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The same way that most people don't consider Unreal Tournament to be a tactical shooter? Too Hectic? based on twitch and outnumbering more so than strategy? That sort of thing.


Treo360 said:

Video doesn't work either. Sure I own a Ps3, add me on, lord knows all I have on my FL is Purge, Che, and Stinkles (Frankie)

Though to be honest I play warhawk more than I will prob play KZ
Well, you could try selling your ps3. The ps3 is pretty much done now. Sell it while you can get some decent money for it!
To me it just feels like a standard console shooter (the controls that is). I've played through Halo 1 & 2, Resistance and TimeSplitters 3 on consoles and this feels just as "inaccurate" as any of them. I am fighting with the controls a lot, but it’ll always be like that unless I have a M/K in front of me.

I really can't see how people can bitch about the KZ2 controls and then turn around and praise another console shooter in the same breath.

*also a funny thing happened just now, the host left and the whole ISA side just dropped off the server. Us higs were left to shoot at air for a few minutes and then we won! (-_-)v


dralla said:
play smaller games? my team and I entered a 4v4 tournament and it was great. going over 16 players is crazy.

Seriously 32 player games are to hectic in certain maps I am surprised the ps3 doesn't crash:lol. I think I will try 16 player games for now because Iam getting my @ss handed to me.


_tetsuo_ said:
What does that even mean?
Teamwork, getting into squads, working together to complete objectives. Slower and more deliberate gameplay.

You know...the opposite of complete chaos, run & gun, and rambo style gameplay.

Safe Bet

Pai Pai Master said:
Pretty sure you have to have good hand/eye coordination to shoot stuff.
At close range?



I have no military exp so I don't now for sure but I do know the child soldiers of Africa manage to kill shit all the time.


Treo360 said:

Video doesn't work either. Sure I own a Ps3, add me on, lord knows all I have on my FL is Purge, Che, and Stinkles (Frankie)

Though to be honest I play warhawk more than I will prob play KZ
No, stop trying.

He's saying that if you don't like KZ2, you don't have a PS3. Period.

(yes it's dumb, and you saved time if you didn't watch the video)

_tetsuo_ said:
What does that even mean?
That he prefer to struggle with the enemies more than with the controls ?

Personally I understand the point of people complaining, it doesn't bring nothing special and it doesn't make the game more realistic (but all the recoil stuff etc does).

But it's not gamebreaking for me and I adapted to it pretty quickly, but it's clearly pointless IMO.


Finished campaign today, some of my thoughts (for the record I didn't really follow this game at all during development, so I went in pretty blind):

Graphics are just disgusting, as I'm sure has been mentioned repeatedly. Best looking game overall I've played this gen. Tons of smoke when appropriate, really gives it a realistic battlefield feel.

Liked most of the weapons. The starting rifle is probably the best starting weapon I've used in a game- I would probably use it the whole time if ammo was always available. It would have been nice to carry 2 guns, as some of them are fairly situation specific, but its no biggie.

Intense battle feel- I don't know how else to say it. There is so much going on at times, it's just crazy. Best illustrated during the last couple levels.

I also liked the vehicle sections and "non typical" gameplay sections, I thought it kept the game feeling pretty fresh throughout.

Grenade throwing- had a lot more trouble getting them where I wanted them compared to other games. They also seem to take some rediculous non physics based bounces every now and then.

Infinite respawning enemies until you advance to a certain point- Come on, I thought games were past this. Annoying, but is only in a few parts of the game.

Story- I wouldn't say the story itself is awful, but it felt kind of like the first Gears of War story- even if you pay attention you feel like there's stuff going on you don't know about. The whole thing just lacks cohesion. I'd also say the dialogue is pretty bad.

Minor gripes- Non customizable controls- really? All I ask is to map melee to a face button and grenade to a trigger instead of a bumper, I don't think that's a tall order. I didn't like zooming with the Dpad either, but it wasn't that big of a deal. It also seemed like the game could have had co-op campaign, as you have a squadmate with you like 90% of the time. With that being all the rage these days, I'm suprised it was omitted.

All in all, I thought it was a great game. I'd give it a solid 9/10. If someone asked me for a quick description of the game, I'd say its a really good hybrid of COD4 and Halo 3.


Zen said:
5 people in 1 game, otherwise all your work counts for exactly nothing. You need to get it 8 time and unless I'm mistaken, it will only award you 1 ribbon at a time no matter how many times you healed in the game. It's easilly the worst part of the Multiplayer (and mobile spawns not having proximity restrictions to objectives).

thanks for the heads up. The games I actually did heal people, the games went by so quick


Neo Member
Varna said:
Could be, but most likely not. I'm sure he has experience with other shooters.

The aiming is clearly different from other shootings (call it lag, weight, acceleration, whatever). I'm not going to say the intended purpose is wrong, but it's clearly NOT better.

It feels very unnatural at times and over aiming happens a lot.


I can stand the slower movement, what gets me is NEVER being sure how mush pressure on the stick to use to get to where I want to go. It's very frustrating.

I feel like we are beating the shit out of the deadest horse ever, but how is it most likely not? At some point when other people can make the shot and you cant when does it become your fault and not the controls? Hell i picked up the sniper rifle for the first time ever yesterday and after abut 20 seconds of using it i knew exactly how much pressure i needed to use to aim. So you cant say its impossible to tell how much pressure on the stick is needed. I mean this applies to all games, i just dont understand why if you overshoot a guy in K2 GG has commited a sin against man but when you oversteer a Ferrari in GT you just fucked up.

Safe Bet said:
Sorry but I have to jump in here...

Some of us are wanting a tactical shooter, not a hand/eye cordination tester.

I dont really get what your saying here. Your saying killzone requires too much hand eye coordination? Again that just sounds like your not up to the challenge of the game. Which is cool, you bought it, and you can play it or not. But this all sounds like Socom spectator bitching to me.

"I Shoulda made that shot!" etc...

Ya. you should have just made the shot.


McLovin said:
Arg.. Killzone just froze my ps3 2 times in a row. One time with saboteur and the other with while using the scout. This is actually the first time it froze on me and it had to happen two times in a row.. I hope nothings wrong with my ps3 :(
It's not you playing as a Sab that possibly locks up the game, it's anyone. The guy could be on your team, or the other and still crash the game and lock up your system.


fistfulofmetal said:
goddamnit, another boss encounter. getting tired of these. i reeeeeeeally don't want to fight this guy with the lightning gun.

Oh yes you do, because you then get to pick up and use that lightning gun.
raYne said:
It's not you playing as a Sab that possibly locks up the game, it's anyone. The guy could be on your team, or the other and still crash the game and lock up your system.

Ive never had one game crash on me is this pretty common?


fistfulofmetal said:
goddamnit, another boss encounter. getting tired of these. i reeeeeeeally don't want to fight this guy with the lightning gun.

There really isn't that many boss encounters....


BruceLeeRoy said:
Ive never had one game crash on me is this pretty common?
Common enough that GG's working on a fix for it. So I'd say it's fairly common.

I think I've had it 2-3 times so far and I've been playing since day one.

Tom Penny

BobTheFork said:
nope, it's the controls.
I love the MP so far but it's just a cluster fuck(the controls that is). You can seriously watch two people sprawl around 5 feet from each other and empty several clips trying kill the other person and get no where.

People don't want to acknowledge how bad close quarters combat is when it obviously sucks.


BobTheFork said:
I thought Visari's death speech made it pretty clear that NO ONE is leading the Higs now, it's just anger and chaos. Remember that the Helghast were a major political movement. Visari brought a purpose and order to the Helghans. His last words to me meant that when he dies, there won't be some power vacuum, and they won't collapse inward. They gave them a reason to fight and his death just unleashed them.
easy win for the ISA, unorganised troops are easy to outmanoeuvre and defeat. :p

Seriously though, I guess the military branch will just take over - the important thing is that if there's a KZ3, there def will be a new villain introduced. Probably just the commander of the forces you're fighting in that game or somesuch.

Y2Kev said:
I think this is supposed to be the ISA's
last available fleet. Supposedly they even had to borrow this fleet. Woops subprime spaceship borrowers lol

I think maybe the
UCN or universe government thing may step in. I don't see Sev dying. They would have to build up yet another character after Templar, Rico, and Sev.
but that's exactly what I mean, they can just say this or that organisation steps in and provides more fleets, here take those and go fight the Helghast. Again.


AranhaHunter said:
Finally got the Professional Trophy, it's not an easy trophy to get.

It's easy enough, the best place for it is right before the
AA gun. Just take cover behind one of the stone blocks, and enemies will take cover behind the other stone block. From here, you can headshot them easily, since their heads poke out a bit.


JB1981 said:
The time - 8:00 pm est.
The location - BEAMBER GAF (USA)
The password - BELIEVE (all caps)

Auto balancing = OFF. Let's please keep the teams as balanced as possible. I am keeping auto balance off because I know some groups like to stick together. We can do it. Think about your fellow GAFFER! :)

Also I'm sticking with 24 players - I think it's the sweet spot. I will clean up my friend's list a bit tonight, so if you want to play and you're not already on my FL, shoot me an FR and I'll add you. Once you are added, just 'Join Friend' and you'll be in the room.

Can't fucking wait to play tonight. :D

Game is up. Battlefield is waiting.
icechai said:
hmm is it just me or do the majority of PC gamers who move onto this game without really playing Halo seem to prefer KZ2 controls? For me it just FEELS like proper CS controls gone to consoles (in terms of aiming, recoil, and movement). A lot of the CS players don't play on super twitch sensitivity, but rather quite low.

this thread is a hilarious rollercoaster where all the ups are "game is awesome" and the downs are " It doesnt play like other shooters, and its the games fault not mine"

i quotes this because i played cs for 5 years and mostly pc games for shooters and console for everything else. I find the controls perfectly adequate and give it a distinct feel, i never think the controls are incapable of doing what i tell them.

im going to really try to get into some Gaf games soon.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
I played the first two levels, my impressions: @_@
Freakin' amazin'
It is possible to make a skirmish with only one game type ?


I've played that last encounter so often on Elite now,
I can kill the two waves after the first checkpoint (13 Helghasts) reliably without firing a single bullet. (knifing 9, using 2 'nades for the rest) - still, the third and especially the fourth wave get me every single time.
Tried it on and off over the evening and I must've died 70-80 times by now.

*shoots self*
fistfulofmetal said:
goddamnit, another boss encounter. getting tired of these. i reeeeeeeally don't want to fight this guy with the lightning gun.

He isnt that bad really. I beat him really fast on veteran with a couple of grenades and unloading on his back. If you keep running around he basically cant kill you. Hurry and beat him. The rest of that level is fun.
I think I'm almost done the game and I've enjoyed it quite a bit. Like many, though, I absolutely hate the aiming.

Also, I keep forgetting about the cover system. I've been playing it like a normal run and gun FPS. Since I'm playing on normal, it's been working out alright, but I imagine it's gonna be like a whole new game if I replay it on a higher difficulty.


fistfulofmetal said:
goddamnit, another boss encounter. getting tired of these. i reeeeeeeally don't want to fight this guy with the lightning gun.
He's so easy that it's almost unfair to count him as a boss.


Haunted said:
He's so easy that it's almost unfair to count him as a boss.

Seriously. Just run from his slow lumbering ass if he gets close, and turn and shoot. Rinse and repeat. He's not really any more difficult than your typical lone Heavy.


Zeliard said:
Seriously. Just run from his slow lumbering ass if he gets close, and turn and shoot. Rinse and repeat. He's not really any more difficult than your typical lone Heavy.
Ayup. Especially if you consider that he needs just one full SMG mag unloaded into the back/tank, even on Elite. 20 seconds max, including cutscene.

Just had something nice happen on my nth last encounter attempt -
the 6 SMG guys all ran into the burning paintings on their own and subsequently burned to death, I didn't even have to do anything. Elite soldiers indeed.

Then I got killed by a stray rocket. ;_;


Schwowsers said:
I think I'm almost done the game and I've enjoyed it quite a bit. Like many, though, I absolutely hate the aiming.

Also, I keep forgetting about the cover system. I've been playing it like a normal run and gun FPS. Since I'm playing on normal, it's been working out alright, but I imagine it's gonna be like a whole new game if I replay it on a higher difficulty.

Game is to awesome for me to give up on. Maybe GG will realize they spent too much time on this game to have it passed up because of a silly thing like aiming and decide to do something about. Or I could just keep struggling and hope to get better.

Yeah, running out in the open on VET is suicide. One good burst, nade or meele attack will take you down. Enemies are surprisingly good at using meele attacks. I found myself face to face with one in close quarters. We both emptied are guns and while I was trying to reload he pulled out his knife and killed me. :(


Safe Bet said:
At close range?



I have no military exp so I don't now for sure but I do know the child soldiers of Africa manage to kill shit all the time.

not that easy to kill anyone dude... i was just listening war story the other day where guys went to free few prisoners and head soldier missed guard from 5-6 feet away with AK-47 spray.

in real world, there is a shit load of bullets flying around and very few kills, not to mention that you are mostly high and your balls are constantly in your guts. If you think otherwise, you are lucky.


Zeliard said:
Seriously. Just run from his slow lumbering ass if he gets close, and turn and shoot. Rinse and repeat. He's not really any more difficult than your typical lone Heavy.

You don't have to shoot him either, shoot the buckets of electricity above him and that will stun him THEN you shoot his back, i beat it on my frist try on Veteran a couple of hours ago.


ok so to summarize this topic, the problems that people faced in Multiplayer are

1.) Controls - lag, weight, hard time tracking
2.) ClusterFuck - too much shit going on that defeats tactic
3.) Shotgun - super auto-aim
4.) Turrets - too weak
5.) Sentry bots - too weak
6.) Spawn points - which leads to clusterfucks
7.) Region patch delay
8.) LAG!
9.) Killzone.com doesn't work

GG, please look into all these thanks!


alterno69 said:
You don't have to shoot him either, shoot the buckets of electricity above him and that will stun him THEN you shoot his back, i beat it on my frist try on Veteran a couple of hours ago.
Well, ya.. since that's what they tell you to do. ;)
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