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Fersis said:
Im a Killzone 2 newbie so i have a couple of questions:
1)Is there a way to make a skirmish session with only one game type?
2)Whats the deal with the intel,do i have to go to killzone.com to see it?
3)I only played one online match and i got 29 points... but then my stats showed 0
(In fact all the stats says 0)



If you collect intel you can view it on the website, but the website doesnt work correctly since last week(doesn't show anything).


Great games this morning, I unlocked the Engineer, but haven't used him yet. I love just playing as the Medic.

I think its also time for me to get a headset, I can't stand hearing voices coming through my TV speakers any more.


methane47 said:
What is it with most medic in this game?

I swear I have NEVER seen a medic throw down a health pack for me... besides myself

when i play medic.. i always go out of my way to help teammates but.. most medics i've played with couldn't be bothered to try and heal you.

Two things:
a.) the medic pack needs to be more visible on the map - they're almost impossible to spot
b.) they can be hard to throw sometimes :lol

I try to heal people all the time but since their health regenerates they rarely wait around to be healed, they just run and hide (it's safer and faster than fumbling about trying to SEE the fucking medic pack)


Have a fun! Enjoy!
JB1981 said:
Two things:
a.) the medic pack needs to be more visible on the map - they're almost impossible to spot
b.) they can be hard to throw sometimes :lol

I try to heal people all the time but since their health regenerates they rarely wait around to be healed, they just run and hide (it's safer and faster than fumbling about trying to SEE the fucking medic pack)

This was already brought up during the beta. No idea why they didn't fix it cos it's a pretty obvious omission. Perhaps it wasn't easy to implement it quickly. One thing they fixed, tho, is the medpack physics. In the beta, it would bounce around ending up in places you didn't really wanted to toss it to. Now it kinda "flops" where it lands.


You can make a room with one or two game types I've played a couple of games like that. I believe you need to select one of those empty slots while making the room.

Iain Howe

don't ask me for codes
Dubbedinenglish said:
Also he's the one who kept the most extreme in check. Like Radec who wanted to go out and fight the ISA muzzle to muzzle, but Visari kept him in the back because he was the commander. I suspect there are quite a few radicals like Radec in the army still left and the with their new rage at the ISA killing Visari and nuking their city (I'm sure Visari wouldn't say he nuked their capitol).

I think there may be a UCA intervention, but I doubt simply rescuing the ISA would be their intention. I think at this point with the new ore found on Helghan the UCA could have a vested interest in occupying Helghan itself for this ore. Remember also the HGH have the nuke launch codes and more warheads left.

Big Fucking Spoilers! You have been warned!

Disclaimer: This is speculation on my part!

The Higs have been making money smuggling Petrusite energy offplanet since Visari took over. Who has the money to buy all that product? Some podunk little agriculture colony? Who has the highest energy needs?

The UCN has a vested interest in keeping the civil war going. They don't want ANYONE in charge of a unified Alpha Centauri - look what happened last time! Hence their orders to the Vektans not to do anymore than blockade the planet and wipe out the Helghan homefleet.

Meanwhile on Helghan you'll probably get exactly what Visari predicted. The common Hig on the street is going to see Visari as a martyr now. Who's going to believe that the ISA didn't use nukes on Phyrrus out of spite in retaliation for the destruction of a large chunk of the Mandrake Battlegroup and all the losses on the ground?

I'd imagine the government will switch to the city of Konstantin - but there'll be significant splintering, unless a strong leader can be found quickly. Visari held it all together. He's gone now. The madness begins!


MvmntInGrn said:
I really don't see the weight being changed. Input lag will be looked into. And the controls may be tweaked but the weight is just how Killzone 2 feels.

I don't think many are really complaining about that anyway. The weight (as far as how you directly move) is done well IMO.
I don't have a problem with the weight so much. The lag and what seems to be a lack of acceleration is what gets me. The lag makes it nearly impossible for me to make fine adjustments to my aim accurately...its pretty frustrating. I'm having a good time with the game, but there are moments when I see an enemy player that I want to shoot, but I spend an extra 5 seconds fighting the controls as the cross-hair just tracks past them or doesn't move far enough, and by the time I can get the cross-hair on them...they've moved. That's really frustrating and makes me want to play something else.

I'm not going to run out and spend another $50 or whatever on another controller because, this isn't a problem in any other PS3 game I've played, so I can't see how it can be fixed by using a different controller.


Iain Howe said:
Big Fucking Spoilers! You have been warned!

Disclaimer: This is speculation on my part!

The Higs have been making money smuggling Petrusite energy offplanet since Visari took over. Who has the money to buy all that product? Some podunk little agriculture colony? Who has the highest energy needs?

The UCN has a vested interest in keeping the civil war going. They don't want ANYONE in charge of a unified Alpha Centauri - look what happened last time! Hence their orders to the Vektans not to do anymore than blockade the planet and wipe out the Helghan homefleet.

Meanwhile on Helghan you'll probably get exactly what Visari predicted. The common Hig on the street is going to see Visari as a martyr now. Who's going to believe that the ISA didn't use nukes on Phyrrus out of spite in retaliation for the destruction of a large chunk of the Mandrake Battlegroup and all the losses on the ground?

I'd imagine the government will switch to the city of Konstantin - but there'll be significant splintering, unless a strong leader can be found quickly. Visari held it all together. He's gone now. The madness begins!

Just reading that
awesome [logical] speculation
makes me want KZ3 bad :(
Iain Howe said:
Big Fucking Spoilers! You have been warned!

Disclaimer: This is speculation on my part!

The Higs have been making money smuggling Petrusite energy offplanet since Visari took over. Who has the money to buy all that product? Some podunk little agriculture colony? Who has the highest energy needs?

The UCN has a vested interest in keeping the civil war going. They don't want ANYONE in charge of a unified Alpha Centauri - look what happened last time! Hence their orders to the Vektans not to do anymore than blockade the planet and wipe out the Helghan homefleet.

Meanwhile on Helghan you'll probably get exactly what Visari predicted. The common Hig on the street is going to see Visari as a martyr now. Who's going to believe that the ISA didn't use nukes on Phyrrus out of spite in retaliation for the destruction of a large chunk of the Mandrake Battlegroup and all the losses on the ground?

I'd imagine the government will switch to the city of Konstantin - but there'll be significant splintering, unless a strong leader can be found quickly. Visari held it all together. He's gone now. The madness begins!
that sounds like a plausible story


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Full Recovery said:
Click Click BANG! He switches classes up constantly, and will own you with any weapon. ;)

Heh, I'm going to have to disagree with you about Click changing classes. I've yet to see him with anything other than a shotty :p It's okay though, as I have been known to whore out the shotty as well. Though, since I unlocked the sab class, I prefer that class most of the time. My scores are lower but I *love* when I notice someone realizing that I'm not on their team. It's run past me, paint me with their cursor, stop, slowly turn around, look again, then start shooting.


Umm guys...

I just upscaled killzone 2 to 1080p and holy mother of god it looks crisper!, not only that but the controls feel more responsive!, i assure you its not a placebo effect. TRY IT!


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
I freakin' love the controls! :mad:
The 'weight' ... i want all my FPS with that kind of weight and momentum.
So yeah.KZ2 controls are awesome ,its the others FPS who have broken controls!:D


I'm finding out that it's much easier for me to rank up when I'm in non-GAF servers. I knew this anyway, but I'm finding out just how much different it is. Usually I can lead or be right near the top in a non-GAF game. Last night I think I got around 90+ points in one game of Warzone. In a typical GAF game I'm probably around 25-30. It's nice to get the points, but a lot more fun and challenging playing GAF people.

The game is also a lot more fun in an 8 vs. 8 game.


Love this game, I told my self, okay just a few more rounds, should not be long....5 hours later, okay, lets go to bed...


btw. I need to know how good KZ2 have done in the retail, were is my numbers!?! :p


andycapps said:
I'm finding out that it's much easier for me to rank up when I'm in non-GAF servers. I knew this anyway, but I'm finding out just how much different it is. Usually I can lead or be right near the top in a non-GAF game. Last night I think I got around 90+ points in one game of Warzone. In a typical GAF game I'm probably around 25-30. It's nice to get the points, but a lot more fun and challenging playing GAF people.

The game is also a lot more fun in an 8 vs. 8 game.

Yes, i've found i do alright in the GAF games, but then tear assholes in random games that aren't 16v16 on SHYTEIS DEPOT.


I was beginning to think MP would never grab me, but last night I only played in smaller games (up to 16 or so people) and it was SO MUCH MORE ENJOYABLE.


Suddenly, I was earning four ribbons a match, every time. I didn't even know what the fuck those ribbons WERE the first time they came up, as I'd only earned ONE before in the unplayable fracas of 32-player matches.

So, it's smaller matches for me from here on out. I just might wind up sticking with this after all!
commish said:
Heh, I'm going to have to disagree with you about Click changing classes. I've yet to see him with anything other than a shotty :p It's okay though, as I have been known to whore out the shotty as well. Though, since I unlocked the sab class, I prefer that class most of the time. My scores are lower but I *love* when I notice someone realizing that I'm not on their team. It's run past me, paint me with their cursor, stop, slowly turn around, look again, then start shooting.

The only map I saw him NOT using the shotty on was the big ass desert map, and he was nowhere near the top of the leaderboard in that game. Every other game, it was shotty, shotty, shotty...he was the one that was talking bout my momma too!:lol

The GAF room should have the shotty turned off until that patch is released. Don't turn off the engineer altogether, becuase then people can't repair things in the map or use the turrets. Turrets can be a little annoying, but their easily dealt with.


Kolgar said:
I was beginning to think MP would never grab me, but last night I only played in smaller games (up to 16 or so people) and it was SO MUCH MORE ENJOYABLE.


Suddenly, I was earning four ribbons a match, every time. I didn't even know what the fuck those ribbons WERE the first time they came up, as I'd only earned ONE before in the unplayable fracas of 32-player matches.

So, it's smaller matches for me from here on out. I just might wind up sticking with this after all!

Yep, I finally started using the search tool and limited it to smaller maps. I like it a lot no matter what size the game is, but the smaller maps are just more entertaining because you stand a chance of staying alive more than 30 seconds. In a 32 player match, I'm lucky to get off 1 kill for every time I die. In a smaller match where people aren't sneaking up behind you as much or just too many people everywhere, you can be more strategic and play smarter. With 32 player I find myself going Rambo all the time and it doesn't work well.

SwitchBladeKneegrow said:
The only map I saw him NOT using the shotty on was the big ass desert map, and he was nowhere near the top of the leaderboard in that game. Every other game, it was shotty, shotty, shotty...he was the one that was talking bout my momma too!:lol

The GAF room should have the shotty turned off until that patch is released. Don't turn off the engineer altogether, becuase then people can't repair things in the map or use the turrets. Turrets can be a little annoying, but their easily dealt with.

Click is legit though. I played with him a lot in Resistance 2 and he's good at FPS games in general. He talks a lot of crap, but he backs it up. I haven't played with or against him in KZ2 yet, but I do know from past experience that he's good at what he does. And I doubt he's using the shotgun bug, probably just times his shots really well and aims for headshots every time.
andycapps said:
I'm finding out that it's much easier for me to rank up when I'm in non-GAF servers. I knew this anyway, but I'm finding out just how much different it is. Usually I can lead or be right near the top in a non-GAF game. Last night I think I got around 90+ points in one game of Warzone. In a typical GAF game I'm probably around 25-30. It's nice to get the points, but a lot more fun and challenging playing GAF people.

The game is also a lot more fun in an 8 vs. 8 game.

QFT! When I play with some of my GAF Clan members on random servers, we would own, and I would play really well, always around the top 5-6. Now, when I join GAF only games, I am always much lower. Just much better competition and I am still only an Engineer.

Also, I am an idiot I guess, But I have never used the Shotgun Lock On and have only heard of it on here. I assume you hold L1 to do so? I thought that was a flashlight like from the Single Player game and I have never even tried it in a multiplayer game. I thought it would reveal where I was with a bright light. I am awful with the shotgun, no wonder everyone was so damn good with it.

PSN ID : Filth_Flannigan
After more experience with the game online (Finally Master Sergeant... after about 4 hours of play time, yeah I don't get to play much my Fiancee seems to want me to do things like the dishes now and then after working, women...), and playing with the sensitivity levels a lot, I think I'm OK with the aiming/deadzone system now.

I've developed a new hate for one game mechanic online, the dropped spawn points.

I was playing a map at Radec Academy last night, and during a search and destroy match both teams dropped spawn points in one little room where a target was. It was just completely ridiculous, between the 30 bodies in the room and all of the bomb smoke it was impossible to see what was going on - all strategy went out the window and it just became a spawn, toss grenades, blindly shoot shotgun game until you're dead mess.

Now, granted, during that match I made more points than I've ever seen in a game before ... it ended up netting me almost 90 points, but still... it seemed to to totally take away from the game.

I also hate it when the other team puts a spawn point right next to your camp. Results in the same run and gun circus. I think they need to introduce more restrictions for where spawn points can be dropped. A larger area away from the other teams camp and perhaps a first come first serve system of disabling the dropping of spawn points within a certain radius of where another teams spawn point is already dropped.

Also, is it just me or is the SMG almost totally useless in MP? After first unlocking it, I tried it out for a game and it seemed like I could never hold it on someone long enough to survive before they blew me away with the standard assault rifle in a second.

RE: Shotgun auto lock, I believe on the official forums they said that they have done something to "fix" the shotgun aim assist. The amount of assist on that thing is ridiculous.

Shotgun Aim Assist

Investigating the problem and will patch it up. Update: Fixed in next patch.


I absolutely loathe the controls of this game, yet I can't stop playing the MP, I love it! I had an awesome moment yesterday during a search and retrieve match...we were in the little canal part of the map and the destination point was at the end of it, I pick up a shotgun in the trench and begin to destroy the other team all the way to the drop off. :lol I literally got like 8-10 straight shotgun kills, just hiding behind the little pieces of cover up to the drop spot, it was pretty sweet.

I really hope more MP games (Halo especially) incorporate this system of the objective changing on the fly during MP, makes it so much more fun and diverse.


Played through the train level. I am really liking it so far. I still wrestle with the controls but it is to the point now that I have accepted that I will never be good at moving the right stick smooth enough to be great at it so I don't really care anymore.


TTP said:
This was already brought up during the beta. No idea why they didn't fix it cos it's a pretty obvious omission. Perhaps it wasn't easy to implement it quickly. One thing they fixed, tho, is the medpack physics. In the beta, it would bounce around ending up in places you didn't really wanted to toss it to. Now it kinda "flops" where it lands.

Agreed. Worked around that by just tossing one in high action areas hoping someone will benefit from it, but they could stand to at least have a slight ISA or HIG colored glare, or something to highlight it.


Kolgar said:
I was beginning to think MP would never grab me, but last night I only played in smaller games (up to 16 or so people) and it was SO MUCH MORE ENJOYABLE.


Suddenly, I was earning four ribbons a match, every time. I didn't even know what the fuck those ribbons WERE the first time they came up, as I'd only earned ONE before in the unplayable fracas of 32-player matches.

So, it's smaller matches for me from here on out. I just might wind up sticking with this after all!
Yeah thats the thing about MP.. the experience varies drastically from room to room. It could be a cluster-fuck at one moment(due to the tacticians/grenades/rocket launchers/grenade launchers) and then the next its pure bliss.
I was playing this room as a saboteur (a class I didn't like that much up until that point) and nobody would go over my claymores. They would always spot them since its a common spot to put them on.. so I got the bright idea to disguise myself as the enemy. I waited around another corner and made it look like I was running towards my team when I saw them approaching. I run up.. turn the corner.. the guy behind me sees nothing happened so he bolts in without looking and BOOOM! OMG I never laughed so hard in my life! They killed me right after but I was laughing so hard I didn't care :lol But yeah if you don't initially like Killzone 2's MP just keep playing it and it will click eventually. If it doesn't after a few days then I guess its not for you.
Teknoman said:
Agreed. Worked around that by just tossing one in high action areas hoping someone will benefit from it, but they could stand to at least have a slight ISA or HIG colored glare, or something to highlight it.

I throw them right at hurt players.
Teknoman said:
Agreed. Worked around that by just tossing one in high action areas hoping someone will benefit from it, but they could stand to at least have a slight ISA or HIG colored glare, or something to highlight it.

Sometimes they actually fall through the floor which is particularly annoying, especially when you need one for yourself because your on the verge of death.
Wallach said:
Unfortunately, I decided to do the smart thing tonight and return the PS3 as I've just recently lost my job. Thus, I will not be able to play with you folks for a while until work picks up again, which may or may not be anytime soon. Oh well, it is a great game and I'm sure GG will clean up the issues that remain as it stands.

I totally would have made top 1% this week too. :lol :D

Shame, good luck man!

Ploid 3.0

Shinz Kicker said:
if turrets get stronger i will rage quit. they might not add to you total kill count but it softens up everyone for other people to kill, making them strong will just the engineer more kills. Is there a long recharge time for turrets? if a turret is down it should be down for awhile, not a few seconds for another engineer to prop one up.

Then they shouldn't have made the ribbon to go towards obtain the second badge so ridiculious. I got 2 of the 8 after hours of warzone. Gave up at 3am thinking I just needed more skill. I placed them on pipes, on glitched buildings so it would stick out of the side where no grenade could get it, all the wile getting kills myself was not even on my mind. I'd be trying to soften them up for my turrets which only worked about 2 times. It's way too easy to walk away from a turret unharmed. Even in halls with two turrets (I had to jump in and soften them up but ended up killing them. Shotgun).

pelicansurf said:
I thought the entire point of setting up a turret was to get kills, not for it to soften people up for other people to steal. Also there are only 4 turrets allowed per faction at one time, after you place one it takes a pretty long time for it to be available to be placed again, unless you die and then the timer resets and you can place one instantly (as long as there are not 4 turrets down or else you cannot).

The turret limit was annoying me as well. Better off assigning one turret per person. If 5 engineers are in a match so be it. The turrets aren't that destructive anyway. People will just shake them off or might not even notice them. And the engineers will only be useful as a shotgun user, unless they are lucky enough to endure the 8/8 turret ribbons from a great turret power level room. I should set one up, and I'm against that stuff.

The turrets from TF2 could take on and beat 5 kz2 turrets at the same time.

Felix Lighter said:
I completely agree with this. The only reason why people complain about the turrets is because of the stupid fucking ribbon. Turrets place correctly can wreak havoc. They just need to adjust the ribbon requirement so it's not such a problem. The engineers shotgun is probably the deadliest weapon in the game right now; the last thing they need is overpowered turret bots.

And a secondary badge. That would just push them too far up on the tier list. They need to share 3 turrets if you ask me. And the cool down timer should be even longer. They shouldn't be able to reset the cool down by killing them self with their grenades. That's a bad exploit. (s)

RJNavarrete said:
I just scored the propaganda speaker 3 times in a row to lead our team t.........

I round the corner after turning my jets on and I see the endzone in sight. The funniest part? They had set up all four of their available turrets around the propaganda stand. :lol :lol Thanks to the boost I was able to get in, score, and get out. All I hear is "How the hell did he get past all four of the turrets!?! wtf??! Is he cheating?!"

bwahahaha. Great times. Killzone 2, I love thee.

I'm not surprised at all. I'd even believe you just ran normally past them. I wonder why they didn't have someone there to get the kill after the turrets softened you up.


Aladuf said:
Recovery might be ranked #60 in the world or so but he knows he can't touch my StA-14. Those one or two matches you went HG you were eating my bullets. ;)

Those matches were crazy good tonight though, I think having the matches password protected is best so we can keep the douchebags out. Some of the matches details still need to be ironed out a bit but we've got a fairly good thing going now each night. Tonight's matches totally convinced me to start going for the Revolver unlock too, you guys who have it already were completely destroying people tonight.
No shotguns until patch is out. Its being whored more and more in gaf games. I join gaf games because its a lot more even compared to random games where people just use shotgun. But yesterday, so many people used a shotgun that spawn points were placed on top of each other at every target and people just spawned with shotguns.

Ploid 3.0

I never once used the shotgun glitch. I tried the zoom one time to see what the flashlight looks like. I'm not even 100% sure if there is a auto aim.

Ploid 3.0

Always-honest said:
:lol me neither.. how the hell does it even work?

Kill someone with a shotgun. In their eyes you must have used it. It's now a stigma. Engineers are looked down upon due to our overpowered only weapon. I even tried to grab another weapon. It's not like my bots are worth saving.


Ploid 3.0 said:
I never once used the shotgun glitch. I tried the zoom one time to see what the flashlight looks like. I'm not even 100% sure if there is a auto aim.

There is in multiplayer, and it's egregious. You literally lock on to the opposing player the entire time you hold L1 as long as you're facing in their general direction. The only way it would be worse is if you locked on to players who aren't in your view, which would effectively make it a bot.

I don't know why they haven't fixed this yet when they were so quick to stop people from ranking up with easy bots. This is worse since it unbalances the game. Players with high ranks generally only play others with high ranks anyway (same thing with low ranks), so the bot thing is trivial by comparison.
Ploid 3.0 said:
Kill someone with a shotgun. In their eyes you must have used it. It's now a stigma. Engineers are looked down upon due to our overpowered only weapon. I even tried to grab another weapon. It's not like my bots are worth saving.

ah okay, it's just online? haven't played online yet....:s


Ploid 3.0 said:
I never once used the shotgun glitch. I tried the zoom one time to see what the flashlight looks like. I'm not even 100% sure if there is a auto aim.

Auto-aim on the shotgun has never worked for me either, using Alt 2 control and pushing L1 does nothing but turn on the flashlight. Maybe my copy is broken but I think people are just getting owned and there really isn't any autoaim but of course people won't admit it :D
TTP said:

Hells yeah.

Best Platinum icon ever?

About how may hours and kills do you think you had to put in to get that 1% trophy. I think that one will keep me from the platinum.


JudgeN said:
Auto-aim on the shotgun has never worked for me either, using Alt 2 control and pushing L1 does nothing but turn on the flashlight. Maybe my copy is broken but I think people are just getting owned and there really isn't any autoaim but of course people won't admit it :D
No its really there. Its really unbelievable if you cant spot it at all. Its like not being able to tell the difference between a SDTV and a HDTV, no exaggeration.
I used it last night because I got pissed in the gaf game, like 10 ppl used it the whole time and the winning team always had like the top 5 people using the shotgun. The top person was using the shotgun so I said fuck it and used it.

I could pick up the propaganda speaker and use boast(assault) and be running and 1 person would headshot me each team with the shotgun.


notjackbauer said:
killzone.com is borked. i am not impressed.

Been borked for 3 days now I think. Supposedly they thought were going to get it online yesterday but couldn't do it. Think they're doing massive server overhauls there and knew they'd have a lot of traffic, but nowhere near this much. So they basically cut all the stats updating so they could keep the basic website up until they can sort it out. I imagine they'll get it back up before the weekend.
Click is legit. I've played against him in a number of multiplayer games. Resistance,Warhawk,che kicked ass in all of them.

Also they should restrict the spawn grenades to only be usable outside and not indoors. That would fix a lot of the clusterfuck issues methinks.


Gold Member
Couple campaign questions...

1. The intel I collect in the campaign mode. Is there a screen someplace in the menus where I can actually read the intel?

2. For the intel, and the Helgast symbols that are hidden on each stage. When i go and replay a stage, before i start the stage will it tell me how many helgast symbols i still need to find, and how many intel pieces i am missing?

I just LOVE this game to death.

I just got to the desert stage last night where the bugs are crawling around. When I first got attacked by the bigger bugs I thought "When did this become Fallout 3?"lol. The atmosphere, sound and graphics have just blown me away.... I quit last night after starting the area when your on the moving train.

I hope this game sells HUGE for Sony.
sloppyjoe_gamer said:
Couple campaign questions...

1. The intel I collect in the campaign mode. Is there a screen someplace in the menus where I can actually read the intel?

2. For the intel, and the Helgast symbols that are hidden on each stage. When i go and replay a stage, before i start the stage will it tell me how many helgast symbols i still need to find, and how many intel pieces i am missing?

I just LOVE this game to death.

I just got to the desert stage last night where the bugs are crawling around. When I first got attacked by the bigger bugs I thought "When did this become Fallout 3?"lol. The atmosphere, sound and graphics have just blown me away.... I quit last night after starting the area when your on the moving train.

I hope this game sells HUGE for Sony.

1: Killzone.com , but the site is borked
2: Select a map and you'll get the info on the right of your'e screen.


Anyone looking for more players to add to their list, add me. I am buying a headset today so I can play more tactically.

PSN - lawblob
lawblob said:
Anyone looking for more players to add to their list, add me. I am buying a headset today so I can play more tactically.

PSN - lawblob

How do I add friends online? I don't see any options on the playstation/psn website...

There's definitely some stuff there, that if they don't exist, they need to copy from the xbox website. I want to read my messages from work, add friends and such...


DMeisterJ said:
Why is everyone and their mother using the shotgun? It seems like every time I die it's by that damned weapon. Ugh.

Auto-aim, apparently. Its annoying as hell. Its also foolish, because if someone is playing smart, you can more often than not kill shotgun users.

gregor7777 said:
How do I add friends online? I don't see any options on the playstation/psn website...

There's definitely some stuff there, that if they don't exist, they need to copy from the xbox website. I want to read my messages from work, add friends and such...

I don't think you can. Yeah, PSN is woefully lame compared to XBL in some respects. Fortunately I think KZ2 is finally a game that will motivate enough PS3 users to play online so much and rely on clans & friends list functions that they will demand better PSN functionality.
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