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Ribbons are whatever as hell to me. Only ribbon Im interested in is the one for spawning back at my base and running around the entire level just so I can get up behind FFObsessed and exact my vengeance on him for sniping me. I'll go for that ribbon all day.

Yea I made that ribbon up BUT ITS REAL TO ME DAMMIT.
belvedere said:
Did I quote you and not realize it?

Awfully defensive for someone labeling everyone around him the same, aren't you?

I was the last post above yours discussing the topic, which would make one naturally assume. I stand by what I said.

FabCam said:
Yeah, just set the headset to search mode. Go to accessory settings on PS3 settings menu and do a search. It'll find it then you're connected forever :)

Awesome, sounds easy enough. thanks


The Wise Old Man said:
I look at the ribbons as just something nice and extra to keep me interested in the multiplayer once I get to the highest rank. (Kinda like my middling 15K gamerscore despite having a 360 since launch). I'm not going to go rabid over getting all the ribbons... certainly not when the game has been out for a week and there are a few hit detection issues that GG needs to iron out. So you shot a dude in the head 10 times online. Mazel tov. What, you want a line of Hellghast chorus girls to come out and dance for you?
What? It's not just some ribbon- 8 ribbons unlocks a new ability. He probably wants that, not the dick measuring.
raYne said:
Finally bothered to finish off the SP on Veteran and I have no clue what people were complaining about re: the last fight and the one leading up to it.

Even got a trophy for
finishing Radec in less than 20 mins.
What's supposedly the trouble again?
yeah, but you're incredible.. that's not fair.


Always-honest said:
yeah, but you're incredible.. that's not fair.
No seriously, I want to know if it's based on trying to hold out where they want you to or what? 'Cause from my chosen vantage point, it was cake.


The Wise Old Man said:
I look at the ribbons as just something nice and extra to keep me interested in the multiplayer once I get to the highest rank. (Kinda like my middling 15K gamerscore despite having a 360 since launch). I'm not going to go rabid over getting all the ribbons... certainly not when the game has been out for a week and there are a few hit detection issues that GG needs to iron out. So you shot a dude in the head 10 times online. Mazel tov. What, you want a line of Hellghast chorus girls to come out and dance for you?



.GqueB. said:
Ribbons are whatever as hell to me. Only ribbon Im interested in is the one for spawning back at my base and running around the entire level just so I can get up behind FFObsessed and exact my vengeance on him for sniping me. I'll go for that ribbon all day.

Yea I made that ribbon up BUT ITS REAL TO ME DAMMIT.



raYne said:
Finally bothered to finish off the SP on Veteran and I have no clue what people were complaining about re: the last fight and the one leading up to it.

Even got a trophy for
finishing Radec in less than 20 mins.
What's supposedly the trouble again?
No one's complaining about pussy mode Veteran. Elite is giving me a really hard time, though. :mad:

Those SMG-wielding suicide guys are overwhelming me on the balcony every time. 3 on the right and 3 on the left, Rico down immediately and constant shooting from below.
raYne said:
No seriously, I want to know if it's based on trying to hold out where they want you to or what? 'Cause from my chosen vantage point, it was cake.
maybe you found a sweet spot. the final fight had me confused what to do and how long. everything leading up to it was do-able
but i thought i had to do a knife fight at first with Radec.. dunno.. i thought it was unpredictable for a while.



i just noticed that there's a spectator mode.
but there are only stationairy cameras and and over the shoulder one, which is a bit too close to the player and you can't rotate the view
I tried the online multiplayer for the first time last night. I haven't beaten the campaign yet, so maybe that contributes, but man did I get my ass kicked. Actually, the first game I played I did ok, came in 7th on my team, but the second game... I had like 3 kills total. I was in last place by like 15 points. It was really sad. Was getting into the multiplayer this hard for everyone, or do I just suck? :lol


AbortedWalrusFetus said:
I tried the online multiplayer for the first time last night. I haven't beaten the campaign yet, so maybe that contributes, but man did I get my ass kicked. Actually, the first game I played I did ok, came in 7th on my team, but the second game... I had like 3 kills total. I was in last place by like 15 points. It was really sad. Was getting into the multiplayer this hard for everyone, or do I just suck? :lol

First game I played I had 1 kill and I think 30 something deaths.


I'm at the last part of the last level on Elite now. Fucking hated this part on Veteran so I'm gonna leave it til 2moro to finish. One more checkpoint just before the Rocket Launcher guys and it would be no problem. I don't understand it because there are times during the game where you get two checkpoints in a row with barely doing anything, but when it comes to a hard part, no, we'll make you do it all over and over again if you fuck up near the end. So many devs do this and I've no idea why.


Teknoman said:
I think Tactician spawn grenades should be able to be destroyed, just like every other beneficial device in the game.

I think there should be restrictions on how close they can be planted to objectives. That solves the problem, really, and makes them tactical, not a cheap win button (or in the case of S&D, a pointless clusterfuck).


Wow the controls are still frustratingly horrible for me. I tried to have fun with the MP, perhaps when I unlock stuff it might compensate for the tank.

Liking SP so far though.


FFObsessed said:
I'm at the last part of the last level on Elite now. Fucking hated this part on Veteran so I'm gonna leave it til 2moro to finish. One more checkpoint just before the Rocket Launcher guys and it would be no problem. I don't understand it because there are times during the game where you get two checkpoints in a row with barely doing anything, but when it comes to a hard part, no, we'll make you do it all over and over again if you fuck up near the end. So many devs do this and I've no idea why.

Checkpoints between waves would've made this encounter so much better.


Haunted said:
No one's complaining about pussy mode Veteran. Elite is giving me a really hard time, though. :mad:

Those SMG-wielding suicide guys are overwhelming me on the balcony every time. 3 on the right and 3 on the left, Rico down immediately and constant shooting from below.
I must've misread the morse code that was falling tears in past posts. My fault. :p

Always-honest said:
maybe you found a sweet spot. the final fight had me confused what to do and how long. everything leading up to it was do-able
but i thought i had to do a knife fight at first with Radec.. dunno.. i thought it was unpredictable for a while.
A knife fight didn't even cross my mind when it started. Then a few seconds in, I noticed he was only gonna use it for the charge 'n slash attack and use the LMG the entired rest of the time.


bish gets all the credit :)
heh, its fun running around HOME dressed as a Helghast and people running after you trying to figure out how to get the costume. "hey wait up, stop running!" :lol


FFObsessed said:
I'm at the last part of the last level on Elite now. Fucking hated this part on Veteran so I'm gonna leave it til 2moro to finish. One more checkpoint just before the Rocket Launcher guys and it would be no problem. I don't understand it because there are times during the game where you get two checkpoints in a row with barely doing anything, but when it comes to a hard part, no, we'll make you do it all over and over again if you fuck up near the end. So many devs do this and I've no idea why.
Does the sniper rifle conrol the same as it did in the beta for you?


Teknoman said:
I think Tactician spawn grenades should be able to be destroyed, just like every other beneficial device in the game.
i agree, but i think it'd be best if it could be "defused" sorta like bombs (hold down O and take a bit of time).

also, stationary guns and ammo crates should be hackable by the repair gun -- rather than having to destroy them first, just let them convert them.


bish gets all the credit :)
So rate the last level in terms of difficulty on Veteran (x/10) compared to the
. That level was a big pain in the ass.
dfyb said:
i agree, but i think it'd be best if it could be "defused" sorta like bombs (hold down O and take a bit of time).
No one in their right mind would do that when there's a 100% chance that you'll get a shotgun spawned right next to your face. :p


dfyb said:
i agree, but i think it'd be best if it could be "defused" sorta like bombs (hold down O and take a bit of time).
They should have only added the invulnerability to base spawning and allowed people to be killed as soon as they spawned...like they had it in the beta. That would allow people to "destroy" spawn points.
raYne said:
I must've misread the morse code that was falling tears in past posts. My fault. :p

A knife fight didn't even cross my mind when it started. Then a few seconds in, I noticed he was only gonna use it for the charge 'n slash attack and use the LMG the entired rest of the time.

yeah.. i found out that standing in a corner would make him come at me all the time.. i would just shoot him.. and in the end it took two distance shots in the head for him to finish... but i really tried to knife fight him lol.. because he pulls a knife in the cutscene and he's so close that it's hard to shoot.. unless you're in a corner waiting...i just used a standard ISA rifle...


alr1ghtstart said:
So rate the last level in terms of difficulty on Veteran (x/10) compared to the
. That level was a big pain in the ass.
tank on the train
being 10?
23 out of 10
Multiply by 7 to get the Elite difficulty.


mr_nothin said:
Does the sniper rifle control the same as it did in the beta for you?

No it's a bit different. There's hardly any auto aim now. In the Beta it "locked on" when you clicked R3 if you were close enough to them. Also before it was quite forgiving when you had the cross hair on them, once again if you were close enough their name would appear in red and the bullet would hit even when it probably shouldn't have. Not anymore. You have to be more accurate. But the aiming of it seems more steady and the movement more responsive. In the Beta it was a bit more sluggish. It definitely requires more skill now. I have dominated a few games with it, but a lot of the games I'm simply "ok". Still fun as hell tho, I still love it. Nothing as satisfying as a good snipe :p Especially if you win a sniper battle against 3 other snipers on the other team :)

Frustrating as hell when you have a bad game tho, but that's the same with any class I guess.


Danne-Danger said:
No one in their right mind would do that when there's a 100% chance that you'll get a shotgun spawned right next to your face. :p
the point is that you need to have a team, and be in control of the area, before you can nullify the enemy team's spawn grenade. it'd be absolutely pointless if someone could just lob a grenade near it or run over it to destroy it.


.nimrod said:

i just noticed that there's a spectator mode.
but there are only stationairy cameras and and over the shoulder one, which is a bit too close to the player and you can't rotate the view

How? i cant find the option


SolidC213 said:
Funniest thing happened yesterday while playing.
I was the assassination target on Corinth Crossing. I was hiding down the long hallway closest to our base and within the green zone. There was about 40 seconds left for me to stay alive. Then i have to rub my eye because it itched and...my contact falls out. So im sitting here going...should i put the game down, turn on the light, and look for it? (BTW its the last pair of contacts i have) or should i just keep playing with one eye and try to find it.....Well i looked for it with one hand while playing with the other. Meanwhile guys are coming at me from above and from the other end of the hallway. I shoot one (with one hand on the controller mind you) and my teammates get the other ones :lol After that i find it on my shirt, put it in my mouth so it wouldn't dry up and survived the remaining time with one eye :D !! Its was a close call to say the least lol.
That was pretty funny! :lol


Teknoman said:
I think Tactician spawn grenades should be able to be destroyed, just like every other beneficial device in the game.
Maybe not destroyed, but it might work if you were able to pick up and move the spawn point. Meanwhile, people would spawn right next to you if you were trying to carry it away, so it wouldn't be too easy to toss it in some remote corner. But it could make things more interesting and slightly less of a clusterfuck.

Movable spawn points would also let you fix someones shitty placement, which would be nice.
Norml said:
How? i cant find the option
Press square on any server. (I think)
Dementia said:
Maybe not destroyed, but it might work if you were able to pick up and move the spawn point. Meanwhile, people would spawn right next to you if you were trying to carry it away, so it wouldn't be too easy to toss it in some remote corner. But it could make things more interesting and slightly less of a clusterfuck.

Movable spawn points would also let you fix someones shitty placement, which would be nice.
People can barely grasp the fact that you can throw them out in the first place, let alone pick them up and carry them around.
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