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Haunted said:
easy win for the ISA, unorganised troops are easy to outmanoeuvre and defeat. :p

Seriously though, I guess the military branch will just take over - the important thing is that if there's a KZ3, there def will be a new villain introduced. Probably just the commander of the forces you're fighting in that game or somesuch.

but that's exactly what I mean, they can just say this or that organisation steps in and provides more fleets, here take those and go fight the Helghast. Again.
Again, not likely. The ISA is out of options, they were pinning it all on capturing Visari so they could negotiate. They got nothing now. And who says the Higs can'
t work together with one guy sitting behind a desk. They are THAT badass, lol
hteng said:
ok so to summarize this topic, the problems that people faced in Multiplayer are

1.) Controls - lag, weight, hard time tracking
2.) ClusterFuck - too much shit going on that defeats tactic
3.) Shotgun - super auto-aim
4.) Turrets - too weak
5.) Sentry bots - too weak
6.) Spawn points - which leads to clusterfucks
7.) Region patch delay
8.) LAG!
9.) Killzone.com doesn't work

GG, please look into all these thanks!

The correct response is FIX THIS SHIT GG.
the only point I agree with is clusterfuck because it is. LAG will always be a problem with all MP games to a certain extent.


hteng said:
ok so to summarize this topic, the problems that people faced in Multiplayer are

2.) ClusterFuck - too much shit going on that defeats tactic
3.) Shotgun - super auto-aim
4.) Turrets - too weak
5.) Sentry bots - too weak
6.) Spawn points - which leads to clusterfucks
9.) Killzone.com doesn't work

GG, please look into all these thanks!
I only care about those points. And apparently the shotgun is getting fixed and Killzone.com should be working again soon.


Haunted said:
I've played that last encounter so often on Elite now,
I can kill the two waves after the first checkpoint (13 Helghasts) reliably without firing a single bullet. (knifing 9, using 2 'nades for the rest) - still, the third and especially the fourth wave get me every single time.
Tried it on and off over the evening and I must've died 70-80 times by now.

*shoots self*
Really admire you for sticking through with it.. In your shoes, I would've jumped to MP a long time ago already!


hteng said:
ok so to summarize this topic, the problems that people faced in Multiplayer are

1.) Controls - lag, weight, hard time tracking
2.) ClusterFuck - too much shit going on that defeats tactic
3.) Shotgun - super auto-aim
4.) Turrets - too weak
5.) Sentry bots - too weak
6.) Spawn points - which leads to clusterfucks
7.) Region patch delay
8.) LAG!
9.) Killzone.com doesn't work

GG, please look into all these thanks!


icechai said:
hmm is it just me or do the majority of PC gamers who move onto this game without really playing Halo seem to prefer KZ2 controls? For me it just FEELS like proper CS controls gone to consoles (in terms of aiming, recoil, and movement). A lot of the CS players don't play on super twitch sensitivity, but rather quite low.

I and a couple others on GAF coming from a PC background have also said that Killzone 2 feels exceptionally good for a console shooter. Some of the guys in my old Quake clan are digging it as well, and they generally don't touch consoles when it comes to shooters.

Halo, Resistance, Gears of War, CoD4, L4D, TF2 - these are all games that would (and in some cases do) feel much better with a keyboard and mouse. I wouldn't necessarily group Killzone 2 with them. That game is all about pressure-sensitive analog controls due to its huge emphasis on momentum, and I don't think that feeling would translate as well to a kb/mouse since they lack pressure sensitivity (i.e. tilting the left analog stick at various angles in order to tip-toe/walk/trot/sprint, or the right one to adjust the aim acceleration).


bish gets all the credit :)
Oh yeah, fuck you Veteran. The last level wasn't that hard, except for killing
Radec. I didn't have any checkpoint problems like most of you did. I made sure to take out those RPG enemies with great precision. I figured half-way into the Radec fight to bump up the stick sensitivity, which made finding him easier. I would really hate to play this game in stereo, as a bunch of the bosses pretty much required surround sound (Radec, ATAC).


hteng said:
ok so to summarize this topic, the problems that people faced in Multiplayer are

1.) Controls - lag, weight, hard time tracking
2.) ClusterFuck - too much shit going on that defeats tactic
3.) Shotgun - super auto-aim
4.) Turrets - too weak
5.) Sentry bots - too weak
6.) Spawn points - which leads to clusterfucks
7.) Region patch delay
8.) LAG!
9.) Killzone.com doesn't work

GG, please look into all these thanks!

How about search. Really needs a search function.


hteng said:
ok so to summarize this topic, the problems that people faced in Multiplayer are

1.) Controls - lag, weight, hard time tracking
2.) ClusterFuck - too much shit going on that defeats tactic
3.) Shotgun - super auto-aim
4.) Turrets - too weak
5.) Sentry bots - too weak
6.) Spawn points - which leads to clusterfucks
7.) Region patch delay
8.) LAG!
9.) Killzone.com doesn't work

GG, please look into all these thanks!
Shotgun is way too deadly at mid-range. They need to tone it down at mid/long range. I get HS'd from like 25 feet away slot.

Also, Turrets are too weak? Really? Those things are pretty deadly when used correctly...they seem alot more powerful and accurate than the beta. I'd say they could tone it down just a little.


I think I'm using the shotgun wrong since I actually aim, and wow the one game I played with GAF last night was horrible. The other team had 2/3rds more players then us and were bragging after the match that they won :/.
Some great games tonight on the Beamber server. Click dominated the Blood Gracht map. I don't even think anyone came close to his score. So close to 200pts. At one point I hunted him down and killed him while he was a sniper only to be killed by his turret directly afterwards. Actually - in that game I think he succeeded in killing me at least once as each class!

Pyrrhus was fun, but we didn't have a dedicated tactician which made traversal a chore. I actually really like that map, but I suck when it comes to staying out of the sniper scope. Squads are critical for that map.

Looking forward to the tournament tomorrow night. How exactly does that work though? Do we have to set up the games? Or will everything take care of itself? And is it set up for Pyrrhus? If it is only going to be one map then it should be the Market as that map seems to provide the best class balance.

Out of the clans that are registered, how many players are available from each clan for each match?


dwin45 said:
I think the turrets are fine. The real problem is the clusterfuck that is spawn grenades.
They need to take the invulnerability off of the spawn points so people wont throw them out in the open.
Aeon712 said:
I think I'm using the shotgun wrong since I actually aim, and wow the one game I played with GAF last night was horrible. The other team had 2/3rds more players then us and were bragging after the match that they won :/.

Yeah - another thing GG needs to address is that, if team balancing is turned off, a team maximum is imposed. It sucks to go into a game with say a max of 24 players only to see a team of 15/16 against a team of 8/9. It would be cool if they left this so that you could have a 4 or 20(bot) game with some friends, but for competitive play it doesn't really work.

Ploid 3.0

Getting kills with the turrets seem like a hard task. I know I should put them at choke points but it's like I can usually avoid them if I cross one.

I unlocked the medic's combo easily. I could get a point towards the ribbon by healing myself.

Pojo said:
Does the flashlight make you aim better with the shotgun or something? Trying to figure out the purpose.

Do the flashlight blind people in the game? That would be cool. I haven't seen the flashlight in action yet. I never think to use zoom with the shotgun.


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
mr_nothin said:
Shotgun is way too deadly at mid-range. They need to tone it down at mid/long range. I get HS'd from like 25 feet away slot.

Also, Turrets are too weak? Really? Those things are pretty deadly when used correctly...they seem alot more powerful and accurate than the beta. I'd say they could tone it down just a little.
Haha what? Turrets are so weak. I have literally walked up to plenty of turrets and without moving just shotgunned them down. They have no HP and they do not even instill a sense of fear into anything. They are pretty much more annoying than anything. They should have increased HP/Damage in order to make them remotely effective.

Ploid 3.0

pelicansurf said:
Haha what? Turrets are so weak. I have literally walked up to plenty of turrets and without moving just shotgunned them down. They have no HP and they do not even instill a sense of fear into anything. They are pretty much more annoying than anything. They should have increased HP/Damage in order to make them remotely effective.

Yea they're pretty weak. Mostly good for catching people off guard when their health is low it seem. Assist kills!


pelicansurf said:
Haha what? Turrets are so weak. I have literally walked up to plenty of turrets and without moving just shotgunned them down. They have no HP and they do not even instill a sense of fear into anything. They are pretty much more annoying than anything. They should have increased HP/Damage in order to make them remotely effective.
They usually get me 9 to 12 extra points for doing practically nothing each round. I like them.


Aeon712 said:
I think I'm using the shotgun wrong since I actually aim, and wow the one game I played with GAF last night was horrible. The other team had 2/3rds more players then us and were bragging after the match that they won :/.

I will be out of action for about 2 weeks :mad:

Would have taken most hits for you guys last night.
mr_nothin said:
Shotgun is way too deadly at mid-range. They need to tone it down at mid/long range. I get HS'd from like 25 feet away slot.

Also, Turrets are too weak? Really? Those things are pretty deadly when used correctly...they seem alot more powerful and accurate than the beta. I'd say they could tone it down just a little.
It should not be possible to run up to a turret guns blazing and win. End of story. It should require a little more tact than that. Either beef up the damage or the HP but they need to be a much more intimidating then they are.


My god, the amount of shotgun used in every game by 1 certain person was astounding.

I'm out, need a server with no shotguns for a little while :\


Is it me or does DD sound better than DTS in killzone 2?

It seems that there is hardly any audio coming from the center speaker while running in DTS. Could it be a bug maybe?

logitech z5500 btw
One thing that makes me happy is all these issues seem to be getting their attention. I think GG will look at them all and decide what is best done.

I can think of some annoyances in MP games that NEVER get addressed.

Hellsing321 said:
It should not be possible to run up to a turret guns blazing and win. End of story. It should require a little more tact than that. Either beef up the damage or the HP but they need to be a much more intimating then they are.

Well if you face a turret so it is only worrying about people in one direction they are quite deadly. However once they need to worry about more than one direction they are too weak. They tend to be easily taken out if you get the jump on them while they are looking in another direction.

At that is least my experience. Boosting the AI is the best option I think. Giving them too much HP would make Engineer un-fun since you'd never get to set many turrets and the objectives mean you'll need to move and protect other things rather often. Too much firepower could make objectives with 4 turrets around them impossible and again un-fun.
BobTheFork said:
I thought Visari's death speech made it pretty clear that NO ONE is leading the Higs now, it's just anger and chaos. Remember that the Helghast were a major political movement. Visari brought a purpose and order to the Helghans. His last words to me meant that when he dies, there won't be some power vacuum, and they won't collapse inward. They gave them a reason to fight and his death just unleashed them.

Also he's the one who kept the most extreme in check. Like Radec who wanted to go out and fight the ISA muzzle to muzzle, but Visari kept him in the back because he was the commander. I suspect there are quite a few radicals like Radec in the army still left and the with their new rage at the ISA killing Visari and nuking their city (I'm sure Visari wouldn't say he nuked their capitol).

I think there may be a UCA intervention, but I doubt simply rescuing the ISA would be their intention. I think at this point with the new ore found on Helghan the UCA could have a vested interest in occupying Helghan itself for this ore. Remember also the HGH have the nuke launch codes and more warheads left.


hteng said:
ok so to summarize this topic, the problems that people faced in Multiplayer are

1.) Controls - lag, weight, hard time tracking
2.) ClusterFuck - too much shit going on that defeats tactic
3.) Shotgun - super auto-aim
4.) Turrets - too weak
5.) Sentry bots - too weak
6.) Spawn points - which leads to clusterfucks
7.) Region patch delay
8.) LAG!
9.) Killzone.com doesn't work

GG, please look into all these thanks!
I agree with most of these except Lag... I haven't really run into it that much. I was playing in an Euro game (I'm in US) today and I didn't even notice any lag.


hteng said:
ok so to summarize this topic, the problems that people faced in Multiplayer are

1.) Controls - lag, weight, hard time tracking
2.) Controls - lag, weight, hard time tracking
3.) Controls - lag, weight, hard time tracking
4.) Controls - lag, weight, hard time tracking
5.) Controls - lag, weight, hard time tracking
6.) Controls - lag, weight, hard time tracking
7.) Controls - lag, weight, hard time tracking
8.) Controls - lag, weight, hard time tracking
9.) Killzone.com doesn't work

GG, please look into all these thanks!


oneHeero said:
My god, the amount of shotgun used in every game by 1 certain person was astounding.

I'm out, need a server with no shotguns for a little while :\

Probably some early engineer unlocks.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Dubbedinenglish said:
Also he's the one who kept the most extreme in check. Like Radec who wanted to go out and fight the ISA muzzle to muzzle, but Visari kept him in the back because he was the commander. I suspect there are quite a few radicals like Radec in the army still left and the with their new rage at the ISA killing Visari and nuking their city (I'm sure Visari wouldn't say he nuked their capitol).

I think there may be a UCA intervention, but I doubt simply rescuing the ISA would be their intention. I think at this point with the new ore found on Helghan the UCA could have a vested interest in occupying Helghan itself for this ore. Remember also the HGH have the nuke launch codes and more warheads left.

KZ = Defend homeland
KZL = Kick Helghast out of Homeland
KZ2 = Take fight to Heghast
KZ3 =
Escape Helghan?, meaning Sev and Co. looked like they were tired of the fight, the death of Visari looked like it did absolutly nothing to stop the Helghast in fact like you guys pointed out, probably unleashed the worst of the Helghast. Im sure Sev and Rico are not very positive their superiors now, specially looking at Sev's demeanor at the end.


Teknoman said:
Probably some early engineer unlocks.
Yah seriously I have to level up my heavy's boost you think I want to use that pos grenade launcher? I think it would be cool if every class had the option to use the standard ISA or Helghan rifle.

Ploid 3.0

Teknoman said:
Probably some early engineer unlocks.

I'm on engineer now too. Must get second badge, then I'll need to unlock it's combine ability.

0/8 so far. Darn me, I guess I'll try now.

Also I think people were so used to TF2 turrets. Those turrets were awesome. You couldn't run past those as a scout (speedy guy).
~Devil Trigger~ said:
KZ = Defend homeland
KZL = Kick Helghast out of Homeland
KZ2 = Take fight to Heghast
KZ3 =
Escape Helghan?, meaning Sev and Co. looked like they were tired of the fight, the death of Visari looked like it did absolutly nothing to stop the Helghast in fact like you guys pointed out, probably unleashed the worst of the Helghast. Im sure Sev and Rico are not very positive their superiors now, specially looking at Sev's demeanor at the end.

I actually hope we'll see an SP expansion like what they did with Liberation to continue the story.


y'all should be ashamed
pelicansurf said:
Haha what? Turrets are so weak. I have literally walked up to plenty of turrets and without moving just shotgunned them down. They have no HP and they do not even instill a sense of fear into anything. They are pretty much more annoying than anything. They should have increased HP/Damage in order to make them remotely effective.
People are completely misusing turrets (like putting one in a high-traffic area in the open). Turrets are deadly effective when they're:

-Hidden from view (around a corner, away from snipers, but not directly in the path of someone)
-On top of things (crates and walls so grenades won't take them out easily)
-Outside (turrets rarely work indoors due to the splash grenade damage)

If you stay by your turret, its a great support character. People will be busy trying to take out your turret while you go for the kills from behind/side. But just setting up a turret and going about your way is just not smart.
God, some people are annoying.

There was a tactician on the other team who kept making spawn points right by our normal spawn, and every time he killed someone he felt compelled to say some line like "Nowhere to hide fag".

I then got out my shotgun, and killed him multiple times and he called me a "n00b for using the n00biest weapon in the game".

Oh yeah, basically spawning people inside of our own spawn point isn't n00bish at all.

I hope Guerilla patches the game so spawn points have to be so far apart.
Cheeto said:

I really don't see the weight being changed. Input lag will be looked into. And the controls may be tweaked but the weight is just how Killzone 2 feels.

I don't think many are really complaining about that anyway. The weight (as far as how you directly move) is done well IMO.


y'all should be ashamed
LeonTrotskyTrout said:
God, some people are annoying.

There was a tactician on the other team who kept making spawn points right by our normal spawn, and every time he killed someone he felt compelled to say some line like "Nowhere to hide fag".

I then got out my shotgun, and killed him multiple times and he called me a "n00b for using the n00biest weapon in the game".

Oh yeah, basically spawning people inside of our own spawn point isn't n00bish at all.

I hope Guerilla patches the game so spawn points have to be so far apart.
Did you file a grief report? Those can come in handy sometimes.


alterno69 said:
You don't have to shoot him either, shoot the buckets of electricity above him and that will stun him THEN you shoot his back, i beat it on my frist try on Veteran a couple of hours ago.

Usinga grenade stuns him as well.
chubigans said:
Did you file a grief report? Those can come in handy sometimes.

Yeah, I did. The first time I used it too, and it was the first time I blocked anyone on PSN for that matter.

On Xbox Live, that's a different story...


Unfortunately, I decided to do the smart thing tonight and return the PS3 as I've just recently lost my job. Thus, I will not be able to play with you folks for a while until work picks up again, which may or may not be anytime soon. Oh well, it is a great game and I'm sure GG will clean up the issues that remain as it stands.

I totally would have made top 1% this week too. :lol :D


I've just gotten past the rank after Medic and I'm actually enjoying the MP less. I really liked it when everyone was on an equal situational playing field, all running around with a rifle and before bullshit like spawn grenades and saboteur.

Now the games seem less tactical because people start with more grenades, more ammo, spawn in the middle of battles on those spawn grenades, etc. I also liked the balanced weapon loadouts because it now feels a little too rock-paper-scissors, while I know all shoots have this to a degree, it seems a little situational in this game. The shotgun is too powerful up close, the rocket launcher is too easy to fire and forget, etc. I know I've seen pistols only games but I'd really like to see rifles only with no perks as well.

Ploid 3.0

chubigans said:
People are completely misusing turrets (like putting one in a high-traffic area in the open). Turrets are deadly effective when they're:

-Hidden from view (around a corner, away from snipers, but not directly in the path of someone)
-On top of things (crates and walls so grenades won't take them out easily)
-Outside (turrets rarely work indoors due to the splash grenade damage)

If you stay by your turret, its a great support character. People will be busy trying to take out your turret while you go for the kills from behind/side. But just setting up a turret and going about your way is just not smart.

Ooh nice advice. Thanks. I have a lot to learn about placement. I need a lot of kills with them.

I feel the need to melee them when they are smoking to repair them hah. Glad Saboteurs can't sap them. Although all they'd need to do is find a shotgun.

It's funny, I haven't touched the SP much at all. I think I just beat one level, maybe two (arc tower from E3). It's all about MP and the SP ain't going anywhere anyway.
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