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Orin GA

I wish I could hat you to death
RJNavarrete said:
Whoever the hell Spartan666 is, you're a freaking moron. Why are you shooting my turrets down when I'm on YOUR TEAM!?! >:/

Maybe it was the shotgun locking on to the turret.


TTP said:
Why the fucking hell do you guys put those small maps in a 24 players game? Jeez who likes to play games at 10fps?

Use Medium (Visari Hammer and Helghan Industries) and Large (Pyrhuss Rise and Salamun Market) maps *only* in those games dammit.

Never had noticeable framedrops in chaotic games.

AranhaHunter said:
Who do I talk to about joining GAF EAST?

Full Recovery.

Also does the flashlight on the shotgun blind people?
in response to that g4 article. The full sprint gauge is awesome, fuck give us infinite sprint, its not that i dont like running into sprinters in places they shouldn't be and owning them.

Has anyone done the network lag test on a 2ms monitor or crt and not these big ass lcd tvs. Fuck it if you suck at the game Shutt The FUCK up and just suck at the game. dont bitch and try to mess up a perfectly good game evidently ( by online numbers) which everyone is fucking enjoying regardless.

Also is there any US openings in the gaf clans. I think i might jump into this head first and be in for the long haul, but it would be nice to see some of the same people from time to time.
When talking about the shotgun autoaim issue this poster had this to say:

tiddles said:
It's an error... enjoy it while you can.

He posted this earlier on in the thread:

tiddles said:
Watch out for people in the Guerrilla Games clan - [GG]... because we'll probably not be very good ;)

Seems like he's with Guerrilla.


After going through the majority of the campaign on veteran, I had to do drop down to easy to complete the last encounter, and I'm not even ashamed. Even normal kicked my ass there, easy on that fight felt just like veteran for the rest of the game >.>


Have a fun! Enjoy!
AranhaHunter said:
Can someone please tell me if I can turn AUTOSAVE off? I don't wanna start a campaign on easy and then die and have the game autosave on me.

You are going for the no deaths trophies? It's not possible to turn autosave off. If you die, you have to reload the section from the mission selection screen.

Not sure if simply restarting it from the last checkpoint works as well. I always reloaded the level just to be sure.


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
How did they let the auto-aim into the retail release? If it truly is an error/bug. Seems like something you'd find out pretty quickly.


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
A patch needs to come out to fix these goddamn disconnects. I'm having huge problems playing with my friends because anytime something happens I disconnect and after a round I still disconnect. When I try to rejoin the game's full. I really like this game but all this bullshit online connectivity is extremely frustrating and is turning me off the game. FUCK.


Junior Member
Dunlop said:
Still going through the SP campaign (I have no free time lately)

So uh, if I can one shot melee attack with my weapon...what is the point of the knife?

I'm pretty sure you cannot 1-shot melee/knife all the enemies, at least in Veteran (that is the mode I played). I think the knife does more damage though.
I have never had the heavy slowdown some people have. Maybe people teleport once or twice in a match but never constant.

EDIT: I haven't had the disconnects either... weird.

EDIT2:Sorry mixing connection and performance. Constant 30 here. Occasional connection hiccups.


TTP said:
It's a frigging slideshow man. Solid 30fps my ass.
Wah? I was just about to comment on how the frame-rate never drops no matter how chaotic it gets.. You sure it wasn't lag? I mean I've been in some insane games with nothing but rocket launchers and grenades going off left and right without the frame-rate dropping.


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
Fuck this game and fuck disconnects. It seems everyone else is fine but the few people who do get this problem get fucked over to no end. I was playing PERFECTLY last night and now I'm fucking doomed to play 1-2 matches if I'm lucky before getting booted off. I really fucking hate this game and I just want to smash the cd into pieces. God damn fix the fucking final product before you release it to the masses. I finally get into games with my friends, I'm the squad leader and halfway through the game just boots me and I'm still on PSN. I'm so pissed. I really want to play this, really want to get all the different badges, but this bullshit is unforgivable. Christ I hate this game's online, fuck Comcast, fuck all this shit. Argh.


how do you bump the difficulty down in the campaign? i'm playing on veteran but the palace is annoying and i just want to finish
pelicansurf said:
Fuck this game and fuck disconnects. It seems everyone else is fine but the few people who do get this problem get fucked over to no end. I was playing PERFECTLY last night and now I'm fucking doomed to play 1-2 matches if I'm lucky before getting booted off. I really fucking hate this game and I just want to smash the cd into pieces. God damn fix the fucking final product before you release it to the masses. I finally get into games with my friends, I'm the squad leader and halfway through the game just boots me and I'm still on PSN. I'm so pissed. I really want to play this, really want to get all the different badges, but this bullshit is unforgivable. Christ I hate this game's online, fuck Comcast, fuck all this shit. Argh.

Like you said its not the majority. It'll get fixed just give it a bit, sucks I'm sure.

At least I expect this to get fixed. No such fix in sight for World at War...


M4 Revolver is a fucking beast in MP. Takes at least 2 shots to kill plus it's like a far range shotgun meaning the way you handle a shotgun can be applied on the Revolver.I just came back from a match where I slaughter lots of enemies with my revolver alone.
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