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gregor7777 said:
I would think most on the East coast would be more comfortable with something later than 6PM on weekdays.

Maybe the crowd here isn't in the working force yet though...when I was a student, any time would have been fine. /shrug
:/ well I'm a Kitchen Manager and it's a real job, I have to work weekend nights when it's busy. student as well.
BobTheFork said:
:/ well I'm a Kitchen Manager and it's a real job, I have to work weekend nights when it's busy. student as well.

Didn't mean any offense...surely everyone will have some sort of sweet spot for timing. 6PM weekdays just seems so damned early for something like this. :lol
BruceLeeRoy said:
Thats so odd all I am getting is this:

That's exactly what I get too. :(


Thrakier said:
WTF? You didn't even read my theory, did you? I never said that there isn't lag. There IS lag. Like there is lag in Halo 3. I was talking about why some flicks may not register. Even with 150ms or 1000ms lag every flick should register - if the game is supposed to pick it up.
I swear I feel like I'm going back in time. I can't believe some folks are still bringing up kz2 being more laggy than other games. KZ2 will most certainly feel more laggy than 60fps games but it's comparable to other 30fps games. Lord error made a post about it in that other kz2 thread. Also, that youtube video showing kz2's lag actually shows that kz2's lag is in line with other 30fps.


xBerserker said:
Same. I work a 8 - 5 work week. I'll never be able to join in if it's always like this ...

Ideally a good time would be 9 or 10 pm EST for north america. I'm in the mountain time zone so that's 7 or 8 pm for me.

Some how the toruney organizers keep on ignorning posts about this and I have not seen a response to my posts that we west coast guys can't make it @ 3pm. No one cares about west coast Killzowners I guess! :/

Also did the tournament already start? I thought it was starting Friday 3pm PST?

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
OK folks. I've started a game GAF RIBBONS is the name. Please have a mic. Basically we are going to take turns killing each other using the handgun and melee. If you have the medic unlocked please use it because it will make things go faster. If you play, please do not kill the medics.

Password is GAF in all caps.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Im so amazed by this , the graphics are a couple of steps beyond of anything in consoles, the sound is amazing too! And the enemy AI makes every combat different .


rSpooky said:
I just ran into someone by accident, added him to my FL and now i can follow him tnot a match whenever he is playing .. makes me feel like a stalker th o :lol

I am still waiting for a clan invite :( HINT HINT!!!!

Yeah, I still havent received a GAF East invite yet. I have TTP on my friends list and he was kind enough to send me an invite, but I forgot that he was Euro... :(

Anyways, if any of the main players see this, please send me a friends invite, or better yet, a GAF East invite.


Simple. :)


Are there any words on "fixing" that you get your match point added even if you get disconnected? I just played a game and i had something around 50 match point (which for me is relatively high for a round), then i got disconnected (i dont think it was my connection that did it at least, but who knows), and i didnt get my match point added to my stats :( I wish that you did that, even if you get disconnected.


FFObsessed said:
I got to the Radec Battle on ELITE!!! 1 vs 1 bitch Letz goooooo!

Lol good luck. Although I think you are past the hardest parts. I havent played on Elite yet, but the battle up to Radec on Verteran was a bitch for me. Radec was cake comparatively.


test_account said:
Are there any words on "fixing" that you get your match point added even if you get disconnected? I just played a game and i had something around 50 match point (which for me is relatively high for a round), then i got disconnected (i dont think it was my connection that did it at least, but who knows), and i didnt get my match point added to my stats :( I wish that you did that, even if you get disconnected.

I dunno man, but I definitely hope so. That was one of the things I liked most about Resistance 2. You never had to worry because even if you were disconnected you were sent to the XP+ screen and got your points. It was perfect.


This game is pretty friggin awesome. I may have to join you guys online eventually. It's hard for me to play any fps these days that doesn't have an awesome level/class system in place. More of this please!


FFObsessed said:
I got to the Radec Battle on ELITE!!! 1 vs 1 bitch Letz goooooo!
Nice! :) I got there a few days ago myself on the Elite difficulty level. I think i gave up after trying like 20-30 times or so, at least for now. I will keep trying again later.


Just got access to the unlockables on the web page for the first time, and wow, sweet stuff! Need three more naaaooouuu


Rapping Granny said:

BTW I don't have a headset yet. broke last month. EAST2 FTW!

me: What was that noise? Is he sniping?
*gets shot from halfway across the map*
Pai: .. yup!

You were griefing us with the saboteur too :lol


Tom Penny said:
This game is so freaking dumb. I got in a game of 16 people 8 on 8. Game never autobalances so it's 8 on 2 . That's fun......

That doesn't make any sense, you mean people on your team dropped out mid game? and you only had 10 players in the whole game? It doesn't seem fair you should get booted to another team ( possibly the losing team) because people are quitting out.
TeethMummy said:
Why is Rico even there for the final shootout!? He doesnt help at all!

Any advice for this last section?

:lol Man I should really put this in the OP here you go bro this worked for me.

Click on this picture and ill walk you through it.
So after the you hear the doors opening announcing the arrival of the rocket launchers hole up in that
spot next to the debris with the sniper rifle and crouch in the corner. No one on the ground can hit you and they will be forced to run up the stairs or go for cover at the bottom of the stairs. If they do either you can try and snipe them, throw a grenade or switch to knife run take them down and then run back to cover. Once your done with them you can snipe the guys at your leisure from that spot.


ok so I've put a lot of time into the multiplayer and have some things I'd like to see changed/addressed.

Medic - Seems OK the way it is now.
Engineer - Shorten Shotgun range a bit, get rid of the lock-on glitch
Assault - Replace the 2 rocket launchers with the 2 LMG's as starting weapons.
Tactition - Slightly increase damage by sentry bot
Sabateur - The disguise ability is too affective. There's a number of ways to counter balance it...limit the number of disguised enemies per team, just like how turrets and spawn grenades are limited. Decrease defense when disguised..my choice would be to not have the name change above a disguised players head, this is what makes them so annoying.
Scout - also seems OK as is.

as for the rocket launcher, I think only the default soldier should be able to start with it. giving someone 2 abilities and a rocket launcher is crazy.

If a clan doesn't show up to a tournament match, the team that did show up should not have to sit in an empty server and wait for the time to run out, just give them the 'win' in the lobby.


FFObsessed said:
on Elite. You know how I finished him off?
I sniped him.


During my run on Veteran, I sniped him from long range... with my magnum.
My bluetooth headset (the official PS3 one) suddenly doesn't want to turn on. I even used it earlier today without issues but now it won't turn on, no matter if I'm trying to turn it on wirelessly, in the dock, or directly to the PS3. It's not the batteries as it's freshly charged, incredibly frustrating. The red light with flicker when I plug it in as if recharging (and yes I left it in in case it some how lost it's full charge) but the power button just won't do anything, no matter how long I hold it.

That said, I did just play a couple games and I'm just one more turret ribbon away from finishing that off, on the plus side it's made my turret placements far more effective.
Jesus christ spoilers guys.

Im only up to the desert but I cant say enough about how much I love this game. The ONE thing I wish they kept was that crazy animation from E3 07 where the enemies go all crazy when shot. Also, at first when they made the game "yellowy" I thought it looked worse, but actually playing it, it looks fuck awesome, probably much better looking than playing through E307s colour palette. That moment early in the game where the green scope turns yellow was pure :O


Even tho the last bit was frustrating as hell on Elite, it was actually a lot easier than my first try on Veteran, and a lot more fun. Now that I had a tactic that worked it was fine. In fact I did the
Rocket Launcher
guys first time. It was actually the last wave that I got stuck on for a while, which I did first time on Veteran. Heh.
was quite hard. But overall the last section was more fun this time as I knew what to do.

Never have to play it again on Elite tho thank god! :lol

Gonna play it on Normal a few more times for trophies and because overall it was a hell of a lot of fun.


FFObsessed said:
Even tho the last bit was frustrating as hell on Elite, it was actually a lot easier than my first try on Veteran, and a lot more fun. Now that I had a tactic that worked it was fine. In fact I did the
Rocket Launcher
guys first time. It was actually the last wave that I got stuck on for a while, which I did first time on Veteran. Heh.
was quite hard. But overall the last section was more fun this time as I knew what to do.

Never have to play it again on Elite tho thank god! :lol

Gonna play it on Normal a few more times for trophies and because overall it was a hell of a lot of fun.

May I ask what your entire strategy was for that part?


Lion Heart said:
Jesus christ spoilers guys.

Im only up to the desert but I cant say enough about how much I love this game. The ONE thing I wish they kept was that crazy animation from E3 07 where the enemies go all crazy when shot. Also, at first when they made the game "yellowy" I thought it looked worse, but actually playing it, it looks fuck awesome, probably much better looking than playing through E307s colour palette. That moment early in the game where the green scope turns yellow was pure :O

I came around on it too.

About tonight: is it just clan matches or are people going to play regular GAF games? I'm exhausted tonight so I might not play at all, but if enough people show interest I will definitely play.


Ok again,what am I missing in the Palace level...it just seems impossible,especially with the decision to only have one weapon(besides the gun) at a time...i'm on the second floor...do I have to Snipe someone that's way over on the other side for this crap to stop or what...so frustrating and hard of a game in some area's...


Lion Heart said:
Jesus christ spoilers guys.

Im only up to the desert but I cant say enough about how much I love this game. The ONE thing I wish they kept was that crazy animation from E3 07 where the enemies go all crazy when shot.

What do you mean?


Ricker said:
Ok again,what am I missing in the Palace level...it just seems impossible,especially with the decision to only have one weapon(besides the gun) at a time...i'm on the second floor...do I have to Snipe someone that's way over on the other side for this crap to stop or what...so frustrating and hard of a game in some area's...

Just look at BruceLeeroy's image and read his description.


randomly met some gaffers on a server today, blow up 4 ppl whit my nade and made my way on the top. Had allot of fun. My name is Xiked, some of you guys might remember me from all the butt kicking :D ;)

MP is darn addictive, cant find peace returning to SP to get all the thophys, need my nr 1% thropy!....


BeeDog said:
May I ask what your entire strategy was for that part?

Sure, I posted it a page or so a go but I'll type it out again for extra convenience. :p

The first part of the battle when you're on the ground floor I had no specific strategy. Stayed in the middle of the room when they were all coming from the front, but then hid near the entrance with the weapons when they started coming from behind.

It's the balcony which is the tricky part. When the doors open I run straight up the stairs to the left, knife the guy coming down. Knife the first flamethrower guy as he's busy painting the walls with fire. Turn left and shoot at the other flamethrower guy as I'm legging it towards him, I was lucky this time as Rico came up round the back of him and shot him as I did so easy kill. But just stun him and melee the shit outta him. Then I crouched right in the corner where the flamethrower guys were. Usually the right corner. With the Helghast rifle I'd pick off the guys below and throw grenades. Then seond wave comes with the few that flank you, stay in the corner and shoot them dead as they're running towards you. You can set them ablaze using the flaming walls so it;s easier that way. Keep an eye on the left tho because one guy might come up that way. Next wave the shock troopers come and do the same, down the flanks. Just crouch in the corner and pick them off. You must keep an eye on both sides tho as they can sneak up on you. Also revive Rico as soon as he's down, he doesn;t so much but occasionally he'll kill one or at least distract them, alert you to their presence. After that is the hard part, the rocket launchers. As soon as you hear the doors open and Rico shouts RPGs! Grab the grenade launcher and run to the left corner near the stairs, but don't go down them, just stay there. Spam grenade rounds across to the rocket launcher guys across from you and peak out and blast the others who are near your side. Run back to the ammo if you run out, there should be 24 grenade rounds I think. Then fire whatever remaining grenade rounds down towards the Helghast below and watch the flanks for shock troopers. Once you take them out you get a checkpoint. Then rush back to the corner on the left had side. If the two rocket launchers come out first (it seemed to be different for me) use the sniper rifle and take out the rocket launcher guy as soon as he come's through the door. Then snipe keep moving and try and snipe the other guy. And whoevers left down below just lob grenades or grenade rounds or just pick them off from the corner. That should do it.

When I say left or right I mean when you're facing towards Radec, just to be clear.

With the Radec battle, I jumped down immediately and went to get a shotgun from the gun rack near the entrance. Don't stay in the entrance way tho as I kept dying. Move out to the main area and get into a corner. I found the right hand side corner near the middle-ish of the room worked well. Just shotgun him when he get's close, keep swiveling round and pay attention to the lighting. (I'm sure a surround sounds system would have helped me here) When he goes into shoot mode, if you're near him quickly blast him with the shotgun, you may be able to get him twice. If you're not near him, use Rico as a distraction or use the statue in the middle as cover and flank him, pop out and bam. Will take a few tried but after that. He'll go up to where he started from and you just have to take him out from a distance. Can use any weapon, but I ran back to where I dropped my sniper and used that while he was shooting Rico.

*gasps for air*


FFObsessed said:
The use of that Klint smiley has never been more appropriate. :bow

All jokes aside, that was the most fulfilling kill I've had the entire time in that section. I was running around like a headless chicken making sure
he doesn't knife me in the back
and he
to the balcony where
the doors open and his troops come from
. I took out the pistol (my shotgun was worthless at that range) and lined it up during his
bullet barrage
; fired one shot...

.. Cue Cut-scene.:D

then I came.
BruceLeeRoy said:
:lol Man I should really put this in the OP here you go bro this worked for me.

Click on this picture and ill walk you through it.
So after the you hear the doors opening announcing the arrival of the rocket launchers hole up in that
spot next to the debris with the sniper rifle and crouch in the corner. No one on the ground can hit you and they will be forced to run up the stairs or go for cover at the bottom of the stairs. If they do either you can try and snipe them, throw a grenade or switch to knife run take them down and then run back to cover. Once your done with them you can snipe the guys at your leisure from that spot.

Is this before the debris flies through the window or after? Because if it's after
I simply ran all the way to where the doors opened (the debris to the right of your pic is moved/gone giving you access to their spawn points), killed the first rocket launcher dude and got the rest with his rocket launcher. Actually.... it wasn't that easy lol but it worked and got it done quickly when I finally timed everything right.


Ephemeris said:
All jokes aside, that was the most fulfilling kill I've had the entire time in that section. I was running around like a headless chicken making sure
he doesn't knife me in the back
and he
to the balcony where
the doors open and his troops come from
. I took out the pistol (my shotgun was worthless at that range) and lined it up during his
bullet barrage
; fired one shot...

.. Cue Cut-scene.:D

then I came.

haha nice.

The end cutscene was amazing. It left you satisfied but wanting more. That's exactly how you should do a
, if you really must do one at all...

I've said it before but I'll say it again:

I love teh Cox.


TrAcEr_x90 said:
yeah 9 is much more doable. especially on weekends.
I would definitely prefer 9pm on weeknights rather than 6pm. I work an 8-5 job and don't get home in time to join the game.


MoonsaultSlayer said:
Is this before the debris flies through the window or after? Because if it's after
I simply ran all the way to where the doors opened (the debris to the right of your pic is moved/gone giving you access to their spawn points), killed the first rocket launcher dude and got the rest with his rocket launcher. Actually.... it wasn't that easy lol but it worked and got it done quickly when I finally timed everything right.

Wait... the debris is cleared away and you can get to where they're entering the room at that point? Goddamn, didn't notice. That would have made the very last part quite a bit easier :lol
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