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DMeisterJ said:
Why is everyone and their mother using the shotgun? It seems like every time I die it's by that damned weapon. Ugh.

Because everyone and their mother just unlocked the engineer class.


JudgeN said:
Auto-aim on the shotgun has never worked for me either, using Alt 2 control and pushing L1 does nothing but turn on the flashlight. Maybe my copy is broken but I think people are just getting owned and there really isn't any autoaim but of course people won't admit it :D

I'll just assume this is a joke post.


Fersis said:
Im a Killzone 2 newbie so i have a couple of questions:

3)I only played one online match and i got 29 points... but then my stats showed 0
(In fact all the stats says 0)


It's fucked up: yesterday I played and scored 24 kills: at the end it gives me a couple ribbons and some exp. but THEN I pressed quit (i was finished playing) instead of continue and the stats didn't register.

I guess you have to say continue and THEN leave before the next match begins.

can anyone confirm this?


When is the patch out?
Soon, working on finalizing a day, but don't want to proclaim it in case something unexpected pops up and I look like an ass for saying the wrong day.

Seb Downie - Producer - Guerrilla Games


I only been using the shotgun because that's all the engineer got, and I need those badges and medals.

Also I did not know the shotgun had auto aim :lol
Station42 said:
It's fucked up: yesterday I played and scored 24 kills: at the end it gives me a couple ribbons and some exp. but THEN I pressed quit (i was finished playing) instead of continue and the stats didn't register.

I guess you have to say continue and THEN leave before the next match begins.

can anyone confirm this?

It takes a little while before your stats update from when you quit your last game. I think it's annoying and could be improved... your status should be cached locally after a match instead of always retrieving from the server which is lagging. I've never had my status not update eventually though.
I am playing a lot with engineer. It's the first I want to complete to 100%. Until yesterday I wasn't aware of the auto-aim, but now I know, I do use it.


Are there regular clan nights? I'm all kinds of confused because of the current way we have to play together (re: get into rooms).

There's a bunch of people I want to play with (you know who you are), but I can't ever get into those games. I've basically given up.



I've been finding nothing but Tharsis Depot 32player games filled with angry frenchmen. It's enough to turn a guy off KZ2 permanently. Screamy whiney pissants crying about Sab kills and a rocket/nade/stupid spawn placement spamfest on the worst KZ2 map.


ScrabbleBanshee said:
It takes a little while before your stats update from when you quit your last game. I think it's annoying and could be improved... your status should be cached locally after a match instead of always retrieving from the server which is lagging. I've never had my status not update eventually though.

AAAAAH that maybe it, I thought it simply didn't register because I quit.


Anyway game is great, lot's of fun.

Don't like singole player though, I think when you have different controls for single player and multi then there is an issue somewhere, it's as though gameplay wasn't deigned by the same people.


How does one find these GAF games? I never see anything GAF on the server list when I'm online and I only have a few Gaffers on my buddy list.
Station42 said:
Don't like singole player though, I think when you have different controls for single player and multi then there is an issue somewhere, it's as though gameplay wasn't deigned by the same people.

It certainly is odd. I can't name any FPS games off the top of my had that have a different setup going from SP to MP.

Haven't played more than 2 minutes of the SP though so I can't comment first hand.


hteng said:
damn the sniper rifle is so hard to use, wish i have a keyboard and mouse just for it

Im' always terrible with sniper rifles, in any FPS game. I don't know how anybody is good with them. And using Alt 2 controls, I find it makes the sniper even more cumbersome.


Ploid 3.0 said:
I never once used the shotgun glitch. I tried the zoom one time to see what the flashlight looks like. I'm not even 100% sure if there is a auto aim.

Probably not the best example out there, but I uploaded an HD no-HUD clip of 2 kills using auto-aim on the shotgun. Watch the screen track the targets by really tiny amounts. Like I said in the video comment, I'm nowhere near good enough to do that fine of adjustment. As others have said, just hold L1 if you're using ALT2 to track the guy in your sights.

Loudninja said:
I only been using the shotgun because that's all the engineer got, and I need those badges and medals.

Also I did not know the shotgun had auto aim :lol

How does that work? Which button do you press?


Q-bert said:
Probably not the best example out there, but I uploaded an HD no-HUD clip of 2 kills using auto-aim on the shotgun. Watch the screen track the targets by really tiny amounts. Like I said in the video comment, I'm nowhere near good enough to do that fine of adjustment. As others have said, just hold L1 if you're using ALT2 to track the guy in your sights.

You're part of the problem, stop showing punks how to use this exploit FFS!
Facism said:
I've been finding nothing but Tharsis Depot 32player games filled with angry frenchmen. It's enough to turn a guy off KZ2 permanently. Screamy whiney pissants crying about Sab kills and a rocket/nade/stupid spawn placement spamfest on the worst KZ2 map.
Visari Hammer says hi.


Ugh, bollocks I've just got to the bit with the
big explosion
and caught the start button just as it happened and cancelled the cutscene..... Is there any way to play the cut scene again? I don't fancy doing the level again....


TTP said:
This was already brought up during the beta. No idea why they didn't fix it cos it's a pretty obvious omission. Perhaps it wasn't easy to implement it quickly. One thing they fixed, tho, is the medpack physics. In the beta, it would bounce around ending up in places you didn't really wanted to toss it to. Now it kinda "flops" where it lands.
I wish it would just shoot out some kind of ray that you have to charge up before healing again or something. Just using the reticule. Seems pretty useless to me.

One thing about shotgun being overpowered: they are on indoor levels, just like snipers are far too powerful on phyrus. I don't get all the hate. It's not like the range is absurd or anything. The auto-aim is a bit much, but in all likelihood you're going to get owned in an indoor clusterfuck by a shotgun regardless of autoaim. I've not played very long and I do primarily use the shotgun, but there are times when you have to switch to the assault rifle.

Does anyone think you spawn with too many grenades? I have two right now (dunno how many you can acquire), and as soon as I spawn next to the action, I toss two grenades, wait for people to run out, and blow them away. Turns into a big mess when everyone is doing the same thing.
i_am_ben said:
Just finished the game:

i liked the ending (despite the whole massive helgan army that came our of nowhere although i guess that could be explained in ). Maybe it's because i hate rico so much and enjoy the fact that he's pretty much fucked everything up royally. hopefully KZ3 will include a level where people lynch rico for his stupidity. :D

Out of nowhere? Before assaulting Visari's palace the Helghast had already won. Radec even sent 2 whole divisions for them. You are part of the remainder of the ISA army that doesn't give a fuck if they die.


shooting blanks
gregor7777 said:
How do I add friends online? I don't see any options on the playstation/psn website...

There's definitely some stuff there, that if they don't exist, they need to copy from the xbox website. I want to read my messages from work, add friends and such...



M3Freak said:
Are there regular clan nights? I'm all kinds of confused because of the current way we have to play together (re: get into rooms).

There's a bunch of people I want to play with (you know who you are), but I can't ever get into those games. I've basically given up.

Its been discussed that there will be a main gaf night, but to be honest, so far EVERY night has been a gaf night LOL. Always like 2 gaf games up.

They really are the only rooms I play in because there is always 1 up with at least 5+ gaffers when its not a private game.

You just got to add gaffers and join them, main ones are full recovery, ffobbessed, thirdengine(?), blackmark, myself, beamber(jb1981), and quite a few others(names are diferent than gaf and hard to track them :p)
Facism said:
Visari hammer is a fun map with the right people. Tharsis Depot is 100% shit, 100% of the time.
I liked it at first, but it gets old when you're running around for a couple minutes and not finding anyone. I'm also not a big fan of Corinth Crossing, but at times it can be a great map. The other six are awesome, especially BG and Helgan Industries.


PuMa said:
How does one find these GAF games? I never see anything GAF on the server list when I'm online and I only have a few Gaffers on my buddy list.
I just ran into someone by accident, added him to my FL and now i can follow him tnot a match whenever he is playing .. makes me feel like a stalker th o :lol

I am still waiting for a clan invite :( HINT HINT!!!!


I mentioned yesterday to Seb regarding how the "search" function doesn't work that well and how it needs some work and this is what he said.

Seb Downie said:
Yeah I get it. Might need to work on the game search results a little more. Getting that a lot. Thanks.

Seb Downie - Producer - Guerrilla Games

And regarding the website:

Seb Downie said:
Sorry to say it, did not manage despite some valient efforts to get it live tonight. Working tirelessly to make it ahappen though.

Seb Downie - Producer - Guerrilla Games

Doc Evils

andycapps said:
I mentioned yesterday to Seb regarding how the "search" function doesn't work that well and how it needs some work and this is what he said.

And regarding the website:

you have to wonder how many people went online that it destroyed the site.
oneHeero said:
You just got to add gaffers and join them, main ones are full recovery, ffobbessed, thirdengine(?), blackmark, myself, beamber(jb1981), and quite a few others(names are diferent than gaf and hard to track them :p)
When I made my ID, I tried about every iteration of ThirdEngine I could come up with and they were all taken. I then decided losing the vowels and looking illiterate was the next best option.
Despite all the issues and complaints that are apparent with the MP this game has absolutely
consumed every second of free time I have. I shudder to think what will happen to my daily life
once they fix everything I wont ever leave the house again.


ThirdEngine said:
When I made my ID, I tried about every iteration of ThirdEngine I could come up with and they were all taken. I then decided losing the vowels and looking illiterate was the next best option.

You should add me. ID is in the online thread.
If anyone is having a hard time getting headshots in the campaign or mp I have just changed my sensitivity to
make it a absolute breeze.
Y Axis sensitivity - 50/100
X Axis sensitivity - 80/100

The only time I usually raise my sights along the y axis its to center on someones head. By making
the movement really slow I can now zero in on someones head when my crosshairs start on their body really
quickly. Anyway if anyone was having trouble I recommend it.

gregor7777 said:
Funny, I think it's one of my favorites. :)

Mine too. Actually there isn't one map I don't like.


Neo Member
Damn I'm really sucking at multiplayer.

I always accidently press R3. I know it has to do with the way I hold the controller or the way the controller fits in my hand because I never had this problem with 360 shooters. Still, I don't have problem with the "underwater control" that some people have anymore after I adjusted the sensitivity.

I'm really looking forward to unlocking classes but at the same time I want to make sure I can compete with people of those ranks. Hope I get better soon though :lol


hteng said:
damn the sniper rifle is so hard to use, wish i have a keyboard and mouse just for it
Keep trying, it takes a bit to get used to but it'll come to you. I couldn't use the thing at all when I first unlocked the Scout class but last night I got to use it more and more on certain maps and I was doing pretty damn good with it. Not much is more satisfying in this game than popping someones head off with a snipe from way far away because you really feel like you earned it... especially if the person you sniped was cloaked/invisible. :p

oneHeero said:
You just got to add gaffers and join them, main ones are full recovery, ffobbessed, thirdengine(?), blackmark, myself, beamber(jb1981), and quite a few others(names are diferent than gaf and hard to track them :p)
Also, anyone can add me if they'd like. I know JB1981 has a friends list that is nearly maxed out and he's usually hosting our matches. Every night I'm in the matches with Recovery, Third, and all the rest of GAFfers though.


Doc Evils said:
you have to wonder how many people went online that it destroyed the site.

Would be interesting if they threw out the numbers for that. Obviously they knew they were going to get hammered, but seems like it was far beyond what they ever thought would happen because they probably ramped up beyond what their expectations were to be safe.

And obviously it's not as simple as just plugging in another server and seems like it's a pretty big ordeal. I'm sure some IT people on here that work on servers could explain it more, but it must be a very involved process. That being said, I hope they get the website fully functional ASAP so I can continue my KZ2 addiction while I'm supposed to be working.

Aladuf said:
Also, anyone can add me if they'd like. I know JB1981 has a friends list that is nearly maxed out and he's usually hosting our matches. Every night I'm in the matches with Recovery, Third, and all the rest of GAFfers though.

Anyone can feel free to add me. Just put in your note that you're from GAF, because if not and I don't recognize your name, you're probably getting denied because I'll think you're just a random person from a game I played. I'm always down for a GAF match, but usually when I go to the clan list, the map is already full..
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