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shagg_187 said:
Shipment #1: Not Yet Shipped
Shipping estimate: Mar 2 2009 - Mar 16 2009
Delivery estimate: Mar 4 2009 - Mar 19 2009


Why don't you cancel your order and just buy it from a store man.


shagg_187 said:
Shipment #1: Not Yet Shipped
Shipping estimate: Mar 2 2009 - Mar 16 2009
Delivery estimate: Mar 4 2009 - Mar 19 2009


Mine shipped March 2nd, but the tracking has been all over the place. USPS.com didn't show information was received until tonight; 3 days later.

Amazon's tracker has been updating more frequently, but there are mistakes...


It arrived at the second location on the same day hours earlier.

Plus it's not here yet. Kentucky isn't far away form where I am.


Did any of you guys get the untouchable trophy? I didn't realize that's EVERY level without dying! Seems like it's going to be a real tough one to get.


SSM25 said:
OMG!!!..I haven't completed a single game today!!!...fuck network errors!!....the online is broken

Your certain it's nothing on your end? I've played for about three hours today, not a single hitch.


Dante said:
Did any of you guys get the untouchable trophy? I didn't realize that's EVERY level without dying! Seems like it's going to be a real tough one to get.
*cough* Recovery *cough*



Psychotext said:
A little SP help please!

Elite difficulty, the train level, just after the mounted tank turret...

...just what the hell am I supposed to be doing here? I've got to kill the tank but attempting to get to the rocket launcher and get a shot off results in death. I can just about kill the enemies but as soon as I run to the rocket launcher they're respawned and are bearing down on me. Rico is fucking useless as usual.

I really feel like I'm missing something. It was hard enough on Vet with the endless respawning bullshit but it's ludicrous on elite. Is there some sort of tactic I'm supposed to be using? Some way to stop the respawns?
FINAALLY passed that part. I take back everything I said about the guy. I LOVE YOU RICO***. Dude was awesome. Kept the bastards off me while I aimed for the
and killed a bunch as I fled for cover from the
RPG dudes

In case you're still stuck there, I remembered what I did in veteran:
Make a mad dash to the left for the rocket, grab it, and run far-right+behind to the cover there. Rocket the oncoming dudes. Hopefully you nailed all in one shot. Then, try your best to get the tank. That should give you the push you need. Hopefully your Rico pulls through too :lol

Till I beat the game again anyways.


Ephemeris said:
FINAALLY passed that part. I take back everything I said about the guy. I LOVE YOU RICO***. Dude was awesome. Kept the bastards off me while I aimed for the
and killed a bunch as I fled for cover from the
RPG dudes

In case you're still stuck there, I remembered what I did in veteran:
Make a mad dash to the left for the rocket, grab it, and run far-right+behind to the cover there. Rocket the oncoming dudes. Hopefully you nailed all in one shot. Then, try your best to get the tank. That should give you the push you need. Hopefully your Rico pulls through too :lol

Till I beat the game again anyways.

At that part I just ran back to the turret and took out the Helghasts with that. Then I'd run up and fire a RPG or two, and run back to the turrets to take out the next rush. I guess that is kind of boring though..


dreamer3kx said:
any early numbers on the game?
Yea, I would like to know.
There are near 500000 on the learderboards, so I am guessing it might be around a million since a lot of people play single player first, and even more can't get online.
SSM25 said:
OMG!!!..I haven't completed a single game today!!!...fuck network errors!!....the online is broken

Are you sure man. I played for 2 hours this morning and just finished another 2 hour set and I haven't disconnected once. Are you running the game through a router or straight to the modem?
Slurmer said:
At that part I just ran back to the turret and took out the Helghasts with that. Then I'd run up and fire a RPG or two, and run back to the turrets to take out the next rush. I guess that is kind of boring though..
That's what I did in the end. Oddly enough they stopped spawning... I think that might have had something to do with me running back to the start of the level looking for rocket launcher ammo though. :lol


bish gets all the credit :)
TEH-CJ said:
Are there any unlockables for the SP campaign ?

any new weapons? god mode, unlimited ammo?....anything?

If you collect those briefcases, it unlocks a bunch of stuff on killzone.com

Safe Bet

I turned down the aiming sensitivity and it's helped ease some of my frustration with the controls.

Side Note:


We've come a long way baby....
jett said:
Why don't you cancel your order and just buy it from a store man.

Yeah I still haven't grasped the whole online order thing. Unless you live in some remote location where the nearest store to you is like 10 - 15 miles away why do people buy online, especially if it's a regular edition? Only time I buy online is if the game is marked down significantly enough to warrant me doing so.
Dante said:
Did any of you guys get the untouchable trophy? I didn't realize that's EVERY level without dying! Seems like it's going to be a real tough one to get.
Nah, not at all--I have this trophy.

You don't have to play the whole game through, or even whole levels, since it saves after each section. Go to Mission Select and it'll show you "Least Deaths" for each. If it's not zero, start that section and play through to the end without dying, and then you can quit out to Mission Select and skip to the next one. (Make sure you've really gotten to the next section though! Typically this is when the old Objective appears crossed out, and you're given a new Objective, but if you want to be safe just play past that.) If you die, quit and start the section over; you can't continue, or it won't work.

If you want to really cheese it, you can do this on Recruit difficulty. Even on Trooper it's not hard at all, though, except for the part that's always hard:
the Palace assault and Radec
Was in the GAFW server for a bit, but it was getting to be a rocket fest so I bailed. I set up a password protected no shotty no rocket server if anyone wants to join. THe password is BELIEVE. Server name is GAF NO SHOTTIES. My PSN is EVERYlosersHERO.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
StreetDisciple said:
Yeah I still haven't grasped the whole online order thing. Unless you live in some remote location where the nearest store to you is like 10 - 15 miles away why do people buy online, especially if it's a regular edition? Only time I buy online is if the game is marked down significantly enough to warrant me doing so.
Release date delivery + no tax + free shipping = win
Liabe Brave said:
If you want to really cheese it, you can do this on Recruit difficulty. Even on Trooper it's not hard at all, though, except for the part that's always hard:
the Palace assault and Radec
I found the Palace assault was fairly easy when I was speedrunning. Just sprint up the left hand side and get knife happy if anyone gets in your way.
Online is just a clusterfuck in spots. Combine that with the shotgun and some of these online games are just not fun.

When did most people start getting good with the controls? I don't think I'm there yet.


Slurmer said:
At that part I just ran back to the turret and took out the Helghasts with that. Then I'd run up and fire a RPG or two, and run back to the turrets to take out the next rush. I guess that is kind of boring though..
I would have done that, but I thought it was an infinite spawn kind of thing :lol

Here's mine.


I play as ISA more. : (
I'm a bad medic. : (
I'm the one you blame for all the well placed spawn-points ;P


Just got this - opening cinematic is the best ever in the history of video games.

Of what I played with it, I can see the door open to criticism for the controls, but I'll need to put more time in to see what is up with this one. Looks great, that is for sure.


This game is like a whole other beast in Elite. I was shooting this Helghast and all of a sudden he was like fuck it. Started charging at me taking the bullets(really cool because you could see he body react to every bullet) He made it all the way up to me and tried to melee but missed. He died right after but wow.. all I could think was "damn that bastard really wanted to kill me" lol


CartridgeBlower said:
Online is just a clusterfuck in spots. Combine that with the shotgun and some of these online games are just not fun.

When did most people start getting good with the controls? I don't think I'm there yet.

The controls come with time. Even for me who absolutely hates them.

I found the best way to avoid the clusterfuck in most online matches is to simply not take part in them. Join a squad and set other objectives. It's quiet easy to get around those chaotic areas.
ijm72 said:
Any games going on right now?

Putting up a gaf game in about 5 minutes. "WHEN GAF ATTACKS" or something similar. Will be passworded, pass is same as usual, and all lower case.

20 players, and no visari hammer or corinth crossing, since I see so much hate for those maps.

EDIT - up. friend req me if you cant find it.


Question, is there any way to completely mute everyone in the game or turn down the voice chat volume? Everyone is extremely loud and when I go into the audio options in KZ2 the voice chat slider doesn't, well, slide. And I don't have a headset either.


I really hope they plan to give this game long term support (patches, dlc, etc). This game could be my new Warhawk assuming they keep on supporting it.
WHEN GAF ATTACKS is back up. Accidentally enabled rank restrictions. For anyone that was denied access because of that, should be fine now.

Pass is "believe".


Ephemeris said:
I would have done that, but I thought it was an infinite spawn kind of thing :lol

Here's mine.


I play as ISA more. : (
I'm a bad medic. : (
I'm the one you blame for all the well placed spawn-points ;P

I don't know if the medic stats are working. I have 62 revivals, but the wheel thingy-mabob doesn't show a thing.

Curse all of you with your great k/d ratios and accuracies, and win ratios. You all suck :(
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