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Console Market Analyst
CrushDance said:
I've put in 3 days of multiplayer and I just reached Lieutenant today. The ribbons I can understand and appreciate as they keep people coming back. But the requirements for some of them(I.E. sentry kills) are stupidly difficult and just frustrating.

Agreed completely. GG makes progression a chore. I think if Engineer wasn't my favorite class in previous shooters, KZ2 might not frustrate me as much. These fucking weak-ass bots...


Taking forever for my copy to reach me. I preordered it from amazon a month in advance. The tracker says it will be here on the 9th. I used Super Saver Shipping maybe thats why =[.


Haven't had a single problem with getting the sentry kill badges.. maybe try placing them better?

I was looking at everything today and was thinking they should have added more ribbons or something. It's not going to take that long.


Im' having a bitch of a time actually using my medic abilities. Its usually too much of a clusterf*** for me to get in there and heal someone before I get killed. :lol


Console Market Analyst
G-Bus said:
Haven't had a single problem with getting the sentry kill badges.. maybe try placing them better?

When you walk down the street, do you strut?

lawblob said:
Im' having a bitch of a time actually using my medic abilities. Its usually too much of a clusterf*** for me to get in there and heal someone before I get killed. :lol

When there's a lot of bodies clumped together, yeah, the revive gun can be wonky. Thankfully it works from a pretty good distance, so you can "snipe" someone back to life from cover.
I am loving this game so much. I beat it twice and I am on my third playthrough. Even the online is alot of fun and I can even hold my own sometimes. :lol


Will drop pants for Sony.
I'm starting to hate search and destroy because whenever the computer creates a target, I'm usually it. ugh...

Stillmatic said:
I'm loving C4. So satisfying. :p

Cannot wait to get to that level. I hate the standard gun, both of them.

Love the avatar.
God it's like pulling teeth to get to Sergeant Major here in Japan. Lag is SO bad to Asia and US, I just get killed unless my opponent is pretty distracted.

Japan-side matches only rarely pop up and some are rank-restricted. Whack.


Will Eat Your Children
adversesolutions said:
God it's like pulling teeth to get to Sergeant Major here in Japan. Lag is SO bad to Asia and US, I just get killed unless my opponent is pretty distracted.

Japan-side matches only rarely pop up and some are rank-restricted. Whack.
Host your own matches! :D
As weird as this sounds, 2 of my friends just tried the hotfix by messing with the color reduction and resolution settings and IT WORKED FOR THEM.

I had never seen the "delay" until earlier today when I brought the game over to my friend's studio. He is an animator and, like me, definitely has the right kind of eye to notice differences in timing / response.

My guess is there is some sort of retarded firmware bug that is causing some users to see up to a full-second of delay when the game is running. Perhaps it is related to the way the engine uses the SPUs or the way they used color. Who knows, until Guerrilla makes a comment about it.
I just want to say it is so frustrating with a team of noob tacticians. I'm trying to put out spawns to get the team where they need to be, but noooooo. The drop spawns out in the open making us loose ground and the SnD objective.


xenorevlis said:
As weird as this sounds, 2 of my friends just tried the hotfix by messing with the color reduction and resolution settings and IT WORKED FOR THEM.

I had never seen the "delay" until earlier today when I brought the game over to my friend's studio. He is an animator and, like me, definitely has the right kind of eye to notice differences in timing / response.

My guess is there is some sort of retarded firmware bug that is causing some users to see up to a full-second of delay when the game is running. Perhaps it is related to the way the engine uses the SPUs or the way they used color. Who knows, until Guerrilla makes a comment about it.

I guess resolution makes sense in a way, but cross color doesn't. It doesn't apply on PS3 games. There is absoultely no relation.


lawblob said:
Im' having a bitch of a time actually using my medic abilities. Its usually too much of a clusterf*** for me to get in there and heal someone before I get killed. :lol


I play as Medic most of the time...I do suicide runs pretty much all the time. Just in and out reviving and dropping health packs. You can see people health so instead of waiting for them to move to a pack just throw it at them.:D

The Hug Dog said:
Quick question, when your sentry bots get a kill does it count as your own?


G-Bus said:
Haven't had a single problem with getting the sentry kill badges.. maybe try placing them better?

I had no problem getting the Sentry kill badges earlier during release day etc...but now people are alot more wiser and they go down as quick as they go up.


yea its annoying that they make you get 5 or 10 kills in a single match to earn those ribbons, why can't they make it so that people can accumulate the kills? stuff like get 10 kills with the handgun is like impossible for people that are lagging, really makes it a chore, GG if you are reading, please make progression fun and award players for their time.
Wow, the difference in difficulty from going from Sergeant Major to Lieutenant is mad. I was just starting to get into the game before that point and then the difficulty just shifts up massively. Too much, too soon I thought. You're joined by Rocket launchers, snipers, more turrets and those ATAC things. I'm getting shot to shit out there.

Game is fantastic though. Single player I'm doing a level a day and have so far collected all the intel but I'm having a hard job finding those emblem things. Haven't got many of those at all. Graphically, as we all know, it's league above anything else out there. All the details and effects. To me it fells like MGS4 felt when I first played that; a next gen game. The bar has been sizably raised again.
Thrakier said:
I guess resolution makes sense in a way, but cross color doesn't. It doesn't apply on PS3 games. There is absoultely no relation.
You think I don't realize that? I worked for Sony testing first party hardware and games and I still don't understand all the weird issues we ran into. Something like this is very bizarre, but if their is a bug in the firmware that indirectly causes a delay to the image output this is probably it.


Raist said:
No they don't, I've seen sabs disguised as any other class.

When they run they don't flicker at all, that's the scouts. And the crosshair will turn red if you're really close to them.
Stop discussing ways to kick my ass :D


I really have no issues with the controls. IT is true that the gun doesn shoot right as I click the button but it never really bothered me. If it becomes more responsive then that is fine. But the controls (aiming) is just fine, I really hope they will not patch it to become a la HALO controls.
Man ..even my son is whining about the controls (especially when he kept missing with the damn smg :lol ) I take the controller from him and have no issue. So I disowned him.. .little bastard :lol ( NAh not really.. just told him to stick with it .. then again I am always playing so he doesn't have a chance)

Edit: played an awesome game lasty night , (someone from gaf3 was there) I forgot th emap but we were all in this little room for a C4 mission and it was a big mess of granades and rocket launchers :lol ...absolutely fantastic.
rSpooky said:
I really have no issues with the controls. IT is true that the gun doesn shoot right as I click the button but it never really bothered me. If it becomes more responsive then that is fine. But the controls (aiming) is just fine, I really hope they will not patch it to become a la HALO controls.
I don't believe this is at all an issue. If you press down fire and the gun fires within a frame or two, you're alright. However, I witnessed a NEAR SECOND delay in both the menus and gameplay earlier today. Almost couldn't believe my eyes, but still, we played through what we could.

Thanks to GAF for leading me to PS Boards topic, which led to the original thread on Killzone, which led to that same friend now being able to enjoy his new copy of the game the same way I do :D

Doc Evils

rSpooky said:
I really have no issues with the controls. IT is true that the gun doesn shoot right as I click the button but it never really bothered me. If it becomes more responsive then that is fine. But the controls (aiming) is just fine, I really hope they will not patch it to become a la HALO controls.
Man ..even my son is whining about the controls (especially when he kept missing with the damn smg :lol ) I take the controller from him and have no issue. So I disowned him.. .little bastard :lol ( NAh not really.. just told him to stick with it .. then again I am always playing so he doesn't have a chance)

Edit: played an awesome game lasty night , (someone from gaf3 was there) I forgot th emap but we were all in this little room for a C4 mission and it was a big mess of granades and rocket launchers :lol ...absolutely fantastic.


Safe Bet

I understand GG didn't want to make a CoD4 clone but 10 hours into MP and I still cuss the aiming/turn speed constantly.



Is it possible to get a clan invite before I catch a perma-ban?

PSNid: Safe_Bet


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
From the Killzone forum...

Hi folks,

we’ve identified and fixed the bug to do with the boost medal not being awarded. It will go into a patch we are working on at present, but there is a workaround in the mean time to get it. Simply ensure that you are the Game Creator rather than client and you’ll be awarded it.

Network Errors/Honor Ranks
We are also looking at fixing a good bunch of the network errors and are looking into the complaints about the Honor Ranks as well as a couple of other bits and pieces. We’ll provide a list of fixes when we are close to releasing the patch.

We’re working on a permanent solution for the bots stat padding and have some internal solutions that we’re going to work on implementing. We’ll let you know what those are when we’ve got the patch together and the solution implemented.

We will NOT be wiping ALL stats and padders will be looked at individually by the moderators.

www.killzone.com is being sorted out today to deal with the massive traffic its been facing and hope to have some long-term solutions in place shortly.
The stats are currently empty on the site and will be repopulated soon.
The site may not contain all the game functionality at first and we’re working on bringing it back as soon as possible.

Controller Issues
We have not stopped looking into the complaints and will see what we can do about it. Any possible changes will have to be carefully implemented and tested before being deployed though. Any potential changes would not be sweeping and we’d do our best to ensure they do not negatively affect anyone not having problems.

Charge disarming
We have identified the issue where sometimes the C4 charge in Search and Destroy will not disarm. Will be fixed with the next update.

Shotgun Aim Assist
Investigating the problem and will patch it up.

Clan Games
Sometimes the clan that does not turn up for a match is awarded the win under specific circumstances. Will be patched ASAP.

Battle Replay for Map 8 - Corinth Crossing
The BR on www.killzone.com is not quite right and will be fixed soon.

Ignore list
Was found not to be functioning correctly. Will be fixed in the next patch.

Crash when using Saboteur disguise in certain situations. Will be fixed in the next patch.
Infrequent crash when trying to start a game with an empty game name. Will be fixed soon.

There is an issue with the Assassination target HUD icon displaying when playing as a Medic. Investigating and will be fixed.

Thanks and apologies if I am not responding to all questions, PMs and threads. There are simply not enough hours in the day to help all of you out and I have to work on the issues themselves. So please stay calm and sensible and everything will get fixed up soon. As you can see we’ve fixed up a bunch of the problems you have encountered as well as a couple more you might not be aware of. The important thing is to be patient. Any patches have to be carefully implement to ensure that no additional issues are introduced.

Seb Downie - Producer - Guerrilla Games


How is the matchmaking in this game? I'm getting killed with work so have had almost no time to play. I have issues doing MP before I finish the SP part of games as I don't like level spoilers.

Am I gonna get hosed the longer it takes me to start MP?


y'all should be ashamed
Dunlop said:
How is the matchmaking in this game? I'm getting killed with work so have had almost no time to play. I have issues doing MP before I finish the SP part of games as I don't like level spoilers.

Am I gonna get hosed the longer it takes me to start MP?
Nah. You're pitted with the people of the same rank so you'll have a fresh start whether its today or months from now.


wow @ Full-Recovery's rank, you play a lot!! :p That and you score a lot hehe.

You know guys, the honor badges aren't that hard for those of you who are trying to hit that 1%. Chances are you're in the running already, there's between 300,000-400,000 players ranked online this week, and its increasing as more players start moving to multiplayer. By next week or so, top 1% will be the top 8000-10,000 players I bet.


An blind dancing ho

finally got the game ...shit is awesome , I don't remember game with this ..what I can say...majesty.. on consoles before

Holy Tempy


Stillmatic said:
I'm loving C4. So satisfying. :p

So am I, it's awesomesauce. I just got the medal for it, but I probably won't combine that, it's so awesome sneaking into an enemy base, and just chucking it down killing 1-2 ppl.
To anyone who beat the game: I reached the
train level, the chick got captured. How much longer is there? It feels like I'm still at the beginning of the game but I just looked at a walkthrough and it';s the 7th level out of 10 :\
Are the remaining parts lengthy?


So is there really no equivalent match type to Search and Destroy in the original Killzone? You know, the matches where you go after stationary targets on the other side of the map?

I used to LOVE those games in KZ. Especially on Beach Head. Pure gaming bliss.

Is there truth to what I heard about GG bringing us those classic maps at some point? I've played three solid nights of MP now and I think it's just not going to grip me like the old KZ. The games are all far too chaotic, with shit happening everywhere and deaths that, more often than not, you never see coming.

It's hard to get on a roll, it's hard sometimes to tell friends from enemies, and all in all, it's just not as compelling an experience as I'd hoped.

One other question. The MP stats are all stored online, right? So I can play on a different PS3 and still have my rank?

Thanks in advance for answers to my questions.


Neo Member
fistfulofmetal said:
To anyone who beat the game: I reached the
train level, the chick got captured. How much longer is there? It feels like I'm still at the beginning of the game but I just looked at a walkthrough and it';s the 7th level out of 10 :\
Are the remaining parts lengthy?

The last one adds some length, at least for me it did. Which difficulty are you playing on?
Kolgar said:
So is there really no equivalent match type to Search and Destroy in the original Killzone? You know, the matches where you go after stationary targets on the other side of the map?

Theres a gameplay type called search and destroy where you plant explosives on an enemies structure on the other side of the map.


Man I was on fire this morning. I was either 1st or 2nd ranked player on my team 5 games in a row. I can't believe how bad a lot of the random players are at this game. I can't remember the last time I saw so much idiotic behavior in an FPS. Planting spawn points in the absolute worst location, running directly into cross-fire, blatantly running past enemies who shoot you in the back, using grenades incorrectly, walking directly in front of you while you have a solid line of fire, etc. :lol

Oh well, at least I am ranking up pretty fast.
Crackers said:
The last one adds some length, at least for me it did. Which difficulty are you playing on?

the middle difficulty.
i'm pretty shocked i'm already this far. it really does feel like i'm at the first section of the game but I'm not


Cat in the Hat said:
including yourself

nom nom nom

But I only went in to see who was there, didn't stay, I saw Nibs playing in one once!

Tho I only left because there were no noobs to be found :lol
Hellsing321 said:
I hope you have the Giotek real triggers because I would never want to have important functions like aiming and firing mapped to the naked DS triggers.

Not yet...just got my PS3 so I haven't ordered many accessories yet. I don't think the triggers are that bad. Certainly not ideal, but I don't hate them. Yet.
Dementia said:
Fuck you comcast!

I swear that's got to be the 15th time a game has quit on me because of a failed connection. Damn them, this shit is serious business!

Do you have a Linksys router by any chance?

When I set up my PS3, I was constantly being kicked off PSN. I was about to blame Comcast/PSN, because Live works wonderfully, and I have three other clients on my network that work fine.

I found a post somewhere that mentioned that certain Linksys routers have an issue with PSN causing drops. Something with the Linksys standard firmware.

I flashed my router with a custom firmware (which I should have done anyways, it's MUCH better) and in about 5 minutes I haven't had a single drop in two weeks.

I can hunt down the links if you want to try it.

Edit: darn, dp


-viper- said:

That is all.
Wasn't it you who I blew up with a rocket when we were playing 2 vs 2 the other day? I was like "Ooooh, so this is what happens when friendly fire is on", so much fun :lol
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