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Haunted said:
Ah, I see someone else is playing through Elite right now.

To be fair, I'm just under 40% into the game on Veteran and he's pretty useless.
Hell, I think I got the revival trophy(or whatever it's called) strictly due to him.
cakefoo said:



FFObsessed said:
No it's a bit different. There's hardly any auto aim now. In the Beta it "locked on" when you clicked R3 if you were close enough to them. Also before it was quite forgiving when you had the cross hair on them, once again if you were close enough their name would appear in red and the bullet would hit even when it probably shouldn't have. Not anymore. You have to be more accurate. But the aiming of it seems more steady and the movement more responsive. In the Beta it was a bit more sluggish. It definitely requires more skill now. I have dominated a few games with it, but a lot of the games I'm simply "ok". Still fun as hell tho, I still love it. Nothing as satisfying as a good snipe :p Especially if you win a sniper battle against 3 other snipers on the other team :)

Frustrating as hell when you have a bad game tho, but that's the same with any class I guess.
Yea...exactly what I thought. I used to be able to get alot of SNAP shots. Zoom in + click = instant death. Nothing like that now. Boy was I surprised when I kept trying to do that. Lots of WTF's there. That used to be my favorite type of shot. The bullets have more spread on them. Now you have to be crouched and like right on them to get the shot. Alot of frustrating moments when I was right in front of somebody and would miss the shot like 3 times and then have them gun me down.

I'll just have to relearn it again.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Dante said:
Jaffe makes some mention of KZ2 Multi Player in his video blog. Doesn't really like all the options in Halo3 and KZ2. Can't say I agree with him.


Yeah, he's way off base. KZ2's failure is not letting you KNOW what a game's settings are in anyway, and having 0 division between set "ranked" games that have standard settings and another venue for games where people can tweak to their heart's content. With those 2 things in place, options aren't a bad thing at all.


SnakeXs said:
Yeah, he's way off base. KZ2's failure is not letting you KNOW what a game's settings are in anyway, and having 0 division between set "ranked" games that have standard settings and another venue for games where people can tweak to their heart's content. With those 2 things in place, options aren't a bad thing at all.
They really need to let us know what's going on. I cant even get into a game that has Friendly Fire on. I cant even tell what type of latency/ping I'm getting. Only thing I know is the overall "mode type" and how many players. Those options are way less important to me than the former ones I've listed.


I'm not having as much fun with the MP as I would like to be having. The game looks fantastic, and the MP is deep, but I just hate the way the aiming feels. A lot. There have been times when I totally had the drop on people, but due the shitty response of the aiming, I was killed. Lame.


Unconfirmed Member
Wow, I really love the sta 14 rifle the saboteur gets. It's so satisfying to take people down in 2 shots. Now onto the scout!


FFObsessed said:
I'm at the last part of the last level on Elite now. Fucking hated this part on Veteran so I'm gonna leave it til 2moro to finish. One more checkpoint just before the Rocket Launcher guys and it would be no problem. I don't understand it because there are times during the game where you get two checkpoints in a row with barely doing anything, but when it comes to a hard part, no, we'll make you do it all over and over again if you fuck up near the end. So many devs do this and I've no idea why.
This so so many times! FIX THIS SHIT GG!
cakefoo said:

:lol I did the same thing in the level where
Rico makes a half-assed apology for getting Garza killed. I finished the level without him. Templar dying sucked too. I was hoping to get to play as him in a future installment. :(
dfyb said:
the point is that you need to have a team, and be in control of the area, before you can nullify the enemy team's spawn grenade. it'd be absolutely pointless if someone could just lob a grenade near it or run over it to destroy it.
Well yeah but the thing is, if you start to introduce new complex mechanics like that only a select few would even know about it. Especially if you add it in via a patch.

They need to make it something simple if there's going to be a way to "destroy" it. Personally I think the idea of limiting the areas in which it can be used is the best idea.


alterno69 said:
-The ability to know what faction are my friends playing BEFORE i choose mine.
No need of it.

If you chose the wrong team (it implies that you had the choice), just go on the Team tab and press X to change team. You can do it every 30 seconds IIRC, but can be done immediately after the first choice, so pay attention.

Tom Penny

Fletcher said:
I'm not having as much fun with the MP as I would like to be having. The game looks fantastic, and the MP is deep, but I just hate the way the aiming feels. A lot. There have been times when I totally had the drop on people, but due the shitty response of the aiming, I was killed. Lame.



Zezboob said:
No need of it.

If you chose the wrong team (it implies that you had the choice), just go on the Team tab and press X to change team. You can do it every 30 seconds IIRC, but can be done immediately after the first choice, so pay attention.

Wait, what? You can do this after the match has started??


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Speaking of glitches, and ignore the quality and the fact that it's mirrored (forgot to switch it back when I made the vid, and not gonna bother flipping it), but this happened when you first get the (early SP spoilers)
. I beat it, and it wouldn't trigger the end, I looked around for ages for a straggler or something, to no avail. Restarted last checkpoint, did it again, and still didn't load the end.

So I went and searched for anything, and at the veeery start of the level, I found Garza, just like this.


I beat him up and shot him for ages, put grenades behind him to push him out, no dice. Dunno what I did while recording that finished it, but yeah, it sucked and along with with vocal/subtitle glitches I had during the intro turned me off from playing the campaign for a while.


Wallach said:
Wait, what? You can do this after the match has started??
Mmmmh... now I am not sure. After the match has started, yes. But after you already spawned once, not sure.

But I remember that I already made the mistake and had to wait 30 seconds or something like that before swapping again.


Fletcher said:
I'm not having as much fun with the MP as I would like to be having. The game looks fantastic, and the MP is deep, but I just hate the way the aiming feels. A lot. There have been times when I totally had the drop on people, but due the shitty response of the aiming, I was killed. Lame.

Yup I just gave up on MP for now because of this. I had the drop on some people med/long range but because of the input it made it damned near impossible to get a proper lead on them. Saw i just sat there making "Pew pew" sounds and imagining the head shots that I could have had.

Turning up the sensitivity only made matters worse, as my cross hairs seemed to move from one extreme to another.

if I wasn't enjoying the SP I would have returned it after an hour or so of MP.

GG your game looks awesome, but fuck me it controls horribly.
Fletcher said:
I'm not having as much fun with the MP as I would like to be having. The game looks fantastic, and the MP is deep, but I just hate the way the aiming feels. A lot. There have been times when I totally had the drop on people, but due the shitty response of the aiming, I was killed. Lame.

So you had the drop on somebody, but they somehow manage to out aim you with less preparation? Sounds like you need more practice. That scenario happens in every game.


Raist said:
Rocket launchers now? Seriously?

I did a strategy that kinda worked well on them:

I took the grenade launcher and went up to the pile of Furniure on the left their rockets can't hit you there and blindly lobbed them over and took out the rocket launcher guys in one guick session

I didn't think this area was really that tough until those guys came.
Dante said:
I did a strategy that kinda worked well on them:

I took the grenade launcher and went up to the pile of Furniure on the left their rockets can't hit you there and blindly lobbed them over and took out the rocket launcher guys in one guick session
You should see mine:
Press Start -> Quit -> Warzone

I don't think I'll go back to the SP ever again.


Danne-Danger said:
You should see mine:
Press Start -> Quit -> Warzone

You die so fucking fast on Elite, and there's no useful cover in the last arena when
several SMG guys run at you. I still can't manage to reliably survive this encounter, even using the stairways as chokepoints, which is the best way to do that wave.

I'd love to see a vid or something of someone playing through that encounter on Elite.


To anyone with control problems, someone mentioned earlier in this thread that if you rise the X axis by 1 and the Y axis by 3 it works very well, and it does.
I was having trouble before but now i'm totally awesome. Believe me.
So X axis +1 and Y axis + 3?
Anyone tried this?

If it works, I might try X+0, Y+2 or X-1, Y+1


Danne-Danger said:
Well yeah but the thing is, if you start to introduce new complex mechanics like that only a select few would even know about it. Especially if you add it in via a patch.

They need to make it something simple if there's going to be a way to "destroy" it. Personally I think the idea of limiting the areas in which it can be used is the best idea.
walking up and holding O is already a mechanic in the game, just as shooting things is. i think you're overestimating how relatively 'complex' it would be.

but here's another alternative i think would work well -- use the capture and hold mechanic to destroy it. stay within its area for a set amount of time and it goes away.
dollartaco said:
So you had the drop on somebody, but they somehow manage to out aim you with less preparation? Sounds like you need more practice. That scenario happens in every game.
nope, it's the controls.
I love the MP so far but it's just a cluster fuck(the controls that is). You can seriously watch two people sprawl around 5 feet from each other and empty several clips trying kill the other person and get no where.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Wallach said:
Wait, what? You can do this after the match has started??
Yeah as long as you're still in the lobby you can switch (assuming auto select is off). Once you exit the lobby and spawn for the first time, you're stuck on the faction you spawned as.


Scouts! When you spot and mark someone, is this info relayed to the whole team? I've never seen a marked target outside of me doing it. It's very useful! As with a lot of other classes abilities. I'm at the point where i can't decide what class to use in a match, i love them all. :lol



Fuck, I'm on the end boss (playing Veteran) and having a hell of a time defeating
Radec. At first I tried staying out in the open but the bastard likes to try and stab you in the back and I find I sometimes can't turn around fast enough to keep him from doing that. Another thing I've found he does is sometimes he'll teleport away and immediately start firing. Well, when he does that I'm fucked b/c he mows me down b/f I can get to cover. So I'm thinking I may use those two little rooms on the lower level with the shotguns. I figure I can jump in there and use the shotgun when he gets close and then the sniper when he goes far. That way, I'm hoping the bastard won't teleport behind me. Anyone else beat him this way or have any other advice on how I can beat him?

Oh, and props to those who beat this game on elite. The
waves of troops leading up to facing Radec was pretty intense
and I can't imagine what that would be like on elite.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Stillmatic said:
Scouts! When you spot and mark someone, is this info relayed to the whole team? I've never seen a marked target outside of me doing it. It's very useful! As with a lot of other classes abilities. I'm at the point where i can't decide what class to use in a match, i love them all. :lol


I read somewhere that it does, not sure if it was just on the mini map or what, since I doubt people see the HUD marker itself. I asked if people did when I was doing it, but amongst the hecticness nobody said they did.


Stillmatic said:
Scouts! When you spot and mark someone, is this info relayed to the whole team? I've never seen a marked target outside of me doing it. It's very useful! As with a lot of other classes abilities. I'm at the point where i can't decide what class to use in a match, i love them all. :lol


Yep. They're a red dot on your allies radar.


Hey for bitching about
I would have
shot vicary much sooner then he did. That or at least shot his kneecaps, slap him around and then stuff a grenade in his filthy mouth.
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