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Lion Heart said:
So how many people believe Killzone 2 is their favourite MP game (of all time)? Or at least approaching it?

Not for me. Its fun, and I will play the shit out of it, but the controls & maps bring it down, IMO.


ItsInMyVeins said:
secondary badges are portable. i think you get a ribbon for sprinting once per match -- do that 8 times and you should be able to use the sprint badge with any class. similar things happen with all secondary badges -- repairing stationary guns/ammo boxes, C4, health packs, enemy tracking, and flying bot are all swappable after meeting certain conditions.


TTP said:
Well, the obvious shortcoming of the Assault class is the low Rocket Launcher ammo count (just 3) and the nerfed grenades of the Grenade Launcher (low ammo as well and long reload time). But once you manage to get a rifle and keep collecting ammo from downed players you are basically more powerful than any other rifle/LMG equipped dude because you have a) 200% energy and b) your energy bar always replineshes to 120% circa. I mean, if the bar comes down to 10%, you can wait and it will back up to 120% which is more than a normal soldier starts with!

The only way to take down an Assault in a one-on-one rifle-vs-rifle confrontation is by headshotting him.

Would you say the Assault class is overpowered, or that it basically evens out? The lack of ammo off the bat is pretty significant, but it also isn't usually that difficult to eventually find a rifle or other gun laying around, particularly in bigger matches. He also gets the speed boost before any other class can.


Console Market Analyst

All I want to do is earn my repair ability as engineer. But whenever a competing engineer on my own team sees one of my sentry bots, he rolls a grenade under it. This has happened in every match I've played since unlocking the class.

So much bullshit is going on because of the badge system.
I have tried everything possible but I cant get 5 kills with a turret even once in a match for the life
of me. Its far to weak and people high tail it the hell out before it can do any real damage.


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
All I want to do is play but I keep getting disconnected randomly. When I join a game it is completely lagless so I don't know what the fuck's wrong. I was playing Gears for hours today without a single hitch, same with SF4 and I was raping at Killzone last night but today is just fucking hell. I can't do shit! It keeps saying Killzone has encountered an unrecoverable error. It's bullshit and I'm starting to get pretty pissed.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
BruceLeeRoy said:
I have tried everything possible but I cant get 5 kills with a turret even once in a match for the life
of me. Its far to weak and people high tail it the hell out before it can do any real damage.

Same here. I don't know if I've managed to get more than 2-3 in a single match.


A Good Citizen
Does anyone else find it irritating that it takes so long to stop a shotgun's reload mid-reload? I think it might be intentional though. Still irritating :(


the assault class is going to be more effective at killing than any other class -- that's GG's intent and that is completely balanced. KZ2's classes are balanced around controlling the flow of battle, not just balanced for dmg -- every class, except assault, has a skill (independent of killing/doing damage) to have an effect on the flow of battle. dmg is assault's specialty -- it's going to be more effective at doing so.


BruceLeeRoy said:
You have to get the badge for it.
Actually you just have to unlock the assault class, then you have to do all the ribbons for the secondary ability of the class you want to put it in. Example: saboteur-> 8x 5 C4 kills and then you can exchange it for boost


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
alr1ghtstart said:
check your internet connection in the XMB. And thanks kittonz for the clan invite. :D
I'm connected to PSN and when I get disconnected from the game I am still logged into PSN. It's obviously Killzone's fault but I can't get over the fact that it keeps happening to me.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
dfyb said:
the assault class is going to be more effective at killing than any other class -- that's GG's intent and that is completely balanced. KZ2's classes are balanced around controlling the flow of battle, not just balanced for dmg -- every class, except assault, has a skill (independent of killing/doing damage) to have an effect on the flow of battle. dmg is assault's specialty -- it's going to be more effective at doing so.

Pretty much, yeah.


BruceLeeRoy said:
I have tried everything possible but I cant get 5 kills with a turret even once in a match for the life
of me. Its far to weak and people high tail it the hell out before it can do any real damage.

Doing it with air support is even worse. :p


Have a fun! Enjoy!
BruceLeeRoy said:
I have tried everything possible but I cant get 5 kills with a turret even once in a match for the life
of me. Its far to weak and people high tail it the hell out before it can do any real damage.

I can help you out creating a passworded room just for that.
BruceLeeRoy said:
I have tried everything possible but I cant get 5 kills with a turret even once in a match for the life
of me. Its far to weak and people high tail it the hell out before it can do any real damage.

Are you just setting up one?

If you can set up two or three focused on one area, and stay out in the open to get people to engage you. When they come, whittle them down a little and back off so the sentries can finish them off.


AgentOtaku said:


+1 X-Axis
+3 Y-Axis

...thinking I'm going to turn it up and see how I like it now that I'm more than comfortable with the look settings/calibration
In single player: +2 X-Axis, Y-Axis at default. Now in multiplayer? It's been at default but I'm beginning to play with +1 X-Axis. The slight difference in the way the game feels online threw me off at first. Where as in the beta, the controls were similar to the way they feel in the single player now. Do you use those settings for online?


Lion Heart said:
What do you not like about the maps? I've heard good things about them.

Maps are awesome to me. So many games these days lack vertical structures mixed with lots of rooms. Thats why I liked Lost Planet's MP.
fps fanatic said:
In single player: +2 X-Axis, Y-Axis at default. Now in multiplayer? It's been at default but I'm beginning to play with +1 X-Axis. The slight difference in the way the game feels online threw me off at first. Where as in the beta, the controls were similar to the way they feel in the single player now. Do you use those settings for online?

Yeah I use them for online too

I'm gonna mess around with them tonight though...


Goreomedy said:

All I want to do is earn my repair ability as engineer. But whenever a competing engineer on my own team sees one of my sentry bots, he rolls a grenade under it. This has happened in every match I've played since unlocking the class.

So much bullshit is going on because of the badge system.

Don't play with assholes then, that's why there's a clan being set up.


Lion Heart said:
What do you not like about the maps? I've heard good things about them.

Some of them are too corridor-heavy, and some are too spread out. They aren't bad, and some are pretty good, but others are weak, and have some constant choke points that get repetitive.


Goreomedy said:

All I want to do is earn my repair ability as engineer. But whenever a competing engineer on my own team sees one of my sentry bots, he rolls a grenade under it. This has happened in every match I've played since unlocking the class.

So much bullshit is going on because of the badge system.

I am surprised that your own faction can destroy your sentry guns. It is incredibly frustrating when someone does it to you, however from the other side it is also incredibly frustrating having no class limits but having a sentry gun limit and not even being able to place one - let alone multiple if you actually want to get the ribbons.


Not an asshole.
All I can say about this game is that, once you're done playin you gotta pinch yourself and say, alright, I'm not on that battlefield anymore.


dfyb said:
the assault class is going to be more effective at killing than any other class -- that's GG's intent and that is completely balanced. KZ2's classes are balanced around controlling the flow of battle, not just balanced for dmg -- every class, except assault, has a skill (independent of killing/doing damage) to have an effect on the flow of battle. dmg is assault's specialty -- it's going to be more effective at doing so.

Killing people has a potentially large effect on the flow of battle for every mission type, though, if only by temporarily keeping the other players out of the game or removing squad leaders. Plus, Assault's double armor and speed boost irrespective of the damage he deals seem like they would be pretty big in Capture & Hold and Search & Retrieve/Destroy (in addition to his natural dominance in Bodycount).

If you look at the Heavy, TF2's damage-dealing/taking equivalent, his movement speed is made far slower than any other class (he also has a larger hitbox, dunno if that's the case for KZ2). Even if a class is only meant for something in particular, as the classes in both TF2 and KZ2 are, there still has to be some give-and-take. I dunno, there doesn't seem to be that much take in Assault's case, but I'll reserve full judgment until I unlock him.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Ilparazzo said:
Good games on gaf time to die, got my worst maps while I was there though, on that note, no pyrrus in the rotation? Shame on you!

Heyyy, you were in my squad a time or three (i'm tigerheli). Good games. When i was the assassination target, i didnt even SEE an enemy, let alone get shot at, let alone die. Believe.


commish said:
Heyyy, you were in my squad a time or three (i'm tigerheli). Good games. When i was the assassination target, i didnt even SEE an enemy, let alone get shot at, let alone die. Believe.
Indeed, you were the squad leader we sure kicked some ass in there.


Oo StinkFist oO said:
So after playing for almost 45 minutes in ONE match I get disconnected from the Host. Do I keep my ribbons that I would have earned and my XP?

If the match didn't finish and you didn't get to the bonus multiplier screen, then I think you're out of luck.

Yeah, stop this input lag bs, if there's one thing that Guerilla really needs to patch it's this. Getting disconnected during a long match and losing all of your ranking progress ain't cool.


Zeliard said:
Killing people has a potentially large effect on the flow of battle for every mission type, though, if only by temporarily keeping the other players out of the game or removing squad leaders. Plus, Assault's double armor and speed boost irrespective of the damage he deals seem like they would be pretty big in Capture & Hold and Search & Retrieve/Destroy (in addition to his natural dominance in Bodycount).

I find for Search and Retrieve the Assaults boost ability, especially coupled with the extra body armour is over powered. If I pick up the propaganda speaker, on most maps I can boost almost the entire distance to the capture point and unless someone gets a lucky head shot I wont be stopped, I rarely even get shot, if I do the armour makes sure I can make the whole distance. Guerrilla should make it that if you hit the boost ability you should drop the speaker.


Oo StinkFist oO said:
So after playing for almost 45 minutes in ONE match I get disconnected from the Host. Do I keep my ribbons that I would have earned and my XP?

when it says host left, if you just stay in that frozen game it goes back to normal (guess it picks another host) and if you let the round finish, you keep all xp / ribbons


Oo StinkFist oO said:
So after playing for almost 45 minutes in ONE match I get disconnected from the Host. Do I keep my ribbons that I would have earned and my XP?

No, this should be changed and when you get disconnted or leave early are presented with the match stats screen. Just give no multiplier for the points as if your faction had lost the match.


Cagen said:
I find for Search and Retrieve the Assaults boost ability, especially coupled with the extra body armour is over powered. If I pick up the propaganda speaker, on most maps I can boost almost the entire distance to the capture point and unless someone gets a lucky head shot I wont be stopped, I rarely even get shot, if I do the armour makes sure I can make the whole distance. Guerrilla should make it that if you hit the boost ability you should drop the speaker.

c4, or better defenses around the drop point are needed. We had one crazy match last night in GAF time to DIE I remember where I hung back with some others and backpedaled while Full-Recovery was charging in and Melee'd him, booya! :p


Zeliard said:
Killing people has a potentially large effect on the flow of battle for every mission type, though, if only by temporarily keeping the other players out of the game or removing squad leaders. Plus, Assault's double armor and speed boost irrespective of the damage he deals seem like they would be pretty big in Capture & Hold and Search & Retrieve/Destroy (in addition to his natural dominance in Bodycount).

If you look at the Heavy, TF2's damage-dealing/taking equivalent, his movement speed is made far slower than any other class (he also has a larger hitbox, dunno if that's the case for KZ2). Even if a class is only meant for something in particular, as the classes in both TF2 and KZ2 are, there still has to be some give-and-take. I dunno, there doesn't seem to be that much take in Assault's case, but I'll reserve full judgment until I unlock him.
of course killing can affect the flow of battle. and killing is exactly how the assault class contributes to the flow of battle. don't know why you seem to be saying i claimed otherwise.

the give and take is obvious if you actually look at the game as a whole and not just a game about killing people. what disadvantage does the assault class have? obviously, he can't do things other classes can (revive people, place turrets, place spawns, etc). his only contribution to the flow of battle is killing lots and being hard to kill (+ whatever his secondary badge is).

and don't look at secondary skills as part of that class -- secondary skills are class-independent.

making direct comparisons to TF2 isn't smart. the only way for classes to get points in TF2 is to kill or get a kill assist, so all classes are balanced around killing (or kill assists). i excluded points earned from map objectives because both games do these equally, nulifying them. in KZ2, you get points for contributing in ways independent from killing and map objectives (reviving people, repairing stationary guns, etc).


icechai said:
c4, or better defenses around the drop point are needed. We had one crazy match last night in GAF time to DIE I remember where I hung back with some others and backpedaled while Full-Recovery was charging in and Melee'd him, booya! :p

I've not played against people utilising C4 effectively yet - I've not played on any of the GAF servers yet though, however if you placed it near the enemies capture point you will have still done most of, if not all the foot work to get the speaker there.
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