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I don't know why they put Rico with you in the last level. >This fucking motherfucker is useless. The later waves outnumber you, run to the stairs, and fucking kill you while you try to take cover from Radec and the dudes that are still on the lower floor. And of course Rico keeps hiding and doesn't do shit to help you. FUCK
RavenFox said:
Everyone alive and dead are logging into that damn site. Its ridiculous how slow it is.
That sucking fucks. I wanna look at how pathetic my stats are, but effin page wont load. Fix this shit guerrilla, etc.
(But, yeah, for realz, fix it)

Edit: fo shame
duct tape and zip ties website said:
M503 Error:
Killzone Command Center Unavailable

Also, teh funney bit "Communications with the Command Center are down! Our technicians are working around the clock to re-establish contact. This may be the result of a Helghast attack,..."
DUDE, stop cracking jokes and fix this shit already.
(like, really, fix it. please)


Killthee said:
#40019 with a KD ratio of .76 X_X

I've been focusing way too much on these damn ribbons and the turret ribbon is killing me >_<

Forget about the kill to death ratio mine is .98 and I'm ranked 12034 just think of it as 1-1 that's what I do.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Fistwell said:
That sucking fucks. I wanna look at how pathetic my stats are, but effin page wont load. Fix this shit guerrilla, etc.
(But, yeah, for realz, fix it)
You can still see your stats in game without all the fancy pictures.


How often do you guys play where youre doing "well" on leaderboards. I can only play roughly 2 or 3 matches a night before Im worn the hell out. This game is a rape of the senses.


.GqueB. said:
How often do you guys play where youre doing "well" on leaderboards. I can only play roughly 2 or 3 matches a night before Im worn the hell out. This game is a rape of the senses.

Yesterday I played for several hours and was doing well I kept getting top three on my team. Is there a GAF game up?


.GqueB. said:
How often do you guys play where youre doing "well" on leaderboards. I can only play roughly 2 or 3 matches a night before Im worn the hell out. This game is a rape of the senses.
Killthee said:
You can still see your stats in game without all the fancy pictures.
Yeah, but am bored at work. And i wanna see the fancy pictures.

Edit:God, i'm like rank 80k, with a k/d of around 1.1. I mean, i knew i sucked, but... god-damn.


(Quick note, GAF2 members, check the clan thread, I made a post explaining my vanishing...I'll be back once I have a non-technically destroyed / impaired PS3/PSN accout)

Boss Man

1.41 K/D

I haven't been able to play enough at all. My K/D has picked up a lot since I unlocked tactician and started learning the maps. I'll get up there eventually, just need some damn free time!

edit: WOW at playback. How the hell? Can you share these?


i wish rank took more into account about how well you played, not just how much you played
as it stands, no matter how much i own, i wont have time to ever get the really high rank things

and its not like i barely play, i've been playing a few hours a day
my K/D is around 1.4 and as of last night i was ranked like 12,000. probably dropped to like 20,000 by now lol


I wish some of the tournaments were later than 6pm. I leave work In Manhattan at 5:30 and sometimes a few days of the week to the gym then home. MetroNorth to Westchester. Clan leaders show some love to the late workers please:D


Killthee said:
#40019 with a KD ratio of .76 X_X

I've been focusing way too much on these damn ribbons and the turret ribbon is killing me >_<

Just a weapon. AFAIK, the only non class specific weapons that have badges are the pistol and the grenades.

Ya my KD took a pounding trying to get those damn turret kills. I would be like placing turrets in the middle of being shot just to hope I could get those damn 5 kills. I was able to get my 8th one this morning. Yesterday I was able to get a lot of them playing in those really long pistol only games. The standard 100 kill ones just go by way to quick to get your 5 kills.


Got the game today, booted up MP after a few minutes of the campaign.

It's pretty fun and CoDish actually... I don't see how you can't transfer your CoD/Halo skills at all.


So I've been playing the hell out of this game for the last few days..and i still suck.

my KDR is around .8 ish or something, I die a lot :( especially in the random Warzone rooms.
I do a much better when i play with you guys.. i say when because everytime i try to join a GAF room its always full. but i do rather play with you guys than random games for sure(there is only so much nade/spawn/shotgun/random cluster fuck i can deal with.

I think ive found my niche for sure tho. Saboteur + Speed Boost.
Nothing like getting behind the enemy lines and f'n them up from back there.
Only prob i have is actually taking people out w/ the SMG. My shooting skills suck.
My grenade tosses are worse.

I would have totally played engineer if they didnt start with Shotguns.. loathe playing with shotguns.

So far in classes:
Medic: Health Pack unlocked (5/8 ribbons)
Engineer: Repair Unlocked
Tactician: Sentry bots Unlocked (4/8 ribbons)
Assault: hardly play it
Saboteur: Both medals
Scout: Hardly play it. never been much of a sniper.

I love that this game allows me to play a fringe fighter. always my style, but i really wish i could reliably kill people with the SMG, if i could man id be deadly.
Just in case people wanted to know for the Valor trophies:

451240 players

(as of right now, so you can check your weekly rankings on the warzone menu for the week if you want)


Bajan32 said:
So I've been playing the hell out of this game for the last few days..and i still suck.

my KDR is around .8 ish or something, I die a lot :( especially in the random Warzone rooms.
I do a much better when i play with you guys.. i say when because everytime i try to join a GAF room its always full. but i do rather play with you guys than random games for sure(there is only so much nade/spawn/shotgun/random cluster fuck i can deal with.

I think ive found my niche for sure tho. Saboteur + Speed Boost.
Nothing like getting behind the enemy lines and f'n them up from back there.
Only prob i have is actually taking people out w/ the SMG. My shooting skills suck.
My grenade tosses are worse.

I would have totally played engineer if they didnt start with Shotguns.. loathe playing with shotguns.

So far in classes:
Medic: Health Pack unlocked (5/8 ribbons)
Engineer: Repair Unlocked
Tactician: Sentry bots Unlocked (4/8 ribbons)
Assault: hardly play it
Saboteur: Both medals
Scout: Hardly play it. never been much of a sniper.

I love that this game allows me to play a fringe fighter. always my style, but i really wish i could reliably kill people with the SMG, if i could man id be deadly.

Play around with the sensitivity. I originally thought I had found a great set of options with the sensitivity, but yesterday I played around with the options again and found a better set for x and y sensitivity. Plus with the Saboteur you can always spray and pray :lol


The Amiga Brotherhood
Is there a way to mute all at once? I don't use a headset, and I've really no interest in hearing people talk. Especially considering that the sound is so unbalanced that sometimes it's loud as hell, and in the lobbies they just sound like chaotic gibberish.


TheFatOne said:
BTW does anyone know how to figure out the percentages for weekly rank?

easy, take the total number of players in the stats (last in ranking), multiply by 0.01 and that's the top 1%, 0.03 by top 3%, etc... is that a smartass answer? :p

So based on the total number of players that someone posted earlier, congrats Loudninja! You're in the top 1%.. I need to start playing more, i have a pretty good sense of the game and usually come up in the top 2 on my team, but can't match the hours some other people have :(
Ok, I beat the game earlier this week and during the credits I got tired of watching them so I pressed x to skip but I never got my stats after! It just kicked me to the main menu :( Do I need to finished the last level again??

StarEye said:
Is there a way to mute all at once? I don't use a headset, and I've really no interest in hearing people talk. Especially considering that the sound is so unbalanced that sometimes it's loud as hell, and in the lobbies they just sound like chaotic gibberish.

Ya it gets very annoying.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Battle replays are fantastic. I watched a random match where I was #1 on my team, and I STILL spotted like a dozen retarded things that I did. The whole replay I was like

"WTF why am I just standing in the corner for a minute straight?"
"WTF why did I just run DIRECTLY INTO their spawn?"

etc etc.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
lawblob said:
My god, two opposing spawn points in an enclosed location is a complete clusterfuck. :lol

Oh shit, just got the rocket launcher! :D

Hey blob, I wanted you to join my squad! You refused :( (tigerheli)
Well, Killzone.com was pretty awesome for me while it was working at a reasonable level. Now it has slowed to a crawl. Although once it is up consistently I could see myself looking up my stats/badges/GAF clan page obsessively. It just might get a regular tab spot on my browser at work, bye bye productivity! :)


TheFatOne said:
Play around with the sensitivity. I originally thought I had found a great set of options with the sensitivity, but yesterday I played around with the options again and found a better set for x and y sensitivity. Plus with the Saboteur you can always spray and pray :lol

I really should try that.
But a part of me just left it the way it came because i always figure its best to leave it the way the devs set it.. everything except inverting the Y-axis that is =D

Yeah if i could reliably kill people i would be deadly. Im so good at getting behind enemy lines.


Bajan32 said:
I really should try that.
But a part of me just left it the way it came because i always figure its best to leave it the way the devs set it.. everything except inverting the Y-axis that is =D

Yeah if i could reliably kill people i would be deadly. Im so good at getting behind enemy lines.

just throw your 2 grenades about them then start shooting, you should have no problem even if you're not used to aiming yet :p


Man the
last fight on veteran is fucking hard.... I 've managed to get up to the balcony, but now I'm getting spammed with rockets and elite soldiers
, can I fuck get past it.......I'm resisting dropping the difficulty.

Anybody got any tips?


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
_tetsuo_ said:
My KDR is 1.45 now but I'm sure it would be higher if I wasn't stuck as engineer.

You're stuck on the class with the automatic lockon weapon? If I only used the shotgun, I think my kdr would be 3. It's so ridics.
Blu_LED said:
How did you do it? Did you have to start a new game, or do you just got back into level select and get that number down to 0?

yeah, get the number to 0 for each level.. just play each level without dying.
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