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my posts are "MEH"
Facism said:
Tharsis Depot is 100% shit, 100% of the time.
You are crazy. I like that map. I don't understand all the hate.

Visera's hammer is a good map with the right players...

I guess I like playing 8 on 8 matches instead of 32 player matches.


yay i finally got my saboteur c4 medal, its been crashing a lot when i play as saboteur so its been harder to get than other medals >_< Although its going to be damn near impossible to get the air sentry medal ughh, is it just me or were the air sentrys stronger in beta? I got that medal fine before. Or was it just that regular turrets didn't shoot missles at them?


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
TChirath said:
Damn I'm really sucking at multiplayer.

1) Make sure you're in a squad.
2) Stay alongside at least one squadmate.
3) Make your shots count.


1) Grind enough to unlock the shotgun.
2) ???
3) Profit!


adversesolutions said:
Stupid question, but how do I boost up my defense? Getting slaughtered out there...I know there's some sort of perk for it.

Only way to increase your health is to unlock the assault class.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
I'm looking to set up a game with a small group of folks tonight to get the ribbons for the handgun and melee finished. Is anyone here interested? I'm thinking we'd get like a small group of people (3 vs 3 or something) with at least 1 medic on each side for reviving and just take turns killing eachother to knock them out really quick. If people want to join to get other ribbons that's cool too. I might try and get my turret one done too.

I could probably set up a game tonight to do it but I thought I'd check to see if any GAF people would be interested first.

Oh, and Visari Hammer hate +1 -- can't stand that map. Not too fond of Corinth Crossing either.
andycapps said:
That being said, I hope they get the website fully functional ASAP so I can continue my KZ2 addiction while I'm supposed to be working.
You and me both! After the game came out the next Monday I was looking at it (& GAF) alot, viewing medals, ribbons, badges, ect... Once the stats are fully online watch out!

Baron Aloha said:
I'm looking to set up a game with a small group of folks tonight to get the ribbons for the handgun and melee finished. Is anyone here interested? I'm thinking we'd get like a small group of people (3 vs 3 or something) with at least 1 medic on each side for reviving and just take turns killing eachother to knock them out really quick. If people want to join to get other ribbons that's cool too. I might try and get my turret one done too.
Count me in, I need both of those and more. PSN: Carolina-Blue, send me an invite & I'll be sure to join. I just got my Medic badge so I can help with the healing!
MasterCharged said:
the shotgun spamming is unfreaking believeable.:lol
It's unbelievable when the two teams have the same spawn point, and everyone has shotguns.

There seriously should be less time for invincibility when spawning from a tactician spawn point so tacticians actually have to place the spawn point a little bit away from the action. Nope though, let's make a clusterfuck! That's tactics for ya!
ChrisGoldstein said:
can you unlock that just playing against bots?

stupid question but I want my juggernoob perk!

It's not that great. It helps with snipers a little bit, because they can sometimes take two hits. Otherwise, being able to run away quicker, and heal from that, is the best thing about them.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Carolina-blue said:
Count me in, I need both of those and more. PSN: Carolina-Blue, send me an invite & I'll be sure to join. I just got my Medic badge so I can help with the healing!

OK. I'll add you to my friends list tonight. Anyone else who's interested can add me to their list. PSN: Will0928


LeonTrotskyTrout said:
It's unbelievable when the two teams have the same spawn point, and everyone has shotguns.

There seriously should be less time for invincibility when spawning from a tactician spawn point so tacticians actually have to place the spawn point a little bit away from the action. Nope though, let's make a clusterfuck! That's tactics for ya!

Spawn grenades shouldn't activate if they are within a certain distance from the oppositions spawn, it's incredibly stupid to be able to spawn directly in the oppositions spawn.

I too am incredibly sick of the shotguns and I refuse to use one unless I run out of ammo and pick one up.


Now that I'm on a mad dash to get the Revolver unlocked I'm joining into random "pistols only" matches to get it and I've gotta know, why are most of the kills earned by either team from either grenades or planted bots/turrets? wtf, kind of defeats the purpose.


Baron Aloha said:
I'm looking to set up a game with a small group of folks tonight to get the ribbons for the handgun and melee finished. Is anyone here interested? I'm thinking we'd get like a small group of people (3 vs 3 or something) with at least 1 medic on each side for reviving and just take turns killing eachother to knock them out really quick. If people want to join to get other ribbons that's cool too. I might try and get my turret one done too.

I could probably set up a game tonight to do it but I thought I'd check to see if any GAF people would be interested first.

Oh, and Visari Hammer hate +1 -- can't stand that map. Not too fond of Corinth Crossing either.
Just FYI, I just got off the phone with a friend and he said they had a 2v2 game going on trying to 'rank up' and unlock badges/medals and an admin went in the game(they played 1 round) and actually told them they couldnt do this lol.

So he went into a pistol only game. I dont see the difference, but just a heads up.


BruceLeeRoy said:
I love all the shotgun spamming makes these people so easy to pick off if you avoid the corridors.

Yep, only time shotgun is deadly is if you go indoors and are too close to a shotgun whore. Pretty easy to headshot people anyway once you get the hang of it, but if you go inside and they see you first, you're dead unless they're a horrible aim.


BruceLeeRoy said:
I love all the shotgun spamming makes these people so easy to pick off if you avoid the corridors.

That would be true if the shotgun range wasn't a bazillion feet. I really want to be in the top 1% this week (Right now I'm top 1.96%) but I can not keep on playing games with 20/30 people using the freaking shotgun, and killing me all the time. It's so freaking annoying. Ugh.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Aladuf said:
Now that I'm on a mad dash to get the Revolver unlocked I'm joining into random "pistols only" matches to get it and I've gotta know, why are most of the kills earned by either team from either grenades or planted bots/turrets? wtf, kind of defeats the purpose.
Tell me about it >_< I once joined a pistols only room where this ass was shooting us with his med gun (2 shots = death). A couple of days ago I got lucky and found a 32 player pistols only room in Radec Academy where people mostly used their guns; 8 rounds later and I got my pistol badge, the Tactician badge, the spawn grenade badge, and 2 sentry ribbons.
Aladuf said:
Now that I'm on a mad dash to get the Revolver unlocked I'm joining into random "pistols only" matches to get it and I've gotta know, why are most of the kills earned by either team from either grenades or planted bots/turrets? wtf, kind of defeats the purpose.

Just play normal matches with the saboteur, get close to them and get head shots. Took me about 10 matches to get it that way. Stick with smaller matches of about 16 people too.

Ploid 3.0

Baron Aloha said:
I'm looking to set up a game with a small group of folks tonight to get the ribbons for the handgun and melee finished. Is anyone here interested? I'm thinking we'd get like a small group of people (3 vs 3 or something) with at least 1 medic on each side for reviving and just take turns killing eachother to knock them out really quick. If people want to join to get other ribbons that's cool too. I might try and get my turret one done too.

I could probably set up a game tonight to do it but I thought I'd check to see if any GAF people would be interested first.

Oh, and Visari Hammer hate +1 -- can't stand that map. Not too fond of Corinth Crossing either.

I'll join, what time?

Ok things got better when I joined small rooms, and the mix of objectives. Before after failing hard to get any ribbons in the gaf room due to my bots not lasting long no matter where they were, I got the impression it was best to try and join a 32 player death match only. That also failed. The smaller the better. Less grenades to spare, and some even have rooms where you can't pick tactician. I ran across a room where you couldn't pick engineer right after I got a error message on the game. It scared me, I thought I lost all my work.


LeonTrotskyTrout said:
Just play normal matches with the saboteur, get close to them and get head shots. Took me about 10 matches to get it that way. Stick with smaller matches of about 16 people too.
I have no problems playing normal matches as Saboteur, anyone from last nights games can tell you that. :lol

I'll keep using Saboteur and try the smaller, normal matches. Thanks for the tip.


Aladuf said:
I have no problems playing normal matches as Saboteur, anyone from last nights games can tell you that. :lol

I'll keep using Saboteur and try the smaller, normal matches. Thanks for the tip.

My revolver begs to differ : )


Aladuf said:
Now that I'm on a mad dash to get the Revolver unlocked I'm joining into random "pistols only" matches to get it and I've gotta know, why are most of the kills earned by either team from either grenades or planted bots/turrets? wtf, kind of defeats the purpose.

Same thing happened to me when I was trying to unlock it , but then I found a good 4 on 4 game where we really only used pistols. BTW are they even using bots? because they did that to me lol.


I don't mind the shotgun spammers too much, I generally stay away from clusterfuck hallway free for all's and pick em off from a distance. It's comical how many idiots in warzone are content with spawning in a crowded area to try and just rack up kills, I do wish GG would look into giving greater XP bonuses for doing the missions, or even being in the general vicinity of missions to keep people from doing this for example if I escort my buddy in SR I should also get a point for helping deliver him safely IMO. Same with C&H as well.

Nothing beats a nice 8 vs. 8 game though, play with some cool people and it's a thing of beauty.
DMeisterJ said:
That would be true if the shotgun range wasn't a bazillion feet. I really want to be in the top 1% this week (Right now I'm top 1.96%) but I can not keep on playing games with 20/30 people using the freaking shotgun, and killing me all the time. It's so freaking annoying. Ugh.

Honestly I can't think of one time I have lost a match to a shotgun if he wasn't within 15ft of me.

Dante said:
Nothing beats a nice 8 vs. 8 game though, play with some cool people and it's a thing of beauty.

It truly is. At its best nothing can match this game.
TChirath said:
Damn I'm really sucking at multiplayer.

I always accidently press R3. I know it has to do with the way I hold the controller or the way the controller fits in my hand because I never had this problem with 360 shooters. Still, I don't have problem with the "underwater control" that some people have anymore after I adjusted the sensitivity.

I'm really looking forward to unlocking classes but at the same time I want to make sure I can compete with people of those ranks. Hope I get better soon though :lol

Use a different control setup??


BruceLeeRoy said:
Honestly I can't think of one time I have lost a match to a shotgun if he wasn't within 15ft of me.

It truly is. At its best nothing can match this game.

My best memory so far is a Warzone match on Corinth yesterday in a great 8 vs. 8. Which we ultimately lost. Score was tied and it was a S&D. We were defending and we ended up losing with like 40 seconds left.....The battle to hold was epic and we were fighting tooth and nail to hold em off, It was EPIC :)
Dante said:
I do wish GG would look into giving greater XP bonuses for doing the missions, or even being in the general vicinity of missions to keep people from doing this for example if I escort my buddy in SR I should also get a point for helping deliver him safely IMO. Same with C&H as well.
Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous how little a completed objective is worth compared to just getting a frag. With the headshot and bodycount bonuses, you'll get 4 points per kill (with headshots) in bodycount and 2 in regular. What's the score for blowing up an objective? 3?


Danne-Danger said:
Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous how little a completed objective is worth compared to just getting a frag. With the headshot and bodycount bonuses, you'll get 4 points per kill (with headshots) in bodycount and 2 in regular. What's the score for blowing up an objective? 3?

I do think it needs to be looked into, does anybody know if this has been brought up or is possibly being addressed? I mean the XP bonus for winning is pretty signifigant, and a pretty good incentive to make sure you win. but I still thenk the system could be looked at a bit more.
Dante said:
My best memory so far is a Warzone match on Corinth yesterday in a great 8 vs. 8. Which we ultimately lost. Score was tied and it was a S&D. We were defending and we ended up losing with like 40 seconds left.....The battle to hold was epic and we were fighting tooth and nail to hold em off, It was EPIC :)

It is absolutely the most intense satisfying experience possible.
I love it when your whole team knows what to do where to go and genuinely are all helping each other.


Dante said:
I do think it needs to be looked into, does anybody know if this has been brought up or is possibly being addressed?

Honestly, I think between 5-10 points for completing a really tough objective like that is pretty reasonable. I don't know if it's been brought up on the KZ forums yet though.
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