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Neo Member
anyone wanna report how those real triggers are faring? my set's coming in 3 days. im running alternate 2 and getting use to main 1


cjtiger300 said:
Wow, great games tonight! I had one of my most productive nights since the beta as far as scoring goes! Full and I were sitting one-two most of the night! Also I love my EVIL Shotty!
Your shotgun is truly evil. Good god man you wouldn't leave me alone with that thing...

Oh and good job blocking a stairway tonight bishop :p Everyone was trying to jump over you hehe.


kle89 said:
anyone wanna report how those real triggers are faring? my set's coming in 3 days. im running alternate 2 and getting use to main 1

Love em to death, you get a good grip for throwin nades and crouching


Bugnology said:
Honest? Really? :lol

I can honestly say, that your posts add absolutely nothing to any discussion here on GAF.
Disagree with my points / criticisms / likes / dislikes all you want, I'm at least open to discussing them.


Awesome. I'm in a game right now where the tactic is to stack teams. I was on the giving end and didn't mind it, but then the next round I was on the receiving. It's not that my teammates are leaving- I was on the select menu and watched the other team increase in numbers. I'm gonna take this moment to earn my secondary engineer badge by placing bots at my base and shooting them down, and repeating.

edit: Turns out you just need 5 kills with the turret, not build 10, like I thought. :lol


Wax Free Vanilla said:
You need to keep refreshing the server list until you find it.

Needs fixing so we don't have to refresh for two minutes.
Yeah, that doesn't seem like a very good system.

It would at least be nice if you could search by keyword.


Gully State said:
How's the voice chat relative to other games? Do most people have mics? How is the overall maturity of the community?
seems fine so far. every game has plenty of people with mics. only ran across a couple that i had to mute (they were singing)


dfyb said:
seems fine so far. every game has plenty of people with mics. only ran across a couple that i had to mute (they were singing)
Good GOD I hate that shit. I was in a game tonight with a screaming/whining kid in the background too. Ughhh.


Dirtbag said:
I can honestly say, that your posts add absolutely nothing to any discussion here on GAF.
I can honestly say, that your posts add absolutely nothing to any discussion here on this KILLZONE2 THREAD. You just faking hate, yes, you love this game and it's hurt you.
You know it.
KILLZONE2 is the shit. Awesome graphics, awesome MP, awesome SP, awesome controls, awesome game, awesome sound, awesome shit!
Proof: You are still playing KILLZONE2, even if you are a hater. You love it man, and you post your PSN ID every 3 posts, don't lie.
You are hooked to KILLZONE2. mmh so good.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Gully State said:
How's the voice chat relative to other games? Do most people have mics? How is the overall maturity of the community?

The system in place works well enough, but the actual audio quality is pretty bad, add in the quality of a lot of crappy mics out there and it can be pretty grating.

Maturity? Like any other. Hit or miss. I've had a few games where people were cool and used teamwork, and it was a good mix between serious and light hearted, but I've also had plenty anonysyndrome people who enjoy the usual retarded banter used by knuckle draggers. That said it's proxy chat so unless dumb dudes really taking great pleasure in getting a headshot and the ensuing teabagging really gets to you you'll be alright, and if your squad sucks you can just leave (never really had a bad person in a squad of I was in) and I think you can mute anyone anyways...


Loged in and got this message.

.GqueB. said:
So alls I had to do was lower my y axis settings and now Im actually decent at this game. And who the hell is thirdengn? He was the only one giving me grief in that one match :lol
That would be me. :D


Bugnology said:
I can honestly say, that your posts add absolutely nothing to any discussion here on this KILLZONE2 THREAD. You just faking hate, yes, you love this game and it's hurt you.
You know it.
How old are you, seriously? It might help me put this in context.
Proof: You are still playing KILLZONE2, even if you are a hater. You love it man, and you post your PSN ID every 3 posts, don't lie.
You are hooked to KILLZONE2. mmh so good.

So which is it, am I hater, or a 'fake hater' by your moronic definition?

KILLZONE2 is the shit. Awesome graphics, awesome MP, yet to play the SP, awesome controls, cumbersome online interface, awesome game, awesome sound, awesome shit!
Fixed that for you.
You guys are doing it wrong.

Valor Citizen is awarded when a player makes ANY online valor rank.

The next time you get one, you're awarded the #2 trophy.

The next time, the #3 trophy.


You all can stop stroking/agonizing now.



dfyb said:

Yeah, rather then add it to an ironsight.. they put magnetism on the gun with the largest spread.
maybe because the combat is such a mess up close
It fucks me up more then it helps me, I don't use it.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Dirtbag said:
Yeah, rather then add it to an ironsight.. they put magnetism on the gun with the largest spread.
maybe because the combat is such a mess up close

Who do trolls put on rolls?


AnonymousNoob said:
You guys are doing it wrong.

Valor Citizen is awarded when a player makes ANY online valor rank.

The next time you get one, you're awarded the #2 trophy.

The next time, the #3 trophy.


You all can stop stroking/agonizing now.


I got all 4 trophies at once.


Dirtbag said:
I can honestly say, that your posts add absolutely nothing to any discussion here on GAF.

:lol This is a variation of Jeff Bell's "And your contribution to society is...?" :lol

Who the hell cares about you, shut up.


Dirtbag said:
How old are you, seriously? It might help me put this in context.
I'm 8 years old, that's why I can spot haters like you. You know it, KILLZONE2 SP/MP is the shit, stop bringing your hate here.

Play the GAME or get the fuck out.

hint: you can keep playing your 'favourite' game.


My copy doesn't arrive until this Wednesday but I'm glad to see people are freaking out about anyone saying the game isn't perfect. Never change guys.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
gantz85 said:
:lol This is a variation of Jeff Bell's "And your contribution to society is...?" :lol

Who the hell cares about you, shut up.
you are one of the worst posters on GAF, easily

Bugnology said:
I'm 8 years old, that's why I can spot haters like you. You know it, KILLZONE2 SP/MP is the shit, stop bringing your hate here.

Play the GAME or get the fuck out.

hint: you can keep playing your 'favourite' game.
This explains oh so much.


EazyB said:
My copy doesn't arrive until this Wednesday but I'm glad to see people are freaking out about anyone saying the game isn't perfect. Never change guys.

You need to hurry it the fuck up, its so exhilarating shooting bishop and private hoffman in the face in the same round.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I really need to jump in to the multiplayer. If only I hadn't lent out my PS3 again (friend wanted to play KZ2).

Ah well, it was for the greater good. :lol


Rez said:
you are one of the worst posters on GAF, easily
No, YOU are the worst poster on GAF, mister "I wannabe the cleanest honest unbiased"
You are not. Not at all, and I hope that you are not fooling nobody.



how does he still have an account?
I thought for sure that vagina pie he served up via image swap would have done the trick.... some cockroaches are just so hard to kill i guess.

bugnology said:
Oh playing cute.
That quoting your avatar hot-linking move...


Dirtbag said:

how does he still have an account?
I thought for sure that vagina pie he served up via image swap would have done the trick.... some cockroaches are just so hard to kill i guess.

Edit: KILLZONE2 MP, wow!


Dirtbag said:
You need to hurry it the fuck up, its so exhilarating shooting bishop and private hoffman in the face in the same round.
I really like that there are servers dedicated to GAF games. Something XBL doesn't have much of. Imagine if you could create a playlist hopper in Halo 3 with only a certain population in it; so bad ass.

But yeah, my copy should be shipped here Wednesday so I hope I can jump in without being too disadvantaged. The learning curve of the... unique controls will be enough for me to worry about without upgraded characters and unfamiliar maps. I'm pretty pumped though, looking for something new to work into my gaming diet.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
EazyB said:
I really like that there are servers dedicated to GAF games. Something XBL doesn't have much of. Imagine if you could create a playlist hopper in Halo 3 with only a certain population in it; so bad ass.

But yeah, my copy should be shipped here Wednesday so I hope I can jump in without being too disadvantaged. The learning curve of the... unique controls will be enough for me to worry about without upgraded characters and unfamiliar maps. I'm pretty pumped though, looking for something new to work into my gaming diet.
Just play through a couple of levels in the campaign and you'll be fine. The controls do click after a bit of time, especially if you play a lot of FPSs.

Bugnology said:
No, YOU are the worst poster on GAF, mister "I wannabe the cleanest honest unbiased"
You are not. Not at all, and I hope that you are not fooling nobody.
"Do you fuck your mother?!"


EazyB said:
I really like that there are servers dedicated to GAF games. Something XBL doesn't have much of. Imagine if you could create a playlist hopper in Halo 3 with only a certain population in it; so bad ass.

But yeah, my copy should be shipped here Wednesday so I hope I can jump in without being too disadvantaged. The learning curve of the... unique controls will be enough for me to worry about without upgraded characters and unfamiliar maps. I'm pretty pumped though, looking for something new to work into my gaming diet.

whats really neat is the squad feature. we can make a squad and stay/spawn together (and limit our communication to each other and proximity). will be really great for taking the new guy under your wing.

I can't imagine what this game will be like for someone who picks it up in like 6 months time. It's going to be like trying to get into splinter cell's multiplayer after a few months...
GOOD LUCK! Going to be a massive barrier to entry.. the maps alone are confusing enough. They are rather large and winding.
Schrade said:
Good GOD I hate that shit. I was in a game tonight with a screaming/whining kid in the background too. Ughhh.

oh wow.. yes.. to all people fighting/ arguing/ on the phone at home while their mic is on, or people with music on very loud... or screaming children in the background... for the love of god, turn the mic OFF.


Rez said:
Just play through a couple of levels in the campaign and you'll be fine. The controls do click after a bit of time, especially if you play a lot of FPSs.
Yeah, I've played through the demo more times than I can possibly count yet I still don't feel confident with any aiming sensitivity. I either feel like it's too sensitive for long range headshots or if I turn it down than too slow to make quick 180s and be competent in CQC. I'll probably go back to default and continue to tweak it throughout the campaign till I find the best spot.

I really do like that this KZ2 feels different because I'm growing a little tired of the traditional feel (Halo and CoD). And hey, everyone's playing the same version of KZ2 as I will so I'll have no excuse in MP :p


Dirtbag said:
I can't imagine what this game will be like for someone who picks it up in like 6 months time. It's going to be like trying to get into splinter cell's multiplayer after a few months...
GOOD LUCK! Going to be a massive barrier to entry.. the maps alone are confusing enough. They are rather large and winding.
Servers / My rank ?
It's not like there's only one guy who will buy the game six months after release.
Stop downplaying KILLZONE2.
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