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SSJChar said:
i think you have to have ironsight as a hold instead of click. then just hold it down and it should autoaim on whoever is close. and ya, it works online.

Yeah, I somehow missed the explanation of that, thanks. So that's why so many people ran around with the light on, and I thought it was because they liked the lighting effect :lol


God, the last section of the game (
inside Visari's palace
) was absolutely retarded on hard. I died more times than I could count, and finally just gave up and put it on normal. The difference is huge between the two difficulty levels btw, I beat it on my first try on normal.


TheFatOne said:
You and Full Recovery are Gods. I would run into a heavy firefight(and die) just to revive you two because I knew both of you could get out, and for the most part I was right.

*salutes* You died with honour soldier!
Ricker said:
Okay what the hell...i'm about halfway through I guess,i'm at the part where they say they spotted us with the AA gun and some are suppose to be on a bridge to cover me or something but it's like a CoD section from hell...I dont know what to do and they just keep coming and coming,I used grenades,the grenade Launcher and fought for like 15 minutes at one point...what's the trigger to stop this wave or to stop the AA Gun?
Check your game stats. I don't think you are halfway. May be 25%-30%. I'm at exact same point and tried to kill them using cover and with strategy couple of times before I quit. There is one more encounter before that where they keep spawning until you charge in and clear the building.

As someone said, best way to finish it is keep moving forward.


Will Eat Your Children
Just saw a commercial on TV, it was kinda standard. Should have used the bullet commerical.

Also, what are those ribbons next to peoples names, the top % ribbons?


MirageDwarf said:
Check your game stats. I don't think you are halfway. May be 25%-30%. ...

that number doesn't reflect your actual game progression, it also counts the helghast symbols and intels.
most people finish around 50%

btw, the sound of the grenades and sniper from far away is AFW :O
-ARNiE- said:
Sorry, I have no happles left but I can gladly give you this mango as an apology?


No worries ...it was my fault as I just thought you were going to be talking about a part earlier in the game, so I thought I would be okay as I just finished
the part where Jan dies

Oh well ....I figured it was gonna happen


Sorry for being so shit tonight lads, took me half the first match to realise friendly fire was on! Good grief....

Was'nt much better after, but was great fun :D


TheFatOne said:
Another thing you pick the most obvious spots to snipe sometimes yet people run right past you like nothing.

At the moment I don't have x5 scope or the spot and mark ability so I have to be fairly close to the action to get the best results. And I'm more of an attacking sniper, I find camping in one spot and just waiting incredibly boring so I usually run around and try to get near a group of people, cloak, and people are usually concentrating on the guys around them to pay attention to where I'm sniping from. On a less hectic match I'd have to be way more cautious and try to keep as far away from people. Up close the sniper will nearly always lose unless I can quickly fire off a shot, or whip out my revolver. And I'll be even more effective when I unlock the improved scope and secondary ability.

I think I sniped GqueB about 10 times in one match today. He wasn't pleased... I was :p


I completed the game a few hours ago. Felt great, but really really short. Took me 6hr 30mins to complete on Normal. I'll definitely replay it on Veteran but I selected Normal originally because I was getting my ass kicked on Veteran when I couldn't aim for shit. Probably could do better now since I'm used to the gameplay.

Garza dead? :( Visari Dead? :[ DAMN YOU RICO!


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
BruceLeeRoy said:
I love Sev as a character through the whole thing. While everyone is freaking out his quiet demenor of
"well were all going to die" is a nice change of pace from most protagonists.
I love the shot of him just
sitting down on the steps as the empire state building size helghast carriers are taking off.

I generally disliked the characters in KZ2, especially when compared to KZ1 where you had Haka and Rico at each other's throats and the tension between Templar and Luger. In KZ2 there was nothing really comparable. I can see Sev
possibly evolving into the weary veteran archetype in KZ3, whether or not he'd be playable is another question.

alba said:
Same, it made me really
sad to see rico kill visari, visari is/was such a great character in the killzone universe, I wonder what's going to happen now (in terms of bosses/villains). As a few people mentioned, loved the end scene and overall humanity coming out of sev, I didn't really like him at first but you do at the end, which is nice.

KZ3 will probably entail
a small Helghast Civil War or have varying "clans" vying for supremacy before someone unifies them for a singular goal or something. It's clear from the beating their forces took on Helghan that ISA are in as much turmoil as the Helghast are. And the Helghast still have nukes, don't they?

Another possible outcome is that - with Sev becoming the weary veteran archetype - Rico becomes the "disturbed by war" archetype and goes rogue, possibly becoming a potential villain in KZ3.


FFObsessed said:
At the moment I don't have x5 scope or the spot and mark ability so I have to be fairly close to the action to get the best results. And I'm more of an attacking sniper, I find camping in one spot and just waiting incredibly boring so I usually run around and try to get near a group of people, cloak, and people are usually concentrating on the guys around them to pay attention to where I'm sniping from. On a less hectic match I'd have to be way more cautious and try to keep as far away from people. Up close the sniper will nearly always lose unless I can quickly fire off a shot, or whip out my revolver. And I'll be even more effective when I unlock the improved scope and secondary ability.

I think I sniped GqueB about 10 times in one match today. He wasn't pleased... I was :p

Ahh that's why you are so close, but still I saw you racking up kills because people weren't paying close enough attention. I remember killing you once I was so happy that I could use the sniper rifle. I picked it up and immediately died :lol still haven't used the sniper.


industrian said:
I generally disliked the characters in KZ2, especially when compared to KZ1 where you had Haka and Rico at each other's throats and the tension between Templar and Luger. In KZ2 there was nothing really comparable. I can see Sev
possibly evolving into the weary veteran archetype in KZ3, whether or not he'd be playable is another question.

KZ3 will probably entail
a small Helghast Civil War or have varying "clans" vying for supremacy before someone unifies them for a singular goal or something. It's clear from the beating their forces took on Helghan that ISA are in as much turmoil as the Helghast are. And the Helghast still have nukes, don't they?

Another possible outcome is that - with Sev becoming the weary veteran archetype - Rico becomes the "disturbed by war" archetype and goes rogue, possibly becoming a potential villain in KZ3.
I liked Garza. Didn't like Rico particularly.
The fact that he killed Garza and Visari is one of the reasons
. Natko was a bit useless, though he gave me a few laughs at time. Sev was okay although was a bit too silent. Liked him in the end though. Wouldn't mind playing as him again.

I agree that the KZ1 story was better (then again, was there even a story in KZ2?) The cutscenes were great and the characters were far more likable. I preferred Rico in KZ1 than in KZ2.


SnakeXs said:
It's pretty awesome, but it's gonna get old, fast. Only having 2-3 places where the speaker spawns, and all 3 being close together, and only 1 place to take it, will be it's death. Too easy to coordinate someone picking it up right after a drop, and having people just defend teh shit out of the post after just 1 retrieval.

This is a problem indeed. They also can't have the speaker randomly spawn because it could easily cause imbalance, since it would put way more emphasis on luck than there should be.

raYne said:
I remember before when I said the game had CoD-like infinite spawn enemies till you reached a trigger point. Then even used that very encounter as one that's obvious as hell.

"but but but no it doesn't! Stop lying!"

Yeah, exactly.


The thing I've noticed is that the infinite spawns are about 20x more noticeable if you play the game on veteran or elite as oppose to the normal difficulty, since it takes a lot more to bring the Helghast down. The bridge section is one of the most obvious examples of it. There's one point where if you don't move forward just a few inches and cross the invisible line, prompting one of your guys to say something like "they're raising the bridge", they come out forever. Still, as I felt earlier, the Helghast are way more fun to fight than CoD4's enemies and even as they infinitely spawn they still act independently.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Zeliard said:
The thing I've noticed is that the infinite spawns are about 20x more noticeable if you play the game on veteran or elite as oppose to the normal difficulty, since it takes a lot more to bring the Helghast down. The bridge section is one of the most obvious examples of it. There's one point where if you don't move forward just a few inches and cross the invisible line, prompting one of your guys to say something like "they're raising the bridge", they come out forever. Still, as I felt earlier, the Helghast are way more fun to fight than CoD4's enemies and even as they infinitely spawn they still act independently.

Yeah which is why most people who mentioned the Ghastly closets were indeed playing on Veteran, and one can only assume most who said NUH UH NOPE NO CLOSETS THIS AIN'T COD4 were on Normal.


Multiplayer is really a mixed bag right now. No one knows what they're doing and only one of the maps is actually suited to 32 players. Jebus, they really could have just included some relatively nice maps from a Vektan environment, I'm so sick of playing these unendingly dreary and depressing landscapes with people who don't even understand that you can spawn on your squad leader.


TheFatOne said:
Ahh that's why you are so close, but still I saw you racking up kills because people weren't paying close enough attention. I remember killing you once I was so happy that I could use the sniper rifle. I picked it up and immediately died :lol still haven't used the sniper.

Yeah I think I got about 50 sniper kills in that Saluman Market game, but that was mostly because it was soooooo long. :p Tho when I joined a few rounds had already been completed. Sniping is a lot harder now than in the Beta, requires a lot more skill. In the Beta it was easy as anything with the auto aim.

I really want to get 5x scope and Spot & Mark and get practicing, I definitely need it.


Zeliard said:
This is a problem indeed. They also can't have the speaker randomly spawn because it could easily cause imbalance, since it would put way more emphasis on luck than there should be.

The thing I've noticed is that the infinite spawns are about 20x more noticeable if you play the game on veteran or elite as oppose to the normal difficulty, since it takes a lot more to bring the Helghast down. The bridge section is one of the most obvious examples of it. There's one point where if you don't move forward just a few inches and cross the invisible line, prompting one of your guys to say something like "they're raising the bridge", they come out forever. Still, as I felt earlier, the Helghast are way more fun to fight than CoD4's enemies and even as they infinitely spawn they still act independently.
The infinite respawns were SO obvious in the last level. I was shooting many down, but they just came back. When I advanced forward the respawns stopped.


Had some good games with several euro-GAFers, and I'm slowly becoming a bit better (hopefully the others feel I can stand my ground somewhat ;D). Game is fun online, although the clusterfuck-points and occasional bump-into-enemy-around-the-corner stuff makes my blood boil (poor gamepad, I'm almost breaking you in half).


Things are really going overboard in the official boards, I think GG is really annoyed at this point, especially seb. ;)


Seriously, this GIF can't be right. Never. If the lag would be THIS high anyone would notice it. Seems strange to me. Some sort of trick? TV problem?



Look at the results...ruh roh. :(


FFObsessed said:
Yeah I think I got about 50 sniper kills in that Saluman Market game, but that was mostly because it was soooooo long. :p Tho when I joined a few rounds had already been completed. Sniping is a lot harder now than in the Beta, requires a lot more skill. In the Beta it was easy as anything with the auto aim.

I really want to get 5x scope and Spot & Mark and get practicing, I definitely need it.

yeah, i have to estimate how they're moving now instead of mouse twitch like stuff, although i'm sure some people are good at that. 5x Scope is godly on Helghast Industries and Pyrrus :) I play with US GAF a LOT but have only been in like 1 or 2 games with you, stay up later! :p


BeeDog said:
Had some good games with several euro-GAFers, and I'm slowly becoming a bit better (hopefully the others feel I can stand my ground somewhat ;D). Game is fun online, although the clusterfuck-points and occasional bump-into-enemy-around-the-corner stuff makes my blood boil (poor gamepad, I'm almost breaking you in half).
You sure did kick my butt a bunch of times


Thrakier said:
Things are really going overboard in the official boards, I think GG is really annoyed at this point, especially seb. ;)


Seriously, this GIF can't be right. Never. If the lag would be THIS high anyone would notice it. Seems strange to me. Some sort of trick? TV problem?



Look at the results...ruh roh. :(

This one is bullshit. There's a website (gamesradar?) that tested the input lag, and KZ2 had exactly the same than Halo, GTAIV and whatever.


Raist said:
This one is bullshit. There's a website (gamesradar?) that tested the input lag, and KZ2 had exactly the same than Halo, GTAIV and whatever.
GG better not change it. This is like the first time I'm actually at least half-good at a shooter and the controls are smooth and perfectly playable.


Few suggestions for server creators. Please up Body Count to 100 kills and make search and retrieve missions 25 minutes.

Anybody want me to create a room? Thinking about going on in a few (just charging the headset).....


Raist said:
This one is bullshit. There's a website (gamesradar?) that tested the input lag, and KZ2 had exactly the same than Halo, GTAIV and whatever.

You mean gamastura and they didn't test KZ2 but only the other games you mentioned. According to the first youtube videos which popped up it was about 167ms lag which would be quite high but still ok. 300ms however, like in this gif, would be too high.


icechai said:
yeah, i have to estimate how they're moving now instead of mouse twitch like stuff, although i'm sure some people are good at that. 5x Scope is godly on Helghast Industries and Pyrrus :) I play with US GAF a LOT but have only been in like 1 or 2 games with you, stay up later! :p

I havn't been playing online too much, although I have racked up 20 hours :p I'll play more TIME TO DIE games this week hopefully. Been trying to unlock stuff mostly. I want to try out some hybrid classes! :)


-viper- said:
The infinite respawns were SO obvious in the last level. I was shooting many down, but they just came back. When I advanced forward the respawns stopped.

Yeah, it definitely crops up in the last level a lot since it's the enemies' last stand, and there are a lot more of them than usual off the bat.

The biggest problem with CoD4's infinite respawning to me wasn't just that enemies kept pouring in, but that combined with them not being especially fun to fight to begin with. CoD4's A.I. is leagues behind Killzone 2's, not to mention the hit-detection system, so shooting at and fighting with Helghast enemies in general is a lot more fun.

However, that also causes another issue, which is that it generally takes a lot more to take your typical Helghan down than a CoD4 soldier, so that can exacerbate the infinite respawn issue.


FFObsessed said:
I havn't been playing online too much, although I have racked up 20 hours :p I'll play more TIME TO DIE games this week hopefully. Been trying to unlock stuff mostly. I want to try out some hybrid classes! :)

Im trying to figure out which one to stick with. I only have the medic and engineer. Once I unlock all of the badges I can better gauge which one is best for me. I like the medic so far, but I don't have the health packs yet.


lawblob said:
I just had the game completely freeze on me during MP.

Is this happening to anyone else??

Once. There are a few known bugs than can crash your console, they're working on it.


Ilparazzo said:
You sure did kick my butt a bunch of times

FF with 32 players on that shitty map Tharsis Depot is truly a lowpoint in my MP career so far. Ended in first place on the team, got the assassination target at the last possible moment to make the game 3-3, yet it was such a shitty experience after we defended the demo point.

It just turned into a nade/turret/rocket launcher bukkake.

I feel they could have done more with the gametypes. They feel so static and ultimately crap.


Thrakier said:
Things are really going overboard in the official boards, I think GG is really annoyed at this point, especially seb. ;)


Seriously, this GIF can't be right. Never. If the lag would be THIS high anyone would notice it. Seems strange to me. Some sort of trick? TV problem?



Look at the results...ruh roh. :(

This topic is fairly idiotic. Anybody with an axe to grind can make a video showing the latency to be whatever they like it to be. For example, either buffering the display or using a 2nd (offscreen) controller to actually pull the trigger.

First hand experience shows the latency is entirely adequate for me, and I'm not sure a random idiot with a camcorder will be able to convince me otherwise.


lawblob said:
I just had the game completely freeze on me during MP.

Is this happening to anyone else??

Just happened to me and I finally used the sniper :( ohh well. The sniper is awesome in the large desert stage (sorry forgot the name).
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