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+1 X-Axis
+3 Y-Axis

...thinking I'm going to turn it up and see how I like it now that I'm more than comfortable with the look settings/calibration


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
.GqueB. said:
And search and retrieve is just amazing. Its like a football game with guns which is something Ive always wanted in my football games.

It's pretty awesome, but it's gonna get old, fast. Only having 2-3 places where the speaker spawns, and all 3 being close together, and only 1 place to take it, will be it's death. Too easy to coordinate someone picking it up right after a drop, and having people just defend teh shit out of the post after just 1 retrieval.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
SnakeXs said:
It's pretty awesome, but it's gonna get old, fast. Only having 2-3 places where the speaker spawns, and all 3 being close together, and only 1 place to take it, will be it's death. Too easy to coordinate someone picking it up right after a drop, and having people just defend teh shit out of the post after just 1 retrieval.

Yesterday I was in a match where the winning team (1 propaganda speaker delivered) simply grabbed the next speaker and run back to their HQ with it.

It was impossible to get it :(


GeoramA said:
Amazon finally shipped my copy. :lol

Learned my lesson.
Mine shipped out on Friday but has yet to arrive. I think I might get my copy tomorrow. The tracking info hasn't updated on Amazon's site and the tracking # isn't working when I put it in USPS's website.

Since when did Amazon begin using USPS anyway?


Will Eat Your Children
AgentOtaku said:


+1 X-Axis
+3 Y-Axis

...thinking I'm going to turn it up and see how I like it now that I'm more than comfortable with the look settings/calibration
Standard, it really is the best. Specially for long range, easily get 5 kills per death.
TrAcEr_x90 said:
I was so confused last night. I became the target and i was hiding out trying to stay safe, and then I thought people were yelling out in the chaos that I had to stay within the "green area" on the map?? If im the target i can go anywhere right?

Wrong, the chaotic yellers were correct. You have to stay in the green zone.


Two things.

One. I hate how the default aim sensitivity feels the best. I like to aim FAST and this game is making that really hard for me.

Two. Why did they have to put in shitty motion sensing sections? Why... They always suck and break immersion.

Otherwise, great game.

Decided to jump straight into veteran mode since normal difficulty on console games is usually pathetic. Having a great time.
Anyone else having problems with freezing/disconnects? It won't let me connect now, i'm getting network error code 13. Had some good games in some of the GAF rooms though


Have a fun! Enjoy!
notjackbauer said:
Wrong, the chaotic yellers were correct. You have to stay in the green zone.

There is also a huge message popping up in the middle of the screen when you step outside of the green area. I can people miss that is beyond me :lol


Console Market Analyst
TTP said:
Yesterday I was in a match where the winning team (1 propaganda speaker delivered) simply grabbed the next speaker and run back to their HQ with it.

It was impossible to get it :(

Happened in several of my matches yesterday. It's going to become the norm that the first team to capture the speaker... wins.
notjackbauer said:
Wrong, the chaotic yellers were correct. You have to stay in the green zone.

thats what i thought too??? but the only green zone was out of the bathroom area and right into the line of fire of the other team? man it gets so crazy its hard to think quick of what is going on. So if im the targer, i need to find the green area, and stay in it but not be killed.


Ricker said:
Okay what the hell...i'm about halfway through I guess,i'm at the part where they say they spotted us with the AA gun and some are suppose to be on a bridge to cover me or something but it's like a CoD section from hell...I dont know what to do and they just keep coming and coming,I used grenades,the grenade Launcher and fought for like 15 minutes at one point...what's the trigger to stop this wave or to stop the AA Gun?

BeeDog said:
You CAN headshot the guy on the AA gun, and if you stay back to kill the enemies that come, you'll face A LOT of enemies, but the supplies will eventually run out. But if you push forward very quickly, you'll kill of the 'spawner' much faster, according to a dev earlier in this topic. So stay at it.

I remember before when I said the game had CoD-like infinite spawn enemies till you reached a trigger point. Then even used that very encounter as one that's obvious as hell.

"but but but no it doesn't! Stop lying!"

Yeah, exactly.

TrAcEr_x90 said:
thats what i thought too??? but the only green zone was out of the bathroom area and right into the line of fire of the other team? man it gets so crazy its hard to think quick of what is going on. So if im the targer, i need to find the green area, and stay in it but not be killed.

I think so? Honestly I haven't played that much yet and should probably shut up. Check the manual, it's in there.
industrian said:
Finished it on Veteran. Got to the last boss on Friday, struggled a bit, took two days off, and found him ridiculously easy.
There's a trophy for beating him in under 20 minutes?! Is that a joke or am I just so damn good? ;)

Overall: excellent game. It's campaign reminds me of R2 (if R2 had a good campaign that is), the story could have been a lot better though. I was kinda hoping for a bit of social commentary or similar explorations of themes relating to parallels between the fictional ISA-Heghan conflict and our very own War In Iraq. Then again it's a mainstream video game so I shouldn't get my hopes up about having a high falutin storyline like that. :p

I assume that the Helghast are leaving their home now, possibly to attempt another invasion of Vekta or to find another homeland. Either way, bring on Killzone 3.

I'll continue to be online throughout the week. PSN: industrian.

I'm seconding anyone who wants an official soundtrack CD released. I have a hard on for martial music, and Killzone 2's music fits the bill perfectly.

I love Sev as a character through the whole thing. While everyone is freaking out his quiet demenor of
"well were all going to die" is a nice change of pace from most protagonists.
I love the shot of him just
sitting down on the steps as the empire state building size helghast carriers are taking off.


TTP said:
Yesterday I was in a match where the winning team (1 propaganda speaker delivered) simply grabbed the next speaker and run back to their HQ with it.

It was impossible to get it :(

Someone tried to do that to us on Blood Gracht.

Nine of us switched to Assaults with 'nade launchers. Hole up wherever the fuck you please, Higs; we swept them out of there in about ten seconds.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Playing on the time to die gaf server reminds me how unfun this game can be. Games that big are just so chaotic and lame. No one is even trying for the objectives.


commish said:
Playing on the time to die gaf server reminds me how unfun this game can be. Games that big are just so chaotic and lame. No one is even trying for the objectives.

Come to GAFZONE #2

Euro GAF is better anyway. :p


Have a fun! Enjoy!
commish said:
Playing on the time to die gaf server reminds me how unfun this game can be. Games that big are just so chaotic and lame. No one is even trying for the objectives.

I rarely join games with friends in it for two reasons:

1 -- There is no info about the player count.
2 -- There is no info about the region.

Hence I use the filtering option to get my EU - 16 players game fix.
Wallach said:
Someone tried to do that to us on Blood Gracht.

Nine of us switched to Assaults with 'nade launchers. Hole up wherever the fuck you please, Higs; we swept them out of there in about ten seconds.

:lol That is awesome.


BruceLeeRoy said:
I love Sev as a character through the whole thing. While everyone is freaking out his quiet demenor of
"well were all going to die" is a nice change of pace from most protagonists.
I love the shot of him just
sitting down on the steps as the empire state building size helghast carriers are taking off.

I loved the end scene, it was so well done. Reminds me of God of War II ending in a way, in that it sets up such an potentially amazing scenario for the sequel.
Shame we have to wait at least 2 years for the next one, but that's what MP is for I guess :p

Unless Guerrilla do episodic expansions with graphical updates, that would be amazing.


Little is the new Big
goddamn i'm stuck doing work tonight (I kinda played a tad too much so...)

Will see you guys tomorrow :(


commish said:
Playing on the time to die gaf server reminds me how unfun this game can be. Games that big are just so chaotic and lame. No one is even trying for the objectives.

I just got done spending some time on there; said the same thing to my squad mates. I actually think people were going for the objective, everyone was rushing to get to certain areas and spawning in rooms right next to each other. total madhouse :lol


alba said:
goddamn i'm stuck doing work tonight (I kinda played a tad too much so...)

Will see you guys tomorrow :(

I have to prepare for a presentation 2moro so I shouldn't have played at all today. As if that's going to stop me! Must stop now tho, 2moro I need to get my sniper ribbons ;)


raYne said:
I remember before when I said the game had CoD-like infinite spawn enemies till you reached a trigger point. Then even used that very encounter as one that's obvious as hell.

"but but but no it doesn't! Stop lying!"

Yeah, exactly.


The worst parts of the game IMO are the ones with the COD infinite spawns. The problem is that they spawn pretty quickly, and since the enemies have good AI, it is hard to kill a wave before they are replenished.

I understand the desire to represent chaos onscreen by making sure there are tons of dudes around. But it always just ends up being frustrating, and always pulls me out of the game.


FFObsessed said:
I loved the end scene, it was so well done. Reminds me of God of War II ending in a way, in that it sets up such an potentially amazing scenario for the sequel.
Shame we have to wait at least 2 years for the next one, but that's what MP is for I guess :p

Unless Guerrilla do episodic expansions with graphical updates, that would be amazing.

You and Full Recovery are Gods. I would run into a heavy firefight(and die) just to revive you two because I knew both of you could get out, and for the most part I was right.


Am I the only one who didn't like
the fact that Visari is now dead, and you didn't even get to kill him. To me, alongside the Helghast, Visari is the most interesting asset the game has. His speeches make me shiver, he looks so freaky and badass. Personally I would have been overjoyed with him getting away, hell even if he shot himself in the head or something, but to have Rico, my least favourite character EVER shoot him in the chest with an LMG fealt slightly poor and disappointing. I hope he recorded one last speech before he died to enjoy in KZ3, especially without him or Radec (a great enemy who I also thought was cool as shit). Gripes aside, I thought the ending did a superb job of setting up the following installment, and I agree with you Bruce the final scene on the steps was a brilliant way to end it. It summarised Sev's dispair with the whole war and made him seem like a really human character. Also the way he sidestepped Narville and didn't bother explaining why Visari was dead on the floor. Amazing job GG on the whole!

On a lighter note, I unlocked the M4 Revolver, the sexiest thing since Mishca Barton in The OC. And finally I now have the Sabouter which showed me the STA14 is equally sexy online.


Little is the new Big
FFObsessed said:
I have to prepare for a presentation 2moro so I shouldn't have played at all today. As if that's going to stop me! Must stop now tho, 2moro I need to get my sniper ribbons ;)

Will do, will do.

-ARNiE- said:
Am I the only one who didn't like
the fact that Visari is now dead, and you didn't even get to kill him. To me, alongside the Helghast, Visari is the most interesting asset the game has. His speeches make me shiver, he looks so freaky and badass. Personally I would have been overjoyed with him getting away, hell even if he shot himself in the head or something, but to have Rico, my least favourite character EVER shoot him in the chest with an LMG fealt slightly poor and disappointing. I hope he recorded one last speech before he died to enjoy in KZ3, especially without him or Radec (a great enemy who I also thought was cool as shit). Gripes aside, I thought the ending did a superb job of setting up the following installment, and I agree with you Bruce the final scene on the steps was a brilliant way to end it. It summarised Sev's dispair with the whole war and made him seem like a really human character. Also the way he sidestepped Narville and didn't bother explaining why Visari was dead on the floor. Amazing job GG on the whole!

Same, it made me really
sad to see rico kill visari, visari is/was such a great character in the killzone universe, I wonder what's going to happen now (in terms of bosses/villains). As a few people mentioned, loved the end scene and overall humanity coming out of sev, I didn't really like him at first but you do at the end, which is nice.


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
Teknoman said:
How many turret bots can you place at once?

I think you can have up to 4 out at once, however once you set one up a certain amount of time has to pass before setting up another. At least that's how it was when I did it, but I haven't played as an Engineer that much.
whats up with weekly honors?
when do those get given out?
i played all weekend and peple ive played better than r getting them. didn't get shit


Hellsing321 said:
Why didn't anyone tell me about the lock-on with the shotgun? Thats thing is fucking brutal.

What is this lock on I keep hearing about? Is it in MP?

EDIT: NM, just found out.
Dammit I read the 1st line of Arnie's spoiler =(

Also ...I was actually
sad to see Jan die ...even though I didn't even finish KZ1 and Liberation, I thought there was some weight there
Can someone definitively explain how chat works in MP?

If I'm not in a squad, only my teammates around me can hear me, or can friends and enemies BOTH hear me if they're nearby?

If I am in a squad, does the private line to my squad cancel out the above? Or will teammates still be able to hear me if they're nearby but not in my squad? Is this the same for enemies?

Sorry, I just find it confusing right now.


I have been stuck for a week now. @ last level on eliete.. I am to embarass
In the last chapter. I cant even get to the secound floor part. :( :( I can handle the first wake, Then 2 scouts and another two scouts, then two trop from the top.... until everyone drops down including 4 falme thrower... There is no way humanly possible.

HELP !!!!!!!!!!


AgentOtaku said:
Dammit I read the 1st line of Arnie's spoiler =(
Sorry, I have no happles left but I can gladly give you this mango as an apology?



J-Rzez said:
What is this lock on I keep hearing about? Is it in MP?

i think you have to have ironsight as a hold instead of click. then just hold it down and it should autoaim on whoever is close. and ya, it works online.


Killa Sasa said:
Can someone definitively explain how chat works in MP?

If I'm not in a squad, only my teammates around me can hear me, or can friends and enemies BOTH hear me if they're nearby?

If I am in a squad, does the private line to my squad cancel out the above? Or will teammates still be able to hear me if they're nearby but not in my squad? Is this the same for enemies?

Sorry, I just find it confusing right now.

Squadmates hear you at all times. Other team mates can only hear you when close. I know enemy players can hear you when you are dead and you can hear them, but dunno about when both players are alive.
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