

At least add more than one grenade type FFS.

I'll gladly take one of those grenades that showers the area with shrapnel over these turkeys any day of the week.


Little is the new Big
I've started elite, I'm at the fourth mission and some parts are REALLY tough, you need to use cover EVERY time and make sure you shot the higs long enough so you're sure they're dead :p


Holy shizzle. Just finished the game. Gotta admit I had to drop down from Veteran mode on the final fight. I couldn't stand to take anymore of a beating. That had to be one of the most fun boss battles still.

After seeing the ending,
Rico is one mutha f----n' tormented soul. But we knew that from the first game. Also I was sad when Templar took the plunge for the team. I'll miss his character, even though many didn't like his goody attitude. The ISA(well Rico mostly) have unleashed demons

DLC = continuation please?

ps. I too want that soundtrack. Nice credits!
Had a few great games tonight with a bunch of gaf peeps, primarily <gaf2>. Playing this game with a good clan with solid teamwork improves the experience so much.


The Take Out Bandit said:
That's kind of the point of lobbing an explosive device in a small area.

At least add more than one grenade type FFS.

I'll gladly take one of those grenades that showers the area with shrapnel over these turkeys any day of the week.

These grenades have a pretty decent damage range on em. Even outside the explosive range you get hit with a little force. That and you can throw them a nice distance if you arc the through abit while moving.

EDIT: Verticality is awesome (is that even a word)
Just made it to the
in SP and OMFG this is gotta be the most intense FPS in recent memory. The
section was totally INSANE and the best part of the game so far :D I decided to play just three chapters per day so as to make it last a bit longer.

Can't wait to fight
. I know I'll fight him sooner or later. I can feel it.


The Take Out Bandit said:
That's kind of the point of lobbing an explosive device in a small area.

At least add more than one grenade type FFS.

I'll gladly take one of those grenades that showers the area with shrapnel over these turkeys any day of the week.

It's all about proximity mines.


I am loving the desert map phyruss. I don't like the umm dock one, maybe I haven't played it with the right amount of people yet though. I actually have not played market yet in retail but it was my least fav beta map. I like visari's hammer because the objectives are away from the initial spawns(unlike academy for example), the split S&D layout is great.
Wow, great games tonight! I had one of my most productive nights since the beta as far as scoring goes! Full and I were sitting one-two most of the night! Also I love my EVIL Shotty!
So damn fun. I really need to get used to the weighty feel though. And I can never tell whos who online :lol I really need to look at the damn radar.

The only thing I really wish was in this game is coop. Coop should be a given nowadays.


MCermak said:

Suck it, GAF. :D

Who should I friend so I can play with you guys? I went out and got a headset and everything.

Actually, a lot of people from here got it. And if I didn't, it was because apparently they only used Sunday's stats (yesterday) and I barely played compared to Saturday or Friday, so yeah.. (I only got the 10% one)


Clinton514 said:
Holy shizzle. Just finished the game. Gotta admit I had to drop down from Veteran mode on the final fight. I couldn't stand to take anymore of a beating. That had to be one of the most fun boss battles still.

I think I might have to do that. :'(
Damn this game is frustrating. I was doing great when I started but it all went downhill since I got into a clusterfuck search and destroy mission.


Is there some server search feature I'm missing? I just lost my connection from the gaf server, and I can't find it again. Whenever I search using for servers i only get ~50 results.

My PSN name is Capt_Mhead, by the way.


Good Shot + Medic Packages as secondary ability+ Squad leader or Tactician = people spawning in places the other team will really hate you for.

God, I just sat in the hallway right next to a room for search and destroy and made some gaffers' lives hell. Those medic packs really shift the tide of battle when either healing yourself so people spawn off of you or healing people that are guarding a choke point. I LOVE IT!


"I've only played the multiplayer so far, and seeing the way the clouds move and the giant mortor shells arcing over the skies with this same giant sense of scale.. its really just a step above. Outside of Assembly, all the halo skyboxes are relatively static, its pretty much not even a fair comparison. There is far more going on in the killzone skyboxes.

'Helgan Industries' is my favorite one so far. But they are all so good. Atmosphere in this game is probably it's number 1 area even beyond the animation."

Edit: I want to play against bishoptl.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
I shot big bad Mr. Bish with a rifle,
Felt like I was atop the tower Eiffel;
I hope the niceness he does see,
and that Sam L. doesn't come ban me.

Don't ban me, bish.
SnakeXs said:
I shot big bad Mr. Bish with a rifle,
Felt like I was atop the tower Eiffel;
I hope the niceness he does see,
and that Sam L. doesn't come ban me.

Don't ban me, bish.

My biggest gaming disappointment of the year, so far, is learning that bishop doesn't use a microphone.

Tsk, tsk.


Banstick Emeritus
stupid Motorola piece of shit :|

I need to upgrade to that fancy new Sony bluetooth headset, my current one isn't getting the job done. Oh, I absolutely LOVED hearing people yell "I SHOT YOU IN THE HEAD DON'T BAN ME HAHAHA BANG BANG" over and over again.



Vyse The Legend said:
My biggest gaming disappointment of the year, so far, is learning that bishop doesn't use a microphone.

Tsk, tsk.

He doesn't want us to know that actually he really is SLJ.

edit: jeebus, I added this reply, then the thread refreshed and the first thing I put my eyes on is your avatar. Scary shit :lol


bishoptl said:
stupid Motorola piece of shit :|

I need to upgrade to that fancy new Sony bluetooth headset, my current one isn't getting the job done. Oh, I absolutely LOVED hearing people yell "I SHOT YOU IN THE HEAD DON'T BAN ME HAHAHA BANG BANG" over and over again.

I sense a hint of sarcasm there.


Raist said:
He doesn't want us to know that actually he really is SLJ.

edit: jeebus, I added this reply, then the thread refreshed and the first thing I put my eyes on is your avatar. Scary shit :lol

I really appreciate playing on your squad Raist, I had good times ;)


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Dementia said:
I sense a hint of sarcasm there.

I'd have to agree.

Luckily I stand firm that I was not yelling, and thus dodge the cutting edge of the remark. :p


WHOAguitarninja said:
Great games tonight guys. The last round was :lol

Lol, seriously. EPIC 5 min S&D clusterfuck.

Does anyone know if it takes awhile to update the stats? I just checked after that match and it didn't show any of the points I earned that game. Imma be so pissed if my 180pts are gone!!1!
Dementia said:
Is there some server search feature I'm missing? I just lost my connection from the gaf server, and I can't find it again. Whenever I search using for servers i only get ~50 results.

My PSN name is Capt_Mhead, by the way.

You need to keep refreshing the server list until you find it.

Needs fixing so we don't have to refresh for two minutes.


Nafai1123 said:
Lol, seriously. EPIC 5 min S&D clusterfuck.

Does anyone know if it takes awhile to update the stats? I just checked after that match and it didn't show any of the points I earned that game. Imma be so pissed if my 180pts are gone!!1!

It definitely takes time, so just be patient. :p


Wax Free Vanilla said:
You need to keep refreshing the server list until you find it.

Needs fixing so we don't have to refresh for two minutes.

or just make sure a majority of the people playing are on your buddy list and join friend :)
God the ISA's rocket launcher is the sexiest gun ever.

I wish the other normal classes( Medic, Tactician) can choose more than the basic assualt rifles. It doesn't make sense that these classes can't use the heavy machine guns.
Clinton514 said:
Holy shizzle. Just finished the game. Gotta admit I had to drop down from Veteran mode on the final fight. I couldn't stand to take anymore of a beating. That had to be one of the most fun boss battles still.

After seeing the ending,
Rico is one mutha f----n' tormented soul. But we knew that from the first game. Also I was sad when Templar took the plunge for the team. I'll miss his character, even though many didn't like his goody attitude. The ISA(well Rico mostly) have unleashed demons

DLC = continuation please?

ps. I too want that soundtrack. Nice credits!

I agree...
you could tell some baaaad stuff must have happened to Rico beyond just losing his squad in the first game. And Templar...even I was like "whaaaaaat". Couldnt believe he went out like that...
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