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MirageDwarf said:
What action can cause this in single player "Total number of buddies offended"? I've got one.
When you kill your friendly AI and Rico or Natko decide enough is enough and shoot you in the face.
Ok, so get this. Right now I am currently in a server that was once packed with 31 other people.

All of sudden as I was shooting someone, the game host was not available and everyone was kicked.....but me.

So there are two missions left in Warzone and I just do them figuring I would end the game and get my points. Well I do, and cool enough I get the S&D ribbon since there was no competition ;)

I figure the game will kick me out as I am still the only person in the server when it's done, right?

Nope. So hear I am surviving all assassination attempts, picking up propaganda speakers, holding down territories, and planting C4 all by myself. I have done this for 3 games now and have the ribbons for the missions respectively.

I'm not complaining, but I find it odd it's just letting me sit in the server having a grand ole' time looking at the environment and completing the mission objectives I can.


Edit: Nevermind, it just fixed itself, hahaha. Oh well.


Playin through elite right now.


Blackmark and kilgore, thanks for representing GAFw when most of us were at work and stuff :(

Wish I could have been there.


Does anyone know the sensivity settings for X and Y so that both are on par for MP and SP? I would like to have X and Y with teh same speed. :)


Always-honest said:
yeah.. trying that later today.. is the difference big between elite and veteran?

No crosshair, I kind of end up using my first shot to get a feel of where my gun is aiming. I'm at the bridge now. Going to bed. Sleepy.
Kittonwy said:
No crosshair, I kind of end up using my first shot to get a feel of where my gun is aiming. I'm at the bridge now. Going to bed. Sleepy.
didn't have the crosshair on veteran either.. is kinda weird with guns that dn't have ironsight...


Okay, anyone know how to send a clan request in-game?
I've checked everywhere, but don't have clue where to or how to do it.


dk_ said:
Just play smart. I've no problems with people using the shotgun.

Irrelevant. It's a ridiculous, indefensible glitch that needs to be patched ASAP. Lock-on would be bad enough in any game, much less one where so many have issues with the controls (though I think they're fine). Guerilla says it's an error that will be fixed, but it should've been patched not much later than the bot EXP thing was. This would've been a 0-day patch in any PC game (though yes, I know the process of getting patches onto consoles is a bit longer).



Dunno. Most of the time I keep some distance and when they try to get close I run backwards. Even if they hit me one time I can kill them with a headshot from my rifle real quick.

I'm just saying that the shotgun issue doesn't bother me so far.
Zeliard said:
Irrelevant. It's a ridiculous, indefensible glitch that needs to be patched ASAP. Lock-on would be bad enough in any game, much less one where so many have issues with the controls (though I think they're fine). Guerilla says it's an error that will be fixed, but it should've been patched not much later than the bot EXP thing was. This would've been a 0-day patch in any PC game (though yes, I know the process of getting patches onto consoles is a bit longer).

Those two issues can't be compared. The bot exploit could immediately be temporarily addressed on the server side. The lock-on has to be patched on the client side (the actual game) and a patch needs to be heavily tested and then go through the Playstation QA process.
Ugh im never playing another match that is more than 20 players. Complete fucking clusterfuck to the point that it's maddening. I have such a love/hate relationship with this game right now.


BruceWayneIII said:
Those two issues can't be compared. The bot exploit could immediately be temporarily addressed on the server side. The lock-on has to be patched on the client side (the actual game) and a patch needs to be heavily tested and then go through the Playstation QA process.

That's true, but it looks like the main reason there's a delay on the shotgun fix is because they want to put it in a patch with a lot of other fixes. I think it's serious enough to merit its own independent fix, but that might just be my own personal revulsion for anything unrealistically botlike coming from a human in an FPS.


Unconfirmed Member
My stats didn't get recorded due to a "server issue" then I got kicked out of Warzone. And I was going to get another pistol ribbon :(


lawblob said:
Is online busted right now? Im' getting error codes when I try to connect every time.

Same here, i took it as my cue to stop for the night. Sucks though because I was only 28 points from the assault badge.


Zeliard said:
Irrelevant. It's a ridiculous, indefensible glitch that needs to be patched ASAP. Lock-on would be bad enough in any game, much less one where so many have issues with the controls (though I think they're fine). Guerilla says it's an error that will be fixed, but it should've been patched not much later than the bot EXP thing was. This would've been a 0-day patch in any PC game (though yes, I know the process of getting patches onto consoles is a bit longer).

...patience, grasshopper...


range on the shotgun is pretty awful. i don't have a problem with others using them -- if i see them with a shotgun, i know i gotta try to create distance and get a headshot quickly. sure, up close they have an advantage, but far away they are fucked -- that's called balance.

edit: i don't have a problem with them removing the lock-on, either -- i've never used the lock-on (my understanding is that it's an intentional button combo that triggers it), but when i use the shotgun i make my shots count and can be very effective with manual aim. i honestly don't think the removal of lock-on will cut down on the shotgun's effectiveness (with the exception of noobs who can't aim).


dfyb said:
range on the shotgun is pretty awful (if you consider the fact that shotguns actually kill birds from much farther away). i don't have a problem with others using them -- if i see them with a shotgun, i know i gotta try to create distance and get a headshot quickly. sure, up close they have an advantage, but far away they are fucked -- that's called balance.

edit: i don't have a problem with them removing the lock-on, either -- i've never used the lock-on (my understanding is that it's an intentional button combo that triggers it), but when i use the shotgun i make my shots count and can be very effective with manual aim. i honestly don't think the removal of lock-on will cut down on the shotgun's effectiveness (with the exception of noobs who can't aim).
there's a lock-on function for the shotgun? how can i activate it? honestly i use it a lot, but never know about this feature (not that i'd use it, sounds cheap, but at least i'd like to try it out to see how it works)


layzie1989 said:
this final battle in the palace is fucking pissing me off

If you're talking about
Radec, apparently you can just put your back a corner of the room and he won't be able to appear behind you and stab you. Making the battle much easier, obviously.


Unlimited Capacity
dfyb said:
range on the shotgun is pretty awful. i don't have a problem with others using them -- if i see them with a shotgun, i know i gotta try to create distance and get a headshot quickly. sure, up close they have an advantage, but far away they are fucked -- that's called balance.

edit: i don't have a problem with them removing the lock-on, either -- i've never used the lock-on (my understanding is that it's an intentional button combo that triggers it), but when i use the shotgun i make my shots count and can be very effective with manual aim. i honestly don't think the removal of lock-on will cut down on the shotgun's effectiveness (with the exception of noobs who can't aim).

People are upset about them removing the auto-aim?


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
°°ToMmY°° said:
there's a lock-on function for the shotgun? how can i activate it? honestly i use it a lot, but never know about this feature (not that i'd use it, sounds cheap, but at least i'd like to try it out to see how it works)

Hold the aim button. It'll lock on to your nearest enemy.

Ploid 3.0

matthsv said:
My stats didn't get recorded due to a "server issue" then I got kicked out of Warzone. And I was going to get another pistol ribbon :(

Same just happened to me. I had 75 points and was about to hit double stars (stinkin saboteur!). I also learned to love the turrets, I found out I can heal them and other people's turrets. It made things a lot more enjoyable. Especially the ammo boxes, and manual turrets. I would have had all 8 repair ribbons that match. Online seem to be down though. Oh well, today is friday.

Now about those air support bots. Do they ever actually kill anything? 5 per battle for that too. I probably wouldn't want them as a sub for other classes, but without it I can't get a better sub badge for Tactician. Like med packs, C4, and repair. Heck the scout's sub would work well with tactician too.


_tetsuo_ said:
People are upset about them removing the auto-aim?
i was just saying that i don't have a problem with people using the shotgun but also wouldn't mind it if they remove the lock-on.


I am going to buy a headset today, what do you guys recommend?

Should I get the official PS3 Bluetooth headset, or the MGS4 one?


The more I play online, the more apparent it is they need to make a ton of changes. Too many of the games are complete clusterfucks. Spawning over and over again and dying within 3 seconds in a hail of bullets and suspicious shotgun blasts is fun for now, but to create long-run sustainability they have a lot of balancing and tweaking to do.

RJNavarrete said:
Can anyone get online right now?


I think PSN is jacked up this morning.

Ploid 3.0

I have a headset but I use earphones. Bought them specifically for shooting games. I got tired of turning the sound up and down whenever the air conditioner kicked in. The gun shots are too loud (live in an apartment and the game is in the living room. I wanted to find a pair of headphones that have a mic which is compatible with ps3.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
lawblob said:
I am going to buy a headset today, what do you guys recommend?

Should I get the official PS3 Bluetooth headset, or the MGS4 one?

The former.

°°ToMmY°° said:
i have toggle aim, works the same?

No idea. I use the CoD4 layout.
lawblob said:
The more I play online, the more apparent it is they need to make a ton of changes. Too many of the games are complete clusterfucks. Spawning over and over again and dying within 3 seconds in a hail of bullets and suspicious shotgun blasts is fun for now, but to create long-run sustainability they have a lot of balancing and tweaking to do.

I think PSN is jacked up this morning.

Dunno. I think that's more of how 99% of tacticians suck and just throw their spawn grenades in the worst place, and 99% of players jump into spawn without paying attention to the spawn cam and choosing the best time to spawn.

Ploid 3.0

i_am_ben said:
If only they had auto-aim for all guns. I might actually hit a person :lol

Well with shotgun you have to be up close. And in this game, up close is the worst part of fighting. With the shotgun you shoot one shot at a time. Other weapons are rapid, with the hand guns being slower but faster than shot. That auto aim can't be intentional though. I'm not sure how practical it is in combat but experimenting with it for 10 seconds made it clear that it was broken.

Do it lock on to your team mates when you're trying to shoot someone else? Ever get messed up trying to use it?
Yeah - not really a fan of enemy turrets seeing through my sab disguise right away. I will fool everyone else, but then the turret will give me up and get me killed. The sab is best when you get the jump on someone and usually from behind. Given the right weapon he can win in a straight fight, but that is not his strength. In the beta, you could go anywhere and turrets wouldn't harm you which meant you could infiltrate enemy lines. Now . . . with turrets everywhere the disguise is useless outside of quick usage.

If GG is worried about sabs getting into the enemies base and camping then they should just set it up so that only player placed turrets cannot see through the disguise.

Also - what the hell is wrong with the C4? I put some down in front of a door, then sit back and wait. Everyone proceeds to run right over it without blowing it up. I throw grenades at it to no effect. Then I die and when I respond I still don't get my C4 back. I just got my C4 unlock - but is this a constant/known issue?

Ploid 3.0

the_prime_mover said:
Yeah - not really a fan of enemy turrets seeing through my sab disguise right away. I will fool everyone else, but then the turret will give me up and get me killed. The sab is best when you get the jump on someone and usually from behind. Given the right weapon he can win in a straight fight, but that is not his strength. In the beta, you could go anywhere and turrets wouldn't harm you which meant you could infiltrate enemy lines. Now . . . with turrets everywhere the disguise is useless outside of quick usage.

If GG is worried about sabs getting into the enemies base and camping then they should just set it up so that only player placed turrets cannot see through the disguise.

Also - what the hell is wrong with the C4? I put some down in front of a door, then sit back and wait. Everyone proceeds to run right over it without blowing it up. I throw grenades at it to no effect. Then I die and when I respond I still don't get my C4 back. I just got my C4 unlock - but is this a constant/known issue?

Well I'm glad the turrets at least can help spot a saboteur. They already are pretty broken for assassination. Especially if no one put a cursor over them. And then you have the turret situation. Very watered down, however I'm not sure what the properties of saboteur's abilities are. Maybe there's a long downtime to use it again just like the turrets.
Just got the untouchable trophy, gotta get 1 more Helghan Symbol and the
Spare Parts trophy
then it's on to finishing the game on Elite....I should probably start playing online too as well :lol


Alright, still need the Elite trophy and the Untouchable one for the singleplayer (and to finish all levels at all difficulty levels if I'm arsed). This game (except the endgame :p) fucking rocks, period, despite all the current issues in the MP.
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