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dark10x said:
I'm still blown away by the quality of the post processing and sheer number of light sources they can handle. The fact that so many of those light sources can actually cast high quality soft shadows is even more impressive.

This. The shadows don't do the weird "shifting" thing they do in UE3 games, also. The shadows are cast properly and when it should only be a portion of the character casting the shadow it is. The lighting quality is a bit shy of Crysis I would say, but the number of dynamic, shadow casting lights is dramatically higher.

It's a game that certainly has it's own look. There is no other game that looks even remotely similar to it, and even outside of it's obvious technical merits, that's something to be commended.


angry @ Blu-Ray's success
I've been playing KZ2 for 4 hours straight and there's no sign in me letting up anytime soon. Once you get going in multiplayer, learning the levels and unlocking weapons and other abilities, it really does become better than anything else. The draw distance in the multiplayer is the most amazing aspect IMO.


I put nearly 30 hours into it over the weekend. Stuff is like crack.

Now you know that it is bigger the crack, it's so big that words can't explain.


{Mike} said:
Biggest fucking shit ever. I had almost 60 points and my faction was winning, but I got disconnected from fucking bullshit playstation network. I swear this network is not worth a penny.
seriously that sucked.
suffering through all that search and destroy (aka HQ on shipment) also.

Can you guys adjust the round times to something reasonable.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
I think to an even greater degree than CoD4, having a few REALLY bad people can really fuck shit up. Nothing like playing Search and Destroy, having a spawn grenade INSIDE the place you gotta defend, and people using the default spawn zone 5 minutes away... over, and over.


Wallach said:
I've also played Medic almost exclusively now, to whatever the second to last rank is. I'm not sure what's cheap about Scouts or Assaults, though. I just have a lot of fun head-shocking ISA with my laser paddle (though I wish you could still somehow shock offensively while it is charging for another friendly revive).
Well its less that theyre "cheap" and more "I kept getting killed by them in the last game I played so they annoy me now" :lol

But Im really liking how this game isnt pushing the whole "you have to kill to be useful" thing that other games push. Its really easy to be helpful in this game without having to get a lot of kills. Im more of a support and recon guy personally and this game allows you to be that person without punishing you. Its amazing.

Im hoping more MP games mimic ideas that are set forth here.
Big-E said:
Agreed. Games should feel fucking different. RFOM was different and played great until fuckers who never played the game bitched and now we are left with a game that no one cares about.

*High-five* I'm with you. Changing the Resistance formula as drastic as they did was a huge mistake.

People are still bitching about the controls? Are they fucking handicapped in the hands? ADAPT! Imagine Katamari being pushed under a bus because of it's "wonky" controls lol. People are pathetic.


Okay what the hell...i'm about halfway through I guess,i'm at the part where they say they spotted us with the AA gun and some are suppose to be on a bridge to cover me or something but it's like a CoD section from hell...I dont know what to do and they just keep coming and coming,I used grenades,the grenade Launcher and fought for like 15 minutes at one point...what's the trigger to stop this wave or to stop the AA Gun?


Applesauce said:
You can check what unlocks at each rank in-game, from the My Statistics menu. You should be getting the Medic class pretty soon.

Ok I'll check that, I know as of a bit ago the website was down, and I'm at work so that's all I could check out. Good to know I'll be getting a new class soon. I'll probably play medic or one of the other support classes, always been the type of player to help my team out from behind the lines to help us win.


Ricker said:
Okay what the hell...i'm about halfway through I guess,i'm at the part where they say they spotted us with the AA gun and some are suppose to be on a bridge to cover me or something but it's like a CoD section from hell...I dont know what to do and they just keep coming and coming,I used grenades,the grenade Launcher and fought for like 15 minutes at one point...what's the trigger to stop this wave or to stop the AA Gun?

You CAN headshot the guy on the AA gun, and if you stay back to kill the enemies that come, you'll face A LOT of enemies, but the supplies will eventually run out. But if you push forward very quickly, you'll kill of the 'spawner' much faster, according to a dev earlier in this topic. So stay at it.
.GqueB. said:
But Im really liking how this game isnt pushing the whole "you have to kill to be useful" thing that other games push. Its really easy to be helpful in this game without having to get a lot of kills. Im more of a support and recon guy personally and this game allows you to be that person without punishing you. Its amazing.
Well, you have to get up a few levels to get that sort of choice. I wish they would have allowed you to class out early and then build up the individual classes more (something I dug a lot in R2 though I wish there was more of it there).


Union Carbine said:
Well, you have to get up a few levels to get that sort of choice. I wish they would have allowed you to class out early and then build up the individual classes more (something I dug a lot in R2 though I wish there was more of it there).
True but I only had to level up to medic until I found my calling. Only other badge Im even remotely interested in would be Engineer and maybe... MAYBE tactician.


Big-E said:
Not talking about the single player buddy. The bridge level in the sp is awesome and is one of the better levels. In mp its a different bridge though.

Ah. Well, I'll see you online tonight, hopefully. I wantz to play with the old clan guys. It seems we're a bit fractured though.
.GqueB. said:
True but I only had to level up to medic until I found my calling. Only other badge Im even remotely interested in would be Engineer and maybe... MAYBE tactician.
Well, you lucked out but if my calling is the sniper I don't get a whiff of it until the highest rank. ;)


Dirtbag said:
i could never play search and destroy in killzone 2 again and be totally fine with it.
Agreed. Thats the one mode I just hate. Once someone gets a spawn point close to the target it becomes a giant clusterfuck.

Capture and hold doesnt suffer from this since the action gets pretty spread out. And search and retrieve is just amazing. Its like a football game with guns which is something Ive always wanted in my football games.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Finished it on Veteran. Got to the last boss on Friday, struggled a bit, took two days off, and found him ridiculously easy.
There's a trophy for beating him in under 20 minutes?! Is that a joke or am I just so damn good? ;)

Overall: excellent game. It's campaign reminds me of R2 (if R2 had a good campaign that is), the story could have been a lot better though. I was kinda hoping for a bit of social commentary or similar explorations of themes relating to parallels between the fictional ISA-Heghan conflict and our very own War In Iraq. Then again it's a mainstream video game so I shouldn't get my hopes up about having a high falutin storyline like that. :p

I assume that the Helghast are leaving their home now, possibly to attempt another invasion of Vekta or to find another homeland. Either way, bring on Killzone 3.

I'll continue to be online throughout the week. PSN: industrian.

I'm seconding anyone who wants an official soundtrack CD released. I have a hard on for martial music, and Killzone 2's music fits the bill perfectly.


Hellsing321 said:
It's more like aim assist and when you hold zoom for the shotty, your reticle will snap on the target near your reticle.

Holy shit, I didn't know this? So that happens when you turn on the light? Crazy...

Hasn't stopped me from dominating with the shotgun. :D


Union Carbine said:
Well, you lucked out but if my calling is the sniper I don't get a whiff of it until the highest rank. ;)
lol yea I saw that was the last rank and I instantly knew I would never see that class. I dont play nearly enough. The games get too hectic and after about two matches (especially in gaf games where search and destroy lasts for 25 minutes) I get pretty wiped out and I stop... Im usually back on in an hour though.

And everyone should play the dark knight soundtrack while playing. It pumps you right up. You can thank me later.


I finally got around to playing some multiplayer today, ranked up once and really enjoyed it. I'll be around alot more later tonight if GAF3 wants to get in on the action with me and help me rank up so I can actually be of some help to the clan.


Hellsing321 said:
It's more like aim assist and when you hold zoom for the shotty, your reticle will snap on the target near your reticle.
Wait a second. Shotguns have the biggest spread yet it's the weapon with the heaviest aim assist? I must be missing something, could anyone explain why this makes sense?


Have a fun! Enjoy!
.GqueB. said:
Agreed. Thats the one mode I just hate. Once someone gets a spawn point close to the target it becomes a giant clusterfuck.

Yeah, you shouldn't be allowed to toss spawn points in green areas.


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
.GqueB. said:
And search and retrieve is just amazing. Its like a football game with guns which is something Ive always wanted in my football games.
:lol :lol

True, and awesome. I love how you have to sprint to the enemy base to deliver it.
Alright, So far today I've unlocked tactician, the M4 Pistol, and whatever the guy is with the armour and speed pill.

Playing in the pistols only room trying to unlock the M4 for REAL old, I'm definately alot better with the pistols now though!


Nafai1123 said:
Holy shit, I didn't know this? So that happens when you turn on the light? Crazy...

Hasn't stopped me from dominating with the shotgun. :D
I saw that and turned off the light. Good man, Soldiers should man up and earn that medal the right way. ;-)


TTP said:
Yeah, you shouldn't be allowed to toss spawn points in green areas.
Yea thats the main way they can fix it. Just introduce some sort of radius. Itd make things a bit more reasonable.

But at the same time those clusterfucks are just damn fun. So much going on. But it almost guarantees a win for the defenders. Too much going on. Theres almost no way of getting in there without getting filled with bullets.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Always-honest said:
how does that work again.. never used it..

Yeah, someone give up the goods I'm tired of getting creamed online by people using the shotgun. I read somewhere that it involves the L1 button (flashlight on Alternate 2) but I either couldn't get it to work or didn't notice a difference.

Edit: About the green gas spawn points... I find they work best when multiple people are throwing them down. If there is just 1 and you use it then yeah...you are going to get killed.


Big-E said:
Agreed. Games should feel fucking different. RFOM was different and played great until fuckers who never played the game bitched and now we are left with a game that no one cares about.

The truth shall set us free!
TTP said:
Yeah, you shouldn't be allowed to toss spawn points in green areas.

Yes, limiting the places where spawn points can be placed would go along way towards calming the mayhem. It makes sense to place a spawn point closer to the object but putting one right on top of the objective kind of ruins the game.


.GqueB. said:
Yea thats the main way they can fix it. Just introduce some sort of radius. Itd make things a bit more reasonable.

But at the same time those clusterfucks are just damn fun. So much going on. But it almost guarantees a win for the defenders. Too much going on. Theres almost no way of getting in there without getting filled with bullets.
even worse is when the defensive team is on the other side of the map when S&D starts...
i've had times where i happened to be in the room i had to plant the bomb in and round ended in about 30 seconds




Funny that the trophy list is kinda backwards though. I thought I managed to get the trophy for honor rank best 1% but that is not the same as #1 honor rank apparently. Not suprising since honor rank #1 is a bronse and honor rank #4 is a gold. :S


Have a fun! Enjoy!
.GqueB. said:
Yea thats the main way they can fix it. Just introduce some sort of radius. Itd make things a bit more reasonable.

But at the same time those clusterfucks are just damn fun. So much going on. But it almost guarantees a win for the defenders. Too much going on. Theres almost no way of getting in there without getting filled with bullets.

You know what, now that I think of it, they could still allow to toss a spawn point in the green area (too much hassle going about explaining the player why his spawn point aint working all of a sudden) but people selecting it spawn OUTSIDE of the green area.

Personally, I always deploy spawn points outside of it anyway, but when you have tactician noobs in your team, wasting all nades by tossing them into the shitstorm I can't do anything do avoid hell.
TTP said:
Yeah, you shouldn't be allowed to toss spawn points in green areas.

I was so confused last night. I became the target and i was hiding out trying to stay safe, and then I thought people were yelling out in the chaos that I had to stay within the "green area" on the map?? If im the target i can go anywhere right?

One other time that i was the target from what i remember I basically waited it out and let people protect me till the final second were coming, then i just made a mad dash out a door away from all groups and ran my ass off to the other side of the mad. so that worked i guess.


EazyB said:
Wait a second. Shotguns have the biggest spread yet it's the weapon with the heaviest aim assist? I must be missing something, could anyone explain why this makes sense?

It's an error... enjoy it while you can.
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