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LeonTrotskyTrout said:
I'm such a jerk on Visari Hammer now, I just continually C4 the other teams spawn staircases, and they never learn. :lol :lol :lol

Ahh I see I am not the only one using this C4 tactic. When I go to the top of the stairs and see someone else throwing C4 in my face I will know it is you.


Dante said:
I don't mind the shotgun spammers too much, I generally stay away from clusterfuck hallway free for all's and pick em off from a distance. It's comical how many idiots in warzone are content with spawning in a crowded area to try and just rack up kills, I do wish GG would look into giving greater XP bonuses for doing the missions, or even being in the general vicinity of missions to keep people from doing this for example if I escort my buddy in SR I should also get a point for helping deliver him safely IMO. Same with C&H as well.
The only problem is that most of the objectives on most of the maps are in closed off rooms where the shotgun just destroys. Once I get annoyed with running going through hallways filled with shotguns to get to an objective I'll just hang back and rack up kills but that's not what the game should be encouraging to do.
Thrakier said:
Oh my god, I hope his fingers are bleeding now...wtf.


Shit doesn't stop I guess. :(
It's weird that Killzone is unresponsive to those quick taps. I've become generally accustomed to the weird controls but feel they don't add anything to the game besides an extra hurdle in the way of enjoying it.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
A lot of the scoring is a little silly, health kits and spotting and marking give you nothing at all. I personally don't mind about scores much, I take a win as far more important, but most don't see that way, so many support skills will be totally neglected.
SnakeXs said:
A lot of the scoring is a little silly, health kits and spotting and marking give you nothing at all. I personally don't mind about scores much, I take a win as far more important, but most don't see that way, so many support skills will be totally neglected.

Which is a shame since every match I have ever won is cause you have excellent support guys.
If you have a great tactician / engineer / medic. You can be unstoppable.

I love this game.


LeonTrotskyTrout said:
If they change the controls, bye bye Killzone 2 for me.
So you're saying that the control is the only thing that makes you keep playing Killzone?

I'm sure GG losing you as a customer would not be worth the thousands of others who have been turned off by the controls...
SnakeXs said:
A lot of the scoring is a little silly, health kits and spotting and marking give you nothing at all. I personally don't mind about scores much, I take a win as far more important, but most don't see that way, so many support skills will be totally neglected.
I think Spawn Nades should give points as well, 1 point for every 5th person that goes through it.

1 point for every 2 healthpacks thrown out to allies.

Does the scouting ability have a long cooldown? 1 point per use or 1 point for every ~5 enemies scouted?
The scoring definitely needs to reward support play much more. Right now the highest points you can get is by head shooting someone in TDM with both bonus ribbons unlocked.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Danne-Danger said:
I think Spawn Nades should give points as well, 1 point for every 5th person that goes through it.

1 point for every 2 healthpacks thrown out to allies.

Does the scouting ability have a long cooldown? 1 point per use or 1 point for every ~5 enemies scouted?

Around 5 seconds. Quickest skill as far as I know.


Aladuf said:
People still doing shit like this in Youtube videos are just preaching to the choir now.

I'm guessing people are probably still doing stuff like that, because there's only so many dead horses to beat.

But the video in question is almost a month old (when the demo came out).


Thrakier said:
Oh my god, I hope his fingers are bleeding now...wtf.


Shit doesn't stop I guess. :(
random youtuber said:
Then why does a rocket launcher have the EXACT same "intentional delay" as what a pistol has?
Exactly the same thing I've been saying since the beginning.

LeonTrotskyTrout said:
If they change the controls, bye bye Killzone 2 for me.
They wouldn't. At the most, they'd give the option to tweak the dead zone/acceleration for those who want it.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
BruceLeeRoy said:
Which is a shame since every match I have ever won is cause you have excellent support guys.
If you have a great tactician / engineer / medic. You can be unstoppable.

I love this game.

Bingo. So few people seem to care, and it gets annoying. Well placed bots change games, good medics change games, fixing ammo stations and turrets make a huge impact. Hopefully as the game matures, people fall more into line and figure it out.


Yeah, as someone who spots and marks tons of people with the quick cooldown, I'd like a point if I mark 5 people or so. That really can change things up if lots of people are in an area, and because I spotted them, a teammate didn't die. Oh well. Game is still awesome.


DMeisterJ said:
That would be true if the shotgun range wasn't a bazillion feet. I really want to be in the top 1% this week (Right now I'm top 1.96%) but I can not keep on playing games with 20/30 people using the freaking shotgun, and killing me all the time. It's so freaking annoying. Ugh.

HEY how do you know what percentage you're at??!
EazyB said:
So you're saying that the control is the only thing that makes you keep playing Killzone?

I'm sure GG losing you as a customer would not be worth the thousands of others who have been turned off by the controls...

I was exaggerating, but I really do think people should be able to adapt to the controls. I'm pretty sure the guns were built around the way the game controls. If they "fix" the controls, they should "fix" the guns to work quick twitch gameplay.

Maybe I'm wrong though, maybe changing the controls won't change anything to the gunplay.
Cannot wait to play some more tonight guys. I hope GAF East owns the little tourny tonight. I haven't been able to play the last few nights. Last night, I simply fell asleep and I had like 4 hours I could have played, I hate that crap.

So tonight, the wife and I are taking the girls to the Circus, and when I get home, it is on. I hope to run around with a few GAF East clan members again. We need to go drop in a random room and rip some shizzzzz up.

PSN ID Filth_Flannigan


LeonTrotskyTrout said:
I was exaggerating, but I really do think people should be able to adapt to the controls. I'm pretty sure the guns were built around the way the game controls. If they "fix" the controls, they should "fix" the guns to work quick twitch gameplay.

Maybe I'm wrong though, maybe changing the controls won't change anything to the gunplay.

I also think so.. How i look at it.. its not like.. one ps3 has good ctrls and another doesnt.. EVERYone is on the same lvl playing field when it comes to the delay... EVERYone..

so the controls really dont matter.. Consoles have never been about pin point accuracy when it comes to shooting long ranges so I really can't understand why people say .. CONTROLS suck cuz i'm unable to lead a moving target who is 100 yards away for the headshot like I can in Counter Strike..

its bull.... Everyone is equal and that is FAR more important to me than having a bullet fire 1 picosecond after I touch the R1.

Note: http://www.surplusrifle.com/reviews/wolffmosinspring/index.asp
Lock-time is the time between the trigger break and primer ignition.

-> Action  	
-> Duration in Milliseconds (thousandths of a second)
The flight time of most bullets through the barrel 	
[B]Between 1.0 and 1.5[/B]

The lock-time of most modern conventional bolt action rifles 	
[B]Between 2.6 and 9.0[/B]

Note: this doesn't include the time it takes to actually PULL the trigger..


Baron Aloha said:
I'm looking to set up a game with a small group of folks tonight to get the ribbons for the handgun and melee finished. Is anyone here interested? I'm thinking we'd get like a small group of people (3 vs 3 or something) with at least 1 medic on each side for reviving and just take turns killing eachother to knock them out really quick. If people want to join to get other ribbons that's cool too. I might try and get my turret one done too.

I could probably set up a game tonight to do it but I thought I'd check to see if any GAF people would be interested first.

Oh, and Visari Hammer hate +1 -- can't stand that map. Not too fond of Corinth Crossing either.

check your pm :D


LeonTrotskyTrout said:
I was exaggerating, but I really do think people should be able to adapt to the controls. I'm pretty sure the guns were built around the way the game controls. If they "fix" the controls, they should "fix" the guns to work quick twitch gameplay.

Maybe I'm wrong though, maybe changing the controls won't change anything to the gunplay.
It shouldn't, though. If there would be an option for those who wish to decrease the dead zone/acceleration in the sticks, it shouldn't affect the gunplay/recoil at all. I personally love the way the guns feel. But admittedly, I'm kinda struggling a little bit with the controls in multiplayer. I could never seem to find the right look speed, so I just left them at default. Where as in singleplayer I turn x-sensitivity up +2. But I'm doing better at multiplayer now. I finally unlocked the Scout class. Time to start camping and sniping. :D


methane47 said:
HEY how do you know what percentage you're at??!

Look at the leaderboards, hit R1 twice over to Week, look at your rank, and then look at the max number of pages (it's like 32k right now) times that by 10 (per page) so 320k is the amount of players so far this week, then divide that by .01, and you get 3200 and up for the top 1% of players. I'm like 6500 so I'm top 2%.
BruceLeeRoy said:
Y Axis sensitivity - 50/100
X Axis sensitivity - 80/100
Thanks for that btw, I've been struggling to find a happy medium between accuracy and speed for a while now. I shifted between 5/10 for both (turned like a tank) and 6-7/10 (no accuracy in stressful situations). That combination feels almost perfect, I'll just need to get used to tracking people again.
SnakeXs said:
Bingo. So few people seem to care, and it gets annoying. Well placed bots change games, good medics change games, fixing ammo stations and turrets make a huge impact. Hopefully as the game matures, people fall more into line and figure it out.

I wish soooo bad I had that ability with the engineer but after spending a whole day trying to get just 1 just 1
ribbon for killing 5 guys with a turret I gave up. Everytime I see someone with the ability to repair I am in awe of them.


LeonTrotskyTrout said:
Maybe I'm wrong though, maybe changing the controls won't change anything to the gunplay.

I dont have a problem with the controls and I am enjoying the MP quite a bit. If they dont touch it, I'll remain content.

However, they should be able to remove the latency between a controller action and visual feedback on the screen (the "flick it" test).

My preference would be to maintain the "heavy" feeling by simulating inertia: you start moving immediately just very slowly, and after you stop moving you continue to move some bit. But I'm probably in the minority on that.

The vocal contingent on the internet seem to be asking for COD4 responsiveness as a minimum, which I could also live with.

With no auto aim and the spread/recoil patterns on the game, even COD4 responsiveness would still make KZ2 quite a different beast and require skill to win gunfights.


Dever said:
Huh, I've yet to see an operational MG turret now that you mention it. :p

You need the repair ability which means you need to get 8 Turret Ribbons, which is why it's rare. :p Stupid Turret and Air Drone ribbons!

I did manage to get on one the other day... while cloaked. Took abut 6 people down in a few seconds. So awesome.


methane47 said:
I also think so.. How i look at it.. its not like.. one ps3 has good ctrls and another doesnt.. EVERYone is on the same lvl playing field when it comes to the delay... EVERYone..

so the controls really dont matter.. Consoles have never been about pin point accuracy when it comes to shooting long ranges so I really can't understand why people say .. CONTROLS suck cuz i'm unable to lead a moving target who is 100 yards away for the headshot like I can in Counter Strike..

its bull.... Everyone is equal and that is FAR more important to me than having a bullet fire 1 picosecond after I touch the R1.
Not quite, since there's still low sensitivity users versus high sensitivity users.

That's also an advantage considering if you and an enemy run by each other in a corridor and yours is default or lower and his is maxed out, you're pretty much done for since he'd turn around and get a bead on you WAY before you could do the same.

Since that's been the case in every game, ever, it's all about player comfort. Not the supposed leveling of the playing field.


BruceLeeRoy said:
I wish soooo bad I had that ability with the engineer but after spending a whole day trying to get just 1 just 1
ribbon for killing 5 guys with a turret I gave up. Everytime I see someone with the ability to repair I am in awe of them.

I'll let you kill me a bunch of times for the ribbons if you want :lol


FFObsessed said:
Sniping a guys head off while he's tearing people down with an MG turret.

Check and mate.

Getting sniped from a turret, and taking the next 3 spawns to find an unprotected route across the map and behind said sniper, and finally exacting revenge with the magnum.

And possibly something rude screamed over the proximity chat.
FFObsessed said:
I'll let you kill me a bunch of times for the ribbons if you want :lol

HA Obsessed I think I love you. If it comes to that I would rather soil my cousins score. It will be a nice change of pace from his usual negative score that results from constantly nading himself.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
I must be the only person alive who had no issue getting repair. I try to fix some things with it on secondary at least a time or two a match.

Also destroying stuff the enemy has repaired gives no points, which is silly and probably why people are dumb and let them stand. >=[


SnakeXs said:
Bingo. So few people seem to care, and it gets annoying. Well placed bots change games, good medics change games, fixing ammo stations and turrets make a huge impact. Hopefully as the game matures, people fall more into line and figure it out.
turrets are effective relative to the intelligence of the other team. if the other team is smart, they'll just get rid of the turrets before they become a problem. i had a few rounds where the other team seemed to ignore my turrets (i placed them in a pretty heated area), so i'd put 2-3 up in an area and the kills would start flowing (letting me unlock repair pretty painlessly in real games).

try the same thing in another game and you'll find that the turrets are destroyed before they can do any real damage.

i think flying bots work similarly, but more for a deterrent than damage (making them even less impactful). new players are scared of the flying bots (so at least they stay away or whatever), but more experienced players know full well you can basically ignore them and if you have the time, easily take them out with any weapon. i had two in the same area and still only managed a kill or two -- getting 5 seems impossible in legitimate games.

i think turrets need a slight dmg buff and i think flying bots need a significant dmg buff.

but you're right that the rest of the support abilities are very valuable. i think my favorite combo so far is Medic/Repair. game's well designed enough to where, even if playing a support class, you can still rank at the top in terms of points.
The only time I feel comfortable on the turret is with spot and mark as a secondary. Great way to asses threats and help target people to mow down. Oh man, so much mowing they should call that fucker John Deer


SnakeXs said:
I must be the only person alive who had no issue getting repair. I try to fix some things with it on secondary at least a time or two a match.

Also destroying stuff the enemy has repaired gives no points, which is silly and probably why people are dumb and let them stand. >=[
Probably since you're also the only person that can use whatever build he wants while I'm "stuck" as Tactician since no one else (you!) wants to use it. /vent.

Tell the guys to get off their asses and level up already. >=(
I am taking my time with SP (I got the game Tuesday) but I am loving it. I wish they never showed the Desert to the public, it would have been amazing to get there and just be in awe. I should be playing MP by Saturday at most, I hope its not as hectic as TF2.
DMeisterJ said:
Look at the leaderboards, hit R1 twice over to Week, look at your rank, and then look at the max number of pages (it's like 32k right now) times that by 10 (per page) so 320k is the amount of players so far this week, then divide that by .01, and you get 3200 and up for the top 1% of players. I'm like 6500 so I'm top 2%.

hopefully i can get that 1% trophy this week then, im ranked at about 1000:D
dfyb said:
turrets are effective relative to the intelligence of the other team. if the other team is smart, they'll just get rid of the turrets before they become a problem. i had a few rounds where the other team seemed to ignore my turrets (i placed them in a pretty heated area), so i'd put 2-3 up in an area and the kills would start flowing (letting me unlock repair pretty painlessly in real games).

You can place more than 1 at a time!? Are you serious?
Do you just have to let it recharge again?

Man I am a dumbass if that's true.

gutterboy44 said:
The only time I feel comfortable on the turret is with spot and mark as a secondary. Great way to asses threats and help target people to mow down. Oh man, so much mowing they should call that fucker John Deer

That's a brilliant way to use spot and mark man.
Doc Evils said:
looks like killzone.com is still down.
i wonder if battle replays have been getting saved all this time that the site has been down? i wanna watch the game i sniped on a couple days ago where i went 90-3, none of my friends believe me:lol


BruceLeeRoy said:
You can place more than 1 at a time!? Are you serious?
Do you just have to let it recharge again?

Man I am a dumbass if that's true.
Either that or when you die, you have a full "charge" right after you spawn.


aj2good4you2 said:
i wonder if battle replays have been getting saved all this time that the site has been down? i wanna watch the game i sniped on a couple days ago where i went 90-3, none of my friends believe me:lol

90 kills!?! wtf I don't believe you :lol

Was it a crazy long match or something?


Dante said:
Anybody else hear the chirp during their workday? I'd love to change my text message notification to that :lol

This game fucks with your mind. After a long day online yesterday i went to bed and closed my eyes, opened them again in the darkness to a flash of red light from the TV, i immediately thought to lob a grenade for some reason. :lol
SnakeXs said:
health kits ... give you nothing at all
They dont give you points, but they give you... you know... health. Kind of a big deal. I've found it usefull very often, allowed me to cut down on deaths and score more kills/points. So, it doesn't directly give you extra points, but indirectly, it allows you to score more. Or at least it has for me.
Also, if it did give you points, it'd be pretty easy to exploit.


BruceLeeRoy said:
You can place more than 1 at a time!? Are you serious?
Do you just have to let it recharge again?

Man I am a dumbass if that's true.

That's a brilliant way to use spot and mark man.

The indicator on the turret icon in your lower left corner has blocks filled in for how many turrets can possibly be built at any given time. If you're alive long enough, you can build another one.

Or, keep an eye somewhat on the indicator to know when a turret has been destroyed.

The only way I can get the ribbons is on longer games and by making a concentrated effort to keep as many turrets as possible in play, usually in supporting positions to each other.

edit: I uploaded another HD no-HUD video, this time of a full round of Search and Destroy on Radec Academy. There's nothing particularly interesting about this round, unless you're bored or have forgotten what it's like to play a round where just about everybody is an engineer except for the asshole(s) who put spawn grenades on top of the objective.
Lots of good examples of how not to place a turret. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvuayPe7bLY


Lion Heart said:
I am taking my time with SP (I got the game Tuesday) but I am loving it. I wish they never showed the Desert to the public, it would have been amazing to get there and just be in awe. I should be playing MP by Saturday at most, I hope its not as hectic as TF2.

Don't immediately join a 32 player match, otherwise you'll be like "ZOMG WTF I'M BACK IN NAM!"
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