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just tray

RoboPlato said:
I like the controls a lot in Killzone. I like the fact that it's a slower paced games so it makes sense that the controls are a bit slower. Stuff like CoD and Resistance are really fast paced so it makes sense that they control faster.

slower? The sensitivity is all messed up. At what setting does everyone have their sensitivity?
just tray said:
Great game yet it can't touch Halo,Resistance, or COD in teh control department

Jury is still out I think.

For two of those three games we're talking about Bungie and Infinity Ward. Some of the absolute best in the business. That Killzone can at least share a conversation with them, with GG's first real attempt at a big time MP experience is fairly impressive in itself.

Give it time, I say.


Norml said:

R2 has a far better story and those cases you find in KZ2 don't even give intel or anything.
It has more weapons with alt features and better kills imo from the body parts sliding down walls.







just tray said:
its a glitch checkpoint loads I die
Ohhh. Gotcha. ALL IS WELL.

DeadFalling said:
Wow, just unlocked Assault and it is BY FAR my favorite class. It's a relief too since Tactician was a definite dud. I mean come on, spawn points? You don't get any points as a Tactician.

belvedere said:
Tactician, ended up really digging this class. Thought I was going to hate it at first but the joy of owning in search and destroy is priceless.

Can't tell you how many rounds you can win by throwing a spawn grenade right in the target area.


Norml said:
Story is terrible
Control is terrible

R2 is a much better game in both SP and MP,now I see why it scored higher at lots of sites.
bigswords said:
Did you tab the fire button? Holding down at full auto will cause the weapon to be extremely inaccurate.

Nah, like I said I wish I had the capability to record. I mean I was right behind him, and as far as what I was seeing on the screen, every bullet hit.

Not a huge deal though, it was more of a side comment. Happened a few times. Probably a net issue, like I said.

just tray

gregor7777 said:
Jury is still out I think.

For two of those three games we're talking about Bungie and Infinity Ward. Some of the absolute best in the business. That Killzone can at least share a conversation with them, with GG's first real attempt at a big time MP experience is fairly impressive in itself.

Give it time, I say.

maybe a patch can sure up the conrols
gregor7777 said:
I don't frequent Sony exclusive threads too often, is this kind of attitude common?

well it depends when there is entire world of online players making perfectly due with whats given to them. Yes we can have an opinion, does it make it fact, no.

Its a different type of set up that the majority of us got used to too, and are acting like second nature. Bitching about it isnt helping anyone and if something does change it not going to guarantee the people who bitched in the first place are going to like it and it will fuck with thousands of people who are already enjoying the game the way it is.

maybes i just dont understand.
just tray said:
maybe a patch can sure up the conrols

That's what I'm thinking. There's some pretty obvious stuff that can be fixed there, but it isn't too far off.

Player movement is something I'll have to spend more time with the game (MP) to have an opinion on.

Shinz Kicker said:
well it depends when there is entire world of online players making perfectly due with whats given to them. Yes we can have an opinion, does it make it fact, no.

Its a different type of set up that the majority of us got used to too, and are acting like second nature. Bitching about it isnt helping anyone and if something does change it not going to guarantee the people who bitched in the first place are going to like it and it will fuck with thousands of people who are already enjoying the game the way it is.

maybes i just dont understand.

Why not just accept that a lot of people have an issue with the controls?

Look, it's all people who paid $60 for the game and probably want to spend a shitload of time with it. KZ2 has a lot going for it.

It would be a shame if the player base dwindled unnecessarily because of a few simple fixes that never get implemented. Nothing gamebreaking...


Yay people are starting to catch on that the controls are awful under the water nauseating stuff. 4 days ago I was looked at like some psycho who "just didnt get it".


shadowsdarknes said:
Man I'm really digging the E3 2007 style of this game.. I'm watching some of the old gameplay demos and I think they looked so much better. The demo level where you meet up with Narville was so much darker and oozed way more atmosphere compared to the current build IMO.

The game had incredible contrast between the dark and drab world of Helghan and the lightning bolts lighting up the sky. I feel that everyone didn't like that style and they purposely added unneeded color in the game.

I mean.. I recognize the much improved textures, character models, etc.. But overall I felt that the game lost a little atmosphere..


Anyone agree?

Absolutely. The current look for the game is a half way compromise that, at a guess, was done to appease the 'there's no color!' trolls who wouldn't know a nice art style if had sex with their mother 9 months before they were born. The game still looks nice, but it looked much better in 2007, worse textures and all.


gregor7777 said:
Nah, like I said I wish I had the capability to record. I mean I was right behind him, and as far as what I was seeing on the screen, every bullet hit.

Not a huge deal though, it was more of a side comment. Happened a few times. Probably a net issue, like I said.

Hmmm could be, if you hit the target it only usually takes less then 10-15 bullets to down a guy if you do body shots. Try it on the skirmish mode with recruit bots, it really trains your aiming, and if you start owning trooper and veteran bots you are pretty much quite good.


belvedere said:
Tactician, ended up really digging this class. Thought I was going to hate it at first but the joy of owning in search and destroy is priceless.

Can't tell you how many rounds you can win by throwing a spawn grenade right in the target area.

Same here,the flow of the battle depends on how well the position of the spawn grenades. Very useful in all modes except for bodycount. Of course,the flow of the battle can still be fucked up by idiotic teammates.
It took me a solid 2 hours to really get a hold of the controls. Most FPS types it takes me about 10 minutes to get rocking and rolling. If you make the effort, the controls become 2nd nature.


gregor7777 said:
Why not just accept that a lot of people have an issue with the controls?

Look, it's all people who paid $60 for the game and probably want to spend a shitload of time with it. KZ2 has a lot going for it.

It would be a shame if the player base dwindled unnecessarily because of a few simple fixes that never get implemented. Nothing gamebreaking...

No I agree with you just tested my friend DS3 and he's sticks are unresponsive (new sliver DS3 controller) mine didn't have problems. I was wondering why he was complaining so much.

I agree there's a learning curve and it's not easy. But there are PS3 players with real controller issues, wished the fanboys can just hold back abit.

The only recommendation I can give you is if you have another friend with a PS3 borrow his controller and see how it goes.
eastside49er said:
It took me a solid 2 hours to really get a hold of the controls. Most FPS types it takes me about 10 minutes to get rocking and rolling. If you make the effort, the controls become 2nd nature.

Not zoom. I'll never be able to play another FPS on a console that has stick clicking for zoom. And shoulder buttons just don't feel right either.

I just want my CoD4 button maps. Then I'll be perfect.

bigswords said:
No I agree with you just tested my friend DS3 and he's sticks are unresponsive (new sliver DS3 controller) mine didn't have problems. I was wondering why he was complaining so much.

I agree there's a learning curve and it's not easy. But there are PS3 players with real controller issues, wished the fanboys can just hold back abit.

The only recommendation I can give you is if you have another friend with a PS3 borrow his controller and see how it goes.

Really? Mine are both brand new. Got a buddy with an old one...that would be funny if they were more responsive. But like I said, I don't really have too much of an issue with the movement yet. Just the button maps. :)
Spruchy said:
Yay people are starting to catch on that the controls are awful under the water nauseating stuff. 4 days ago I was looked at like some psycho who "just didnt get it".

Wat? the game controls like its underwater?

the way a game controls is directly related to what kind of a game it is comparing it halo and cod is fruitless, when you have games on the pc that use a keyboard and mouse since they could all be considered lesser games for not having that support.

it all comes down to what you like and if you dont like it, I dont know what to tell you if you dont im not going to say your opinion is invalid, but i dont know why one cant adept themselves.

Edit: legitimate controller problems are one thing but i dont think a lot of that is it, and why it didnt ship with mappable buttons is beyond me. If they add those ill be fine but changing sensitivity and "lag input" could put people who are fine now in the place those are complaining


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
gregor7777 said:
Not zoom. I'll never be able to play another FPS on a console that has stick clicking for zoom. And shoulder buttons just don't feel right either.

I just want my CoD4 button maps. Then I'll be perfect.
Alternate 2 control scheme with non-toggle zoom is very similar. And very awesome.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
I hereby declare Killzone 2 the best online game ever. Its official.

I finally got to Lieutenant today, which means I can place turrets (yay). My kill/death ratio has skyrocketed since unlocking the ability. It was around 3 kills for every 5 deaths...which is terrible but since unlocking the turrets I've gotten it to around 4.5 kills for every 5 deaths. Still not great but a huge improvement. The special abilities make such a huge difference in this game. I can't wait until I unlock scout.

Also, I played 5 vs 5 games all night tonight and they were great. I noticed a couple of guys from the 1up clan there. I don't know if it is the official clan or what but it was good games none the less. I really like the smaller groups a hell of a lot better. I was able to get a lot more kills this way. Normally if its 32 players you are getting snipped by invisible people everywhere. With a small group it was much easier to play. I didn't get killed once by any scouts, rather, I got the drop on them quite a few times.

Before I knew it 6 hours had passed. This game is like crack.


beast786 said:



I agree they look great but blowing up chimera and having them slowly slide down the wall is much better.

IMO the burning looks better then both with the sound from the higs but you only get the weapon so many times.

just tray

I still refuse to declare this the next great FPS until I have played more. So far other than the controls and bland looking enemies, I think this is a great game.

I really can't compare this to any other FPS as all the big dawgs(Halo,Gears,Resistance,COD) each have something that keeps me coming back.Maybe after I play more.

I sure as hell know that this isn't another Doom 3 (all graphics no replay value)


Shinz Kicker said:
Wat? the game controls like its underwater?

the way a game controls is directly related to what kind of a game it is comparing it halo and cod is fruitless, when you have games on the pc that use a keyboard and mouse since they could all be considered lesser games for not having that support.

it all comes down to what you like and if you dont like it, I dont know what to tell you if you dont im not going to say your opinion is invalid, but i dont know why one cant adept themselves.

The game controls like it is underwater. There is no deadzone accounted for which inevitably ends up in the swerving of the crosshair past the intended target. People have acknowledged this and tried to self fix it by making the X axis 30% higher then whatever your Y axis is set to. And don't tell me to adapt in games where im playing against equally ranked opponents (because let's face it this game has the worst case of lowbies getting destroyed in any shooter) I usually place fairly high.


gregor7777 said:
Not zoom. I'll never be able to play another FPS on a console that has stick clicking for zoom. And shoulder buttons just don't feel right either.

I just want my CoD4 button maps. Then I'll be perfect.

Really? Mine are both brand new. Got a buddy with an old one...that would be funny if they were more responsive. But like I said, I don't really have too much of an issue with the movement yet. Just the button maps. :)

Oh you want the triggers to do the zooming and shooting? Yeah I know some people who liked that but GG didn't have that control layout....it's a shame really. Hopefully they can patch it to configure the controls.

But the shoulder buttons are ok for the DS3, the sixaxis controller well..has weak triggers in my opinion.


gregor7777 said:
Why not just accept that a lot of people have an issue with the controls?

Look, it's all people who paid $60 for the game and probably want to spend a shitload of time with it. KZ2 has a lot going for it.

It would be a shame if the player base dwindled unnecessarily because of a few simple fixes that never get implemented. Nothing gamebreaking...
That's no excuse, reviews and random sites all stated that the controls were different than your typical shooter. Some even stated how they disliked the controls. The people I see complaining about the controls are people all on the internet. Chances are they were able to pick up on the controller issues(if thats what you wanna call them).


gregor7777 said:
Not zoom. I'll never be able to play another FPS on a console that has stick clicking for zoom. And shoulder buttons just don't feel right either.

I just want my CoD4 button maps. Then I'll be perfect.
Having played more Halo than anything the click to zoom is second nature. That said, I can pop in CoD4 and get used to the controls almost immediately.

The only thing that ever confuses me is the melee and grenade toss. For some reason, in the heat of battle, I always second-guess which is which. Shouldn't be an issue with a little more time though. Playing standard 2 with a 360 pad.
Spruchy said:
The game controls like it is underwater. There is no deadzone accounted for which inevitably ends up in the swerving of the crosshair past the intended target. People have acknowledged this and tried to self fix it by making the X axis 30% higher then whatever your Y axis is set to. And don't tell me to adapt in games where im playing against equally ranked opponents (because let's face it this game has the worst case of lowbies getting destroyed in any shooter) I usually place fairly high.

a game your doing fairly well in... and you want the controls to change so you can do better?

shit give me a keyboard and mouse i have preferred since cs1.5 and ill play better too.
oneHeero said:
That's no excuse, reviews and random sites all stated that the controls were different than your typical shooter. Some even stated how they disliked the controls. The people I see complaining about the controls are people all on the internet. Chances are they were able to pick up on the controller issues(if thats what you wanna call them).

Huh? I'm not getting what you're trying to say here.

People are saying that the controls are not what they expected. That's enough for them. Everyone doesn't need to agree, my point is that there is a fair amount of people here saying they really dislike the controls.

That's no reason to go all into defense mode about it. Which was the gist of my comment.

NameGenerated said:
Well where do you want zoom? Circle?

Left trigger.

EDIT: I could deal with a shoulder zoom, as long as fire was still on the right trigger.


Shinz Kicker said:
a game your doing fairly well in... and you want the controls to change so you can do better?

shit give me a keyboard and mouse i have preferred since cs1.5 and ill play better too.

I want the controls to change so it doesnt feel like im fighting them the whole time. Situations that would feasible in any other shooter become a clusterfuck in which I either try to get a kill or run for my life. Oh and how about that melee, fun stuff.

Iain Howe

don't ask me for codes
Clinton514 said:
It would be cool to have you back on it.

Did you have any say in
return to KZ2? :lol

That would likely be
Stuart Billinghurst
one of the Designers on the project. :)


gregor7777 said:
Huh? I'm not getting what you're trying to say here.

People are saying that the controls are not what they expected. That's enough for them. Everyone doesn't need to agree, my point is that there is a fair amount of people here saying they really dislike the controls.

That's no reason to go all into defense mode about it. Which was the gist of my comment.

Left trigger.

Changing control because they are broken or different.
If you are used to driving in the States on the right side of the road and then all of a sudden you have to switch when you go over the ocean. Doesnt mean the driving rules in europe are messed up. Its just takes time.
If you have played COD/Halo type twitch shooters for years you will have problem adjusting.

FIrst people complain about there is nothing New. BUt when they do try to implement weight/momentum and bring something new .. people complain about not liking because its different and want the old Twitch shooter back.

Fact= This is NOT COD/Resistance/Halo/BF:BB

This is Killzone 2.
beast786 said:
Changing control because they are broken or different.
If you are used to driving in the States on the right side of the road and then all of a sudden you have to switch when you go over the ocean. Doesnt mean the driving rules in europe are messed up. Its just takes time.
If you have played COD/Halo type twitch shooters for years you will have problem adjusting.

FIrst people complain about there is nothing New. BUt when they do try to implement weight/momentum and bring something new .. people complain about not liking because its different and want the old Twitch shooter back.

Fact= This is NOT COD/Resistance/Halo/BF:BB

This is Killzone 2.

Basically this.

The controls are not broken, in fact they are perfect. For Killzone 2.

Resistance has perfect controls for Resistance.
COD has perfect controls for COD.
Halo has perfect controls for Halo.

This game does change more than most shooters do but calling them bad or broken flat out wrong. Unless the game goes left when you hit right randomly the controls are not broken.
Spruchy said:
I want the controls to change so it doesnt feel like im fighting them the whole time. Situations that would feasible in any other shooter become a clusterfuck in which I either try to get a kill or run for my life. Oh and how about that melee, fun stuff.

i can see where your coming from, but some shooters (like tf2) it was made to be not feasible to kill an entire team. I think its still out to jury if a single person should be able to or can be an unstoppable force while still doing other tasks. I think at the least this is a death match game but it the most is a tactile team objective based shooter.

i dont know how i feel about melee, i think its overpowered in cod and halo, but i dont want it to be a humiliation only thing like in CS. its hard to judge how far one should be from the target but im getting the feel for it now.


I have no complaints for this game, except, I wish the SP was longer and that I didn't have to unlock the different classes in MP. You guys are such whiny little bitches. And no, I'm not some Sony zealot. I'm a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge (others can attest to it) Gears of War fanatic and like Halo quite a bit too.

Killzone 2? It's my new shit right here. That is all.
beast786 said:
Changing control because they are broken or different.
If you are used to driving in the States on the right side of the road and then all of a sudden you have to switch when you go over the ocean. Doesnt mean the driving rules in europe are messed up. Its just takes time.
If you have played COD/Halo type twitch shooters for years you will have problem adjusting.

FIrst people complain about there is nothing New. BUt when they do try to implement weight/momentum and bring something new .. people complain about not liking because its different and want the old Twitch shooter back.

Fact= This is NOT COD/Resistance/Halo/BF:BB

This is Killzone 2.

i agree 100% the controls as i see them are great and let me do exactly what i want to do at any given moment within the abilities of my current character, which i dont know if you can ask for more.


if i get a ribbon, and then i get the same ribbon next round but the number doesn't go up (1/8..... then 1/8 again)... am i out of luck or will it catch up later?


-PXG- said:
and that I didn't have to unlock the different classes in MP. You guys are such whiny little bitches. .
It's better that you work your way up in terms of difficulty of unlockable classes. I can't imagine someone who hasn't played online before trying to play the scout and having any fun.


dfyb said:
if i get a ribbon, and then i get the same ribbon next round but the number doesn't go up (1/8..... then 1/8 again)... am i out of luck or will it catch up later?

i had the same thing happened. It will update. so when you get the next one it will read 3/8

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
dfyb said:
if i get a ribbon, and then i get the same ribbon next round but the number doesn't go up (1/8..... then 1/8 again)... am i out of luck or will it catch up later?

I think you are out of luck unfortunately. I missed out on like 80 points yesterday because it recorded 0 when the match was over and I still haven't gotten those back.
beast786 said:
Changing control because they are broken or different.
If you are used to driving in the States on the right side of the road and then all of a sudden you have to switch when you go over the ocean. Doesnt mean the driving rules in europe are messed up. Its just takes time.
If you have played COD/Halo type twitch shooters for years you will have problem adjusting.

FIrst people complain about there is nothing New. BUt when they do try to implement weight/momentum and bring something new .. people complain about not liking because its different and want the old Twitch shooter back.

Fact= This is NOT COD/Resistance/Halo/BF:BB

This is Killzone 2.

That's fine, I'm not complaining about the feel of the game. I just want the buttons mapped in a different way. :)

But I do understand that people don't like the controls. I just don't understand the need to be so condescending to them.

And trust me, I don't want a twitch shooter. I like a game that feels like the player has some weight. So far, I'd say they certainly feel...odd. Not heavy so much, just that you don't fully have control of the charter in a natural way. Hard to describe.

MvmntInGrn said:
Unless the game goes left when you hit right randomly the controls are not broken.

Certainly you're not serious. Think about what you just wrote.
Well in the last few hours since my last post I went from nearly going to trade the game in to sticking with multi for a while and came to terms with the controls (for the most part). While I do feel they're not optimal, and certainly not the dead-on precision I get with my favorite 360 shooters I've gone from being a scrub to being in the top 3 of my team for the majority of the day. Multiplayer in this game is great!


gregor7777 said:
Why not just accept that a lot of people have an issue with the controls?
It's pretty obvious that a lot of people dislike the 'weight' effect (or whatever it's suppose to be called). I mean just take a visit to the official KZ2 forums if you need proof that it is indeed an issue for a lot of people.

I, personally, am not a fan of it. I find that I over shoot my target. For example, when an enemy comes to my right and I move to shoot him, it's like I go right past him or come up too short at times. Because of the 'weight'. I also find that when I'm trying to be precise, that I'm 'tapping' the analog in little bursts trying to inch my way to the enemies face. It's kind of silly.

Meh, whatever though. I'm the kind of guy that won't complain about it, I'll just stop playing it if I can't get used to it.

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