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Zen said:
Correct. It's a little finnicky, from what I've played, but I confirmed it for myself after reading about it on gaf.

Gaf should really start compiling a list of suggestions for the Multiplayer component. Tempy posts here, so I'm sure it might get some attention. I like the Multiplayer component, but I think there are a lot of 'little-medium things' that GG could do, and Gaf would be in a decent position to offer actual suggestions on game balancing and the like, not "HURRRR FIX THE AIMING LAG GG!".
Ah ok, i had no idea that there were some aim assist on the shotgun. Thanks for the info! :)


Varna said:
Is the locked difficulty option anything more substantial then enemies dealing more damage? Less ammo and no health regen perhaps? :D

I've noticed the Helghast actually using ladders on elite, I think they're generally smarter and deal more damage.


MvmntInGrn said:
After the bridge part? I think I used a grenade launcher.

I died more on Veteran than the highest modes on other games. Planning on trying Elite soon, what fun. :lol

i unloaded two clips of the grenade launcher on the turret and the guy didnt die.


Varna said:
Is the locked difficulty option anything more substantial then enemies dealing more damage? Less ammo and no health regen perhaps? :D
Enemies taking more damage, you die extremely quickly.

gcubed said:
i unloaded two clips of the grenade launcher on the turret and the guy didnt die.
Is it the AA gun itself that's giving you problems or the Higs below?
I killed the AA guy from far, far away with single shots from the M82.

edit: and whoever's responsible for the Helghast super-sense (knowing where I'm aiming at) should be sacked. Doesn't make any sense and is usually only used in games with weak AI to cover for said deficiency. Certainly something Killzone 2 does not need. :mad:


RoboPlato said:
Holy crap at the difficulty spike from Trooper to Veteran. I think I died more on Corinth River on Veteran than I did in the entirety of my Trooper playthrough. :lol

I died 68 times on my Veteran run through...


Haunted said:
Enemies taking more damage, you die extremely quickly.

Is it the AA gun itself that's giving you problems or the Higs below?
I killed the AA guy from far, far away with single shots from the M82.

i cleared out the 2 sections and moved up to shoot at the AA guy, i guess my aim is bad because I can't get him to die.
I understand that they respawn if you dont move up and kill the AA guy fast enough. I guess i just cant kill him. Did you take him out back by the first crumbled wall to hide behind? Maybe i'll try picking him off from there.


good games, guy. sucks that i have work so early during the week

anyway, what are the favorite modes here at gaf? i'm trying to figure what the best length is for each match. i think i'm going to cut down assassination to 3 minutes because it's very hard to protect. keep body count at 4 minutes, cap and hold, search and retrieve and search and destroy at 4-5 minutes a piece. sorry for having an unbalanced game there for a bit but leaving the game unbalanced at least gives people the opportunity to play with the squad of their preference. it's kind of silly that you're unable to switch sides in the middle of a match (patch this please). also the "host" should have the ability to switch up people at will if necessary imo.

i love this game more and more each time i play it.


First long session online with some friends tonight. Was great fun (though most of us are still struggling pretty bad with the aiming). We were five so unfortunately we had to rotate one of us out of the squad.

a) When I create a server (for example 16 players), and I disable auto team balancing, is there an option to set the limit for each team? I figured it'd be smart enough to split in half but we ended up 10 vs 6 and we couldn't figure out how to switch teams and none of the randoms wanted to switch teams either..

b) How do you switch teams?

The UI is a bit overwhelming at first with all the options and tabs..


gcubed said:
i cleared out the 2 sections and moved up to shoot at the AA guy, i guess my aim is bad because I can't get him to die.
I understand that they respawn if you dont move up and kill the AA guy fast enough. I guess i just cant kill him. Did you take him out back by the first crumbled wall to hide behind? Maybe i'll try picking him off from there.
Yeah, near the weapon rack at the start of that section, I killed him before engaging any of the Higs. Takes a bit of luck to get headshots from that distance, the green dot of the iron sights is bigger than his head. >_<
godamn i fucking hate cloak. such a piece of shit ability. its impossible to play that desert map against higer level people. the thing should drain health or something. Im probably going to love it when i get but its cheap as hell against those without it.
end rant


morlock said:

Yeah, that's got to be one of the first things that GG will patch. I died at least 20 times in one match from that bullshit. I switched over and did it as well just to see what it was all about and racked up 40 kills in a matter of minutes.


JB1981 said:
good games, guy. sucks that i have work so early during the week

anyway, what are the favorite modes here at gaf? i'm trying to figure what the best length is for each match. i think i'm going to cut down assassination to 3 minutes because it's very hard to protect. keep body count at 4 minutes, cap and hold, search and retrieve and search and destroy at 4-5 minutes a piece. sorry for having an unbalanced game there for a bit but leaving the game unbalanced at least gives people the opportunity to play with the squad of their preference. it's kind of silly that you're unable to switch sides in the middle of a match (patch this please). also the "host" should have the ability to switch up people at will if necessary imo.

i love this game more and more each time i play it.
Definitely ggs, although unbalanced :p I had to leave to recharge my ds3. You know how it is nowadays, its used so often that before you know it, the battery needs charging.
just tried the shotgun thing for the first time (don't worry just once to see how it works) and it literally locked directly on.

thats pretty huge.
JB1981 said:
good games, guy. sucks that i have work so early during the week

anyway, what are the favorite modes here at gaf? i'm trying to figure what the best length is for each match. i think i'm going to cut down assassination to 3 minutes because it's very hard to protect. keep body count at 4 minutes, cap and hold, search and retrieve and search and destroy at 4-5 minutes a piece. sorry for having an unbalanced game there for a bit but leaving the game unbalanced at least gives people the opportunity to play with the squad of their preference. it's kind of silly that you're unable to switch sides in the middle of a match (patch this please). also the "host" should have the ability to switch up people at will if necessary imo.

i love this game more and more each time i play it.

Ah, so that was your server? I had a good time, except for that unbalanced game you mentioned. Having the game auto-select your team would have helped prevent this, right? It always seemed like the top 3 players of each game were always on the same team. Would be nice to break them up once in awhile...

EDIT: Finally quit when the next match was unbalanced as well. 11 players to 3, and no one seemed to want to switch from Full Recovery's team to help balance things.
Wow, just unlocked Assault and it is BY FAR my favorite class. It's a relief too since Tactician was a definite dud. I mean come on, spawn points? You don't get any points as a Tactician.


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
I played 1 match, ended up first place with a total of 98 points. I thought maybe after going to work the servers were fixed but... I got booted at the beginning of the next game. Fucking darn.


DeadFalling said:
Wow, just unlocked Assault and it is BY FAR my favorite class. It's a relief too since Tactician was a definite dud. I mean come on, spawn points? You don't get any points as a Tactician.

In a pug context, not many will play as a Tactician as his loadout is the same as a default rifleman. His flying bots does balls damage. Point wise it really depends on your rifle accuracy.

The spawn does make or break a game though, the more people coming through a well placed spawn point can overrun the opposing team


The game looks great best ever.

Story is terrible
Control is terrible

R2 is a much better game in both SP and MP,now I see why it scored higher at lots of sites.


Jack Scofield said:
Ah, so that was your server? I had a good time, except for that unbalanced game you mentioned. Having the game auto-select your team would have helped prevent this, right? It always seemed like the top 3 players of each game were always on the same team. Would be nice to break them up once in awhile...

Yea it would have, but I don't like being forced onto a certain side. I also don't like how the lobby countdown starts when half the team readies up. The room creator should be able to stop this from happening. I only pick ISA because it's where Me, Aladuf and Third go so that we can be in the same squad. It looks like ISA is the more popular side to be on, so next game we're going to go Helghast - this should help with the lopsidedness. Sorry about all that.

You killed me a lot too, ya bastard. :D
Rapping Granny said:
Getting tired of everyone following FullRecovery to whatever team he chooses for the eazy wins.

Are you even able to look at teams to see who is on what before you join? I just slam on auto select when the screen pops up, figured most do the same.
Man I'm really digging the E3 2007 style of this game.. I'm watching some of the old gameplay demos and I think they looked so much better. The demo level where you meet up with Narville was so much darker and oozed way more atmosphere compared to the current build IMO.

The game had incredible contrast between the dark and drab world of Helghan and the lightning bolts lighting up the sky. I feel that everyone didn't like that style and they purposely added unneeded color in the game.

I mean.. I recognize the much improved textures, character models, etc.. But overall I felt that the game lost a little atmosphere..


Anyone agree?


LeonTrotskyTrout said:
Finally got my magnum. That pain in the ass badge is so worth it.

what do you have to do for the badge?

MvmntInGrn said:
just tried the shotgun thing for the first time (don't worry just once to see how it works) and it literally locked directly on.

thats pretty huge.

how do you do it?


Junior Butler
Tactician, ended up really digging this class. Thought I was going to hate it at first but the joy of owning in search and destroy is priceless.

Can't tell you how many rounds you can win by throwing a spawn grenade right in the target area.



Norml said:
The game looks great best ever.

Story is terrible
Control is terrible

R2 is a much better game in both SP and MP,now I see why it scored higher at lots of sites.


R2 has a good SP HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Please don't play Killzone 2 you might actually cum all over your ps3.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I haven't touched MP yet, but I have been greatly enjoying the SP campaign. The visuals and sound in this game are just amazing. It is hard to believe that this is running on a console.

I still am having problems with aiming. I just suck ass at it. I have been doing better recently since I stopped trying to aim / zoom in every time I shoot, but I still can't seem to get my crosshairs exactly where I want them to be. What sensitivity level is everyone playing at? For those who initially sucked at the aiming in this game, did you eventually get used to it? I am afraid of going into the MP portion when I constantly find myself missing like crazy and jerking the analog stick too much to the point where I always end up running into a wall or something.


Zefah said:
I haven't touched MP yet, but I have been greatly enjoying the SP campaign. The visuals and sound in this game are just amazing. It is hard to believe that this is running on a console.

I still am having problems with aiming. I just suck ass at it. I have been doing better recently since I stopped trying to aim / zoom in every time I shoot, but I still can't seem to get my crosshairs exactly where I want them to be. What sensitivity level is everyone playing at? For those who initially sucked at the aiming in this game, did you eventually get used to it? I am afraid of going into the MP portion when I constantly find myself missing like crazy and jerking the analog stick too much to the point where I always end up running into a wall or something.

In the end I listened to TTP and left the control scheme to Standard 1, sensitivity for me was the default and from there I used very little strength to move the sticks to get it right. Only do a zoom when you are aim far targets, at close range the hip fire is good enough.


bigswords said:

R2 has a good SP HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Please don't play Killzone 2 you might actually cum all over your ps3.


R2 has a far better story and those cases you find in KZ2 don't even give intel or anything.
It has more weapons with alt features and better kills imo from the body parts sliding down walls.


Norml said:

R2 has a far better story and those cases you find in KZ2 don't even give intel or anything.
It has more weapons with alt features and better kills imo from the body parts sliding down walls.

Story wise it's an opinion as well and I respect that and I liked finding R2 intel and giving me the backstory.

But SP in R2 is total trash in the SP department the inconsistent rhythm of battle , poor textures in some areas, and the enemies ALL BEELINE FOR you. In Killzone 2 even at the last shitty battle at least the enemy takes potshot at your partner at times. In R2 every Chimera wants to get you killed , it's as though you insulted their mothers or something.

And in Killzone 2 the "intel" you collect ingame, can be used to make cool stuff if you visit the killzone website.
.GqueB. said:
Thats not really netcode. Look at where youre shooting. These soldiers arent running around with tshirts on. Youre shooting right into armor pretty much, so its gonna take a while to get someone down that way. It always does. The person is probably just turning around and shooting you in the face is all.

Sorry but that's ridiculous.

An entire clip. Dead center. Right behind him.

Like I said though, I've only seen it happen a couple times.

ItsInMyVeins said:
Oh, and by the way; trying to get 10 kills with the pistol in a match eight times sucks so bad. That gun is horrible.

It's decent for headshots.

Shinz Kicker said:
is it unanimous yet that if you really hate the controls you just suck at your hobby.

I don't frequent Sony exclusive threads too often, is this kind of attitude common?


bigswords said:
Story wise it's an opinion as well and I respect that and I liked finding R2 intel and giving me the backstory.

But SP in R2 is total trash in the SP department the inconsistent rhythm of battle , poor textures in some areas, and the enemies ALL BEELINE FOR you. In Killzone 2 even at the last shitty battle at least the enemy takes potshot at your partner at times. In R2 every Chimera wants to get you killed , it's as though you insulted their mothers or something.

And in Killzone 2 the "intel" you collect ingame, can be used to make cool stuff if you visit the killzone website.

That is not true really. I only noticed that happen at certain spots and not a lot, mostly with the grim.

didnt know about the KZ2 web stuff.


I'd be in the dick
just tray said:
Great game yet it can't touch Halo,Resistance, or COD in teh control department
I like the controls a lot in Killzone. I like the fact that it's a slower paced games so it makes sense that the controls are a bit slower. Stuff like CoD and Resistance are really fast paced so it makes sense that they control faster.

Ephemeris said:
I've never died there. In Veteran, or in Elite. What are you guys doing?
I think it just saved a checkpoint with a bunch of rockets coming at him.


God I hate scout(aka I am horrible at sniping), just 1 more game though.

edit: and Lyulf I have no headset. yes I was standing near the door cause it usually works, but not in that game :lol .


Norml said:
The game looks great best ever.

Story is terrible
Control is terrible

R2 is a much better game in both SP and MP,now I see why it scored higher at lots of sites.

Let me guess, you decided to come in here and troll it up because of the recent Resistance 2 thread?


just tray said:
first level in vehicle and every time the checkpoint loads I am blown up

When I first got in the tank I was driving back and forth just fine. Eventually I went to back up and it accelerated at a ridiculous rate, I then tried to drive forwards and the tank completely flipped and went into the air and I immediately died.

The bad thing is my roommates had just started watching and I'd told them about how awesome the game looks. They had no idea what had happened and I didn't have an explanation either. :lol


gregor7777 said:
Sorry but that's ridiculous.

An entire clip. Dead center. Right behind him.

Like I said though, I've only seen it happen a couple times.

Did you tab the fire button? Holding down at full auto will cause the weapon to be extremely inaccurate.
Norml said:
The game looks great best ever.

Story is terrible
Control is terrible

R2 is a much better game in both SP and MP,now I see why it scored higher at lots of sites.

Opinion is opinion but the bolded is complete trash. Sites are just other opinions so don't use that to justify yours. If anything KZ2 has a higher average if you really want to go down that road.

dagZ said:
what do you have to do for the badge?

how do you do it?

Just hit the flashlight when you are close to an enemy.
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