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Yeah, Rico was worthless...Natko was worse than worthless.

I wouldn't have disliked Garza until that line about the the
bugs on that desert level (i.e. natural order/nah...fuck that shit)
...worst voice acting EVER!

But who cares about the characters...this game owns my life right now :D


J-Rzez said:
I said it before, and I'll say it again because it's really pissing me off now. The lack of a party system with a quick match feature is flat out disgusting. If you can set up clan matches, why can't you have a party system? Fucking A GG, get this shit fixed and patched in ASAP, before it kills off some of the luster. I'm serious, this game is infuriating me that it's a trial to be able to play with 1 or more of your friends. And starting a room waiting for it to fill is bullshit because most times people will look over small rooms.

It's such a simple feature, even a launch shooter had it built in and it worked beautifully. GG you can learn from Insomniac a trick or two. If Zipper doesn't put in one in MAG, I'll be extremely disappointed.

I don't see how it will ever happen for this game so I doubt very much it's worth the energy.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Justin Dailey said:
When is it safe to quit after a match?

I just finished a round...I watched my little progress bar go up...then it came up with the dialog box that said "syncing servers, Press O to quit" or something like that.

So I hit O and now my stats are gone from that round. Why?

Also, did anyone else have ALL their stats disappear from Killzone.com? Because I did (SP and MP)
I've had that happen to me during the weekend. Came back a couple of hours later and my stats were back. To avoid the issue, I usually quit once the room goes back to the general lobby right before a new map begins...

Killzone.com is down for all intents and purposes. The site can't handle the load so stats and clan pages are down for the moment.
I really don't like how floaty the controls are. I've played a lot of shooters since the original Halo and I've never felt more helpless than in this game. I'm guessing I'm halfway through single and spent a couple hours in multi. I keep messing with the sensitivity, if it's too low people run around me, too high and I shoot around them and I can't find the balance. Hate the PS3 controller for fps and hate how I feel like I'm turning a bathtub full of jello. I really want to like multi because of the mix between cod4 leveling and tf2 classes but if I don't get better I'll probably trade it in.
Dante said:
2 Levels in SP to go....I might bump down to Normal since apparently you don't get a trophy for Veteren, and I plan on doing Elite.

Got the medic badge last night, Been jumping back and forth between sp, and mp.

I plan on doing Elite on my second playthrough (assuming I enjoy the game lol), so would you recommend playing Normal on the first? I heard Veteran is the way to go.
My kingdom for a way to map the zoom to the left trigger.

I never use zoom if it's mapped to a stick press. Way too cumbersome IMO. One of the alts is close, but it maps zoom and fire to the shoulder buttons which is awkward as hell.

Hopefully they add a COD4 button assignment config; so many of us find it ideal.


Killthee said:
I've had that happen to me during the weekend. Came back a couple of hours later and my stats were back. To avoid the issue, I usually quit once the room goes back to the general lobby right before a new map begins...

Killzone.com is down for all intents and purposes. The site can't handle the load so stats and clan pages are down for the moment.
Cool...thanks. I was just about to post that my stats finally came back (in game...not on the website).

I guess they just take a while to sync up with the stats page in the game.
Lion Heart said:
I plan on doing Elite on my second playthrough (assuming I enjoy the game lol), so would you recommend playing Normal on the first? I heard Veteran is the way to go.

It is except the ending, which is brutal. Of the two parts at the ending one of them is likely to make your head explode.
I learned the controls, but if crouch/lean was on circle instead of L2 for ALT2, I'd be doing things of legend </exaggeration>.

Still, they're usable.


gregor7777 said:
My kingdom for a way to map the zoom to the left trigger.

I never use zoom if it's mapped to a stick press. Way too cumbersome IMO. One of the alts is close, but it maps zoom and fire to the shoulder buttons which is awkward as hell.

Hopefully they add a COD4 button assignment config; so many of us find it ideal.

Try Atl 2. It is COD's control scheme. Works great for MP but sucks for SP.


robut said:
I really don't like how floaty the controls are. I've played a lot of shooters since the original Halo and I've never felt more helpless than in this game. I'm guessing I'm halfway through single and spent a couple hours in multi. I keep messing with the sensitivity, if it's too low people run around me, too high and I shoot around them and I can't find the balance. Hate the PS3 controller for fps and hate how I feel like I'm turning a bathtub full of jello. I really want to like multi because of the mix between cod4 leveling and tf2 classes but if I don't get better I'll probably trade it in.

Pretty much my thoughts on the game. I am either aiming too slow or too fast, I know many people have no problems with the controls and do just fine, but I can't wrap my head around it and as such multiplayer is more frustrating than it is fun for me.


Eff the
airship turret portion on veteran
. Eff it! I've been saying it my whole life, I'll be saying it 'til the day I die. Eff it!

The Dualshock doesn't know how close it came to going through the wall. I've never hated the control sticks more than on that particular level.


gregor7777 said:
I'll have to look again, but I don't believe it is. I think that has fire and zoom mapped to the shoulder buttons.

On PS3 that is how COD4's controls were mapped. But they (like every developer) should have allowed for custom controls.


NameGenerated said:
How did they let the auto-aim into the retail release? If it truly is an error/bug. Seems like something you'd find out pretty quickly.

It's indeed an error (see MotherH's list of proposed fixes for the next patch on the Killzone.com forums). As to how it got in... the weapons with zoom have a little assistance COD-style when you zoom in, shotguns don't zoom but somehow this still had the function anyway, however it wasn't noticeable until the Zoom Hold option went in right at the last moment, and then... we missed it. Sorry guys!
robut said:
I really don't like how floaty the controls are. I've played a lot of shooters since the original Halo and I've never felt more helpless than in this game. I'm guessing I'm halfway through single and spent a couple hours in multi. I keep messing with the sensitivity, if it's too low people run around me, too high and I shoot around them and I can't find the balance. Hate the PS3 controller for fps and hate how I feel like I'm turning a bathtub full of jello. I really want to like multi because of the mix between cod4 leveling and tf2 classes but if I don't get better I'll probably trade it in.

Stop messing with them. Pick one and keep with it. You cannot learn something that is constantly changing.

I use standard 1 online and in SP with full sensitivity and it feels right for me.


Need some advice. Should I just use a guide to find all the hidden stuff or try it on my own? I found all the items in Uncharted without ever using a guide however, they were easy since they blinked. on KZ2, they shine but you really have to look everywhere. Also the stages are really long and I dont want to keep going back n forth just for one or 2 things I cant get.


Crisco said:
God, the last section of the game (
inside Visari's palace
) was absolutely retarded on hard. I died more times than I could count, and finally just gave up and put it on normal. The difference is huge between the two difficulty levels btw, I beat it on my first try on normal.

I so would have done that if I'd known it was possible at the time. I was seriously regretting playing my first time through on Veteran. But now that I'm past it, thank God I didn't. =P

Lion Heart said:
I plan on doing Elite on my second playthrough (assuming I enjoy the game lol), so would you recommend playing Normal on the first? I heard Veteran is the way to go.

I finished on Veteran but would recommend normal on the first playthrough since that seems to unlock Elite anyways, I'm doing my second play through on Easy right now to get the trophies and all Intel/Helgha symbols.

BTW where is the best place to get the following trophies:

*Get 3 headshots in a row using the same clip of M4 Revolver ammunition
*Kill 5 Helghast at once using a single frag grenade
*Kill 3 Helghast using an M82 or StA52 assault rifle without releasing the trigger


user friendly said:
I played this all fucking day yesterday.

I created a room called SICKDAY ;) and I made it about ten rounds (fully packed with 32 players) and it froze on me so I just decided to join a different room. Anyway, I randomly check the server list and it's back up... but I didn't recreate.

Question is, did someone copy my naming or what?

Heh, I was trying to get into that room but it was full every time...


Choke on the Magic said:
I'm halfway through the campaign on veteran. Damn the Helghast are fucking tough. Elite run is going to make me shit my pants.

While there are certain parts that'll make you extremely mad, I'm glad I went veteran. Normal would've been too easy.


AranhaHunter said:
I finished on Veteran but would recommend normal on the first playthrough since that seems to unlock Elite anyways, I'm doing my second play through on Easy right now to get the trophies and all Intel/Helgha symbols.

BTW where is the best place to get the following trophies:

*Get 3 headshots in a row using the same clip of M4 Revolver ammunition
*Kill 5 Helghast at once using a single frag grenade
*Kill 3 Helghast using an M82 or StA52 assault rifle without releasing the trigger

cruiser level, when you get off the elevator when a whole bunch of helghast bust through a wall


tiddles said:
It's indeed an error (see MotherH's list of proposed fixes for the next patch on the Killzone.com forums). As to how it got in... the weapons with zoom have a little assistance COD-style when you zoom in, shotguns don't zoom but somehow this still had the function anyway, however it wasn't noticeable until the Zoom Hold option went in right at the last moment, and then... we missed it. Sorry guys!

Oh ouch, I didn't even know it was there. How do you even do this? Just hit L1 to zoom and then it auto-aims? if so, that is cheap. The only way I ever use the shotgun is when I pick it up from dead bodies since I don't have it yet and I don't even use the sights. It's not much good over 20 feet or so.

Good to hear it's being fixed for the people that abuse it though.


AranhaHunter said:
I finished on Veteran but would recommend normal on the first playthrough since that seems to unlock Elite anyways, I'm doing my second play through on Easy right now to get the trophies and all Intel/Helgha symbols.

BTW where is the best place to get the following trophies:

*Get 3 headshots in a row using the same clip of M4 Revolver ammunition
*Kill 5 Helghast at once using a single frag grenade
*Kill 3 Helghast using an M82 or StA52 assault rifle without releasing the trigger
I got it on the
level. When the first elevator stops there's
5 helghasts coming out of a wall. A wall timed frag will get them all at the same time. Throw it just as the wall explodes

Edit - I'm too damn slow. Just like in KZ2 mp... :-(
AranhaHunter said:
I finished on Veteran but would recommend normal on the first playthrough since that seems to unlock Elite anyways, I'm doing my second play through on Easy right now to get the trophies and all Intel/Helgha symbols.

BTW where is the best place to get the following trophies:

*Get 3 headshots in a row using the same clip of M4 Revolver ammunition
*Kill 5 Helghast at once using a single frag grenade
*Kill 3 Helghast using an M82 or StA52 assault rifle without releasing the trigger

Thanks, im conflicted though, but if I can change difficulties between levels I guess its not a big deal.

:lol Those trophies sound fun.


Lion Heart said:
I plan on doing Elite on my second playthrough (assuming I enjoy the game lol), so would you recommend playing Normal on the first? I heard Veteran is the way to go.

It's been GREAT, but I hear the ending is BRUTAL, so I think I will just try and go through that on Elite since I will have to anyway to get that trophy.
jjasper said:
On PS3 that is how COD4's controls were mapped. But they (like every developer) should have allowed for custom controls.

Ah, gotcha. Yeah I played it on the 360 where zoom is left trigger and fire is right trigger. I'd kill for that setup.

On another note, I don't yet have a concrete opinion on the way the character moves and the aiming system. I'll have to put a lot more hours into the game before I make up my mind there. I will say though that it doesn't feel right to me, at least initially, the way most FPS games do right off the bat.

Only talking about MP here though, I probably won't get around to the SP for another few months.


andycapps said:
Oh ouch, I didn't even know it was there. How do you even do this? Just hit L1 to zoom and then it auto-aims? if so, that is cheap. The only way I ever use the shotgun is when I pick it up from dead bodies since I don't have it yet and I don't even use the sights. It's not much good over 20 feet or so.

Good to hear it's being fixed for the people that abuse it though.

The effect is kind of like a soft-lock - you have to be aiming near them for the lock to kick in, and then it can be broken if you or your target move away. Surprisingly well-designed for a bug, I thought :D


gregor7777 said:
Ah, gotcha. Yeah I played it on the 360 where zoom is left trigger and fire is right trigger. I'd kill for that setup.

Yeah after I got those real triggers from Amazon I really wish I could too.
After playing for the first 5 days with a postive KD ratio, the last 3-4 days have been brutal for me. Both cause people are getting better, and I have been playing in GAF games with better players.

Anyways, I believe last night was when I actually accepted the fact that I am always going to have more deaths than kills. It sucks.

Those of you with positive KD ratios, I envy you. But for me to try to achieve objectives and get points, I cannot do it and have a positive KD ratio. For some reason, I always seem to be by myself and run into a room with 4 people, or I simply get shot in the back.

I can finish a game in the top 5, but have 5 more deaths than kills.

I notice a ton of other people with more deaths than kills. Is this a game where the positive KD ratio can kinda be thrown out of the window for a majority? This game is so hectic, I can see where it will be.
andycapps said:
Oh ouch, I didn't even know it was there. How do you even do this? Just hit L1 to zoom and then it auto-aims? if so, that is cheap. The only way I ever use the shotgun is when I pick it up from dead bodies since I don't have it yet and I don't even use the sights. It's not much good over 20 feet or so.

Good to hear it's being fixed for the people that abuse it though.

So you do this by hitting the zoom (flashlight on shotgun)? I was doing good with the shotgun and was afraid I was exploiting this on accident. But I never him zoom with it.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Ugh, the cooldown on the healing thing means I can't play medic fulltime. I have to shoot and aim and stuff.


MvmntInGrn said:
Stop messing with them. Pick one and keep with it. You cannot learn something that is constantly changing.

I use standard 1 online and in SP with full sensitivity and it feels right for me.

agreed, stick with one you want to use and practice. Personally I'd recommend the default setting, if you're worried about turning, turn while you strafe, let's you turn faster and makes you a harder target


tiddles said:
The effect is kind of like a soft-lock - you have to be aiming near them for the lock to kick in, and then it can be broken if you or your target move away. Surprisingly well-designed for a bug, I thought :D

Ah ok, glad it's being fixed. I just love the sound of the shotgun and how devestating it is if you're accurate (and the mess it leaves). Just a very satisfying weapon. Guns haven't been done this well IMO since Black.


AranhaHunter said:
I finished on Veteran but would recommend normal on the first playthrough since that seems to unlock Elite anyways, I'm doing my second play through on Easy right now to get the trophies and all Intel/Helgha symbols.

BTW where is the best place to get the following trophies:

*Get 3 headshots in a row using the same clip of M4 Revolver ammunition
*Kill 5 Helghast at once using a single frag grenade
*Kill 3 Helghast using an M82 or StA52 assault rifle without releasing the trigger

I got it in the warehouse on the first level, I beat down Garza so he don't kill my Helghasts and then I shot off the helmet with the assult rifle and then change to the magnum and do a headshot.


I personally like the controls. It definitely takes time to get used to them, but overall to me, they feel much more realistic. Like thinking of Call of Duty now seems like you're just pointing and clicking (though as a counterpoint, isn't that what we've all been looking for?)

I think the guns feel sort of erratic and crazy, and it takes some control and effort to aim and kill.

People complain that sniping is too difficult... but shouldn't it be? Shouldn't the good snipers earn their ability? I find that you can get as precise as you want. It takes an incredibly delicate touch, but the fidelity is there. It just seems like Killzone is much more dependant on your actual abilities as a gamer.

I don't know, I agree with a lot of the opinions, but I think it's endearing that Killzone has taken on these controls, and instead of a mistake, should be seen as a new entry into the "control" world. It's weighty and tough, and I welcome it.

I do think that sometimes I sink way too many bullets without making a kill, but that's a different issue altogether.


Is there any way to put melee on a face button instead of a shoulder button or clicking in the right joystick? I like being able to zoom with L1 but then I have to use R3 for melee which makes it next to worthless.


I don't know how some people have the patience to get the M4. I tried only four more games to go but I need a break. I felt like snapping my controller in two trying to get kills with the pistol. Does anyone know how to get the boost ribbon? It seems like I use boost a ton during the matches but I never get the ribbon.


Lion Heart said:
I plan on doing Elite on my second playthrough (assuming I enjoy the game lol), so would you recommend playing Normal on the first? I heard Veteran is the way to go.

Haha veteran is pretty hard in the last fight. If you've got teh mettle, by all means try veteran.


great game! iam on the last chapter...

i had to stop because i got headache... dont know if its from the sometimes low framerate or the awsomeness on the screen...

didnt like the controles at first, but now i got used to them and they feel very solid and now i think i like them quite a bit... have yet to play online, ...
distrbnce said:
I do think that sometimes I sink way too many bullets without making a kill, but that's a different issue altogether.

I've noticed this as well. I wish I could capture it to video, but I've got the drop on someone and emptied nearly a full clip directly into their back only for them to swing around and two-shot me.

Most likely a netcode issue, and it doesn't seem too frequent luckily. But it has happened to me 2-3 times in about 5 hours of play.

I love the game, but have one suggestion: a dead zone tweak. This isn't for me, per se, but I think it would solve a lot of the control complaints I've been hearing, and without changing the feel of the game. I know that the dead zone isn't as big as some are making it out to be; crosshair movement actually registers with a slight push of the stick, but it's very very very slow movement. People are pushing the stick slightly to the right and see no obvious result, then push it a little bit further only to hit what they probably feel is the point that the controls catch, thus overshooting the target. Maybe cut that dead zone down a bit, call it "Expert Aiming" or something like that, allow it to be toggled.

I read in the update notes that GG is looking into this. Again, personally, I really like the controls, but there is definitely value in creating a "fix" that gives more experienced players better precision movement, without changing the gross movements that would carry the weight of the weapon as intended.


gregor7777 said:
I've noticed this as well. I wish I could capture it to video, but I've got the drop on someone and emptied nearly a full clip directly into their back only for them to swing around and two-shot me.

Most likely a netcode issue, and it doesn't seem too frequent luckily. But it has happened to me 2-3 times in about 5 hours of play.

It could be body armor.
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