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EazyB said:
I've just gotten past the rank after Medic and I'm actually enjoying the MP less. I really liked it when everyone was on an equal situational playing field, all running around with a rifle and before bullshit like spawn grenades and saboteur.

Now the games seem less tactical because people start with more grenades, more ammo, spawn in the middle of battles on those spawn grenades, etc. I also liked the balanced weapon loadouts because it now feels a little too rock-paper-scissors, while I know all shoots have this to a degree, it seems a little situational in this game. The shotgun is too powerful up close, the rocket launcher is too easy to fire and forget, etc. I know I've seen pistols only games but I'd really like to see rifles only with no perks as well.

Really that strips down the game to nothing though. Are you playing 32 player matches? The classes work well and the matches feel tactical in smaller matches.
TEH-CJ said:
Is it me or does DD sound better than DTS in killzone 2?

It seems that there is hardly any audio coming from the center speaker while running in DTS. Could it be a bug maybe?

logitech z5500 btw

I've been playing in straight "Multichannel" mode on my Onkyo receiver, since the PS3 seems to be doing the 7.1 decoding (ie, I'm not getting the magical light on the receiver, just like when I watch blu-ray movies), and the center speaker definitely works. afaik the "Multichannel" mode doesn't do any extra processing, just pumps the PCM Multichannel input from the PS3 to the correct speakers.


MvmntInGrn said:
Really that strips down the game to nothing though. Are you playing 32 player matches? The classes work well and the matches feel tactical in smaller matches.
That may be the problem. I have been playing 32 player matches but they were nothing but awesome at lower ranks. Never became too much of a clusterfuck with spawn grenades, extra grenade starts, etc. I'll try to get some smaller matches in and see how they go.

It didn't feel stripped down at all to me. Felt kinda like CoD without all the bullshit perks.


y'all should be ashamed
EazyB said:
That may be the problem. I have been playing 32 player matches but they were nothing but awesome at lower ranks. Never became too much of a clusterfuck with spawn grenades, extra grenade starts, etc. I'll try to get some smaller matches in and see how they go.
32 player matches are completely and utterly unplayable once you're halfway through the ranks, unfortunately. I agree that the smaller scaled games are so much more fun at that point.
chubigans said:
32 player matches are completely and utterly unplayable once you're halfway through the ranks, unfortunately. I agree that the smaller scaled games are so much more fun at that point.

32 player matches fall into the typical twitch shooter feel at times. If GG tweaks how some objectives are handled there can be 32 player tactical matches I think.

Right now though most 32 player matches end up in one spot going crazy and ignoring objectives.


Holy shit @ the Ending :O

Didn't see that coming.

Gonna play on easy to get all the intel, and trophy's before venturing onto Elite, I need a break, veteran was tougher than I thought it would be.


Anyone else experiencing freezing problems?

the game froze while playing in this one room (it got really intense) even though i could still hear people talk on the mic for a few seconds. I reset the ps3 and the same shit happens in the next game i played, in a totally different room. the friends i was playing with also had frozen ps3s.

this never happened before, until tonight. anyone else with the same problems?


Man... I'm at the
Train level
. This is really frustrating. The AI does not provide nearly enough cover. I figured out the pattern... Defeat incoming troops, fire rocket, repeat. Unfortunately there are quiet a few of them at once and I'm getting surrounded. There is any cover either so I basically have to try to dodge just about every attack.
I'm a few pages late with my responses, but here you go:

.GqueB. said:
If you really think that the aim assist here is comparable to games like Halo3 and Left 4 Dead then you need to get your aim assist eyes checked. Never once in this game have I been aiming at one enemy when another enemy crossing the screen got locked onto for a second and that happens ALL the time in a lot of other fps games.
I never stated the game has horrible aim-assist like those, only that it does when you had said it does not. Buggy shotgun aiming aside, I'd like you to play the second level where you encounter the heavy for the first time. Take cover and then click on R3. It will snap to the heavy - and I discovered this in Elite :lol

MvmntInGrn said:
Menus have delay yes. Perhaps gameplay as well (every game has
delay since it cannot read your mind, the questions is how much). But never does the game take a full second during gameplay, it would make the game unplayable.
Actually, I don't have any noticeable delay, but a select number of people ARE experiencing this substantial delay, including some of my friends. I had the awkward privilege to see it happening in person. Luckily, the "hotfix" from killzone.com forums actually removed all the latency for him!

See my earlier posts for a brief description of what I believe is going on to cause this (firmware related).
Arsenic said:
Anyone else experiencing freezing problems?

the game froze while playing in this one room (it got really intense) even though i could still hear people talk on the mic for a few seconds. I reset the ps3 and the same shit happens in the next game i played, in a totally different room. the friends i was playing with also had frozen ps3s.

this never happened before, until tonight. anyone else with the same problems?

Seems to be happening to some people, but not everyone. I have yet to have it happen, never been booted from a match either.

xenorevlis said:
Never say never, right? :p

Actually, it has never had this much delay for me, but a select number of people ARE experiencing this substantial delay, including some of my friends. I had the awkward privilege to see it happening in person.

See my earlier posts for a brief description of what I believe is going on to cause this (firmware related).

I know some people are sensitive to delay but a full second seems hard to believe. I wonder if this whole time people complaining of input lag were talking about something this severe.


y'all should be ashamed
Arsenic said:
Anyone else experiencing freezing problems?

the game froze while playing in this one room (it got really intense) even though i could still hear people talk on the mic for a few seconds. I reset the ps3 and the same shit happens in the next game i played, in a totally different room. the friends i was playing with also had frozen ps3s.

this never happened before, until tonight. anyone else with the same problems?
Happened to me for the first time tonight also. Weird.


Varna said:
Man... I'm at the
Train level
. This is really frustrating. The AI does not provide nearly enough cover. I figured out the pattern... Defeat incoming troops, fire rocket, repeat. Unfortunately there are quiet a few of them at once and I'm getting surrounded. There is any cover either so I basically have to try to dodge just about every attack.

You can actually cheat here
and run back to the turret on the tank and they'll follow you.

But i found it easy to take the tank out wiith 2-3 quick rockets and use the remaining rockets on the soldiers.


How am I trading kills with my opponent so often. At least once or twice a match I will be shooting at someone and I die, about half a second later they die as well. What's supposed to have happened in those situations? I always feel like I pumped enough rounds into them or got the headshot before they returned fire yet many times I'll die and then they die (giving me the kill). Is it latency and even so, there's no way we're both firing and killing eachother at the same time like that.
if turrets get stronger i will rage quit. they might not add to you total kill count but it softens up everyone for other people to kill, making them strong will just the engineer more kills. Is there a long recharge time for turrets? if a turret is down it should be down for awhile, not a few seconds for another engineer to prop one up.

cloaking within home spawn range is pretty shitty to be sitting close to where the assassin target is before he even know hes the target.


chubigans said:
Happened to me for the first time tonight also. Weird.
Im afraid to even play now =\ i hate doing hard resets on my 60gig :lol

Dante said:
You can actually cheat here
and run back to the turret on the tank and they'll follow you.

But i found it easy to take the tank out wiith 2-3 quick rockets and use the remaining rockets on the soldiers.

They also wont stop respawning until you take out that tank. Atleast, from what i played and remembered. that part was also annoying and frustrating, made me hate rico.

But now im at the end.....and i want to throw my controller at my HDTV. any tips? :(

next time somebody create a room, could you please put it as autoselect for teams.

or grow some fucking balls and actually play against him.


Any hints on how to rack up more points, so far my max is 52, Im rank 4. I dont think 52 is alot, but maybe it is I dont know can anyone share how much/how they get their points?


Arsenic said:
Im afraid to even play now =\ i hate doing hard resets on my 60gig :lol

They also wont stop respawning until you take out that tank. Atleast, from what i played and remembered. that part was also annoying and frustrating, made me hate rico.

But now im at the end.....and i want to throw my controller at my HDTV. any tips? :(

Which part exactly?


Dante said:
Which part exactly?
the very beginning of the boss fight, trying to kill the waves of enemies. After the flamethrowers it turns into a shitstorm, because they all come from each corner. I even shoot whtever explosive is in the pillars to supress the ones coming behind me, but once i do that, the ones from the front are already killing me.
I know it only gets harder after that. jesus christ


hteng said:
ok so to summarize this topic, the problems that people faced in Multiplayer are

1.) Controls - lag, weight, hard time tracking

2.) ClusterFuck - too much shit going on that defeats tactic

3.) Shotgun - super auto-aim

4.) Turrets - too weak

5.) Sentry bots - too weak

6.) Spawn points - which leads to clusterfucks

7.) Region patch delay

8.) LAG!

9.) Killzone.com doesn't work

GG, please look into all these thanks!

My take on these:

1) - They shouldn't change a thing, just add more adjustable options/custom layout so people can fine tune to their own desire.

2) - If anyone's having issues with clusterfucks you should play in smaller games. Judging by the amount of 32 player games people are just going in for a quick blast to try rank up. Once everything calms down a bit, things will get a lot more tactical, with smaller games (i hope anyway).

- I stick to 12-24 player games, and they've been way better, though games in the 20's still can get pretty crazy.

3) - Fix is on the way - Was a bug

4) - They're pretty spot on. People just have to place them in the right spots for the right situations. I get mowed down by them all the time, and they're mostly really accurate (headshots :( ).

5) - They're definitely too weak, and if the opposition has a turret around, it'll be out of the sky within a few seconds.

6) - Someone suggested over at the official forums adding a radius to them. Either a) you can't chuck a spawn grenade within a certain area limit of an objective, or b), you can't have two (either your own or the enemies) spawn grenades within a given radius of each other.

- They should definitely remove the invulnerability after spawning

I think those will solve a few problems.

7) - Yes! Everything should go out at the same time.

8) - ? - I haven't experienced much of this myself, so not sure what's up.

9) - Fix this sh........!!
Jack Scofield said:
If I'm spectating a full game, is there any way to quick-join when a spot opens up? Or must I exit the server and then rejoin as a player?

I was wondering that myself but for the life of me couldn't find a way to join, what a silly thing not to include. I just have to quit and then rejoin if I want to play.


Stillmatic said:
- They should definitely remove the invulnerability after spawning

I think those will solve a few problems.
i dont think they should do that. what they should do is have your guns/grenades do no damage in the first second. or perhaps put a lock on shooting your gun or throwing a nade.

if they take out the invulnerability it would just lead to more frustrations.
the Petrecite/electric/whatever gun is so fucking badass and powerful. I really, really hope that ends up being an unlockable weapon on all levels as a post-game bonus.

Boss Man

Does anyone else keep getting booted offline? I was only able to finish one game all night. Haven't had this problem before, maybe been knocked offline twice and have probably tripled that tonight.


_leech_ said:
the Petrecite/electric/whatever gun is so fucking badass and powerful. I really, really hope that ends up being an unlockable weapon on all levels as a post-game bonus.
reload animation and sound is so fucking awesome, by far my favorite gun in the game


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
Shinz Kicker said:
if turrets get stronger i will rage quit. they might not add to you total kill count but it softens up everyone for other people to kill, making them strong will just the engineer more kills. Is there a long recharge time for turrets? if a turret is down it should be down for awhile, not a few seconds for another engineer to prop one up.

cloaking within home spawn range is pretty shitty to be sitting close to where the assassin target is before he even know hes the target.
I thought the entire point of setting up a turret was to get kills, not for it to soften people up for other people to steal. Also there are only 4 turrets allowed per faction at one time, after you place one it takes a pretty long time for it to be available to be placed again, unless you die and then the timer resets and you can place one instantly (as long as there are not 4 turrets down or else you cannot).
Stillmatic said:
My take on these:

4) - They're pretty spot on. People just have to place them in the right spots for the right situations. I get mowed down by them all the time, and they're mostly really accurate (headshots :( ).

I completely agree with this. The only reason why people complain about the turrets is because of the stupid fucking ribbon. Turrets place correctly can wreak havoc. They just need to adjust the ribbon requirement so it's not such a problem. The engineers shotgun is probably the deadliest weapon in the game right now; the last thing they need is overpowered turret bots.


StateofMind said:
Does anyone else keep getting booted offline? I was only able to finish one game all night. Haven't had this problem before, maybe been knocked offline twice and have probably tripled that tonight.
A couple of us has been tonight. First time since release this happened to you?


Arsenic said:
i dont think they should do that. what they should do is have your guns/grenades do no damage in the first second. or perhaps put a lock on shooting your gun or throwing a nade.

if they take out the invulnerability it would just lead to more frustrations.

If they were to add the whole radius thing, i don't think it'd be much of an issue, but who knows? They didn't have it in the beta, and the biggest problem there was two spawn points right next to each other. Then again, if invulnerability is gone, a sniper could just sit there a pluck them off as each person spawns. It's a tough one. :/
Stillmatic said:
My take on these:

1) - They shouldn't change a thing, just add more adjustable options/custom layout so people can fine tune to their own desire.

2) - If anyone's having issues with clusterfucks you should play in smaller games. Judging by the amount of 32 player games people are just going in for a quick blast to try rank up. Once everything calms down a bit, things will get a lot more tactical, with smaller games (i hope anyway).

- I stick to 12-24 player games, and they've been way better, though games in the 20's still can get pretty crazy.

3) - Fix is on the way - Was a bug

4) - They're pretty spot on. People just have to place them in the right spots for the right situations. I get mowed down by them all the time, and they're mostly really accurate (headshots :( ).

5) - They're definitely too weak, and if the opposition has a turret around, it'll be out of the sky within a few seconds.

6) - Someone suggested over at the official forums adding a radius to them. Either a) you can't chuck a spawn grenade within a certain area limit of an objective, or b), you can't have two (either your own or the enemies) spawn grenades within a given radius of each other.

- They should definitely remove the invulnerability after spawning

I think those will solve a few problems.

7) - Yes! Everything should go out at the same time.

8) - ? - I haven't experienced much of this myself, so not sure what's up.

9) - Fix this sh........!!

I agree with most of these opinions.

I don't think the patch delay will happen again, and I while well placed turrets are deadly I still think the AI could use a bit more awareness. (but at the same time I can see why some don't want them changed, right now you actually have to think about the placement and allows good engineers to stand higher than bad ones, slowly I am seeing this as a non-issue)

Priority List IMO:
1) Shotgun
2) control tweaks
3) Party System
4) Tweaking objectives and abilities to better suit tactical 32 player matches (figure this may take some time anyway)


StateofMind said:
Does anyone else keep getting booted offline? I was only able to finish one game all night. Haven't had this problem before, maybe been knocked offline twice and have probably tripled that tonight.

Happened to me 3 out of the 5 games I played tonight. Finally just gave up.


y'all should be ashamed


Zeliard said:
I and a couple others on GAF coming from a PC background have also said that Killzone 2 feels exceptionally good for a console shooter. Some of the guys in my old Quake clan are digging it as well, and they generally don't touch consoles when it comes to shooters.

Halo, Resistance, Gears of War, CoD4, L4D, TF2 - these are all games that would (and in some cases do) feel much better with a keyboard and mouse. I wouldn't necessarily group Killzone 2 with them. That game is all about pressure-sensitive analog controls due to its huge emphasis on momentum, and I don't think that feeling would translate as well to a kb/mouse since they lack pressure sensitivity (i.e. tilting the left analog stick at various angles in order to tip-toe/walk/trot/sprint, or the right one to adjust the aim acceleration).
I think KZ2 would be alright on a kb and mouse. Poking your head out would be a lot more dangerous.

Varna said:
Man... I'm at the
Train level
. This is really frustrating. The AI does not provide nearly enough cover. I figured out the pattern... Defeat incoming troops, fire rocket, repeat. Unfortunately there are quiet a few of them at once and I'm getting surrounded. There is any cover either so I basically have to try to dodge just about every attack.
haul ass to the rocket launcher then haul ass back a full checkpoint to the mounted tank gun. kill the higs with that, run up and shoot the tank once, retreat again. That is the 'sploit way of doing it.


Stillmatic said:
If they were to add the whole radius thing, i don't think it'd be much of an issue, but who knows? They didn't have it in the beta, and the biggest problem there was two spawn points right next to each other. Then again, if invulnerability is gone, a sniper could just sit there a pluck them off as each person spawns. It's a tough one. :/
spawn vulnerability was bad in the beta.

Guts Of Thor

Thorax of Odin
Finished the game last night and I didn't want it to end! Very enjoyable experience. I've played many war games before but none of them come close to capturing the hell of what war is like like KZ2 does. The first two levels as well as the
fight before the Radec battle
were my favorite levels. I LOVED the ending as well. So bleak and full of despair.

Can't wait for KZ3!


all the high ranked servers are filed with disguised people, it's so annoying to have to constantly point my reticle at everyone or keep my eyes locked to the radar. they should limit the number of that badge per team or make it easier to tell them apart from your real teamates.


Grayman said:
spawn vulnerability was bad in the beta.
Well they should take it off only for the spawn points thrown down by tacticians or have it where if you start shooting then it turns the invulnerability off as soon as you do.
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