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Question about a medal: for the body count medal do you have to score at least 10% of all the kills in your team, or just at least 10 kills?


hulot said:
Finally got the retail copy. Booted up multiplayer, top of the game but it then it freezes. Ambient sounds are still playing, had to hard-reset my PS3. Is this a known problem?

Yes. There is a crash in MP, hopefully being rectified soon. Nobody's really sure what causes it yet I don't think.

jsrv said:
Question about a medal: for the body count medal do you have to score at least 10% of all the kills in your team, or just at least 10 kills?

You need to get 10% of whatever the body count goal is for your team (which varies based on players/settings).


The ending is so damn depressing. What are they going to do exactly for K3 now? The ISA just seem incredibly fucked. No chain of command, destroyed fleet, scattered forces... How the hell did the helghast manage to have another fleet waiting in the wings ?

Iain Howe

don't ask me for codes
EschatonDX said:
The ending is so damn depressing. What are they going to do exactly for K3 now? The ISA just seem incredibly fucked. No chain of command, destroyed fleet, scattered forces... How the hell did the helghast manage to have another fleet waiting in the wings ?

The Helghast have a number of fleets - one was sent to Vekta and got crushed, two were on Home Defence and got crushed, but the best was out of system when the ISA Battlegroup arrived.

I'm not sure how they're going to resolve it - it's interesting.


Couple of things I need help with for the game I am setting up. What should be the player size?(I was thinking 28) Amount of time for the different missions?(I was thinking standard 5 min), and should I disable certain weapons, etc...?


y'all should be ashamed
The game crashed on me once when I activated custom soundtracks at the beginning of multi matches. Since then no crashes, and custom tracks work great.


too much clusterfuck when in small maps, S&D and when a spawn point is thrown near the opposition's camp, i really hate visari hammer where you can only get out of your camp from 2 very tight corridors. defeats the purpose of being strategic really, people just rush in drop a grenade then kill themselves in the process.


Iain Howe said:
The Helghast have a number of fleets - one was sent to Vekta and got crushed, two were on Home Defence and got crushed, but the best was out of system when the ISA Battlegroup arrived.

I'm not sure how they're going to resolve it - it's interesting.

Well the question I guess I have is: do the ISA have any more troops or forces to be deployed? I just can't believe that the Helghast outnumber them so.
Iain Howe said:
The Helghast have a number of fleets - one was sent to Vekta and got crushed, two were on Home Defence and got crushed, but the best was out of system when the ISA Battlegroup arrived.

I'm not sure how they're going to resolve it - it's interesting.

The return of Hakka perhaps? He seems the most viable for the UCA with Visari gone.


noire said:
Just started playing the single player. Definitely one of the best looking games I've ever played. Wish I could up the look sensitivity more. Using Alternate 2 button config, which is the closest I can find to CoD style. Only real issue is that I wish I could make crouch a toggle. Holding L1&L2 sucks.

Luckily you can crouch toggle in MP (because there is no cover system).


Would someone agree with me that a max player cap NEEDS to be set for some of the multiplayer maps? Let's say you wanna play the Academy, a max of 24 or something should be allowed on that map (not too familiar with the other small maps yet). Too many clusterfuck situations is making me a bit uninterested in the multiplayer, since ultimately I'm not having as much fun as when playing on the larger maps (that aren't as action-dense).


BeeDog said:
Would someone agree with me that a max player cap NEEDS to be set for some of the multiplayer maps? Let's say you wanna play the Academy, a max of 24 or something should be allowed on that map (not too familiar with the other small maps yet). Too many clusterfuck situations is making me a bit uninterested in the multiplayer, since ultimately I'm not having as much fun as when playing on the larger maps (that aren't as action-dense).

I agree with you on that. Once it's 32 players in a small map forget about it. People stop doing the missions and start going for more kills.


the_prime_mover said:
Actually it lets the Assault use other secondary abilities. As soon as you get all the ribbons for a given class's secondary ability you unlock badge combinations for that primary class. Example - I unlock medic, then get all 8 blood bag ribbons to unlock badge combinations. As soon as I unlock Assault I can have a combat medic (medic with boost secondary). As soon as a secondary ability is unlocked you can use it with any class that has access to badge combos.

So when you unlock a combo badge for a specific class, you have immediate access to every other unlocked secondary ability?

TheFatOne said:
If GG adds the ability to search for a game, party system, and a better way to show available games I won't be putting this game down for a long time. The game is rock solid all they have to do is tweak it and add some things.

They need to add something that shows ping/latency. I think that's huge. As it stands, whenever you join a server you're basically doing it blind, with no real idea of what your connection to it or other players is.


noire said:
Just started playing the single player. Definitely one of the best looking games I've ever played. Wish I could up the look sensitivity more. Using Alternate 2 button config, which is the closest I can find to CoD style. Only real issue is that I wish I could make crouch a toggle. Holding L1&L2 sucks.

You can in multiplayer, where it really counts. Get online noob!

Ploid 3.0

One thing I don't like is when picking between the factions I can't tell which side to go to for balancing purposes. I just let the game pick, thinking it's putting me on the correct one. But when I want to go on the side of my friends, yea, I'd like to be able to see.


I have a room up called Warzone no shotty if anyone's interested in playing a normal game with no freakin shotguns...yesterday was way too annoying when in a 18 man game... 7 of which from the other team running in to a room auto aiming blasting away..

Iain Howe

don't ask me for codes
EschatonDX said:
Well the question I guess I have is: do the ISA have any more troops or forces to be deployed? I just can't believe that the Helghast outnumber them so.

Well, they probably have warm bodies back home - but their army was just reorganised to meet this challenge and roundly pwned. They probably just lost the top 30 to 40 percent of their forces.

Regarding the issue of fleets - believe that the Higs outnumber them. They've been rebuilding their military for YEARS, whilst the ISA have been winding down their fleet. Hell, the ISA had to borrow THIS fleet - and they just lost a chunk of it.


Zeliard said:
So when you unlock a combo badge for a specific class, you have immediate access to every other unlocked secondary ability?

They need to add something that shows ping/latency. I think that's huge. As it stands, whenever you join a server you're basically doing it blind, with no real idea of what your connection to it or other players is.

Right on the money. I completely agree with you on that. Its sucks that its a gamble like that, but I believe they will fix some of these things.

I made a GAF game its called GAF DESTRUCTION! join me in the game.


The Amiga Brotherhood
One thing I've yet to see in an FPS (though that may be because I've not played many), is the possibility to interrupt the reloading mechanism with weapons you insert one bullet at a time. Like the shotgun. It's just so incredibly annoying to have ammo run out, and then you'll have to sit through the whole damn animation where he inserts every single bullet into the gun. This is particularly annoying if you only need one more shot to kill the enemy and get to safety to reload completely. You'd think it'd be a good idea to just let the guy shoot as soon as there's a bullet in the shotgun. It'd also look pretty cool.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
StarEye said:
One thing I've yet to see in an FPS (though that may be because I've not played many), is the possibility to interrupt the reloading mechanism with weapons you insert one bullet at a time. Like the shotgun. It's just so incredibly annoying to have ammo run out, and then you'll have to sit through the whole damn animation where he inserts every single bullet into the gun. This is particularly annoying if you only need one more shot to kill the enemy and get to safety to reload completely. You'd think it'd be a good idea to just let the guy shoot as soon as there's a bullet in the shotgun. It'd also look pretty cool.
I've seen this in a lot of games. You can interrupt the full loading and fire when it's got 2 shells or so. I can't remember what game did this though.

Ploid 3.0

Seraph- said:
I have a room up called Warzone no shotty if anyone's interested in playing a normal game with no freakin shotguns...yesterday was way too annoying when in a 18 man game... 7 of which from the other team running in to a room auto aiming blasting away..

What is this autoaim stuff? I was using the shotgun today, and I didn't notice anything strange. I missed lots, and if I shot far back nothing happened.


StarEye said:
One thing I've yet to see in an FPS (though that may be because I've not played many), is the possibility to interrupt the reloading mechanism with weapons you insert one bullet at a time. Like the shotgun. It's just so incredibly annoying to have ammo run out, and then you'll have to sit through the whole damn animation where he inserts every single bullet into the gun. This is particularly annoying if you only need one more shot to kill the enemy and get to safety to reload completely. You'd think it'd be a good idea to just let the guy shoot as soon as there's a bullet in the shotgun. It'd also look pretty cool.

This actually really bugs me as an Engineer. I've died plenty of times during reload. Half-Life 2's shotgun you could fire mid-reload to interrupt it, I wish they'd thought of that for this game.
EschatonDX said:
Well the question I guess I have is: do the ISA have any more troops or forces to be deployed? I just can't believe that the Helghast outnumber them so.

Since they're supposed the equivelant of militia, I don't think they have anyone left outside pockets of forces, hence the disparity of Sev.
I'm assuming it's up to the UCA/UCN to quell the rebellion


dfyb said:
that'd be just as lame as the people who whine about AWP in counter-strike. neither of those are overpowered. is it even possible to ban shotguns? what would engineers do?

Engineers should have the close range Helghast weapon, or the Shotgun should be tweaked to have a greater damage decrease over range. The Shotgun is over powered when you combine it with holding the Iron Sights button to have it auto aim. They're suppose to be a support role, not a tank of destruction.


Ploid 3.0 said:
What is this autoaim stuff? I was using the shotgun today, and I didn't notice anything strange. I missed lots, and if I shot far back nothing happened.

It's some lock-on thing when you're holding down the zoom function button (which is just a flashlight for the shotgun), but I personally find it works like ass. I use the default control scheme though so this function is bound to R3 and it's impossible to aim and hold it down at the same time for me (which is still necessary because it doesn't track that well).

I'm not sure why it's in the game, but it sucks right now because a lot of people are complaining about it whether you're using it or not. I wish they'd hurry up and patch it out already.


Y2Kev said:
I've seen this in a lot of games. You can interrupt the full loading and fire when it's got 2 shells or so. I can't remember what game did this though.
Yep, most FPSs handle it like that. In fact, the very last one I played before KZ2 did this - Fear 2.


Wallach said:
This actually really bugs me as an Engineer. I've died plenty of times during reload. Half-Life 2's shotgun you could fire mid-reload to interrupt it, I wish they'd thought of that for this game.

It was probably a conscious design not to have that, to make it an important decision as far as when you choose to reload (or switch to a pistol, which is often faster).

I think the shotgun's slow reload is the one specific thing that keeps the weapon balanced, since it's devastating at close-range (and currently has an auto-aim trigger).


Y2Kev said:
I've seen this in a lot of games. You can interrupt the full loading and fire when it's got 2 shells or so. I can't remember what game did this though.

I think Rainbow Six Vegas 2 lets you do this.
Zeliard said:
So when you unlock a combo badge for a specific class, you have immediate access to every other unlocked secondary ability?

That is correct. It is easy to max out a medic, and easy to gain access to the Tactician, Scout, Sab and Assault secondary abilities. So I just tend to use the medic primary mixed with other secondary abilities in order to max those classes out (except for the Scout who works oh so well with their secondary . . .).

Also - I am all for capping the max on certain maps. Corinth, Tharsis and Blood are nigh unplayable with 32 players. 24 would probably work for most maps but Pyrrhus would be a bit barren.

I think it would be great to see a 32 player remake of Corinth, Tharsis and Blood, and a 16 player remake fo Pyrrhus as DLC. If and when I set up servers I will probably either set the player max at 24, or leave out certain maps depending on the selected player amount. Funny enough, I think Radec and Visari actually work with 32 players though it is tight.

And there are multiple ways out of the Visari bases - up the stairs which leads to two exits, or outside which leads to three exits.


Zeliard said:
It was probably a conscious design not to have that, to make it an important decision as far as when you choose to reload (or switch to a pistol, which is often faster).

I think the shotgun's slow reload is the one specific thing that keeps the weapon balanced, since it's devastating at close-range (and currently has an auto-aim trigger).

I'd be more OK with that were the default sidearm not such a piece of junk. Melee is kind of a crapshoot as well.


Ploid 3.0 said:
What is this autoaim stuff? I was using the shotgun today, and I didn't notice anything strange. I missed lots, and if I shot far back nothing happened.

If your using Alt 2, when you hold on L1 it has a semi lock on effect. It's not as bad as some are making it out to be, and apparently it'll be fixed soon.


Y2Kev said:
Someone get a gaf game going...

I have one up called GAF DESTRUCTION! so far its only me I need more people to join in. If anyone come in my mic just broke, but I am definitely there. I'm trying to fix my mic.
Iain Howe said:
Well, they probably have warm bodies back home - but their army was just reorganised to meet this challenge and roundly pwned. They probably just lost the top 30 to 40 percent of their forces.

Regarding the issue of fleets - believe that the Higs outnumber them. They've been rebuilding their military for YEARS, whilst the ISA have been winding down their fleet. Hell, the ISA had to borrow THIS fleet - and they just lost a chunk of it.

Hey Iain,

Any chance you might freelance with GG for KZ3?

Even though I think it would have been nice to have some cutscenes round out the behind the scenes stuff more (between chapters), I loved the dialog. Some of the Higg lines were just awesome when in the heat of battle.
Iain Howe said:
The Helghast have a number of fleets - one was sent to Vekta and got crushed, two were on Home Defence and got crushed, but the best was out of system when the ISA Battlegroup arrived.

I'm not sure how they're going to resolve it - it's interesting.

Ha come on bro you know how its going to be resolved. Just tell me this
Rico is getting set up to go double agent or to die in a spectacular fashion.

dk_ said:
In which part of mission 1 is the tank?

Hey any of those strats help you out? Were you able to beat it?


Y2Kev said:
I'm so fuckign sick of medics that dont' heal.
It doesn't give points. :D

IMO, it should give at least one point every two medikit used by a teammate.
Maybe something similar for spawn from tactical class.


Has anybody noticed performance issues when playing custom soundtracks? I was in a 8v8 earlier with custom soundtracks and the framerate was clearly dropping, even when there was nobody on screen. Odd..
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