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People are really generals in MP already? I'm no fan of slow grinding rankup sessions in games like Warhawk, but that does seem a little quick to me IMO. I'd like to see GG reset the ranks occasionally to keep things new.


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
GodofWine said:
1) I was standing with my entire squad in close quarters, tried to hurl a grenade..got shot..it just fell to the ground..BOOM...whole squad is killed.

I have done this a couple times too. One of them happened to be our priority target during an Assassination match. Oops!
The Wise Old Man said:
People are really generals in MP already? I'm no fan of slow grinding rankup sessions in games like Warhawk, but that does seem a little quick to me IMO. I'd like to see GG reset the ranks occasionally to keep things new.

Ranks unlock badges for different play styles. Getting secondary, and the ability to mix classes will keep plenty afresh.


The Wise Old Man said:
People are really generals in MP already? I'm no fan of slow grinding rankup sessions in games like Warhawk, but that does seem a little quick to me IMO. I'd like to see GG reset the ranks occasionally to keep things new.

Ranking up is a lot faster I think since you need to get so many ribbons to unlock badge abilities and stuff. You can be a very one dimensional 'top rank', or a very versatile one. There is a lot of work to be done to be the total package.

I do fear one day that everyone will be using Scout and Sabateur only though..won't see anyone..and when you do, you'll think they are on your team...then BLAM. Death.
andycapps said:
KZ.com must be down. Showing 0 clans active, 0 games active, etc. Also showing I've never played. :lol

I think they severed the in-game connection for the site running for now :p I want to see meh battle replays though :mad:


The Wise Old Man said:
People are really generals in MP already? I'm no fan of slow grinding rankup sessions in games like Warhawk, but that does seem a little quick to me IMO. I'd like to see GG reset the ranks occasionally to keep things new.

I have already spend more than 23 hrs on line..

And yes i have a problem :D


Sniper Ribbon magically appeared on my stats page so I guess I did get it but it just didn't pop up at the end. Alba had the same issues last night. I have reported the bug.

Now to work on my sniper to get cloak and sniper medals. Then I shall be complete!


The game will begin soon, really soon, when most players have medic to scout badges.
This is just an appetizer and I already love it.
I love how the multiplayer game has been steadily evolving since Wednesday.
On Wednesday, it was a standard multiplayer affair in the Warzone - no special abilities, just the ISA assault rifle and grenades.
A few games in and a few of us started unlocking the medic, then the Engineer, etc...
Now it's an entirely different online game, with all the spawn point shit, the turrets, air support, etc.
It's awesome.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Online has been very frustrating as of late. At this rate I will never unlock the badges.

I've been searching for games with people of roughly the same rank but inevitably a bunch of scouts or saboteurs will join and mess everything up. I'm lucky if I get 10 kills. Then if I try to join a DM only room they end way too quickly.

I've also tried joining a GAF clan to get better games but none of the clan leaders has seen fit to send me an invite.

Is anyone interested in forming a small group tonight to boost and unlock the badges? I'm thinking we get like 5 people together, make it 4 vs 1 and let the 1 kill the 4. Set it to 100 kills and just rotate. Eventually we can get the medic and I believe reviving people gives you points also (I think I read that).

I'm thinking around 6:00 EST. If interested, send me a PM.


Little is the new Big
FFObsessed said:
Sniper Ribbon magically appeared on my stats page so I guess I did get it but it just didn't pop up at the end. Alba had the same issues last night. I have reported the bug.

Now to work on my sniper to get cloak and sniper medals. Then I shall be complete!

We can work on that as soon as I'm done with work ;)


Rapping Granny said:
Apperently there was a glitch and it only counted for Sunday.
Aww man if I would have know I would have played more on sunday.. I got top 6%(or whatever the black strip means).


Rapping Granny said:
Apperently there was a glitch and it only counted for Sunday.

Yeah, they'd best get that shit sorted out. I played my fucking nutsack off and surely qualify for at least one of those ribbons -- instead, my buddy, who played 1/2 as much as I did, ended up with a top 6% or some shit.



When's the clan getting games on? I've been into the campaign and played a little bit of the multiplayer. Anyway, I want the R:FoM fun back - where are ju guysz?!!


Baron Aloha said:
Online has been very frustrating as of late. At this rate I will never unlock the badges.

I've been searching for games with people of roughly the same rank but inevitably a bunch of scouts or saboteurs will join and mess everything up. I'm lucky if I get 10 kills. Then if I try to join a DM only room they end way too quickly.

Are you setting your search filter to My Rank Only? If you do that, you should only be able to join games with other players of a similar rank (tolerance is about 3 ranks iirc).


FFObsessed said:
Every time I sniped one they'd just swear at me. I thought it was french actually one said "vous êtes un tas de merde"

Maybe a mixture of both, fucking bitches tho :lol

sounds like they were speaking Creole!
"Ou konn kouri, ou pa konn kache"

DMeisterJ said:
Wow. The M4 revolver is awesome. Everyone needs to do themselves a service and do the 10 handgun kills/game x 8 in order to get it. It's probably my favorite weapon in the game, and will prove very valuable to me once I unlock Scout, and need it to make some kills on the way to where I'll set up shop to snipe people at.

Does anyone else hate the 'Pyrrhus rise' map? It's way to big, and open for anyone not a Scout to be useful. Especially if there are no tacticians, you wind up running from your side all the way to the other side and valuable time getting objectives done or kills is wasted. Easily the worst map of the bunch. Such a throwaway.


Always-honest said:
yeah, but the "magnum" is too slow for multiple enemies. better of with a knife imo... the other one/gun is great though for faster shooting
If you're playing medic then the medic gun is a great alternative.


Revolutionary said:
Man, how the FUCK did some people get that top 1% ribbon before me when I've been playing since Wednesday?


Pyrrhus Rise is a great sniper map. But it seemed like you really have to fight against the wind with every weapon. Even my Revolver was swaying in the wind by itself.

edit: while cloaked I can't see a fucking thing on Visari Hammer urgh. Hate that map.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
tiddles said:
Are you setting your search filter to My Rank Only? If you do that, you should only be able to join games with other players of a similar rank (tolerance is about 3 ranks iirc).

I'm doing that. The problem is the matches don't stay that way for very long.
Revolutionary said:
I love how the multiplayer game has been steadily evolving since Wednesday.
On Wednesday, it was a standard multiplayer affair in the Warzone - no special abilities, just the ISA assault rifle and grenades.
A few games in and a few of us started unlocking the medic, then the Engineer, etc...
Now it's an entirely different online game, with all the spawn point shit, the turrets, air support, etc.
It's awesome.

definitely. Its a little frustrating when i was doing so good when it first came out, but now that im seeing all the other classes everything is completely different and im not doing so great anymore.


I'm just wondering if anyone has experienced freezing issues? At the main menu when I pick Warzone it has happened to me twice on different occasions. The music still plays but everything locks up.


not sure where this came from, think they gathered stuff from the forums:

http://www.gamersdigest.net/1769/another-update-on-killzone-2-issues/ said:

“We’ve identified and fixed the bug to do with the boost medal not being awarded. It will go into a patch we are working on at present, but there is a workaround in the mean time to get it. Simply ensure that you are the Game Creator rather than client and you’ll be awarded it.”

Network Errors/Honor Ranks

“We are also looking at fixing a good bunch of the network errors and are looking into the complaints about the Honor Ranks as well as a couple of other bits and pieces. We’ll provide a list of fixes when we are close to releasing the patch.”


“We’re working on a permanent solution for the bots stat padding and have some internal solutions that we’re going to work on implementing. We’ll let you know what those are when we’ve got the patch together and the solution implemented.”


“www.killzone.com is being sorted out today to deal with the massive traffic its been facing and hope to have some long-term solutions in place shortly.”

Controller Issues

“We have not stopped looking into the complaints and will see what we can do about it.”

Charge Disarming

“We have identified the issue where sometimes the C4 charge in Search and Destroy will not disarm. Will be fixed with the next update.”

God I hope they don't change the controls, maybe just give more options for tuning x/y axis for the complainers, ugh this will be a sad day for me if they decide to do something drastic


Flunkie said:

Is this like one of those trick paintings where you have to stare at it slightly off to the side or out of focus in order to see what you're supposed to see?

I've been staring at it for like 10 minutes and all I can see is ElPresador.


icechai said:
not sure where this came from, think they gathered stuff from the forums:

God I hope they don't change the controls, maybe just give more options for tuning x/y axis for the complainers, ugh this will be a sad day for me if they decide to do something drastic

I hope they don't change the control options either. Only thing I've seen is lag when going between the setup screens during a game. When hitting L1 or R1 there seems to be a 1-2 second lag, as opposed to it switching screens instantly.


icechai said:
not sure where this came from, think they gathered stuff from the forums:

God I hope they don't change the controls, maybe just give more options for tuning x/y axis for the complainers, ugh this will be a sad day for me if they decide to do something drastic
I like the way the game controls. Let's just quote that old kz2 thread title: "KILLZONE 2 - input lag now? if you want a reskinned COD4, go play WaW"

Seriously, don't change the control gg.


yeah, i Just completed this game!


in all my years of gaming i don't think i have been more satisfied with a FPS campaign ever, this is the best FPS game i have had the privileged of playing. (man, i actually said privilege)
the battles and encounters that happen when you progress through the levels are dynamic and the sense of scale and battle is just simply unmatched imoh. Me & my wife actually enjoyed the Single player Campaign and played through the entire thing together several nights in a row .... and it was so enjoyable, she never really gets into games but this one she genuinely absolutely enjoyed it

also im really loving the Multiplayer and have came to the conclusion that this is now my main online game, its been a long time personally for me to be impressed by a game especially surrounding the hype (luckily i went on a 1 year shut out) im happy i paid full price for this as GG just derserve it

if you have a PS3, do yourself a favour and get this title it just cant disappoint for shooter fans, if it does than i think then you let hype and your picknesses get in your way of enjoying a epic title.

Good Job GG

Man GG is going to suck the life out of my wallet when dlc/maps are announced, sorry in advanced if i sound like PR but im just pleasantly impressed


angry @ Blu-Ray's success
Good. Very good. Probably not what was needed to meet console shifting and hype expectations, but still very good sales.

Good sales if these are correct and its only been a few days so will see next week. better than i expected though which was around 500k...still waiting for my other copy to be delivered so demand must have been quite high as usually it comes next day...despatched today apparently.

Will wait and see for the goods, I'm hoping for a great game . As for helping hardware sales, i don't think one game this far down the line would improve sales drastically, its not like gamers are already spoil for choice is it?! What with some great PC/360 shooters out on the market already but a general improvement of games on the PS3 will improve hardware sales over this year and the eventual price cut from Sony.

Yeah must be having a laugh the person who said sony will be bankrupt

joelseph said:
I was disappointed to find that there was no coop in this game. Is this true that you can't join a MP game with a friend?

It seems random depending on if the game has balanced faction or not because it makes it so you cant switch. I haven't seen any signs to indicate whether that feature is on or not in any given match. Needs a better server browser.


TouchMyBox said:
So, when i get disconnected for no reason, do I lose all of the points which i got during that match?

This is absolutely killing me. My wifi connection ocassionally disconnects me for a few seconds before signing me back in. With a game like KZ MP, it is devastating to put in 30 minutes of solid play to have it all disappear. -_-


How much Killzone 2 did you play this weekend?

I haven't picked up the game yet... (43.0%)
Still plowing through campaign mode - where the heck is Visari? (19.0%)
Soldiered through the campaign, now trying multiplayer (16.0%)
No time for polls... still playing... (11.0%)
There's a campaign? I'm all about online! (10.0%)

Total Votes: 2,052



so apparently most psblog users have yet to pick up KZ2?

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