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Mik2121 said:
Finally got the Scout badge and FINALLY sniped the fuck out of FFObsessed :lol

Didn't you snipe me once? :p

Rapping Granny kept sniping me! But I got him back!

Oh and for all the people who keep killing me with shotguns, GAF games included, if you're just good with them then great, if you're using the exploit you can go fuck yourself.


Maybe they should also add an ammo count for everyone while you are medic since it does happen a lot where a revive is actually detrimental to the team especially if the countdown is almost done.
gregor7777 said:
Surely this will be in the first major patch. It's glaringly obvious it's needed and hampering an otherwise excellent MP package, feature-wise.

EDIT: was there some specific reason it wasn't included?

I would wager a lot of money that it won't be in the first patch, unfortunately (if it ever makes it in at all).

I don't understand what's the point of the clan system in light of this.. only time your clan can play on the same team is in an organized clan match? Fucking ridiculous.
Byakuya769 said:
I would wager a lot of money that it won't be in the first patch, unfortunately (if it ever makes it in at all).

I don't understand what's the point of the clan system in light of this.. only time your clan can play on the same team is in an organized clan match? Fucking ridiculous.

probably not first patch, but I was think more along the lines of a major update type of patch. Feature patches rather than bugfix patches.


What is your best killing spree? I'm not a particularly great player (so far 864 kills 740 deaths), but earlier I managed to go on a 16 man killing spree! Chirp chirp chirp :D
Applesauce said:
You need an Engineer with a repair tool to repair it so your team can use it.

Lord knows there are always enough Engineers out there. I don't know how many have the repair tool but the ammo crate seems completely insignificant for this game. I'm always running out of ammo, I would appreciate it if they were in working order at the start of the match and they would only need repaired if they are destroyed by the enemy.


Byakuya769 said:
I would wager a lot of money that it won't be in the first patch, unfortunately (if it ever makes it in at all).

I don't understand what's the point of the clan system in light of this.. only time your clan can play on the same team is in an organized clan match? Fucking ridiculous.
makes perfect sense to me. having one team stacked with clan members would almost certainly make the match super unbalanced.


Big-E said:
Maybe they should also add an ammo count for everyone while you are medic since it does happen a lot where a revive is actually detrimental to the team especially if the countdown is almost done.
I don't really mind getting revived with little or no ammo left since I'll still have my pistol and I can pick a new gun up. The thing that annoys me when being revived (mentioned this earlier in the thread) is always facing the wrong way when my character gets up. In a firefight, it usually ends in me getting killed again before I can turn around.
FFObsessed said:
Didn't you snipe me once? :p

Rapping Granny kept sniping me! But I got him back!

Oh and for all the people who keep killing me with shotguns, GAF games included, if you're just good with them then great, if you're using the exploit you can go fuck yourself.

whats the exploit?? I really hate getting killed by the shotgun so much. Ive been sticking with the medic assault rifle, so instead of rushing around, i hang back a bit, because the farther away i am, the harder it is for those shotgunners to get me so often.


Ooooooooooh just noticed I've mastered my sniper!

Got my Shadow Marshall, Hawk's Eye an Forward Observer medals. So I've now got the x5 scope and Spot & Mark ability which I can swap for other things. Plus my Revolver <3

My sniper is complete.

Oh and it gave me the Wargod Trophy for some reason. All remaining medals... don't even know what it means. The only remaining medals you don't get trophies for are the General ones and I've had them since the beginning.


I played someone named [GAF3]Synless early this morning at like 8 a.m., not sure if he posts in here, just wanted to say hai.

Musashi Wins!

I think this is one of the more complex shooters ever released. Between the requirements to class up and the controls, the game really takes shooter dedication to another level. I can only assume given all those things that it was done on purpose from the start. I think the graphics will bring a large crowd in, but it's really going to segment the population down the line.

I see nothing wrong with that btw, I adore the game. But I think people going apeshit because some find it offputting are ignoring the obvious.
FourSerioux said:
Well I just wrapped up the single player portion

END Spoilers Beware!
After the final cinematic I really wished that we had gotten to see more of Visari, he's the most interesting character in the game and we only get to see him booking the game. I did like the final cinematic though, the intent seeming to be having you second guess your rightfulness in the war. Having Rico kill Visari off was a good way of having Sev really wonder about it, and by the end of it I really didn't like Rico. He was an asshole in the first, and at the end of KZ2 he just seems hell bent.

I hate that last boss fight though against Radek. I only played it on normal difficulty and still died plenty of times. For the most part the most annoying part of the fight was the rocket guys. Once I knew what enemies were going to come from where it wasn't as bad, but none the less annoying. It was mainly the second part of the fight when you're up on the second level that gave me issues, I got through the first part and third part no problem. Radek himself was easy, but strafing in circles the whole time while he constantly tries to knife rape you got old quick.

Overall I loved just about all of the single player with the exception of that boss fight, though I guess for a final boss it's at least better to be a little tougher than a little weaker. I can imagine playing that on the hardest difficulty would exceed even that level in CoD4 at the end of the sniper section, waiting for the copter.

I'll definitely be going through it again though on the next difficulty though, even though multiplayer will now get most of my play time.

Great impressions man.
dfyb said:
makes perfect sense to me. having one team stacked with clan members would almost certainly make the match super unbalanced.

I agree, I hope they keep it where you can join a friends game but not make a huge party and join another one. If clan's want to play together outside of clan matches, make your own server and name it accordingly. Nothing is worse than having 8 ppl on a team who are all in a clan. Never have I seen a balanced match when it is a clan v. random people.

It would be nice to be able to invite a friend when I am in a match though.


dollartaco said:

I love the game, but have one suggestion: a dead zone tweak. This isn't for me, per se, but I think it would solve a lot of the control complaints I've been hearing, and without changing the feel of the game. I know that the dead zone isn't as big as some are making it out to be; crosshair movement actually registers with a slight push of the stick, but it's very very very slow movement. People are pushing the stick slightly to the right and see no obvious result, then push it a little bit further only to hit what they probably feel is the point that the controls catch, thus overshooting the target. Maybe cut that dead zone down a bit, call it "Expert Aiming" or something like that, allow it to be toggled.

I read in the update notes that GG is looking into this. Again, personally, I really like the controls, but there is definitely value in creating a "fix" that gives more experienced players better precision movement, without changing the gross movements that would carry the weight of the weapon as intended.

All I can say is, it is being looked into - as Seb mentions on the official forums, no promises as yet, and any changes would indeed most likely be in the form of options which would allow people to keep the controls in their current form if they preferred it.


Musashi Wins! said:
I think this is one of the more complex shooters ever released. Between the requirements to class up and the controls, the game really takes shooter dedication to another level. I can only assume given all those things that it was done on purpose from the start. I think the graphics will bring a large crowd in, but it's really going to segment the population down the line.

I see nothing wrong with that btw, I adore the game. But I think people going apeshit because some find it offputting are ignoring the obvious.
i think the fact that you have to unlock badges, and most people will play within their rank, will help new players get used to the game. they aren't thrown into the complexities from the start -- the complex aspects of the game are slowly integrated into their experience. it's actually quite a smart system.

KZ2 is easily one of the best designed multiplayer games ever.


so if another team doesn't show up to a tournament match you have to sit in the game till it's over? please fix this, just give the team that showed up the win in the lobby instead of wasting our time :[


Musashi Wins! said:
I think this is one of the more complex shooters ever released. Between the requirements to class up and the controls, the game really takes shooter dedication to another level. I can only assume given all those things that it was done on purpose from the start. I think the graphics will bring a large crowd in, but it's really going to segment the population down the line.

I see nothing wrong with that btw, I adore the game. But I think people going apeshit because some find it offputting are ignoring the obvious.

It's called natural selection :p


Have a fun! Enjoy!
dralla said:
so if another team doesn't show up to a tournament match you have to sit in the game till it's over? please fix this, just give the team that showed up the win in the lobby instead of wasting our time :[

what happens if you quit?
Felix Lighter said:
As long as you have no interest in playing with friends.
I feel exactly the same way. Its one of the greatest multiplayer games I have ever played to this day, but playing with friends is a struggle of its own. Other then that, its near perfect.
Felix Lighter said:
Lord knows there are always enough Engineers out there. I don't know how many have the repair tool but the ammo crate seems completely insignificant for this game. I'm always running out of ammo, I would appreciate it if they were in working order at the start of the match and they would only need repaired if they are destroyed by the enemy.

Not very many that I have seen have the repair tool cause its almost impossible to get kills with those weak
ass turrets.

Blu_LED said:
I feel exactly the same way. Its one of the greatest multiplayer games I have ever played to this day, but playing with friends is a struggle of its own. Other then that, its near perfect.

Yup screw the effort you guys are putting into calibrating the already "perfect" controls in my mind and give us a party system instead.


Felix Lighter said:
As long as you have no interest in playing with friends.

KZ2 multiplayer is so much better when I'm playing with GAFers as opposed to complete strangers. No one really plays as a team.
Blu_LED said:
I feel exactly the same way. Its one of the greatest multiplayer games I have ever played to this day, but playing with friends is a struggle of its own. Other then that, its near perfect.

yea, pretty much
Musashi Wins! said:
I think this is one of the more complex shooters ever released. Between the requirements to class up and the controls, the game really takes shooter dedication to another level. I can only assume given all those things that it was done on purpose from the start. I think the graphics will bring a large crowd in, but it's really going to segment the population down the line.

I see nothing wrong with that btw, I adore the game. But I think people going apeshit because some find it offputting are ignoring the obvious.

Not only that but for a good while this game will just constantly evolve. Things are just waaaay different from when I was first playing it last week when only soldiers were running around and maybe a few medics. Now I see almost every class every match and it is just a whole different level of strategy. The badges also make things different too. Seems now alot of people are grabbing the repair badge which helps out alot with turrets and ammo. I know its going to be awhile till I have every class though.

Musashi Wins!

dfyb said:
i think the fact that you have to unlock badges, and most people will play within their rank, will help new players get used to the game. they aren't thrown into the complexities from the start -- the complex aspects of the game are slowly integrated into their experience. it's actually quite a smart system.

KZ2 is easily one of the best designed multiplayer games ever.

I know you're focusing on the multiplayer aspect, but I would argue they are thrown into the complexities from the first time they interact with the controller. And no argument from me about multiplayer, though as others have mentioned it's not friendly to those with friends.


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
Felix Lighter said:
Lord knows there are always enough Engineers out there. I don't know how many have the repair tool but the ammo crate seems completely insignificant for this game. I'm always running out of ammo, I would appreciate it if they were in working order at the start of the match and they would only need repaired if they are destroyed by the enemy.

I just run over dead bodies to pick up their ammo since i use the 2 rifles or a shotgun. I don't normally have that problem. The ammo boxes would make things a little more convenient though.
Does GAF have any clans going? I have only once participated in a serious clan back in the counter-strike beta 1 days. I would like to get back into a consistent clan. I wasn't really feeling clan play for COD4 but I think I would like to give a go with KZ2. Can some one PM me with the clan tag or send and invite to PSN: Gutterboy44 Thanks.

Ahhh must leave work and play KZ2!
-viper- said:

KZ2 multiplayer is so much better when I'm playing with GAFers as opposed to complete strangers. No one really plays as a team.

The game is better when playing in a gaf game or with friends but it's a pain in the ass getting into matches together with a group.


Felix Lighter said:
As long as you have no interest in playing with friends.
quite the contrary. i was playing with friends yesterday having a blast. squads are perfect for playing with friends and make the experience quite a lot more substantial than your typical game (being able to respawn on squad leader, having private radio channel, seeing their HP/status etc). just find a game that lets you pick your team and you're golden. if you've got enough friends playing regularly, that is what clans are for.

there's a few tweaks that could be made to make it even better (letting you see whether you can pick a team before joining a game, for example), but KZ2 in general is certainly above par in terms of being able to have fun playing with friends. i think squads, to a significant extent, easily make up for any shortcomings KZ2 has in this regard.


gutterboy44 said:
Does GAF have any clans going? I have only once participated in a serious clan back in the counter-strike beta 1 days. I would like to get back into a consistent clan. I wasn't really feeling clan play for COD4 but I think I would like to give a go with KZ2. Can some one PM me with the clan tag or send and invite to PSN: Gutterboy44 Thanks.

Ahhh must leave work and play KZ2!
I think i have only played one game out of the gaf server. Its just so much more fun playing with you guys. I even opted out of being in personal friends clans to stay in GAF. They come into the gaf servers when its open and have a blast too.


Pretty addicted. From Saturday to last night I have acquired about 3.5k points and a ton of unlocks.

I went in really wanting to unlock the Scout to get my snipe on, and wound up falling in love with the shotgun-toting Engineer instead. I guess I assumed it would be like the TF2 Engineer (which I absolutely hate), but instead it's a completely capable close-quarters powerhouse with much more flexible (though weaker) auto-turrets and a very important repair ability. Love me some repaired machine gun action.

Found out about this shotgun "exploit" and tried using it last night, IMO it just makes things worse. I don't know how anyone would really do better using that method; trying to move the stick at all while pressing down on it is nearly impossible on the DS3, and the tracking it has totally blows. I'll usually kill 5-6 people in close quarters with the shotty, but I couldn't take down a pair of Higs I got the jump on trying to use that method. You can't even control whether your flashlight is on or off.

Anyway. One of you GAF clans should toss me an invite (preferably West if there is only West/East set up). My PSN is Id_of_Ith.
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