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I joined a server last night called "Socom Noobs"..... Cot Damn they where already owning shit!! I held my own pretty well though. Trying to rank up is going to take me a while it seems, any way to speed up the process?
JB1981 said:
This would be perfect for me if I could just crouch toggle with B - COD 4 style. Are you using L2 for crouch?
Yep. It can be a bit of a finger twister depending on the situation, but 95% of the time I don't have an issue with using that button for crouching in Alt 2
Wax Free Vanilla said:
I can't even get a game. :(

Every room I click on says it's full up - yet spaces are available according to the player slots.
The browser sucks. It's terrible. Garbage, etc.

It can't be because of reserved slots or something like that can it? Is that even an option?

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Beat campaign last night(Normal)

The Good
the obvious: best looking thing i've seen this gen.(the fire fx looks Waaaay better in final product)
The Helghast AI
The best Missions: The Cruiser, Visari Palace, Suljeva Village, Tharsis Refinery
the Mech was very fun
Great boss fights
The multiple approaches to skirmishes
The sounds
and I love the menu presentation:D
Satisfying ending.

The Bad

The chugging when loading areas and auto saving
Teasing but NOT having a dune buggy driving level

great FUCKING game /Rico
The level design and progression reminded me of Resistance Fall of Man in a way, which is a good thing. I'll tackle the harder modes soon, collect and find the intels and Helghast logos and dive in Multiplayer tonight

Good job GG!!!


Wax Free Vanilla said:
I can't even get a game. :(

Every room I click on says it's full up - yet spaces are available according to the player slots.

I only attempt to join a game if there are at least 4 or 5 open slots. Anything less and it is guaranteed to be full.


SP campaign almost feels like a new game going from normal to veteran. Enemy A.I. is good stuff.

So nice to be snowed in and not have to go to work. :p


Finished SP last night. Took me two days - essentially two sittings. After four years to make the game? Hmm.

To be fair, I finished the original Killzone in three sittings, so much did I enjoy it - and the multiplayer kept me coming back for months.

But annoying end bosses are annoying. And I can't say I'm exactly comfortable with some of the story turns
i.e., killing off Templar and Visari

I am also peeved that once again, here is another PS3 game that I can not transfer the save file over to my other PS3 (or my girlfriend's, for that matter). Why can't I take my profile and stats wherever I go? Don't tell me "trophies." It's terribly inconvenient.

So then I jumped into MP and enjoyed it quite a bit. It looks pretty fleshed out. I'm enjoying Body Count the most right now, if only because I'm a n00b and need to build up some kills. It's impressive to see that the MP maps maintain (if not exceed) the high visual standards set by the SP game.

If there's any truth to the idea that Guerilla is remaking the MP maps from the original KZ, I will be set with this game for a very long time. Give me Beach Head and that's all I'll need.

I'll second the plea for an MP mode without maps. Chasing little red dots is a little goofy - that's not how it is on a battlefield or even on a paintball field, and I miss the suspense and surprise.

Overall, I'd give the game a solid 8.5 so far. Its standout feature by far is its graphics, which admittedly carry it pretty far and almost make the lack of polish in other areas easier to overlook. Was I hoping for more? As a devout fan of the original Killzone and after four years of soaring expectations, I was. But KZ2 certainly isn't the first high-profile shooter to come out of the blocks recently with a few stumbles, and I'm making plans to give this the majority of my gaming time for the foreseeable future.

See you dudes online! Add me: "KolgarX"


Zeliard said:
SP campaign almost feels like a new game going from normal to veteran. A.I. is good stuff.

So nice to be snowed in and not have to go to work. :p

Lucky bastard. I think I am also going to try the campaign on veteran before getting too involved in MP. Im' still not used to the wonky aiming, I figure another stab at the campaign should tighten it up for me.
As you all know, I definitely had some serious gripes with the single player portion of this game, but the multiplayer component is really terrific. GG really created something special here. They've definitely vindicated themselves here.

I learned quickly that enjoy MP is all about finding your niche. At first it's overwhelming, but GG does a great job of introducing you to the basics and gradually giving you more toys to play with. The ISA assault rifle didn't do it for me (the green dot does nothing for my aiming) and I'm more of a run and gun kind of player so I'm loving the Hellghast standard assault rifle. Just ranked up to a medic last night and it's a blast running around reviving people and moving down the opposition at close range. Yeah, the controls were a bit of a bitch to learn, but having tweaked the sensitivity helped me a lot. And you know what? Everyone else has to deal with the heavy sluggish controls, so the playing field is level in MP.

My favorite map so far is definitely the massive dusty outdoors one--that long road corridor with sporadic cover on the sides makes for some terrific firefights. The ribbons and medals are a great way of making each game enjoyable, despite a loss or being paired with shitty teammates. I'm really looking forward to ranking up more and tinkering around as an engineer. This is just an amazing online experience. That having been said, there are several issues that I think GG should consider tweaking however:

THE SHOTGUN. Kind of a weird weapon--the range seems way too long and close up its practically worthless. It can take out people from half a mile away yet a close range blast to the chest doesn't take down an enemy. Bizzare.

THE GRENADES. Frist off, I'm getting pretty tired of grenade spam fests, but that's not a fault on the part of GG, just a lot of novice players praying that their badly bounced grenade will score em a triple kill. Also, if GG spent all this time making such a realistic and immersive FPS multiplayer experience, why are there those weird orange trails on the grenades?

FRIENDLY FIRE. GG had an interesting idea here--no friendly fire, but getting shot by an ally does cause the blood splatter animation on your screen. On a bigger map, this totally works. However in the smaller maps with crazy choke points (I'm looking at you, bridge level) things quickly turn into an insane clusterfuck of epic proportions. It's just madness. Fun madness, yes, but there's no skill involved because in all the chaos I can't tell which way is up or what color the sky is because it's the goddamned apocalypse 24/7 on that map. Seriously, until people figure out how to play it without running around shooting everything that movies like crazed lemmings, fuck the bridge map. Right in the ear.

CRAMPED MAPS. The multiplayer would definitely benefit from more large outdoors maps. The most fun I've had in this game was charging down a dusty hill with a squad of 12 teammates and getting into a massive outdoor firefight. It was exhilarating. I love that big dusty map. Also, it isn't as "busy" as the other maps--not nearly as much crazy (and arguably unnecessary) environmental stuff going on in the background. This game isn't as fun at close quarters--it's better at medium to long range. Maybe that's just personal preferences talking. I've always loved wider more open maps, dating back to the playing first Ghost Recon game online on the original xbox. Close quarters circle strafing shotgun wank off session don't do it for me.

NO PARTY SYSTEM. I'm telling you, the MP would've been EPIC if they'd just included a party system. There's just no reason for leaving it out. Playing with people who don't understand teamwork elements, such as the value of setting up forward spawn points is frustrating. Having to walk through a map for two minutes in this game sucks. It's pretty to look at but it sucks. Please GG, just gimme a party system so I can buddy up with smart players!

Honestly though, taken in the greater context, these are all minor gripes. One great game with a decent squad easily mitigates all these issues. I'm definitely looking forward to playing more games as the K2 community learns how to play like proper teammates. If anyone wants to add my PSN gamertag for some action, I could definitely use a few decent online partners. Tag is "henderson1979"

Also, GG needs to release the soundtrack for this game, right fucking now. There's some great stuff on it. I'd love to have this OST on my ipod (or playing as a custom soundtrack when I'm playing Halo, heheheh....)


Anyone else think the MP levels are just too dark? I hate feeling like I am constantly squinting in a game just to be sure of what I am seeing. I would love to see some DLC levels that take place in a sunny, green meadow. I don't understand why so many FPS games feel like they need to make it as hard as possible to see a damn thing.


Zeliard said:
SP campaign almost feels like a new game going from normal to veteran. Enemy A.I. is good stuff.

So nice to be snowed in and not have to go to work. :p
Same here but I have to work from home though so no game for me. ;< But, at least I can browse gaf like I do at work!

Anyway, I tried playing some more kz2 last night and boy does this game give me a serious headache and motion sickness. I'm afraid to play MP now.. ;<


This thread is moving as fast as the light. Seems that my posts gets lost in the storm. well I must ask, How do you search for servers? how do you get the honour throphy? skill based or what?
The Wise Old Man said:
THE SHOTGUN. Kind of a weird weapon--the range seems way too long and close up its practically worthless. It can take out people from half a mile away yet a close range blast to the chest doesn't take down an enemy. Bizzare.

Agree with you on most everything else, including your choice of map--I love how open it is.

But the shotgun up close is an instakill for me, but I always get taken down by people at a distance. In my playtime, it has perfect balance, so I can't agree with those who say that it either isn't good close-up or that it's too weak.
xiked said:
This thread is moving as fast as the light. Seems that my posts gets lost in the storm. well I must ask, How do you search for servers? how do you get the honour throphy? skill based or what?

Honour rank is based on the top percentiles every week.


lawblob said:
Lucky bastard. I think I am also going to try the campaign on veteran before getting too involved in MP. Im' still not used to the wonky aiming, I figure another stab at the campaign should tighten it up for me.

Yep, or you could also try giving skirmish with some bots a shot. That might be better since aiming is a bit faster in MP, and you get to practice the different mission types and maps.


Zeliard said:
Yep, or you could also try giving skirmish with some bots a shot. That might be better since aiming is a bit faster in MP, and you get to practice the different mission types and maps.

Thats a good idea, haven't tried that yet. I still have no idea where to go on half the maps.
What's the point of having killzone.com in the main menu? The PS3 browser doesn't even show half of the website's tabs, and they are the most important ones like "My Killzone"
dollartaco said:
But the shotgun up close is an instakill for me, but I always get taken down by people at a distance. In my playtime, it has perfect balance, so I can't agree with those who say that it either isn't good close-up or that it's too weak.

Maybe you're right. I just feel like the "heavy" controls don't work well with a close range weapon that you need to be able to move around very quickly. But it's powerful as hell at long range. This is probably why all my shotgun kills come from 30 feet away...


Played some SP and MP this weekend. Playing this through on Veteran the first time is kicking my butt. I have no clue how many times I've died, but every single firefight feels like I'm fighting for my life. But not in the frustrating COD style "monster closets" style or we're going to throw 10 grenades at you in an attempt to make this hard. The enemy really gives the illusion of each of them being as capable as you are, even if they're not on their own. I'd say I'm 3-4 levels in, and it's definitely taking me a lot longer than if I did it on Trooper, but I think this is worth it.

Online is great, but I seemed to be getting a lot of network errors on Saturday and disconnected from games. I'm wondering if it's related to the sheer amount of voicetraffic coming through the headset and killing my bandwidth.


Dubbedinenglish said:
Honour rank is based on the top percentiles every week.

ok thanks, well then I must say one thing to GG...FIX THIS SHIT! I will get this throphy when no one plays this darn game anymore.

and how about the server search, is there any such option?


The Wise Old Man said:
As you all know, I definitely had some serious gripes with the single player portion of this game, but the multiplayer component is really terrific. GG really created something special here. They've definitely vindicated themselves here.

I learned quickly that enjoy MP is all about finding your niche. At first it's overwhelming, but GG does a great job of introducing you to the basics and gradually giving you more toys to play with. The ISA assault rifle didn't do it for me (the green dot does nothing for my aiming) and I'm more of a run and gun kind of player so I'm loving the Hellghast standard assault rifle. Just ranked up to a medic last night and it's a blast running around reviving people and moving down the opposition at close range. Yeah, the controls were a bit of a bitch to learn, but having tweaked the sensitivity helped me a lot. And you know what? Everyone else has to deal with the heavy sluggish controls, so the playing field is level in MP.

My favorite map so far is definitely the massive dusty outdoors one--that long road corridor with sporadic cover on the sides makes for some terrific firefights. The ribbons and medals are a great way of making each game enjoyable, despite a loss or being paired with shitty teammates. I'm really looking forward to ranking up more and tinkering around as an engineer. This is just an amazing online experience. That having been said, there are several issues that I think GG should consider tweaking however:

THE SHOTGUN. Kind of a weird weapon--the range seems way too long and close up its practically worthless. It can take out people from half a mile away yet a close range blast to the chest doesn't take down an enemy. Bizzare.

THE GRENADES. Frist off, I'm getting pretty tired of grenade spam fests, but that's not a fault on the part of GG, just a lot of novice players praying that their badly bounced grenade will score em a triple kill. Also, if GG spent all this time making such a realistic and immersive FPS multiplayer experience, why are there those weird orange trails on the grenades?

FRIENDLY FIRE. GG had an interesting idea here--no friendly fire, but getting shot by an ally does cause the blood splatter animation on your screen. On a bigger map, this totally works. However in the smaller maps with crazy choke points (I'm looking at you, bridge level) things quickly turn into an insane clusterfuck of epic proportions. It's just madness. Fun madness, yes, but there's no skill involved because in all the chaos I can't tell which way is up or what color the sky is because it's the goddamned apocalypse 24/7 on that map. Seriously, until people figure out how to play it without running around shooting everything that movies like crazed lemmings, fuck the bridge map. Right in the ear.

CRAMPED MAPS. The multiplayer would definitely benefit from more large outdoors maps. The most fun I've had in this game was charging down a dusty hill with a squad of 12 teammates and getting into a massive outdoor firefight. It was exhilarating. I love that big dusty map. Also, it isn't as "busy" as the other maps--not nearly as much crazy (and arguably unnecessary) environmental stuff going on in the background. This game isn't as fun at close quarters--it's better at medium to long range. Maybe that's just personal preferences talking. I've always loved wider more open maps, dating back to the playing first Ghost Recon game online on the original xbox. Close quarters circle strafing shotgun wank off session don't do it for me.

NO PARTY SYSTEM. I'm telling you, the MP would've been EPIC if they'd just included a party system. There's just no reason for leaving it out. Playing with people who don't understand teamwork elements, such as the value of setting up forward spawn points is frustrating. Having to walk through a map for two minutes in this game sucks. It's pretty to look at but it sucks. Please GG, just gimme a party system so I can buddy up with smart players!

Honestly though, taken in the greater context, these are all minor gripes. One great game with a decent squad easily mitigates all these issues. I'm definitely looking forward to playing more games as the K2 community learns how to play like proper teammates. If anyone wants to add my PSN gamertag for some action, I could definitely use a few decent online partners. Tag is "henderson1979"

Also, GG needs to release the soundtrack for this game, right fucking now. There's some great stuff on it. I'd love to have this OST on my ipod (or playing as a custom soundtrack when I'm playing Halo, heheheh....)

The grenade trail lets the player see the grenade coming so he can avoid being blow up, instead of having little to no chance at all, kind of like the game showing you where you're getting shot from. Some of the gameyness has to be preserved for playability and practicality.

There is friendly fire, have you ever checked the stats of other people? Shoot and kill one of your own and see points deducted.


NameGenerated said:
Ugh nobody ever responds to my Squad invites/requests to join.
I feel your pain. I was actually playing with GAF players lastnight and no one had squads :-/. I had to squad up the crew myself.

Kittonwy said:
The grenade trail lets the player see the grenade coming so he can avoid being blow up, instead of having little to no chance at all, kind of like the game showing you where you're getting shot from. Some of the gameyness has to be preserved for playability and practicality.

There is friendly fire, have you ever checked the stats of other people? Shoot and kill one of your own and see points deducted.
Why do you even bother? Nothing but moaning and groaning from this dude. Wouldn't want him in battle he should just hang back at base and keep the turrets polished.
Kittonwy said:
There is friendly fire, have you ever checked the stats of other people? Shoot and kill one of your own and see points deducted.

LOL... apparently there's just too much madness happening on the screen that I had no idea about friendly fire. It's another reason why I'm more of a fan of the bigger, brighter, and more open maps. Much easier to tell what the hell is going on. GG needs to release more like these.

Hey, here's an idea: you know the opening cinematic to the game where the good guys launch off a bright and sunny planet? How about building a multiplayer map around that environment? That would work...


just out of curiosity, what strategy worked best for the last battle in the game?

one of my friends is having a hard time with it(he's playing through on the difficulty that's one step above normal)

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
5th level in, past the bridge. The game is really stupidly impressive sometimes, or better say most of the time. I can't say I care about it's characters and story at all, but it's almost impossible to stop playing it once you start, for the sheer fun and exhilaration it provides.

The bridge level had me in awe for the whole duration of it, how the hell can they throw so much stuff around that's directed so well. It's a complete chaos, but just where it needs to be so that you still know what you're doing and how to not get killed. Amazing stuff, really.

I have a feeling playing other FPS games will prove to be a very clinical experience after this game.


RavenFox said:
I feel your pain. I was actually playing with GAF players lastnight and no one had squads :-/. I had to squad up the crew myself.

Always squads, why ppl not create them is beyond me...It make the game much more fun. Thats why I DEMAND PARTYMODE! GG FIX THIS!
RavenFox said:
Why do you even bother? Nothing but moaning and groaning from this dude. Wouldn't want him in battle he should just hang back at base and keep the turrets polished.

Read my original post. I'm not groaning--I'm actually enjoying the multiplayer A LOT. Pardon me for offering some suggestions to GG to make the online component even better.


I think I may have mentionned this already but...


I hate this weapon >:[


Lord Error said:
5th level in, past the bridge. The game is really stupidly impressive sometimes, or better say most of the time. I can't say I care about it's characters and story at all, but it's almost impossible to stop playing it once you start, for the sheer fun and exhilaration it provides.

The bridge level had me in awe for the whole duration of it, how the hell can they throw so much stuff around that's directed so well. It's a complete chaos, but just where it needs to be so that you still know what you're doing and how to not get killed. Amazing stuff, really.

I have a feeling playing other FPS games will prove to be a very clinical experience after this game.

What difficulty are you playing on?

By the way, the game starting from where you are up and to the end is the single-player at its best. The level after the bridge, Suljeva Village, is simply fantastic.
Lord Error said:
5th level in, past the bridge. The game is really stupidly impressive sometimes, or better say most of the time. I can't say I care about it's characters and story at all, but it's almost impossible to stop playing it once you start, for the sheer fun and exhilaration it provides.

The bridge level had me in awe for the whole duration of it, how the hell can they throw so much stuff around that's directed so well. It's a complete chaos, but just where it needs to be so that you still know what you're doing and how to not get killed. Amazing stuff, really.

I have a feeling playing other FPS games will prove to be a very clinical experience after this game.

Wait untill three levels after...That's the shit hitting the fan part.
The New Sun level is so fukin epic.


NameGenerated said:
Ugh nobody ever responds to my Squad invites/requests to join.
I just spam-invite 5 or 6, and that usually fills up my squad.

Getting a leader to accept your join request, though, is nearly impossible. I think noobs just don't know how to accept. The next best thing is having your own squad to spawn on you and provide backup.


Raist said:
I think I may have mentionned this already but...


I hate this weapon >:[

haha, well that's an opinion I stand by until I have the shotgun :p


The Wise Old Man said:
Read my original post. I'm not groaning--I'm actually enjoying the multiplayer A LOT. Pardon me for offering some suggestions to GG to make the online component even better.
I'm in battle blood mode still and this game brings out the blood lust in me lol.


Raist said:
I think I may have mentionned this already but...


I hate this weapon >:[

If I could aim at all in close quarters...I'd be using it a lot more...but I have in no way, mastered the art of short range aiming...but Im getting better.


is now taking requests
Raist said:
I think I may have mentionned this already but...


I hate this weapon >:[

i hate the fact that everyone else is oneshotting me with the shotgun while i cant even hit a barn door with it. But then again i did not know about the shotgun autoaim until now, will definitely try that tonight :p


GodofWine said:
If I could aim at all in close quarters...I'd be using it a lot more...but I have in no way, mastered the art of short range aiming...but Im getting better.
Just press L1 to win.


is now taking requests
cakefoo said:
I just spam-invite 5 or 6, and that usually fills up my squad.

Getting a leader to accept your join request, though, is nearly impossible. I think noobs just don't know how to accept. The next best thing is having your own squad to spawn on you and provide backup.

Is there an advantage with being a squad leader? I like joining a squad but i never even considered forming a squad myself.
GodofWine said:
If I could aim at all in close quarters...I'd be using it a lot more...but I have in no way, mastered the art of short range aiming...but Im getting better.

From the hip and burst fire. No need for bringing up sights when the dude is in the same room.


Oh man, by the time I have my PS3 back (2 or 3 weeks) you guys will be so advanced in this game that it'll be no fun to get into it. :(


Raist said:
I think I may have mentionned this already but...


I hate this weapon >:[

It's funny how a friend of mine say's he loves it and he also loved GeOW1 but not 2.

Scrubs, they're everywhere.
The Wise Old Man said:
Maybe you're right. I just feel like the "heavy" controls don't work well with a close range weapon that you need to be able to move around very quickly. But it's powerful as hell at long range. This is probably why all my shotgun kills come from 30 feet away...

10 yards? That's not very far.


Well all this hype and love for the game finally made me bite the bullet and I went out and bought a 80gb and this. Have to say so far this game is better than anything i've ever played on 360, and the difference Blu-ray makes really brings out the money I paid for my HDTV and surround sound. Fantastic choice and glad I have a new addition to the family:D


jorma said:
i hate the fact that everyone else is oneshotting me with the shotgun while i cant even hit a barn door with it. But then again i did not know about the shotgun autoaim until now, will definitely try that tonight :p

WOAH WOAH...WAIT...There is auto aim?? WUT?

Dubbedinenglish said:
From the hip and burst fire. No need for bringing up sights when the dude is in the same room.

Yea, Im doing that...Im still in COD mode and I mash the control to the left and let go when Im on the guy, but then my 'weight' takes me past him..then I mash the control to the right, and fly past him again :lol


Is GG erasing stats or something? I haven't turned on the PS3 yet but @ kz.com all my stats have reset to zero. I was in 1 stat padding game but I only stayed 2 mins after I noticed I all of a sudden had a 5 kill streak, then I hit select saw it was all bots and left.


Holy fuck, I just finished a game with FFObsessed and another gaffer against some motherfucking noisy Italians. Wtf they were bitching all the goddamn time (and I could understand everything, as it's quite similar to Spanish).

This has been the most annoying game since I bought KZ2. Ughh
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