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raYne said:
Time? It's less than a half second glance. And as I said, you have a lot of room to work with considering how far the radar range is.

By your reasoning, you have Sabs running only towards you and for some reason they're always right up in your face...

Well, of course I'm not speaking about seeing a (supposed) sab coming at me from 50 meters away...


j-wood said:
No one answers any of my questions. All you guys want to talk about is the sabetuors. :\

Honestly, I read your question but I couldn't comprehend the problem you were trying to describe. Sorry.


Crisco said:
I don't get the hate for 32 player matches. They've been great for racking up points and you are always going to be in the action, especially on the smaller maps. I hate running around for minutes looking for someone to kill. You get a squad together in a 32 player game focused on completing the objectives and you can absolutely dominate.

Yeah 32 player matches can either be really great or just really stupid.


Crisco said:
I don't get the hate for 32 player matches. They've been great for racking up points and you are always going to be in the action, especially on the smaller maps. I hate running around for minutes looking for someone to kill. You get a squad together in a 32 player game focused on completing the objectives and you can absolutely dominate.

32 player matches can definitely be fun on some maps. The problem is that it simply kills the framerate.


Junior Butler
Is there any LAN play options? I always mean to look for it but by the time I get home I'm too excited and always hop into a game crazy fast.


methane47 said:
This is complete bullshit... I have MANY TIMES gotten killed by a disguised Sab.. and while I lay on the ground I see them turn RIGHT back into the disguise. And i KNOW it was that person since the camera follows the person who killed you.
I put my gun sights on everyone even my team and if my c.h. turns red 'ol painless' and you will become good friends.


RavenFox said:
The Bot stuff doesnt work. Wasnt that fixed in the first patch?
Not every region got the patch. As late as last night it was still useable for a bunch of people.

Not sure what the current status is, however.


templeusox said:
Tharsis Depot is a real clusterfuck.

This is my least fav map, as everyone seems to just hang around the choke points and turn Warzone into a deathmatch game. Ironically I actually don't mind Visari Hammer which most people here seem to dislike.
Blablurn said:
fuck, just bough a new hdd for my ps3. unfortunately you can't copy the killzone 2 save data. noooooo

You need to be doing a complete HDD backup anyways. That will backup everything on the HDD and copy it over.


So, I finally took some time off from multiplayer to finish up the final level. That last battle was chaotic as hell, and hard, but really fun.:D

Rico really pissed me off at the end, though. Not only was he useless as shit, but he's a fucking idiot. Never again will I revive that bastard on any future playthroughs.


Blablurn said:
fuck, just bough a new hdd for my ps3. unfortunately you can't copy the killzone 2 save data. noooooo

If you use the backup utility to transfer your entire ps3 hdd over, it should transfer all your saves as well.


Putting a lower player limit on those small maps and having FF always ON will make the MP a better game. I miss the beta days when there were much less nade and rocket spams...


Dementia said:
Rico really pissed me off at the end, though. Not only was he useless as shit, but he's a fucking idiot. Never again will I revive that bastard on any future playthroughs.

Rico is a hot-headed dumbass, but that's his character. Sev seemed like he wanted to smack him a couple times. He is helpful during
the fight with Radec


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Man I dunno whether it's latency, or just coincidence, or what, but I'm SO hot or cold in this game that it's maddening, sometimes.

Sometimes I'll DOMINATE bodycount games - I'll have 17 kills, where the next closest player has half that many.

Other times, I'll literally be unable to do anything. I scored FOUR points one round. FOUR.

One round I'll take out three enemies with one clip, lob a grenade and nab a fourth. Other rounds I'll get the jump on someone, and shoot them in the back, but then they'll turn around and waste me, leaving me feeling impotent.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
In 10 minutes im going to the importer, wish me luck guys.:D
Tough im gonna play SP and bots then i will enter the online MP battlefield.


j-wood said:
Could someone answer a few quick questions I have about multi-player?

1. On the hud, in the upper right corner (where the score and stuff is) What is the block in the middle? It looks like "#6 2" and then has my rank symbol
I think the "#6" number is which place you are in the score board for that round. Like if you are playing for example 20 players in one round, and that block says "#6", that means that your in the 6th place when it comes to how many match points you currently have :) If that is the block you mean?

j-wood said:
2. When you press select to bring up the scoreboard, what do the symbols mean? I can gather that the red are suicides and deaths, and that the green number with the crosshairs is kills, but what is the other green number?
I have been wondering alittle about this myself, but i think one of the symbols means how many times you have hit the enemies with bullets, but not necessarily killed them.

j-wood said:
3. Why does it seem like ever server I get in, we play one match type, then switch servers? I thought you were supposed to be able to play multiple match types without switching maps
When you see the server list, join the servers where all the 5 symbols are showing as white (or what i shall say). Some servers only play for example Bodycount, and then the round will end after the Bodycount mode is over.

If you have joined servers where all the 5 symbols are showing white, and it still switches servers after one match type is over, then all i can think of is that you have joined the game when the last match type is being played. If this isnt the case, then i have no idea why it happends, i am sorry :\


Sweet man, thanks for clearing that up. I really have no idea what that other green number is though.

Also, I was just in a server, and they had all match types, at 5 minutes each. I played three, and was doing amazing, like 30 and 15, and even stopped a bomb once. But then I realized I was fixing to be late to class and I had to quit. Does that mean none of that counted towards my rank? If so :(


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Crosshair is kills (or points from kills, I forget), shield is points from objectives, the skull is deaths, and the No Smoking sign is penalty points (suicides and TKs).

I think... Memory's fuzzy.


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
Safe Bet said:
Also, how do I find out if FF is on in a game without killing one of my temates?

I'd like to be able to check all this stuff before joining a game. People keep disabling engineers due to the shotgun, but I'm still trying to get turret ribbons and it's annoying when I keep joining games with it disabled.


Jim said:
Rico is a hot-headed dumbass, but that's his character. Sev seemed like he wanted to smack him a couple times. He is helpful during
the fight with Radec

AGREED 100%. 8-16 is the sweet spot for this game.

Also, probably noone remembers, but I was really bitching about this game. Well that's all changed last night.

Yesterday I had some friends come over and we played some of the earlier levels on the medium difficulty. Wow, what a world of difference it is over hard. It actually made the game fun!

So anyone complaining about the controls, I recommend playing on an easier setting. It really lets you experiment and actually enjoy yourself. When I was playing on hard I would get so frustrated because I would die so quick and couldnt really do anything but stay in cover. Oh yea, and make sure your brightness is correct. I was playing with the brightness way too high and it made the game look like shit. It wasn't until one of my friends pointed that out that I changed it and it made the game look sooo much better.


GDJustin said:
Man I dunno whether it's latency, or just coincidence, or what, but I'm SO hot or cold in this game that it's maddening, sometimes.

I am exactly the same. Some days I'm like Arnie in Commando other days I can't hit a barn door.

Whats the shotgun issue people are talking about? Do people feel its overpowered?


Man I'm so pissed off right now. Two games in a row I get more than 10 kills with the sniper rifle but I don't get the ribbon for it 45min wasted what bullshit is this.


j-wood said:
Sweet man, thanks for clearing that up. I really have no idea what that other green number is though.
No problem! :) With the green number, do you mean the number to the right of for example "#6"? I just checked, if this is the number you mean, then this number shows you how many match points you have in that round :)

j-wood said:
Also, I was just in a server, and they had all match types, at 5 minutes each. I played three, and was doing amazing, like 30 and 15, and even stopped a bomb once. But then I realized I was fixing to be late to class and I had to quit. Does that mean none of that counted towards my rank? If so :(
When you quit the game, did that progress bar come up?


I dont really see why people are giving these "control issue" complaints a second thought. Whenever someone says the controls are "sluggish" or "imprecise" or "unresponsive" I hear but one thing:

"Theres no aim assist"

Seriously jumping in between this and left 4 dead (and halo and the like) will show anyone that controls are tailored for every game and thats up to the developer. The controls in Left 4 dead are very twitchy and are more or less 1 to 1 and every slight movement sends the reticule flying across the screen. But the only reason this doesnt bother people is because the aim assist stop the reticule from flyinf TOO far.

Killzone 2 has no aim assist so that "delay" you feel is needed. If it were 1 to 1 you would never hit a thing because there would be no aim assist stopping you from throwing you reticule all over the screen like a madman.

Thats what it means when the controls click for some people. That click is the moment where you realize you have no help and you actually have to aim and stop relying on the aim assist so much.


Those fuckers have tons of health on Elite. 4 knife slashes is bullshit. And the suicide AI of the SMG-wielding Higs is fucking annoying, too.

GDJustin said:
Man I dunno whether it's latency, or just coincidence, or what, but I'm SO hot or cold in this game that it's maddening, sometimes.

Sometimes I'll DOMINATE bodycount games - I'll have 17 kills, where the next closest player has half that many.

Other times, I'll literally be unable to do anything. I scored FOUR points one round. FOUR.

One round I'll take out three enemies with one clip, lob a grenade and nab a fourth. Other rounds I'll get the jump on someone, and shoot them in the back, but then they'll turn around and waste me, leaving me feeling impotent.
Welcome to the world of online FPS.


test_account said:
No problem! :) With the green number, do you mean the number to the right of for example "#6"? I just checked, if this is the number you mean, then this number shows you how many match points you have in that round :)

When you quit the game, did that progress bar come up?

No. I got a box that said "Retrieving Statistics from server" and then I was back at the main menu.

And by the green number, I was talking about on the score board. But I think the post or two above me had it right, It goes points/kills/points from objectives/suicides/deaths.


Fersis said:
In 10 minutes im going to the importer, wish me luck guys.:D
Tough im gonna play SP and bots then i will enter the online MP battlefield.
Are you importing Killzone 2? :)

TheFatOne said:
Man I'm so pissed off right now. Two games in a row I get more than 10 kills with the sniper rifle but I don't get the ribbon for it 45min wasted what bullshit is this.
Pity :( What happend by the way, why didnt you get the ribbon?


TheFatOne said:
Man I'm so pissed off right now. Two games in a row I get more than 10 kills with the sniper rifle but I don't get the ribbon for it 45min wasted what bullshit is this.

there's a bug where you get the medal but it doesn't tell you, have you tried pressing up on the control pad in zoom to see if you have 5x zoom yet?


.GqueB. said:
I dont really see why people are giving these "control issue" complaints a second thought. Whenever someone says the controls are "sluggish" or "imprecise" or "unresponsive" I hear but one thing:

"Theres no aim assist"

Seriously jumping in between this and left 4 dead (and halo and the like) will show anyone that controls are tailored for every game and thats up to the developer. The controls in Left 4 dead are very twitchy and are more or less 1 to 1 and every slight movement sends the reticule flying across the screen. But the only reason this doesnt bother people is because the aim assist stop the reticule from flyinf TOO far.

Killzone 2 has no aim assist so that "delay" you feel is needed. If it were 1 to 1 you would never hit a thing because there would be no aim assist stopping you from throwing you reticule all over the screen like a madman.

Thats what it means when the controls click for some people. That click is the moment where you realize you have no help and you actually have to aim and stop relying on the aim assist so much.

arghh there is aim assist, if your crosshairs are not enlarged from movement and you tap shoot near someone, it will move it slightly to the target. There is no assist where it stops you when you move the crosshairs, but there is definitely assist going on... just nothing compared to other console games.


Was able to sneak a couple matches in today. Really enjoying it.

It's great because it seems like this is a lot of people's first shooters, either that or they don't know the first thing about them or how to aim. My teammates are absolute garbage in most matches and I almost always get to the top of my team's scoreboard. Plus, I am absolutely destroying the opposition, given I am only at the 4th rank. My K/D ratio is over 2.0 and it'd be higher if I knew my way around the maps. The first time I play a map I do alright but the second time when I know the chokepoints and the spawns I can really rack up the kills.

I'll enjoy this while I can, once I rank up a bit more I'm sure the opposition will be a lot harder but it's been a blast. I love it when a group of 3 enemies comes around a corner and I have my reticule at head level and just take them all out, my clan tag is "Halo" so when they read it they get super pissy. Fun times.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Haunted said:
Welcome to the world of online FPS.

That's the thing, though. I'm very well versed in online FPS. 700 Halo 3 games played, ~30 hours of COD4 multiplayer played, etc.

And generally, I perform very very evenly. I'm almost always very slightly above average (if there's 16 people on my team, I'll generally be ranked about ~7th).

My K/D ratio reflects this as well... it's almost always JUST over 1.

But in Killzone, I'm all over the goddamn place. I haven't figured out why, yet.


j-wood said:
No. I got a box that said "Retrieving Statistics from server" and then I was back at the main menu.
Ah ok. I dont think i quit a game myself yet, so unfortunately i dont know if you get the match points added to your stats if you quit the game. I have played some games where i got disconnected from the game for some reason (then i got some disconnection message on the screen), and then i dont think i got the match points added to my stats :\ But maybe someone else can answer this better than me, i dont know the answer, sorry :\


TheFatOne said:
Man I'm so pissed off right now. Two games in a row I get more than 10 kills with the sniper rifle but I don't get the ribbon for it 45min wasted what bullshit is this.

Don't they have to be headshots?


EazyB said:
Was able to sneak a couple matches in today. Really enjoying it.

It's great because it seems like this is a lot of people's first shooters, either that or they don't know the first thing about them or how to aim. My teammates are absolute garbage in most matches and I almost always get to the top of my team's scoreboard. Plus, I am absolutely destroying the opposition, given I am only at the 4th rank. My K/D ratio is over 2.0 and it'd be higher if I knew my way around the maps. The first time I play a map I do alright but the second time when I know the chokepoints and the spawns I can really rack up the kills.

I'll enjoy this while I can, once I rank up a bit more I'm sure the opposition will be a lot harder but it's been a blast. I love it when a group of 3 enemies comes around a corner and I have my reticule at head level and just take them all out, my clan tag is "Halo" so when they read it they get super pissy. Fun times.
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