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jsrv said:
Do spawn points, engineer turrets, ammo depots, etc. stay in the map even if you change into a class combination that is unable to use them? (Place engineer turret, die, switch class?)

My turrets stayed when I switched to Medic.


Still going through the SP campaign (I have no free time lately)

So uh, if I can one shot melee attack with my weapon...what is the point of the knife?
Great Radec game on Beamber's server tonight. Really close until the final round. We got into the ISA zone to plant the bombs quick enough, but it still took almost the entire round to finally pull something off. I broke out the Assault + GL on that one and then boosted through their spawn point to take the room from behind. In the initial volly I think I got about 3 or 4 kills. Excellent work on everyones part. I kept running headlong into Beamber's LMG fire though . . .

Also, finally beat SP. The last level is possibly the most intense FPS experience I have ever had. The final boss was definitely a challenge but a great experience all the same. The way that GG pulls off boss fights is, IMO, how this things should be implemented in FPSs. I look forward to KZ3.

Also, Radec is so god damn cool. I want GG to make a Helghast centric co-op mode using the mp maps with Radec overseeing everything. Or perhaps a Hero mode where the Helghast hero is Radec, and the ISA hero is Templar.


Unlimited Capacity
Whats up with turrets sometimes exploding as soon as they are built? This happened to me 3 times in my last game.


TTP said:
So I played around with custom soundtrack a bit. Never did this before in KZ2. Has anyone tried to run music from the XMB while not yet in a match? Like in the main menu? Rather than simply saying "Music cannot be played during use of this game" it says "Music content cannot be played at this time. It will start automatically after a while." And indeed as soon as a match starts, custom music plays.

Pretty cool.

Obviously this is a minor complaint, but I wish the music still played during the menus. I'm sick of hearing the same song over and over again while looking at statistics or doing whatever.

It doesn't bother me with single player, but it would be nice if you could do music in the mp menus.


templeusox said:
I feel dirty when I'm ISA.
I normally don't like playing as the villains in shooters and somewhat prefer to play as the 'good' guys, but I'll admit there is something really satisfying about shooting those assholes with their fancy blue lights, think they're soooooo special just because they can breath without respirators. Get the hell off my planet you hypocritical, unhygienic bastards.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
To those of you who can't find gaf games, just add a bunch of gaffers to your friends list. That's the ONLY way I join gaf games.
lol killing it as an engineer, just got 96 points. after i got my turret medal, the repairing kicks ass. I fixed a statonary gun as kiled 15 people before they took me out. my k/d is way up fixing stuff and hiding, it helps the team allot too.


calder said:
I normally don't like playing as the villains in shooters and somewhat prefer to play as the 'good' guys, but I'll admit there is something really satisfying about shooting those assholes with their fancy blue lights, think they're soooooo special just because they can breath without respirators. Get the hell off my planet you hypocritical, unhygienic bastards.

The ISA get no love :(


BobTheFork said:
lol killing it as an engineer, just got 96 points. after i got my turret medal, the repairing kicks ass. I fixed a statonary gun as kiled 15 people before they took me out. my k/d is way up fixing stuff and hiding, it helps the team allot too.

how did you get the repair badge?


Internet crapped out during that last game - had to restart the router. I was getting into a pretty decent groove too. Guys, sorry for making that first game so long - I think the time for each game mode was pretty much perfect in the second and third games we had though .....


dfyb said:
making direct comparisons to TF2 isn't smart. the only way for classes to get points in TF2 is to kill or get a kill assist, so all classes are balanced around killing (or kill assists). i excluded points earned from map objectives because both games do these equally, nulifying them. in KZ2, you get points for contributing in ways independent from killing and map objectives (reviving people, repairing stationary guns, etc).

The overall point in both games is to win the objectives in order to win the match, not to amass individual points. The reason the Heavy in TF2 can't move as fast or faster than other classes isn't because it would make him too deadly to other players, it's because he'd be a monster when it comes to things like capturing the flag or hurrying back to the payload (with or without a teleporter), since he also can also take a good amount of punishment. The things that actually win his team the match.

You may not get points for them, but in TF2 medics can still heal, engineers can repair, spies can cloak/impersonate, etc. And these things all play a huge part in the outcome of the battle. The classes are hardly all "balanced around killing" - some have a much higher propensity for killing than others that view killing as something very much secondary (good spies in particular are very picky about who and when they kill, since it means revealing their disguise).

Cagen said:
I find for Search and Retrieve the Assaults boost ability, especially coupled with the extra body armour is over powered. If I pick up the propaganda speaker, on most maps I can boost almost the entire distance to the capture point and unless someone gets a lucky head shot I wont be stopped, I rarely even get shot, if I do the armour makes sure I can make the whole distance. Guerrilla should make it that if you hit the boost ability you should drop the speaker.

Yeah, it's not the boost by itself, it's that combined with the double armor. Probably isn't so bad in clan matches and such where people communicate and can neutralize him, but Assault sounds like a terror in random pickup servers. Good thing since it's the class I was always planning to play as. :p


Zeliard said:
You may not get points for them, but in TF2 medics can still heal, engineers can repair, spies can cloak/impersonate, etc. And these things all play a huge part in the outcome of the battle. The classes are hardly all "balanced around killing" - some have a much higher propensity for killing than others that view killing as something very much secondary (good spies in particular are very picky about who and when they kill, since it means revealing their disguise).

In TF2 the Medics do get points for healing and Engineers get points for building and people using their teleporters so not all the points come from kills.

Zeliard said:
Yeah, it's not the boost by itself, it's that combined with the double armor. Probably isn't so bad in clan matches and such where people communicate and can neutralize him, but Assault sounds like a terror in random pickup servers. Good thing since it's the class I was always planning to play as. :p

I guess in a more organised match it wont be as effective, in public games it is a pretty devastating class though.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
jsrv said:
Do spawn points, engineer turrets, ammo depots, etc. stay in the map even if you change into a class combination that is unable to use them? (Place engineer turret, die, switch class?)

Yep they do.


Cagen said:
Medics do get points for healing and engineers get points for building and people using their teleporters so not all the points come from kills.

Interesting. I need to use those two classes more, I'm too offensive-minded. :p

And yeah, generally the way to get the least amount of points in TF2 is to just go around killing, unless you're very prolific at it.

Same thing in Killzone 2. You get more points for completing objectives and doing other stuff.


alr1ghtstart said:
:lol Sev does seem really short though.
Camera is shoulder height. But you probably knew this and I just missed the joke... I have to say I wish the outcry over this was as big as the controls. Then it would be fixed like Bioshock's FOV was. Someone make an official thread about this to whine in!


MvmntInGrn said:
Wouldn't that give people the potential to unbalance the game though? Just curious as I do not know.
No more than people playing with higher sensitivity than others. Like every game, ever.

If the current controls are truly fine, why would people care if others decide to change theirs? Options, yadda yadda.


_tetsuo_ said:
Whats up with turrets sometimes exploding as soon as they are built? This happened to me 3 times in my last game.

That happened to me once tonight too. What sucked even more if that I was standing right next it it and it gave me a suicide. :-(


Im probably going to be mostly main medic/repair. Switch out when necessary.

_tetsuo_ said:
Whats up with turrets sometimes exploding as soon as they are built? This happened to me 3 times in my last game.

/homer simpson


Anyone else notice a bunch more people using the shotty? I wonder if it's just because they unlocked it or because they're using a certain exploit. : /


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
I was in second place with only two minutes to go until we defended our objectives and won the round with a whopping 63 points and... I got disconnected. I almost threw my controller into my tv. God.



Full Recovery said:
Anyone else notice a bunch more people using the shotty? I wonder if it's just because they unlocked it or because they're using a certain exploit. : /

Its probably the abundance of engineers and engineer deaths. Makes shotgun drops plentiful. I've been finding alot of lone sniper rifles too :lol


Full Recovery said:
Anyone else notice a bunch more people using the shotty? I wonder if it's just because they unlocked it or because they're using a certain exploit. : /

Yeah, I noticed that but I was assuming its because people just unlocked Engineer, which requires you to use the shotty.


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Full Recovery said:
Anyone else notice a bunch more people using the shotty? I wonder if it's just because they unlocked it or because they're using a certain exploit. : /
Is it an exploit? I'm trying to get the turret ribbons and it's the only gun I have.
Just finished the game. Awesome. Very few games get me to stop in amazement at what's happening on screen.

Also, I started out haaaating the controls. That's an understatement, actually. Now, however, I really really like them. I hope to god that GG doesn't change them at all.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Is there a GAF clan yet? I got KZ2 from GameFly today and I'm already considering clicking "keep it" - something about the game is just clicking with me much more than Resistance, or any other shooter I've played recently.

In my second EVER multiplayer match I came in 2nd on my team and earned a bunch of ribbons.

I'm noticing the game isn't tracking all my stats so far (I should have two purple kill count ribbons now but only have 1), but I'm chalking that up to server load.


Just played 3 fantastic games. I can't remember the name of the room, though. I'm digging being a medic. It feels nice when someone thanks you for healing them. Finally getting a little better with the controls now, too. I'm actually scoring in the 30's now. :lol
Gotta start somewhere. Also, having a lot of disconnects for some reason.
Just beat the game on Veteran, it sucks they didn't include co op on this one, 90% of the time you have at least one buddy with you, that said I think it'll be hard to patch co op because they would have to design a whole other area for the other 10%, they might as well save co op for Killzone 3. Overall awesome game, I give it a 9.5 for the SP campaign only because of the hiccups while loading new areas.

I'm gonna play through on easy now to get all the Intel/Helghan symbol trophies as well as beating the game without dying, is there a way to disable autosave? I don't want to accidentally die and have the game save on me.

Radec was easy as hell to kill but his waves of enemies were really hard, I take it I have to beat all waves of enemies AND Radec under 20 minutes in order to get the trophy?


Man I got in the top 3% for the week...
I missed like a day and a half because my internet hasnt been workin.

I coulda been in the top 1% :(
Got my purple ribbon!


Have a fun! Enjoy!
RJNavarrete said:
Full-Recovery & I on the same team just isn't fair. :lol :lol

Why the fucking hell do you guys put those small maps in a 24 players game? Jeez who likes to play games at 10fps?

Use Medium (Visari Hammer and Helghan Industries) and Large (Pyrhuss Rise and Salamun Market) maps *only* in those games dammit.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
RJNavarrete said:
Whoever the hell Spartan666 is, you're a freaking moron. Why are you shooting my turrets down when I'm on YOUR TEAM!?! >:/
Probably wanted to spawn his own turret. I know I've done it before in random games when somebody has a bunch of turrets in an empty zone (due to the mission changing) and I can't spawn any turrets because there's already 4 on the map.


TheFatOne said:
I was using the shotgun in the last couple of game because of the close quarter combat going on. Wish I knew about this before I played those games
I like turning the light on because of the incredible shadows it creates.
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