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Remf said:
Yeah I hear the footsteps. (6.1 surround)

Oh, btw......... CHIRP, CHIRP, CHIRP, CHIRP. That's all I hear in my head when I sleep at night and during the day. SSOO freaking addicted to this game and I LOVE THE CONTROLS TOO!

For me it's the splat sound a headshot makes.

Shotgun headshots are sooooooo awesome, especially in all uncompressed glory in my 5.1 setup (my receiver is actually 7.1 but I don't have space for two other speakers).


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Xater said:
I tried it all. Oh well there is a GAFzone 2 so I'll try that. :D

My Clan mates can see it. Are you checking the TOURNAMENTS page?

Anyway, don't post here. Use the Online Thread.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
SuperEnemyCrab said:
I just got to
Suljeva(sp?) Village level
. How much more is there to go? I am loving this game. Plan on getting online for the first time tonight, want to finish up a single player run through first. But I already want to start another play through on a harder setting, I am going through on default difficulty and it's pretty easy.

Also I don't get the control issues. I was fine with them about 5 mins. into the game. I have the sensitivity 3 notches from the top, I can get headshots easily.

U are midway in.
SuperEnemyCrab said:
I just got to
Suljeva(sp?) Village level

A recommendation: when you get your hands on
the electricity gun
don't put it down. It makes the rest of the level so much easier if you don't. Anyone else know if that weapon is available anywhere else in the campaign?

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
The Wise Old Man said:
A recommendation: when you get your hands on
the electricity gun
don't put it down. It makes the rest of the level so much easier if you don't. Anyone else know if that weapon is available anywhere else in the campaign?
The only level I found it in was the level after Suleja Village, the Refinery.


TTP said:
My Clan mates can see it. Are you checking the TOURNAMENTS page?

Anyway, don't post here. Use the Online Thread.

I thought Full Recovery was talking about a game not the tournament. LOL


DenogginizerOS said:
My friend and I who game with each other on both the X360 and PS3 have the same Plantronics wireless headset. Yesterday, despite several efforts, we could not hear each other in squads even though we could stop KZ2, start a chat via PSN, and have a perfectly clear conversation. In other rooms, I was treated to a high pitch feedback on person's mic. Now, I am not saying that Xbox Live is perfect when it comes to voice chat, but the ability to mute people is far more streamlined and the fact most have the same headset, you typically don't have to deal with communication issues, especially with people on your friends list who have the exact same mic.

You need to get the official headset. It might cost you but it's worth it. The clarity is amazing.
The Wise Old Man said:
A recommendation: when you get your hands on
the electricity gun
don't put it down. It makes the rest of the level so much easier if you don't. Anyone else know if that weapon is available anywhere else in the campaign?

Nice, thanks for the tip.

The character models in this game just blow me away, far above anything i've seen on either console yet. The particle and smoke effects are also particularly impressive. Game feels like a great combination of F.E.A.R/CS:S and CoD4. I just love the "weighty" feel of the movement, the gun recoil and the fact each enemy engagement takes your full attention. Outstanding game.


shooting blanks
JB1981 said:
You need to get the official headset. It might cost you but it's worth it. The clarity is amazing.

Can you trade a regular bluetooth mic to gamestop?

I've been wondering that for a while. I just want a damn mute button.


I got my Scout class so now I just need to unlock all the support classes so I can mix and match... I really like playing as the Saboteur on assassination or search and destroy it's like a stealth game within multiplayer; brilliant... Also the Sniper rifle and cloak is fucking gangsta; it's been a long time since I found a MP title I could not put down, but damn this game has got me hooked. I can only imagine playing in games with a team that actually uses all the classes and level design to the fullest.

Honestly the MP experience is very different from anything else on the market, because it can be fast pace and frantic or very methodical based on game mode, class & player actions.

I do hope they create some game modes that are not respawn to add further depth to the MP gameplay.


oneHeero said:
Keep refreshing the page it'll show different games each time you refresh the page.

I am doing that I still can't find any of the games. The only way I get into the games is if someone in my clan/friends list is in one.
JB1981 said:
You need to get the official headset. It might cost you but it's worth it. The clarity is amazing.

I thought about it myself. I have the Warhawk headset, which I usually don't use. I was in a GAF game, I decided to use it and someone immediately asked me to turn down my television, which wasn't all that loud. I really had no choice but to turn off the headset. My biggest concern with buying the official headset is I'll just run into the same problem, wasting $50.
NameIess said:
I got my Scout class so now I just need to unlock all the support classes so I can mix and match... I really like playing as the Saboteur on assassination or search and destroy it's like a stealth game within multiplayer; brilliant... Also the Sniper rifle and cloak is fucking gangsta; it's been a long time since I found a MP title I could not put down, but damn this game has got me hooked. I can only imagine playing in games with a team that actually uses all the classes and level design to the fullest.

Honestly the MP experience is very different from anything else on the market, because it can be fast pace and frantic or very methodical based on game mode, class & player actions.

I do hope they create some game modes that are not respawn to add further depth to the MP gameplay.

I would love a no respawn option when you create a game.


Felix Lighter said:
I thought about it myself. I have the Warhawk headset, which I usually don't use. I was in a GAF game, I decided to use it and someone immediately asked me to turn down my television, which wasn't all that loud. I really had no choice but to turn off the headset. My biggest concern with buying the official headset is I'll just run into the same problem, wasting $50.

Did you know that you can adjust the microphone sensitivity setting?


I hate when I snipe a guy and someone else kills him a split second before my bullet hits him. No kill and good bye cloak! It's like someone just came along and ripped all your clothes off, but not in a good way.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
SuperEnemyCrab said:
Nice, thanks for the tip.

The character models in this game just blow me away, far above anything i've seen on either console yet. The particle and smoke effects are also particularly impressive. Game feels like a great combination of F.E.A.R/CS:S and CoD4. I just love the "weighty" feel of the movement, the gun recoil and the fact each enemy engagement takes your full attention. Outstanding game.
Yeah, the attention to detail is truly outstanding. Honestly, I do feel the game looks every bit as good as Crysis (though they both aim for something completely different) and ties it for the best looking shooter yet made. It doesn't have the same level of detail on a micro level (which makes sense considering the difference in available memory), but the overall effect they achieve is second to none.

I'm still blown away by the quality of the post processing and sheer number of light sources they can handle. The fact that so many of those light sources can actually cast high quality soft shadows is even more impressive. What's unfortunate, however, is that Killzone 2 can have a negative impact on other games. I immediately jumped over to Star Ocean 4 after completing KZ2 and, man, it is hard on the eyes.

Hopefully this spurs console developers to start focusing on some of the visual features that work so well in KZ2.
PTCoakley said:
But then Medics are pointless outside of throwing down health packs.

Your right thats true. That would kind of negate the medic.
It would still be sweet to do a all sniper match with no respawn.
that desert mp map is incredible...I don't really play online games, but that map is probably the most impressive mp map Ive ever seen design wise...love it


Playing the SP and MP at the same time (play SP until I cannot progress as a warm up and then jump online for MP) and have found that my favorite section was:

Taking Visari Square.
Pretty intense battle and it gave me that great feeling of being part of a big battle but not being the only one making it happen. Meaning, a part of a larger force instead of just going it alone.

Then I get to the
only to have to fight it out
under neath against waves of Helgast backed up with an anti-air gun
and that has me a bit frustrated as I haven't figured out how to progress.

Otherwise, i am enjoying the game immensely and wondered if there is a casual clan on here for those not interested in being totally competitive. I just want to play for giggles with people who understand how to squad up and actually care about using tactics instead of running and gunning into the same choke point the other team has camped on.
dark10x said:
Yeah, the attention to detail is truly outstanding. Honestly, I do feel the game looks every bit as good as Crysis (though they both aim for something completely different) and ties it for the best looking shooter yet made. It doesn't have the same level of detail on a micro level (which makes sense considering the difference in available memory), but the overall effect they achieve is second to none.

I'm still blown away by the quality of the post processing and sheer number of light sources they can handle. The fact that so many of those light sources can actually cast high quality soft shadows is even more impressive. What's unfortunate, however, is that Killzone 2 can have a negative impact on other games. I immediately jumped over to Star Ocean 4 after completing KZ2 and, man, it is hard on the eyes.

Hopefully this spurs console developers to start focusing on some of the visual features that work so well in KZ2.

I would agree with that. The only thing is Crysis has the open-ness that is lacking a little in Killzone 2. The way buildings collapse and things crash in Killzone though is very believable, even better than in MGS4 I think. Sometimes though the gun model can look a little low res when you are in cover at certain angles, but this is really nit-picking. The total package in KZ2 is more polished as well, presentation, storyline, etc. I was actually surprised how interesting the back story really is.

I know what you mean though about making other games look bad, I tried some CoD:WaW with my buddy after playing KZ2 all weekend and was like, yuck. (except for 60fps, that will always rock).


NameIess said:
Medics could still revive players who are not dead and would actually be more important...
The man has a point...

Even more of a point for me since medic is my class of choice. That wont change anytime soon. Only other classes I like are saboteurs and engineers.

I hate certain things about each other class and how cheap they can be (scouts and assault for instance) so Id be a hypocrite if I used them. :lol


At what level do you unlock a new class? I'm almost to seargant and wondering when I'll have anything other than the default grunt.


I'm only on the third level of the campaign but so far I'm really surprised how immersive and addictive this game is. I'm sitting here at work pretty much counting down the hours until I can play again.

I like how GG slowly ratchets up the tension. The first bit of the first level is disappointingly easy but gradually the game has gotten more intense since then.

I also appreciate the coherence of the level design and mission objectives so far. I'm never confused about the battlefield layouts. It all just clicks and makes sense.

At this rate, I probably won't jump into multi for another week but I'm fine with taking my time for a while.


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
andycapps said:
At what level do you unlock a new class? I'm almost to seargant and wondering when I'll have anything other than the default grunt.

You can check what unlocks at each rank in-game, from the My Statistics menu. You should be getting the Medic class pretty soon.


.GqueB. said:
The man has a point...

Even more of a point for me since medic is my class of choice. That wont change anytime soon. Only other classes I like are saboteurs and engineers.

I hate certain things about each other class and how cheap they can be (scouts and assault for instance) so Id be a hypocrite if I used them. :lol

then your team's goal is to kill the medic first


.GqueB. said:
The man has a point...

Even more of a point for me since medic is my class of choice. That wont change anytime soon. Only other classes I like are saboteurs and engineers.

I hate certain things about each other class and how cheap they can be (scouts and assault for instance) so Id be a hypocrite if I used them. :lol

I've also played Medic almost exclusively now, to whatever the second to last rank is. I'm not sure what's cheap about Scouts or Assaults, though. I just have a lot of fun head-shocking ISA with my laser paddle (though I wish you could still somehow shock offensively while it is charging for another friendly revive).


Finally got through
seemingly infinite waves of AI in taking Vasari. Now I am at Radec, fighting wave after wave yet again.
. Geez. Difficulty was pretty steady up till now. Died like a thousand times only on these two sections. WTF


Alright, just to break up all the Multiplayer talk :p:

Anyone else surprised at how interactive the environments are in this game? I was afraid that with this visual fidelity, the interaction with objects and whatever would take a backseat, but the destruction possible is pretty sweet (although it varies a lot between levels).


Anyone else think that the game's graphics get better after Salamun/ before Suljeva? I swear to god there's a difference, but I can't tell exactly what.


Biggest fucking shit ever. I had almost 60 points and my faction was winning, but I got disconnected from fucking bullshit playstation network. I swear this network is not worth a penny.
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