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Iain Howe said:
The Helghast have a number of fleets - one was sent to Vekta and got crushed, two were on Home Defence and got crushed, but the best was out of system when the ISA Battlegroup arrived.

I'm not sure how they're going to resolve it - it's interesting.

Iain Howe said:
Well, they probably have warm bodies back home - but their army was just reorganised to meet this challenge and roundly pwned. They probably just lost the top 30 to 40 percent of their forces.

Regarding the issue of fleets - believe that the Higs outnumber them. They've been rebuilding their military for YEARS, whilst the ISA have been winding down their fleet. Hell, the ISA had to borrow THIS fleet - and they just lost a chunk of it.

I'm under the impression
that the entire ISA carrier group is destroyed moments after Killzone 2 closes out, and I got the strong feelling that all the ISA ground forces are pretty much stranded on Helghan and doomed to a similar fate the the remnant Helghast forces from the failed Vektan assault. After the Helghast fleet is done with what's left of the ISA Carriers, they could launch a counter-counter attack on Vekta?

Or the UCA makes it back in time to save the day and crushes the Helghast fleet. They would also probably empose harsh penalties against ISA Vekta for disobeying their orders, which might lead to a Vektan/Hakka faction esque Helghan versus UCN, of a fashion?

Hopefully in part thanks to your work on the timeline, Killzone 3 will have a much better story with a much more fleshed out world. The average player is going to have no clue what's going on, and more over, they probably aren't going to care, unfortunately.

Hakka as main character for Killzone 3. I'd like to see the UCA directly involved as well.

BruceLeeRoy said:
Damn that was fast man good job.
I think your right that GG wants us to despise Rico I can see him either becoming a villain in the next game since everyone he truly cared about is gone or dying in some spectacular fashion. But he is definitely being set up. And how fu@#$ing awesome is it when you see all the helghast cruisers taking off(heading for vekta or earth?) and Sev is just kind of resigned to the fact that they are all screwed and sits on the steps.
One of the best endings ever makes me soooo fricken amped for number Tres!

heading for what little is left of the ISA carrier groups. They wouldn't stand a chance against UCA military. You can see the remains of the ISA Carrier group during the ending. Sev is lamenting that they're all basically dead and the thing with Rico and Visari etc.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Zezboob said:
It doesn't give points. :D

IMO, it should give at least one point every two medikit used by a teammate.
Maybe something similar for spawn from tactical class.
Revive, I mean. You can spawn a medkit? How do you do that?


Y2Kev said:
I'm so fuckign sick of medics that dont' heal.

I kinda wish this game had a gesture/speech feature like TF2/L4D.

I don't currently have a mic but I usually feel the need to thank a medic when he resurrects me. :p

Dunno how possible it would be at all with a gamepad though (I'm assuming the console versions of TF2 and L4D don't have it).

Zezboob said:
It doesn't give points. :D

IMO, it should give at least one point every two medikit used by a teammate.
Maybe something similar for spawn from tactical class.

It doesn't give you any points, and the "problem" is also that medkits also heal the medic himself, and I think a lot of players just exclusively use them on themselves to work that k/d ratio.
Y2Kev said:
I'm so fuckign sick of medics that dont' heal.

I try to make sure i heal a teammate whenever i can, but most dont understand that when theres alot of action going on, you tend to worry more about staying alive first, then trying to heal. Theres so many times when im pulling out th medic gun, healing someone only to get shot down in the process.


Y2Kev said:
Revive, I mean. You can spawn a medkit? How do you do that?

BTW I started a GAF game if you didn't notice GAF DESTRUCTION! is up. You need to revive 10 times in one match, and you have to do that 8 times the you get a health pack.


damnit, the desert level in the campaign sucks so bad. there's no place to take cover so it essentially breaks the stop-n-pop style that was so fun in the first 3 levels.


What is this auto aim with the shotgun in multiplayer I keep hearing about? How can you tell if someone is abusing it?

dralla said:
damnit, the desert level in the campaign sucks so bad. there's no place to take cover so it essentially breaks the stop-n-pop style that was so fun in the first 3 levels.
But it looks SO GLORIOUS (and it has my favorite weapon, that nail gun...thump).

(or is it even that bad to begin with)
dralla said:
damnit, the desert level in the campaign sucks so bad. there's no place to take cover so it essentially breaks the stop-n-pop style that was so fun in the first 3 levels.
I thought it was a great change of pace for the game. Plus there's plenty of cover....


Y2Kev said:
I'm so fuckign sick of medics that dont' heal.

I mastered the headshot of health packs on my Medic. I'd try to pretend they were grenades to make it more fun lol. Or, i'd stack up a few right around the assassination target.

If you're talking about reviving people though, their CD may not be up yet as it's on a 30sec or so timer.


dollartaco said:

I love the game, but have one suggestion: a dead zone tweak. This isn't for me, per se, but I think it would solve a lot of the control complaints I've been hearing, and without changing the feel of the game. I know that the dead zone isn't as big as some are making it out to be; crosshair movement actually registers with a slight push of the stick, but it's very very very slow movement. People are pushing the stick slightly to the right and see no obvious result, then push it a little bit further only to hit what they probably feel is the point that the controls catch, thus overshooting the target. Maybe cut that dead zone down a bit, call it "Expert Aiming" or something like that, allow it to be toggled.

I read in the update notes that GG is looking into this. Again, personally, I really like the controls, but there is definitely value in creating a "fix" that gives more experienced players better precision movement, without changing the gross movements that would carry the weight of the weapon as intended.

This is many pages old by now, but I really like this idea. My only real gripe with the game is tied to the controls which do not jive well with me (but are fine for others). I'd be surprised if this happens but I'm quoting it in the hopes that someone sees it that has any say in the matter.

In the meantime I'll try to suck less.


I'm setting up a game since GAF error 500 apparently died


password as always

20pl max

No changes (except on bodycount, 50 kills in 10min)

Iain Howe

don't ask me for codes
the_prime_mover said:
Hey Iain,

Any chance you might freelance with GG for KZ3?

Even though I think it would have been nice to have some cutscenes round out the behind the scenes stuff more (between chapters), I loved the dialog. Some of the Higg lines were just awesome when in the heat of battle.

I loved writing the Helghast dialog. My favourite stuff, of course, was Visari's. There's nothing on the cards about me doing any further work with Guerrilla as a freelancer, but something might come up in the future if they decide they have a specific need I'd be a good fit for. Who knows?


dralla said:
damnit, the desert level in the campaign sucks so bad. there's no place to take cover so it essentially breaks the stop-n-pop style that was so fun in the first 3 levels.

There's plenty of cover, and even better there's a ton of ways to flank your enemy working your way around the back of the shacks.
Iain Howe said:
I loved writing the Helghast dialog. My favourite stuff, of course, was Visari's. There's nothing on the cards about me doing any further work with Guerrilla as a freelancer, but something might come up in the future if they decide they have a specific need I'd be a good fit for. Who knows?

That was your writing in the Visari dialogue? Even during the opening intro? Kudos to you.

I loved the Visari dialogue especially the end line. I make sure to watch the intro every time I pop in the game.

I even think I heard my girlfriend mutter, "They will know Helghan belongs to the Helghast," once out of ridicule....haha.

Good job.


Last time Im doing this GAF DESTRUCTION! is up and people are playing join now if you want a spot. PSN ID is Lyulf is you cant find it


Yeah, people moaning about Medics need to realise that we have to cover our own backs to be able to cover yours, plus we got the recharge on the guns. Trust me, we feel like assholes not being able to revive, but there's nothing we can do. Thank us for the crazy blind running into chaos to save you all the time :D


stephendedalus said:
POOOP! I was doing so well as a medic! Then the game froze! FIX THIS SHIT GAF!

If it froze due to your host.

It could be due to this bug that GG has been talking about.

* Crashes -- Crash when using Saboteur disguise in certain situations. Will be fixed in the next patch.

I was the host of a game while playing a Saboteur, threw some C4 while disguised then an enemy walked closed to C4 boom! Both of us died I was still disguised as a opposing rifleman and game froze for everyone LOL!


Have a fun! Enjoy!
bigswords said:
If it froze due to your host.

It could be due to this bug that GG has been talking about.

I was the host of a game while playing a Saboteur, threw some C4 while disguised then an enemy walked closed to C4 boom! Both of us died I was still disguised as a opposing rifleman and game froze for everyone LOL!

I was Saboteur as well when it crashed. LMG shooting sound effect was oddly high secs before the lock up.
Story spoiler

At the part in the New Sun where
Radec confronts Templar, I thought Radec was going to reveal himself to be Hakha or something. Same voice actor. I missed Hakha.
finally got around to playing this on my friend's rather impressive tv.

initially, i seriously was underwhelmed by the appearance, the gun play and combat was a lot of fun but i really couldn't shake how unimpressed i was after seeing all the awesome gifs and screens.

we then put cod4 in for a quick play, seriously, wow. killzone 2 is fucking beautiful!


Raist said:
I'm setting up a game since GAF error 500 apparently died


password as always

20pl max

No changes (except on bodycount, 50 kills in 10min)

Does the invitation extend to nobody junior members who aren't in [GAFe]? I wouldn't mind playing with gaffers from time to time instead of just public games constantly.

Also I was in a game with Live-Feed today, he was also in my squad constantly talking :lol.
revolverjgw said:
Story spoiler

At the part in the New Sun where
Radec confronts Templar, I thought Radec was going to reveal himself to be Hakha or something. Same voice actor. I missed Hakha.
Thats exactly what I thought too.
The eyes are face (from what you could see) looked the same too. I still haven't beat the whole game, but if it was Hakha, I'm sure Templar would have noticed


Running off of Custom Firmware
Got my copy from Amazon today. Surprised that there's no option for installing. A little disappointed, too, what with this large HDD sitting mostly empty. Ah well.

Plan on getting into it soon. I'm struggling mightily to get through Liberation, which oddly I'm enjoying a whole lot less than I did KZ1, which I just finished for the first time a few weeks ago...


Neo Member
raYne said:
It's either in Chat Settings or Accessory settings in the XMB. Something like that.

Thanks, had to set it all the way down to 1 before the feedback stopped, not sure if anyone else can even hear me clearly now :-/

The voicechat is really a disaster since there are a ton of people out there with background noise giving everyone else a migraine. I'm guessing they have the same jabra or another BT headset that is way too sensitive out of the box.


TTP said:
I was Saboteur as well when it crashed. LMG shooting sound effect was oddly high secs before the lock up.

Sigh hopefully they do fix this, disguise on the Saboteur is fun, plus the rifle which I though was crap, I have a new liking for it. When you crouch the accuracy on that it is pinpoint!!! Damn awesome rifle..

I have to avoid playing Saboteur if I'm host :(

Edit: were you in disguise TTP?


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
So I'm starting to get more classes with open second badges, and it's fucking awesome. Boosting or setting C4s while being a Scout is too awesome. 1 more ribbon for Saboteur, though. Mmmm.

*flashes raYne signal*


Have a fun! Enjoy!
bigswords said:
Sigh hopefully they do fix this, disguise on the Saboteur is fun, plus the rifle which I though was crap, I have a new liking for it. When you crouch the accuracy on that it is pinpoint!!! Damn awesome rifle..

I have to avoid playing Saboteur if I'm host :(

Edit: were you in disguise TTP?

Heck I don't recall. I was fighting and hitting/being hit so even if I was... I wasn't anymore when it froze.


I just nailed a saboteur, stole his rifle (which is awesome for poppin' skullz yo), nailed a sniper, stole his proper sniper then went on a 6 man killing spree (and 2 turrets!)



Impressions after 4 hours on the campaign:

This has to be the worst (hyped) FPS campaign I've ever played.

Uneven difficulty (super hard, super easy, and back again)
Not enough ammo, can only carry ONE weapon (pistol is pathetic)
Wasting time and health saving useless teammates (yea just stand out in the open so I'm forced to come back and save you the second I make some headway you useless sack...)
A few hits and you're dead
Every hit makes screen blinding splatter or black and white fog
No co-op
"Weird" controls and hit detection

All combined make this one of the most methodical, slow, boring, annoying, terrible, FPS games ever made.

I've made my way to
helicopterish minigunning, rocketlaunchering boss on Salamun Bridge - Academy Rooftop
and there's maybe been 30 minutes of fun so far.

Now I know games get hyped like crazy, so I ignored the hype and kept my expectations low but I have to say... to anyone on the fence about this game, unless you LOVE multiplayer (which I hear has many annoyances as well), DO NOT waste your $65.


j-wood said:
I'm trying to decide GAF, how is the game and the multiplayer? Should I go sell Reistance 2 and get this?
I can't comment on Singleplayer because I haven't played that, but after 4 hours of multiplayer I really don't think it's that great. Maybe I was caught up in the hype but I have played much better multiplayer games. The competition is weak on PS3 so definitely worth it if you are a single console owner with no PC. Pretty standard though.


Could anyone please explain to me the 'sands of winter' reference in the intro? It's a unknown term to me (or maybe it's just a description of Helghan weather conditions?). Maybe I heard wrong?

Boss Man

I want to dig into the campaign but whenever I have time to play I can't help but go straight into MP. I'm finally starting to wrap my head around a few of the maps. Can't wait until I can actually formulate a plan of action on each of them.


strange_booj said:
I can't comment on Singleplayer because I haven't played that, but after 4 hours of multiplayer I really don't think it's that great. Maybe I was caught up in the hype but I have played much better multiplayer games. The competition is weak on PS3 so definitely worth it if you are a single console owner with no PC. Pretty standard though.

*GASP*, well each to his own. I find it's a slowed down TF2 to be honest. I have a softspot for class based game. And so far all the classes except rifleman are balanced.

The only reason you want to play Rifleman is if you want to use the LMG, but I can't find a situation that gives an advantage to that weapon.


junkster said:
Uneven difficulty (super hard, super easy, and back again)
Some parts of the game might be easier than the other parts of the game, that is true, but when i think of it, i think that most first person shooter games are like this. Some parts are easier than other parts, and some parts are harder than other parts in the game.

junkster said:
Not enough ammo, can only carry ONE weapon (pistol is pathetic)
When you say that there is not enough ammo, do you mean that one (or several) particual weapon quickly runs out of ammo, or do you mean not enough ammo in general for every weapon in Killzone 2?

Basicly every (or maybe not all of the "tank" enemies?) enemy drops their weapon, and there are wepon "racks" (or what i shall call it) around in the levels. I have nearly beaten the single player campaign 2 times now, and there are very few times that i have run out of ammo. When i have runned out of ammo, it doesnt take too long to find either a weapon rack or a weapon on the ground :) The pistol also has unlimited with ammo :)

junkster said:
Wasting time and health saving useless teammates (yea just stand out in the open so I'm forced to come back and save you the second I make some headway you useless sack...)
Ye, sometimes the teammates just stand in the open for some reason and gets killed that is true as you say, but you dont have to waste time to heal your teammates, at least after my experience. The only use that i saw for healing your teammates (as far as i know at least) was to make the game alittle easier sometimes, since the teammates sometimes kill the enemy, and to get the trophy for healing your teammates 25 times.

junkster said:
A few hits and you're dead
I guess that this depends on which difficulty level that you are playing. If you play it on the easy or normal difficutly level, then you can get hit relatively many times before you die, at least after my experience. Playing the game on the elite difficulty is much harder, there you can die after a few hits as you say.

junkster said:
Every hit makes screen blinding splatter or black and white fog
What is the problem with this? :) Personally i still found it relatively easy to aim even after getting hit a few times. It is mostly when the screen goes black and white that i found it harder to see and to hit the enemies.

junkster said:
"Weird" controls and hit detection
I used to think the controls were alittle "wierd" in the begining too because i had problem to aim good in th game, but after i have played Killzone 2 for maybe 20-25 hours (i think i have about 19 or 20 hours of play in the Kilzone 2 multiplayer and maybe 5-6 hours of play in the Killzone 2 single player campaign), i have gotten more used to the controllers :) The hit decetion seems fine to me, what is wrong with it?

junkster said:
Co-op would be a nice addition, i totally agree to that, and i wouldnt say no thanks to having co-op in Killzone 2 if it didnt go much out over the graphics in the game, but i think that Killzone 2 is fine without co-op as well :)

junkster said:
All combined make this one of the most methodical, slow, boring, annoying, terrible, FPS games ever made.
Then we have different opinions, and i think that there is no problem about that :)

EDIT: I added some text.


junkster said:
Impressions after 4 hours on the campaign:

This has to be the worst (hyped) FPS campaign I've ever played.

Uneven difficulty (super hard, super easy, and back again)
Not enough ammo, can only carry ONE weapon (pistol is pathetic)
Wasting time and health saving useless teammates (yea just stand out in the open so I'm forced to come back and save you the second I make some headway you useless sack...)
A few hits and you're dead
Every hit makes screen blinding splatter or black and white fog
No co-op
"Weird" controls and hit detection

All combined make this one of the most methodical, slow, boring, annoying, terrible, FPS games ever made.

I've made my way to
helicopterish minigunning, rocketlaunchering boss on Salamun Bridge - Academy Rooftop
and there's maybe been 30 minutes of fun so far.

Now I know games get hyped like crazy, so I ignored the hype and kept my expectations low but I have to say... to anyone on the fence about this game, unless you LOVE multiplayer (which I hear has many annoyances as well), DO NOT waste your $65.


bold = megawut



Got mah Killzone 2 right here, hope you reserved a spot for me for one of the clans. :p

Also: Best graphics everz.


junkster said:
Impressions after 4 hours on the campaign:

This has to be the worst (hyped) FPS campaign I've ever played.

Honestly, I thought Halo 3 had one of the worst FPS campaigns ever. Killzone 2 beats the shit out of that rack of shit in SP. I think you can have your own opinion though.

strange_booj said:
I can't comment on Singleplayer because I haven't played that, but after 4 hours of multiplayer I really don't think it's that great. Maybe I was caught up in the hype but I have played much better multiplayer games. The competition is weak on PS3 so definitely worth it if you are a single console owner with no PC. Pretty standard though.

To each their own, there's no denying that this game has gotten universal acclaim from even the most reluctant and critical sources like Giantbomb (http://www.giantbomb.com/killzone-2-video-review/17-286/). There also aren't that many better multiplayer FPS games on console, in fact, none, according to the opinions of many of our posters.
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